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What new things can we expect now? Edition.

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deny the first

First for SoB faggots blown the fuck out.

The problem with that concept is it makes it increasingly tough for a new player to join your play group. They start out with the basic rules and then they want to come play at your store and now need to learn all your house rules.

xth for Imperial Agents is disappointing aside from finally having printed rules for digital only codexes.

legit kek'd, but then got sad cause its true

Why do people like AdMech? They're literally the lamest army in the game, every single model looks exactly the same.

I was thinking a Storm Bolter and Extra armor instead of a Heavy Flamer, since that way if he ever gets penned it'd be more likely for him to remain mobile with a Crew Shaken, and since you can't snapfire templates, he'd at least have 2 BS1 shots.

Though, the Heavy Flamer does seem useful in it's own way though.


Age of 40k

Xth for don't be a dick, be flexible in your treatment of the rules, fun fluffy not WAAC lists and always allow someone to bring stuff like vect or saint celestine.
Oh and loyalist marines best armies, heretics, xenos and T3 babbies are all losers.

SoB booty.

Nothing of value was lost with the "new" SoB codex. Move along. Maybe the Psybolts because those where fun.

Maybe now SoB can actually use Repentias with a god damn Valkery. Raining bondage nuns with massive chainswords onto the enemies of the Emperor.

I see a fun codex for those who wanted to have SoB and/or Inquisition.

>They start out with the basic rules and then they want to come play at your store and now need to learn all your house rules.
So then you ease them into it? It's like learning to swim, have to learn to float before anything else.

With the Traitor Legions out, how would you build a WAAC list out of them for 1850 pts?

You people are the worst.


Oh look, he posted it again.

At the end of the day the only thing I've ever seen house rules and group flexible rules do is run off new players. I travel a lot for my job so I go to a ton of stores across the US so I've seen multiple types of play and ideas and I've rarely seen the 'house rules' thing work out very well.

As a new player the last thing I want to do is to have to learn all the rules for 40k, then learn how my store plays 40k and heaven forbid I don't agree with the store's house rules - now I'm double fucked.

>I was thinking a Storm Bolter and Extra armor instead of a Heavy Flamer, since that way if he ever gets penned it'd be more likely for him to remain mobile with a Crew Shaken, and since you can't snapfire templates, he'd at least have 2 BS1 shots.
I've never been a big user of extra armor, so I can't really comment on its usefulness. Also, while you can snapfire templates for overwatch you have wall of death, which can more than make up for it. I guess if you get penned then that may become and issue, but I'll be honest and say I have never had a game where my venerable dread survives to my next turn if he gets penned

I can't speak for everyone, but we keep the core rules in place and just let people use agreed on fandex or stat adjustments. To a new player its no different because everyone's books are new to them anyway.

I run Death Guard - a Warband for solid ObSec and then season with auxiliary of choice (I like Hell Talons)

But how does Initiative work in this?

25 points for a roll on strategic traits seems pretty ok.

double inq detachment 50 points for two inquisitors for two rolls on strategic, taking creed for two more rolls. possible +3 to seize, -3 to opponent reserve, or making a good chunk of your army infiltrate. Being able to take a bunch of primaris psykers is something i've wanted to do since they took away primaris being able to be your mandatory HQ for guard.

I'm glad for physical rules, and If the trait thing works like it sounds like I can live with the trade off for servo skulls.


What is the stereotypical player for each faction? Have you ever seen such players in real life?

You can't start in ally transports, user

I'm just happy they are getting something. They could have treated them like Custodes and give them an honorable mention in the lore. If they are popular enough maybe they'll get a full codex release.

I play Imperial Fists and I am a stubborn bastard, for good or ill.

>Literally armour plates instead of power armour
This artist draw bait.

