Warhammer 40,000 general

I hope sob get drop pods to see CSM tears of rage flow edition.

>previous thread
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Other urls found in this thread:


First for plastic SoB


We may be I2 on the tabletop but at least can claim (non-canon) victories in vidya.

He still Believes

>I hope sob get drop pods to see CSM tears of rage flow edition.

Why would sisters getting drop pods make us mad?



Repostan for more feedback

Iron Warriors CAD

HQ: Chaos Lord w/ Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, Power Maul, Meltabombs, Sigil of Corruption, Bike = 160

Troops: 1x4 Obliterators = 280

Heavy Support: 3x Chaos Rapier Weapons Batteries (Hades Autocannons) = 195
Heavy Support: 2x Chaos Rapier Weapons Batteries (Laser Destroyer) = 110
Heavy Support: Infernal Relic Predator w/ Plasma Destroyer, Heavy Bolter sponsons and Malefic Ammunition = 155

World Eaters CAD

HQ: Chaos Lord w/ MoK, Talisman of Burning Blood, Terminator Armour = 140
HQ: DP of Khorne w/ Berserker's Glaive, Wings, Armour = 250

Troops: 1x11 CSM w/ MoK, exchange bolter for CCW = 175
Troops: 1x20 Cultists w/ MoK = 110

1575 total. Help me get rid of 75 points lads! No changing units though, I kinda made a list with all the spare CSM models I have so I can field all my shit and not trigger my "I am neglecting half my display cabinet" autism. this is not meant to be an efficient or serious/competitive list, just one I slapped together, no buying any new minis but open to convert (need to make a bike and rapier carriages anywho).

Got the tip to swap out Fleshmetal for Cranium and knocking down Hades for basic Quad HBs, bringing me down to 1500. Would be nice but taking more ideas before I finalize it.

*th for refusing to allow Sisters players to use Celestine now she is no longer an available model with a rule set.

You may use her as a Canoness with a Jump pack however but St Celestine no longer exists.

Stop trying to cheese and waac units that don't exist anymore into your army.

because chaos cannot have nice things and SoB are just a meme

For now.

I'm guessing we won't see new rules for them in Feb but we will see the plastics. Then after 8th launches they'll be one of the first to get a fully updated Codex.

I was corrected on that last thread that canoness can't even take the jump pack anymore


With Faith And Fire!

Op here basically this


>Stop trying to cheese and waac units that don't exist anymore into your army
Every SoB player has Celestine.
Saying they aren't allowed to use it is like saying SM aren't allowed to use drop pods.

but drops pods havent been removed from space marine rules, celestine has

Guess the same is true for the Inquisition. RIP Servo Skulls and 10 pts Psykers.


A few months ago

but drop pods are in their codex

Literally 0 reason for me to run Inquisition with my Grey Knights now. If I want bodies and reserve manipulation, I'll just run Guard with an Imperial Bunker.

SM players have drop pods in their current codex.

St Celestine no longer exists, you can't use her anymore. she doesn't exist.

If you want to argue you can use a model that doesn't exist anymore in an outdated pdf codex, then I get to bring characters and units from my codexes several editions ago.

Example scenario, user.
Use your imagination.

Or saying guard aren't allowed to use griffons, or half their old special characters!


I feel like I'm not getting something. Why can you not run Inquisitor's in your GK army?

>Ork victories not found

>finally get a game bigger than kill team

Why live?

Cool m8 just let me pull out my Asdrubael Vect model first. I think I'll also take a detachment with the Baron in it because why not? Every DE player prior to 5e had both, of course.

>Every SoB player has Celestine.

So what, please do either one of the following

1. Put the model in the trash
2. Put her in your display case at home
3. Sell her
4. Put her in a drawer never to be thought of again

You may only do one of these 4 options as you may NEVER use her on the table again.

Am i the only EC player that's slightly disgruntled that you can't take Fabius Bile with the new rules ? Or is there some lore reasoning behind it i'm missing ?

but you still get the inquisitor WL trait even if he isn't the warlord

But user, they can still use her
for another 6 days

If you get to use Celestine (an outdated, squatted model from a discontinued PDF codex)

I get to use my 2nd Edition Chaos Lord of Khorne with a Displacer Field, Jump Pack and Daemon Weapon.

>been thinking about starting 40k for 10 years
>looks like I'm going to get a decent job so I might be able to afford it
>Inquisition is my favourite "faction"
>I'm also a filthy powergamer
>not a single reason to take them anymore


No one likes him, if I remember correct he was working for Crimson Slaughter.

He has nothing to do with the EC that's why.

hes excommunicated or something isnt he from the EC? isnt he just basically a mad scientist who goes from warband to warband doing mad scientist things for them b ecause they pay him in equipment and gene seeds and slaves?

What's the point? Can't start them in Transports as Battle Brothers, so no scouting Land Raiders with Liber Heresius. No more Servo Skulls, so no 1d6 Deep Strike Scatter.
If there is a point left in taking them, it'd be for Null Rods on Hereticus or Conversion Beamers on Xenos.

By the way the direction of the book is heading, I'm willing to bet they're nothing spectacular.

Such is the ork life

He's not really EC at all anymore, he's an independent operator. You can still take him as part of an allied detachment if you want, he just doesn't get the EC legion rules.

Why do people like AdMech? They're literally the lamest army in the game, every single model looks exactly the same.

Have you never seen a space marine?

He posted that shitpost last thread too, don't respond to him

so the ork spammer is French or from UK given he isnt shotposting right now.

Try harder, dude from yesterday

>If there is a point left in taking them

Are any of the boxed games any good? Execution Force looked kinda fun and assassins/chaos seem pretty cool.

