What's your exit strategy if this all bursts within the next year?
What's your exit strategy if this all bursts within the next year?
Obviously buy more.
Buying more. Doesn't make to cash out at this point.
Getting rich or going broke. I'd rather commit sudoku than living a fucking wageslave life.
shorting of course
*doesn't make sense
Suicide is painless. All in motherfuckers. Set target be realistic. 2 million usd in bank then cash out when you get there. Keep some crypto for nastalgia. If bubble burst before you make it. Shoot yourself in eye with large caliber pistol. Absolute zero downside.
i need to make at least 300k before it bursts. keep 30-40k in pay faggot gov 85k and cash out the rest. and then bidadip
Not giving a fuck because I have an amount that I'm comfortable risking if it all comes crashing down instead of blowing my entire life's savings like the idiot brainlets who occupy this board.
Are you me?
Easy, I sell. Use a high fee to get my tx rushed to the exchange and sell... preferably before the bottom.
If it’s too late I hold. I already cashed out enough to be ok with a burst
>exit strategy
Cash out everything, buy only rice, noodles etc... and post pink wojacks till I run out of food and starve
I don't need an exit strategy because I'm not a retard who puts all his money into crypto. If I lose it all I'll be upset but I'll be far, far, far from ruined. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. I honestly can't tell if idiots are larping when they say that they will off themselves if their crypto turns into dust but if you are that stupid, maybe it was meant to be?
I've already recouped my initial investment so I'm just riding on pure gains. If the market tanks, I'll just become a bear and accumulate.
BUY MORE . wait 1 year and be a millionaire.
crypto is here to stay. if u dont realize that u must be retarded. if u havent invested do it now. even a small amount is good. try to get it to 1-5 k then only one moon mission and u have a nice stack
Buy gold, get back in at a lower price. I want people to have freedom from centralized institutions.
>What's your exit strategy if this all bursts within the next year?
I took enough fiat to live on it for 1 year... I have so much crypto that even if it all falls by 90%, I still made a shitload of money over all
In other words: I can survive a crypto winter
And I believe crypto is thhe future of world finance so I will just wait until the world works on crypto
How much do you have now?
I'm the captain so sinking with the ship.
I'm only operating profits... if shit goes down, i have my main money ready to buy during the bloodbath
rich people are using crypto to store their wealth. this bubble ain't going away. it's better than putting your money in the fuckin bank or dealing with the very real bubble that is traditional stocks.
yeah just buy more, average down, because when bubbles pop they go right back again, right?