Are there any decent 3-stat rpg systems? The only one I know of is microlite d20, but it seems a bit too beholden to d&d traditions to do its own thing.
3 stat rpg systems
They are pretty rare because there is not a whole lot you can do with them.
The upcoming mlp rpg has only 3 stats but its worth noting your score in a stat is measured in a die size
Tri-Stat dX
I'm only familiar with d10 and d12 version for Silver Age Sentinels and The Authority.
Three stats were Physical, Mental and Social/(Spiritual?)
Big Eyes Small Mouth was apparently the same system.
Define "3-stat" system. DnD has six stats, but then those stats are combined with class features to derive a bunch of other stats. (hit points, saving throws, attack rolls, skill rolls...)
By that metric, i'd call DnD a 6 stat system, microlite d20 a 3 stat system, Fallout PnP a 7 stat system.
Dungeon Siege had STR-DEX-INT as its stats, but I don't know if there's a pnp equivalent.
One of the problems with tri stat systems is finding a balanced triumvirate of aspects. Part of this problem is two conflicting trios of basic party:
>Fighter, Cleric, Wizard
>Fighter, Rogue, Magic-User
A Body Mind Soul system might represent the first trio well, but suffer with the 2nd, and a STR DEX INT system would have the opposite problem.
Seconding tristat dx. Also didnt know that about BESM.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has health, stamina, magicka as its only stats
Best way is probably dating sim mind, body, charm like But with a better auctual stat system then that.
This seems a lot like what I have in mind. I've been thinking of kludging up a tri-stat system where all ability is governed by Primary Stat + (Secondary Stat/2), but wasn't sure what stats would be balanced.
Warrior Rogue Mage has only three stats, those being of Warrior, Rogue, and Mage. There's also a low-magic variant called Warrior Rogue Scholar.
Half of these titles are just synonyms
I agree, and some of the names don't really make much sense. Look at the right side where in the middle there is cleric. But one step toward the more "figther" there is battlemage, but one step towards more "mage" is battlepriest... Seems backwards to me.
However I do like that there are so many names on it, because it can be used as a source of inspiration for characters in your games.
Anything glaringly missing here?
STR-DEX-INT system
STR-Dex: Melee Attacks, Climbing
STR-Int: Opportunity Attacks,
DEX-Str: Ranged Attacks, Jumping
DEX-Int: Stealth, Lockpicking, Sleight of Hand
INT-Str: Defensive Magic
INT-Dex: Offensive Magic
Numenera's basically this.
Basic stats are Might, Speed and Intellect. These are both your health pool and an action point pool as well. You can make tasks (skill checks etc) easier by spending these stats, you have abilities that you can activate by spending the appropriate stat point.
Different attacks deal different types of damage to your pools. Weapons deal might, poisons are usually speed and magic is mostly intellect.
It's a decent system but I didn't really like it.
Came here to post this.
I occasionally use three continuums Build, Brain, and Bent. Build runs from Stout to Lithe, and affects how well you handle things physically. Brain runs from Scholarship to Know-How, and affects what you know, what you can know, what you can train, and what you don't need to train. Bent runs from Honorable to Shrewd, and affects NPC reactions and your ability to deceive people. All other aspects are pursuable or nonpursuable trainables.
Into the Odd
Maze Rats
It's Body, Mind, and Soul if you want to specific.
BESM is mostly the same minus the dice variance. It's all d6. More specifically, Tri Stat DX is sort of like BESM 2.5, what they did with the system in between the second and thirds editions. But because the dice power levels are an interesting idea, Tri Stat DX is FREE, and you can just explain it other people as something as another "generic" system but with an emphasis on super powers instead of an "anime" system, It's generally what I'd introduce people to in terms of Tri Stat stuff.
I'm working on a Cypher-light system that uses the base mechanics but not the "spellbook." It's not ready, but I'm working on it.
Desperation Panic is pretty good.
I cannot seem to find any info on it.