I could bet with 95% certainty that the "warlord trait without being a warlord" will be restricted to the Inquisition table

>As a new player the last thing I want to do is to have to learn all the rules for 40k, then learn how my store plays 40k and heaven forbid I don't agree with the store's house rules - now I'm double fucked.
I can totally see that being an issue. What I would offer in response is even more flexibility. Someone's new or only dropping by to play once, like you on a trip? Just play regular 40k, its what it's there for: a universal rule set that can be used for pickup games. Houserules and the like should always be okayed first, and someone who wants to use them should always make clear that they're ok if the other player says no, it's not everyones thing.

And I just realized that sounded a lot like how one would describe some weird sex practice or something of the like

Stereotypical SM player is a 13 year old who just began

Tyranids players are girls

Eldar players are either gay and/or the artsy sensitive type

I suppose so, but Extra Armor means that if he does get penned and survives he won't become useless, since the Crew Stunned result renders him immobile and his weapons useless. And since he'd be immobile, melee attacks would hit him in his rear armor.

But then, you could also be right in that a HFlamer will do more.

I've read up on the rules and tactics a ton, but never actually played a game yet. Still waiting for my models to come.

Any suggestions on terrain? GW charges so much for their shit, but I need something besides random garbage I have in my house to use for terrain.

A good buddy of mine is an Eldar player and he's a pretty autistic waacfag who fields lots of wraiths and bikes, and fervently denies that there's anything wrong with his codex
Hes good people though

>Eldar players are either gay and/or the artsy sensitive type
The one in our group is an ex-marine. Kinda snobby, but certainly not gay or artsy.

>A good buddy of mine is an Eldar player and he's a pretty autistic waacfag who fields lots of wraiths and bikes, and fervently denies that there's anything wrong with his codex

>Hes good people though

What about S and T?

Are you saying a guardsman can hit a Carnifax just as hard as it can hit Brimstone Horror?

So he'll be the guy selling his army on ebay to buy the next top tier army?

Same as aos, I choose a unit to attack with then you do, doesn't have to be the same combat. I think it adds some extra tactical choices.

Do Tau make anime? Or would it be against the greater good?

How does Gets Hot work with Blast and Template weapons?

>Tyranids players are girls

I don't understand this shit, the stats on weapons and characters are somehow more complicated this way than they are in normal 40k.

Does anyone honestly believe the to hit and to wound charts are the hard part of the game?

Yes, that's part of the simplification of the rules. 720 close combat attacks from guardsmen to kill a land raider

You roll a separate dice when you fire and if its a 1 it gets hot.

Because the bugs are the cutest race in 40k

As far as you know. Who's to say he doesn't like a rent boy every now and then?

Read the rulebook. Roll a d6 for each shot, if it's a 1 that shot doesn't fire and it gets hot

Actually no, he really does seem to just be very attached to his bikes, and the army in general. But mostly the bikes

Ork players are usually pretty chill.

...but I'm a man. A man with an empty wallet and over 41k pts worth of 'nids from second edition to present.

> I've read up on the rules and tactics a ton, but never actually played a game yet. Still waiting for my models to come.
What chapter are you playing? And what models did you get for your first list.

Speaking of that: tell me 40k general, what are you working on? Have you played any games recently? Plan on playing any soon?
And special question for this thread: what was the first list you ever ran for 40k?

Bikes are okay. Do they all have scatter lasers? He's a fag.

I'm a Chaos player and I'm a little edgelordy I guess. I'm also a metalhead so I have no issue with spikes and skulls all over everything.

And on top of that, any power that allows rerolls also allows you to reroll the gets hot die

Same book now. Unless GW went out of their way to prevent this kind of silly ideas. It is possible.

Also it would be fucking strange otherwise

I play bugs and I'm not a chick
>women playing 40k

What's the weapons stats, what's the characters stats, what's the targets stats, how does that compare to two charts. Or read a line on a warscroll

That's sounds awful, who would play that?

You can if they're from the same faction but different detachments. If both Repentias and SoB are going to be in Imperial Agents than it could work.

The World Eaters "half my army charges you on turn one" is probably the most straight-forwardly WAAC. That list asks a question a lot of armies aren't going to be prepared to answer.

