Fighters get XP for killing monsters

>Fighters get XP for killing monsters
>Rogues get XP for stealing GP
>Barbarians get XP for destroying magic items
>Clerics get XP for converting heathens
>Magic users get XP for finding spells & lore
>Paladins get XP for smiting evil
>Rangers get XP for...protecting the forest...?
>Monks get XP for...philosophizing...?

A little help here?

Rangers get XP for exploring
Monks get XP for achieving enlightenment

>>Fighters get XP for killing monsters
>>Rogues get XP for killing monstersand stealing GP
>>Barbarians get XP for killing monsters and destroying magic items
>>Clerics get XP for killing monsters and converting heathens
>>Magic users get XP for killing monsters and finding spells & lore
>>Paladins get XP for killing monsters and smiting evil
>>Rangers get XP for killing monsters and protecting the forest
>>Monks get XP for killing monsters and philosophizing

There are several types of magic users, wizard and sorc shpuld be separated.

monks gets XP for keeping their oath.

this is good example. DM must make kinda "tough" choises for players and "reward" with XP when player choose HARD way.

Uneven XP is stupid. It's always stupid, it is never a good idea and as a design concept it should be avoided at all costs.

>Rangers get XP for exploring
>Monks get XP for achieving enlightenment

How do you measure those?

>achieving enlightenment

Lo and behold, after much trial and seeing all of those with whom I travel become demigods or greater, I have finally achieved second level!

Exploring is simple, simply go where no one has gone before.
Enlightenment is coming to a realization about the illusory nature of material world and acting accordingly, eschewing wealth and pleasure.

Monks get XP for meditating.

>Exploring is simple, simply go where no one has gone before.

Read adnd 2e.

>Monks get XP for...
A monk's ultimate goal is to reach enlightenment, and then guide others on that path. In essence they must first take steps on the 1,000 step journey to reach enlightenment. Since D&D has so boorishly allowed that to happen by simply leveling up, a Monk should by virtue guide others on the same path.

>Go where no one has ever gone before
>There's someone there waiting for you

>Exploring is simple, simply go where no one has gone before.

So, what, you count the number of rooms he's been inside a dungeon or the square kilometres of wilderness he's explored?

>Enlightenment is coming to a realization about the illusory nature of material world and acting accordingly, eschewing wealth and pleasure.

So gets XP for each GP of treasure he comes across but ignores?

good for a solo adventure. not good for a party.

Monks are part of the Priest class-type and therefore receive experience bonuses for advancing the cause of their deity via spells. Since they have no deity nor spells, they receive no experience bonuses.

On this issue there can be no debate.

Let druids protect the forest. Rangers are trackers and ambushers, give them bonuses for using field craft.

Yeah, but fighters get more. In 2E it wasnt uncommon for the fighter and thief to have the most EXP because the fighter got 10EXP per hit die of creature killed, in addition to normal exp, and thieves got EXP from their share of treasure. It took a lot of clever play for wizards, priests, and miscellaneous to keep up.

Its one of the thigs that helped keep 2E "Balanced"

So you end up with some classes getting way more EXP than others. To balance it out you let the overlooked classes get more EXP for their actions (e.g. a Fighter gets 2 EXP for each mook; a Monk gets 1000 EXP for enlightenment).

Of course, this spirals out of hand and now you have to keep track of everyone's EXP to dole it out somewhat evenly, which goes to show that you should've stuck with the static EXP gain to begin with.

Restoring/preserving balance. Balance of nature, mind, life, etc.

Monks would get EXP for missing opponents in combat and finding an excuse to use some of its random shitty abilities even if it was pointless to do so. They were often overleveled because of this

Sounds about right to me. Ranger's thing is mapping out dungeon rooms/wilderness hexes, Monk's turning down temptation.

>barbarians get XP for doing something that pisses off the group and is directly counterintuitive
Fuck off with this gay LARP shit.

>you gain enlightenment XP

Monks gets xp from defeating other monks and making new friends

Sounds to be that Monks should get XP for getting XP.

who is this neon demon

Kate Moss for Playboy's 60th anniversary.

She was a goddess like that.

I like it.

That doesn't rhyme.

Sure, I'll be glad to help. Stop being a fucking idiot. This is a stupid idea that has been tried and failed a dozen times. Cut the special snowflake bullshit and use the a modern-era system that was actually successful during playtesting.