/kdm/ /kdg/ /kdmg/ - Kingdom Death General

Old Thread: Kingdom Death is a civilization building eurogame where you get a good engine going through the games innovation system and gear up the citizens of your settlement through a tile laying minigame, and generate resources by playing a cooperative ameritrash dungeon crawler. It currently has a kickstarter going.

>which pledge do I get?
Read the kickstarter.
>how is shipping handled?
Read the kickstarter.
>what new expansions are there?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is the game not coming out till 2020?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is this Percival best girl?
Read the kickstarter.
>what is included in the Gamblers Chest?
Read the kickstarter.

Kickstarter Page: kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description
Adams comments: kickstarter.com/profile/poots/comments
Pledge and addon overview: vibrantlantern.com/KDM15/#pledgelevels

Other urls found in this thread:

kingdomdeath.com/wp/living-glossary/#Weapon Proficiency

shit op, shit thread

New thread? That means it's time to have a contest of who can be the most autistic and create 5 more threads at once and tell people to go into another thread.

>Young survivor is a replacement for Saviors, she stops growing prematurely, but retains a child's ability to learn more quickly.
>All young survivors start with the Ageless trait and never trigger Age story events. They may also never ordinarily be sent on a hunt.

Your Settlement gains the following Endeavors:

>[***] Protect young survivor at camp (Gain +1 to a stat of your choice)
>[**] Make young survivor your scout so she can learn how to hunt monsters (If the Hunt is successful the Young Survivor gains a random fighting art, if the hunt is unsuccessful the Young Survivor dies)
>[*] Prepare the Young Survivor for a hunt (The Young Survivor may depart this year)

Yea or Nea?

>never able to choose a weapon proficiency that isn't specifically given to her by her parents at birth
It's shit desu.

In all honesty though, it's interesting. I like it better than the storytelling gimmick from the 1.4 lantern hoard.

More like autstic spergs need to sperg out on proper thread creation etiquette.

Basically you're a faggot.

>never able to choose a weapon proficiency that isn't specifically given to her by her parents at birth
If she has a weapon proficiency when she departs then she can change it to any other weapon proficiency per the rules on weapon proficiency.

Doesn't make those rules any less shit though. I would actively be annoyed at getting those and would prefer a regular survivor which isn't an enormous drain on endeavors.

Getting the shitposting out of the way early I see.

>over 20 lbs of pussy & ass

Well kids are a massive drain on time and effort. But if you have suggestions I'd love to hear them.