Can we get a Kings of War thread?
Can we get a Kings of War thread?
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Got these 2 beauties two days ago. Also finished my first 2000 points of dwarves.
Does anyone know a good source of little (28mm head sized) pumkins ?
Good job getting your army done. Any pics to share?
Try looking for pumpkins at Rapier Games, they do six heads for a pound.
It's there, without the miners. Ultimately I will remove the bases and glue them on scenic bases like I did for my nightstalkers (basically a collection of drows, lizardmen and other old undead stuff).
I'm trying to make two simple 1500 point lists for display games/pickup stuff (that I can scale down as needed) - the aim is be able to get out two armies that look cool and thematic in a cheesy fantasy way. I will do in-character or thematic quick references and army lists, so it's very much a My Dudes situation.
How are these?
Krudger x2 (Gul Gadin and Zul Neyrin)
Flagger, Warbow of Kaba (Vel Vados)
Ax Regiment x3 (The Broken Tooths, The Burned Banners, The Warscarred)
Greatax Horde, Potion of the Caterpillar (The Warfist of Gadin)
Gore Rider Troop x3 (The Bloody Hunt, The Town-Burners, The Skinners)
Giant (Yhorg the Masked)
Men (using Landsknechts and English Civil War cavalry)
General on Horse (Sir Stanleigh Regnitz)
General (Sir Alexander Ordell)
Wizard, Inspiring Talisman (Hieronymous Paracelsus)
Footguard Regiment x2 (The Highwall Infantry, Countess Cranleigh's 3rd of Foot)
Arquebus Troop x2 (The Albertstown Huntsmen, The Oldmill Irregulars)
Heavy Pike Regiment x2 (Duke Regnitz' Goodmen, Baron Ordell's Finest)
Knight Regiment, Brew of Sharpness (The Highwall Cavalry)
Cannon x2 (Grumbling Thomas, Roaring Edna)
I want it to feel comfy and nostalgic, oldhammer style stuff.
Shouldn't you put one of those Krudger (or a flagger) on cavalry to go with the gore rider troops ? Other than that the orcs could use a war drum for the theme and the effectiveness.
Also don't listen to the no-fun gang, I always give names to my units too.
Felt gambler and bought two fantasy crazy box from Mantic.
Those are all good ideas. Dropping one of the rider troops lets me add a Drum and upgrade one of the heroes to mounted so that works a treat.
I have a happy nostalgic image in my head of poncy human nobles in gold armour leading the poor bloody infantry in absurd hats and frills against Orcish hordes, that just feels "right" to me. Not full grimdark, there's hope, but it's a scary world.
I feel you, bro. It's been 15 years since I started playing empire and I can't just get enough of it.
My long term aim is to have a demo army for several "classic" WHFB factions - start with Orcs and Empire, then work on High and Dark elves, Dorfs, Skaven and Undead (lots of spooky scary skellingtons). I'm working in small scale, so it's affordable (20-40 pounds an army) and it should be a fun challenge. Then I get to name all the units, and play glorious battles.
A protip about budget empire stuff is the perry mercenaries and cavalry. Probably the best bang for your buck and they look better than the actual GW modern empire infantry.
I'm working at 10mm scale so it's Pendraken all the way. 30 Handgunners/Greatswords/Halberdiers for 5 britdollars, and you can play on a 3x2 table with tiny Total War style men.
Plus ECW/Renaissance is popular among beardy historicals so I can have my general be an Oliver Cromwell lookalike.
do you convert all the distances from inches to cm for rules ?
That was my plan, it seems like it should work fine.
Except for the unit base size because they are already in cm. But I'm pretty sure you can rock that division as well.
I've simplified it to:
Troop 40x20mm
Regiment 40x40mm
Horde 80x40mm
Monster 40x40 or 40x80
Heroes go on sensible sized square bases.
Rather than faff with odd sized bases, everything is standardised. Units are made by arranging Troop bases in the proper arrangement.
It's not 100% RAW, but it is easy, clear and consistent which is important at small scales for casual play.
Well it makes the units deeper compared to the standard 28mm
Great infantry 60x20mm ?
That sounds right.
My base size estimates were derived from the standards for historicals, because I could buy them cheaply in bulk from the miniatures company.
Working on some cavalry at the moment.
Someone has tried Starstruck City? I was thinking on doing a campaing with some friends who are getting into the game.
>Starstruck City
what is it ?
KoW mordheim.
I'm grabbing it right now then.
enjoy yourself user.
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar
It has some neat ideas like the upgrades, but I don't think that the phase system really works well in a skirmish game. I am holding out for the official skirmish rules come January.
The upgrades look pretty neat I have to give you that.
Hey, more potential Hordes proxies.
Men, I'm really thinking in making a Zoras army.
I find it funny that Mantic actually does better minis than Privateer Press does these days.