Crazy Guns

Veeky Forums, I need crazy guns. The craziest guns you have.

Guns that look like they came from the scrap heap.

Silly gun mods.

'You see, Ivan' tier stuff.

Things that could technically be guns but aren't.

All that stuff, I need them for my campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your campaign is going to be trash

Kill yourself










Might be what you asked for.
First you hit something with it, then it fires the revolver into it.



I have been upgghraded for this assignment!

Brazilians seem to have a hard-on for revolver shotguns.




Gun Dragon

It's probably a simple way to create a shotgun with multiple rounds without too much complexity in creation. Makes sense for a backyard gunsmith.

A weapon to surpass the metal gear





is that a home made flamethrower?


>not Dragun

It's like you've never played Enter the Gungeon.

>long-range sights



The worst 22lr handgun ever.

The Zip22


Ooooh this was that Russian handheld laser pistol, ja?









>you will never own a kraut space magic gun

I'm saving all the images here for the next time somebody says gun control works.

Negative, that's a Japanese NAMBU frame, no idea what all the shit bolted to it does. Russian space flashbulb laser is pic related

I don't understand why they built it to reload that way


Why, because of all the scrap built guns? Most of those are so shitty I wouldn't use them even if I was desperate.

From what I understand, most of the makers (and purchasers) of these knockoff "guns" have no real understanding of why various firearms have various parts.

The "gun" in is a bolt action firearm cargo-culted into an "assault rifle."

Do you not understand the power literally anything gives you over an unarmed person?

Noisy Cricket.

what if that power literally blows up in your face?

You don't know the meaning of desperate.



Why are failguns so hilarious?


Auzzies are silly.




loading mech

Does it matter if yoy never have to fire it?

Thousands of robberies have been committed by airsoft guns.

A prisoner escaped with a cardboard "gun".




My Knödel are are getting hard!

>no kalashnishovel


This thing is actually based on an 18th century muzzleloader with a similar multibarrel layout. It was adopted by some military units but almost immediately dropped once the problem became apparent: it had no provision to fire the barrels individually, all of them had to be discharged together. This not only put the shooter at serious risk of injury from recoil but tended to set everything around them on fire.

Suddenly, the school policy on Pop-Tart guns makes sense.



Just having it is likely to get you out of a good number of situations, without firing a shot*. If things go bad enough that you'd need to shoot, well:
1. It goes bang, and the target is hit, great I guess.
2. It goes boom, well shit, you were going to get beat/stabbed to death anyway, that's why you pulled the trigger right?

*I don't advocate pointing a gun at someone as a threat, but I get that it is a thing people do.

In short, from my viewpoint having a weapon beats not having a weapon. Even if the weapon you have is shitty.

Pic sort of related, kinda.



Well you got me i surrender

I kind of like it


How do you holster this thing?

It may resemble a nock gun but it isn't a muzzle loader. No word on its functionality other than "it's Brazilian".





the filename for that one could be "user tries to make a space gun"

>the round poking out of the end of the barrel

I love these kinds of guns.

The weird kind.





Looks almost like an NES Zapper




this one isnt apparent at first, I should have mentioned the bolt curving into the grip

in case anyone wants another picture of that thing