Most awesomest fantasy artist?

Most awesomest fantasy artist?

Prescott? Elmore? Parkenson? Frazetta?

No, it's Russ Nicholson.




None of those people are Moebius.

Moebius is (slightly) overrated and makes everything he draws look excessively nice and comfy.

Druillet is the master


Yeah, french artists are pretty awesome.

Where can I download Druillet's comics in English?

no fucking idea

his writing is very extravagant in French and I heavily suspect him of writing the dialog as an afterthought, so all you're missing out on is his poetic wording, and I don't know if the English translations can do it justice anyway.

Druillet drew megastructures like nobody else, I dig his fever dream designs. Tsutomu Nihei comes close, but all his stuff is very barren while Druillet has tons of small detail.

He's not dead yet, you know.
He's currently working on an adaptation of Dante's divine comedy.


>implying it isn't Paul Bonner


unhealthy obsession with hairy bara men
unhealthy obsession with S&M biker men

healthy obsession with women in fur bikinis

Whatever do you mean?

can't post pics but ian miller has done the greatest representations of middle earth, imo - vivid and exotic without falling into 70s hippy territory or high fantasy cliche

Everything Miller draws looks like it's infected with chaos and insanity.

John Howe did the best Middle Earth.

>hint: JRRT wrote high fantasy.

I agree
Ian Miller's orcs aren't quite appropriate to LotR. They're really their own thing, despite being intended as LotR illustrations.

Like, Ian Miller's depictions of middle earth and orcs in particular, really deserve to have a setting built around them because they're so incredibly characterful and visually striking.

To a degree that's what Abigor did on the Orkblut-the Retaliation EP, that's told from the perspective of an orc with no obvious references to LotR. And since the cover artwork is lifted from Ian Miller's illustrations I think it's very cohesive.

Anyway those guys deserve more than to be a big evil demigod's expendable minions. There's a whole culture there waiting to be fleshed out; one that's centered around evil and madness and that's utterly repulsive and vile.

I'm partial to a lot of the golden age of illustration guys, like Bauer.

Or Sidney Sime.

Later on, I'm a big of comics-facing illustrators like Barry Windsor-Smith

It's literally Frank Frazetta. There's no overthrowing the King.

no it isn't