>First list
Hive Tyrant, 2 3-strong warrior broods, 1 6-strong genestealer broods, 2 8-strong termigaunt broods, 1 8-strong hormagaunt brood, 1 3-strong biovore brood.
It was at this moment that I realized how much I loved the potential of spore mines and only when Shield of Baal dropped was that love allowed to flourish as needed.

Me too but I'm definitely one of the most femme and pretty boys in my friend group and had at least one of my larger guy friends joke that if I was born a chick we would prob date

first list was melee nids in 7th
>horms, stealers w/ broodlord, 2 carnifex w/claws, 2 units warriors
abt 1500 points, played space yiffs, didnt go well

But that's not simpler, it's just stupid.

S and T are not complex in any way shape or form.

Speaking as a loyalist: we tend to be the most diverse due to the most players. That said, we often are a bit high and mighty, thinking of our army as the stars of the setting. Often times people often have the personality traits of their chapter.
Like I'm a blood ravens player, and I love learning and aquiring new knowledge, and have a bit of a problem with aquiring precious things, sometimes through less than moral methods. Not theft though, that would be unbecoming of a defense lawyer.

>just track the damage on your vehicles with half a dozen d10's guys, god!
Oh boy it's this faggot again.

Not complex, but it's extra steps. It's much faster to just have it all on the card.

KDK player, I'm a martial artist.

hmm thats not the case around me at all
what else do you play?

Space marines back in 5th edition. A captian, 2 ten man tacs in rhinos, assault termies, a dreadnought and some assault marines. Was 1000 points IIRC

You realize the charts are just a visual aid right? S v T is basic math.

I can understand getting rid of the WS chart because that thing is a mess, but S v T?

How so? How is it any faster than "hey what's the Toughness on that model I've never seen before?"


"Okay I Wound it on 5's with bolters, got it"

Not this shit again.

I am pretty sure SoB are still their own faction.

It's pretty much just nids, some GSC mixed in now, Skitarii and some vanilla Marines on the side I don't use often.

I used to play nids as young boy.

Now I am a woman. Enjoy your transition user.

Oh, that's rather annoying.

Dark Angels and I ordered Betrayal at Calth for my tacticals.

This is my list currently. I've been told I need to change things, but I am quite fond of it though. I love Termis and Land Raiders, but I guess I should swap the LR for Black Knights and deepstrike the termis in, cut some points and get Rhinos?

1500 Fluffy Dark Angels

-Chaplain, 90
+Plasma Pistol, 15
Total, 105

-Terminator Librarian, 90
+ML2, 25
+Storm Bolter, 5
Total, 120

-3x Tactical Squad, 70
+5 marines, 70
+Veteran Sergeant, 10
+Plasma Pistol, 15
+Power Sword, 15
+Plasma Gun, 15
+Plasma Cannon, 15
Total, 210 (630)

-Venerable Dreadnought, 125
+Plasma Cannon, 5
+Extra Armor, 10
Total, 140

-Deathwing Command Squad, 200
+Champion, 5
+Apothecary, 5
+Plasma Cannon, 15
+Deathwing Company Standard, 20
+2 Chainfists, 10
Total, 255

Dedicated Transports
-Land Raider Redeemer, 240
+Multi melta, 10
Total, 250

Complete Total, 1500



Eagerly awaiting my leviathan to arrive in the mail, I don't really care how well it performs on tabletop since I just love the look of the model but I haven't come across any battlereps with one involved yet

How well do they perform in actuality? Both in melee and when toting their ranged weapons which seem equally as nasty

DE: Girls
Tyranids: Girls
Eldar: Girls or waacfags
SoB: autistic virgin males (highly ironic tbqh)

A 20-man Zerker squad with MoG makes 81 S5 attacks on turn one.

>b-but Berzerkers aren't worth taking anymore!

So I'm going from orks to guard for the first time ever and I'm scared by BS values higher than 3.

Can someone explain the sniper rule to me? If you roll a 6 to hit and then a 6 to wound, can you declare that the AP2 hit is also the precision hit, or do you need to roll the wounds for the precision hits seperate?