Half the armies in 40k are literally the same models in different colors, AdMech aren't the samey ones

Fuck, I forgot about my main man.

I thought the whole point of Imperial Agents was so all those subfactions could be ran together

>implying space marine models aren't the third most diverse in the game after Orks and Chaos
Unlike AdMech which all look like chinese toy robots.

They are.

Because they're fun!

never seen one ever in those past 15 years anyway.

From what I've heard, BaC is legitimately good.

>get muted because I said I didn't believe the SoB rumours and the claim GW was fixing itself under the claim 'garbage outside of /b/'

So opinions aren't allowed?

How are these still up then?

It is, but that's for the armies which have recent and physical codexes. Deathwatch and GK both have such a thing. Inquisitors and SoB were both digital only and have been combined. Who knows, perhaps this is to make SoB sell a bit better for a bit. Or to get people interested.




No it was so "you could add a splash of different Imperial flavors" to another army of the Imperium(read:Space Marines and Guard).

Deathwatch Overkill is a blast.

>forgetting about Coteaz
Shame on you

Between the February guy and the shoving models in random girl's asses guy, it's like the desire for plastics is reaching peak and driving SoB players mad. Guys, Im now kinda scared and hope they release plastics soon.

Which one?

>This guys power armor has an eagle on it! That guys power armor has a wolf! Wow!


Where are the leaks for Imperial Agents coming from? Is there any leaks of the full book?
I heard that
>SOB lost Celestine
>SOB gained another unit
>Inquisition lost servo skulls
>Inquisitorial Warband point values adjusted
Anything else of note?

Anyone seen any interesting conversions for Corsair Jet Packs - or generally have any ideas on how to convert some up?

>Orks are a melee race!

Yeah it's surprisingly fun. I haven't had a chance to play BoP yet but I'm hoping for good stuff there too.

(You)'s aside, I gotta say the AdMech and Skitarii lines look really great. The only model I don't like are the big robits (Castellan?). I feel like they're a bit too contoured and clean for what I'm expecting from the AdMech. I'd prefer to run 30k Castellax as counts-as Castellan.

This is stale bait

The chest pieces for scourges. They have "vials" that could be used to represent anti-grav jetpacks or something if built without the wings.

fait212 has a bunch of stuff up. (Can't link it, lol filters)

No idea how accurate some of this stuff is mind.

Overkill is pretty expensive but Genestealer Cult does seem pretty awesome.
Just doesn't attract my attention, though I've got to admit BOP having custodes/sisters of silence is pretty cool, even if they are impractical models otherwise.

64 posts later user, are you OK? Do you need to rest? or hold hands?

>Inquisition lost servo skulls


Nothing's leaked really other than the contents page, and the fact sisters army special rules are identical to the digital dex.

I guess it's not as cool or exciting as traitor legions.

Castellans are hit and miss depending on the person but you can at least tell what they were trying to do: cheesy old scifi serial robots. That's more than you can say about most of the bad models.


>SOB gained another unit
Canoness Veridyan, the new model everyone knows about. Her rules aren't in IA.

Not a bad idea - pretty easy to find on eBay too it seems.

the dude with the 12 point plan on improving orks

I am ashamed. He was one of my first painted models and I decided to make him look like he was in the middle of a snowstorm...

Does it boil down to, essentially,

1) get codex that isn't two or three editions out of date

Skulls didn't really bother GSC anyway

No. It is essentially "Make Orks better than everything else". You know, make them +1 minimum, make them +1T.

It's basically trying to falseflag as an Ork player to make people hate Orks. Just like we always hear terrible stories about players who nearly ALWAYS happen to be Eldar or Tau players.


>Canoness Veridyan, the new model everyone knows about. Her rules aren't in IA.
Have these rules been leaked anywhere

Oh, so I can still use my Parasite of Mortrex, and Doom of Malan'tai?

Hey, do you think 40k would be cooler if the whole Horus Heresy thing had been flipped around? If the good guy marines were the Thousand Sons and Emperor's Children and Sons of Horus and the CSMs were the Blood Angels and Space Wolves and Ultramarines, and Sanguinus was the big traitor who fucked everything up while Horus was the big martyr who died to save the Emperor, I bet that would be pretty cool.

That was my random thought in the shower this morning, thanks for listening.

Truth. But this kills the argument from the edgy crowd that claimed they did.

Only had one faggot that claimed they did before he was overruled and I tabled him on turn 3

Well, that sucks. I prefer my version.

How would they have impacted GSC - it impacted scout not infiltrate.

>Just like we always hear terrible stories about players who nearly ALWAYS happen to be Eldar or Tau players.
That's not a coincidence. Elves and weeb shit always attract the biggest faggots, and both of those armies are quite powerful at the moment to make things even worse.

So do we, as long as you don't spam it.


>GSCfags bragging about tabling everyone with their stupid cheese list

GSCfags are literally 10,000x worse than Tau players, I have no idea why they're tolerated. Every single one of them is cancer.

My orks haven't left their tin in fifteen years, I'm not going to be spamming anything.

Dornian Heresy user. Look it up.

>we have no idea what we're doing

I'd ask you to point on the doll where the GSC player touched you but I already know as it's still throbbing red and sore :^)

>mfw every reply I make might be my last as I got muted for having an opinion

If this gets through, I hope this year is the year it changes, user. I'm hoping that everybody gets happy. Maybe 8th will be SoB vs Orks and both codexes are at least mid-tier.

>doom of malan'tal

Am i autistic?

The devastator unit seems to OP not to take, since it can move and shoot, making it a tactical squad with four heavy weapons

Is this powergaming?

>literally throwing DE a bone