I was just trying to make a AOSified 40k because of all the rumors saying that 8th was going to be.

I'm a Thousand Sons player. I generally stay within the realm of my home, reading a lot or trying to look for new information to fill my mind. I hold grudges for very, very long times until I can cause something to happen back to the other individual. I have a lot of dust in my house and go through dozens upon dozens of conflicting plans when trying to decide on how to do a certain thing.

Damn TG did i just discover El Dorado ?

>Be me, flee my europoor country (yes this one)
>Emigrate to LOTR Land for a couple years
>Find a friendly non-neckbeard group of 12 gentlemen aged 23-60 playing 40k in south auckland in one old man -BIG- Basement
>Come with my 1000 pts DE army
>They play 40k 3 nights a week
>No one, N.O.O.N.E. is playing Space Marines Eldar or Tau.
>Mfw this game is perfectly balanced

im crying like a bitch right know...its like i have that urge to start finally playing Orks or Elysian..

That's not an extra step at all though.
If I am equal it's a 4+, 1 under it's a 5+ and more it's a 6+ (in very rare cases it can't hurt it, but you should already know those cases off the top of your head).

That's super basic user, and allows for variation between targets.

hm, the othe nid players around me play eldar or tau
I play nids, mechanicum, ironhands, and soon nurgle csm (when I get money eventually)

GSC is a bit too expensive for me to buy into. and somehting about the playstyle is unappealing to me, eventhough I really like stealers

Yeah and they also cost how many points? What? You're telling me for a similar price I can just take an Imperial Knight against which your S5 won't mean jack or shit? Cool.

They still aren't good.

Goddamn, am I Jealous, user.

I can't even find a nigga to play Kill Team with

It's hard to get them in melee because people know to avoid them, but if they get into melee they'll tear stuff up.
Watch out for the usual suspects like Grav and Haywire because those will be its bane. The dice gods will abandon you the moment you take your 4+ invul for granted.

>How well do they perform in actuality? Both in melee and when toting their ranged weapons which seem equally as nasty
Scary as fuck. Can't wait to see if thy get extra options in IA:FoC. The volkite and grav with claw is so fun to run in 30k
Looks pretty good.
I would definitely drop the LR, while I love them, for your first game it would be better to run tacs rhinos with DS termies.

Im an ork player.
Im the cool guy.

Not the user you're replying to but if you think the sole measure of a unit's efficiency is whether it can kill a Knight for the same number of points then you are actually, literally retarded

For starters they've specifically said they are not going to copy AoS that closely.

And second, AoS is a bad game and you should feel bad for doing this.

>that pic
Would a regular rubric marine have the capability of reading? That guy's got a staff so he's a sorcerer but the regular dust guys would be able to do it, would they?

Old System
Step one: Remember strength
Step Two: Remember or ask for toughness
Step Three: Remember how they compare

New System
Step one: Read what you need to roll.

The point is, Imperial Agents is a Codex. If units come from the same Codex they count as the same faction according to the rules.

running mine in 40k so no volkite or grav unfortunately

Heard rumors that a blood angels variant is in the works that replaces the torso heavy flamers with assault cannons though I have to question making this thing a ranged platform considering how much it costs and the pretty short range on its weapons

I'm disappointed that the storm cannon is only 24" while other autocannons have much more range

Hey don't feel too bad. I played IG and Inquisition Witch Hunters and I transitioned as well. We come in all sorts of autistic sizes, you may just grow up to be a femme man.

Khorne, my point is that they aren't point-efficient in the slightest. Sure they have an assload of melee attacks. Sure they'll probably murder whatever they charge, but they are charging one unit a turn and a single Dread will stonewall them all game. They are not good in hordes, yet are too expensive to play MSU.

SM: Children
Orks: Cool people
SoB: Nu-males
Chaos: Metalheads
Eldar: Waac faggots
AdMech: Autists
IG: Cucks
DE: Teenagers
Nids: Women
Tau: Tryhards