Let's share some riddles you came up with as GM. I like to put them on (optional) dungeon doors for my players.
This one's easy.
... It's the number of circles, isn't it? That'd make it 3.
yes. but believe it or not, it took my players quite a while.
I don't get it
That is the solution for the first one
What is the solution for the second?
The same thing?
How does it become 3 though?
Im honestly more trying to figure out WHAT the riddle is and less the answere.
no, the second one has to do with a special set of numbers. think top to bottom.
just count circles
Different user. I get you get a series of ascending numbers, but the logic eludes me.
Put your dicks in the holes.
In the numbers, to clarify
First one is
Circle = 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 = 0 circles
6, 9 = 1 Circle
8 = 2 circles
Second Puzzle is apparently top to bottom number sets but nothing is making sense to me(yet)
Yes, 6 circles. But are you seriously implying one scratched out line just means "Oh it mesns this"
Cause thats the mental gymnastics I hqve to go on here.
these ascending numbers have something in common
Oh for fucks sake. Thats just pushing it.
its a prime number list going vertical. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37
7988 = 5 circles
3180 = 3 circles
9119 = 2 circles
Is it based on the amount of numbers.
3 2's and such?
Fun sequence to play with:
I had a hunch it would be 7 but not for the good reasoning, figured since 1 -3 and 7 - 9 had the same number behind them (2) that 3 - 9 and 1 - (?) would be the same (6) which would lead to 3 - 9 - 1 - 7
I would've been lucky I guess
>math riddles
Just because enough time with a sheet of paper and thinking it out would let me solve these does not make me autistic enough to enjoy them. Get the fuck out of the GM's chair.
I usually play with nerds i.e. people who happen to enjoy these things. You wouldn't understand.
I was wondering if it was maybe some sort of weird adding up or something
Or if perhaps the number sets were something like
21 123
21 329
51 731
71 93?
At least it's better than asking about a type of horse when the correct answer is teeth.
The issue I have with math riddles is that you can interpret a lot of them different ways.
For example, is this
Making the number here 2, or some other, less obvious solution?
At least for the OP riddle we have the more intuitive 'each number has a separate value' deal.
>1, 7, 5, 3 are all 0 (1753)
>0 has a value of 1 (7310)
>8 has a value of 2 (3180)
>9 has a value of 1 (7988)
>9138 is 1+0+0+2 = 3
It's not even a riddle, it's so simple nobody will think of it unless they've encountered it before.
Okay here's a riddle, Veeky Forums.
I come well armed, with a ruler by my side. Sometimes I am held with admiration, given generously, or folded and tossed away. What am I?
my dick
'queen' can be technically correct here.
A hand?
I remember that thread. Good laughs.
not really, Humans are geared towards pattern seeking. If they were determined enough they could break from mathematics after a moment, and look for other patterns. I've seen it happen in school, and in games i've run
Cumrag? Its gotta be cumrag.
Ding ding
Can a queen be folded? Because if there is some context in which a queen is folded I have to change the riddle.
I'm thinking it refers to a Queen as in the playing card, and folding as in folding your hand in poker. That being said, it's not a very good riddle.
The last phrase in the riddle is designed with poker in mind, so that makes sense.
What is poorly designed about the riddle?
its the digits of 2 pi
And the ruler's for dick measuring?
Shit dude you're onto something here
>It's the digits of 2pi
10 is now a digit, apparently.
Did you hear this "riddle" from someone else, or make it up yourself, because it's very vague, and incorrect at the same time.
Well, a queen is usually depicted with a flower, not a weapon, and 'ruler by my side' makes it seem like the answer is adjacent to a face card, but not actually one itself. 'held with admiration' is just meaningless, nobody 'admires' a playing card, unless you're talking about a hand that's already been played, that was better than yours, but that's hardly 'holding' it, is it? Overall it's just ambiguous and even though it's obvious it's a playing card, it more accurately reflects the Jack, who actually has a sword, and is adjacent to the Queen. Really the ambiguity is what kills it though, a riddle should be non-obvious but have a clear answer in retrospect.
Thinking on it, the King usually has a sword or rod too, so it works just as well as the Jack. Really the queen is the only face card that *isn't* well armed.
In the morning I walk on four legs, in the evening I walk on two, and at night I walk the clouds. What am I?
Dude who died young?
Me, crawling out of bed with a hangover, slouching through the day, and getting home to smoke a fat blunt and shitpost on Veeky Forums
A creature with two heads is guarding two doors. The heads introduce themselves, and claim that one of the doors will lead to safety, while the other door will lead to death. They can ask one question to the monster, but one head will always tell the truth, but the other will always lie.
When the party figures out which head lies and which tells the truth, have the one that said, "one head will always tell the truth" be the liar. Neither will tell the truth.
"One head will always lie" then becomes a true statement told by a liar head you idiot.
The other, the opposite of the truth-telling head, will always lie. The other can't exist if they're both liars.
A druid.
No, it's still false. Two heads will always lie. 2!=1.
People stop trusting talking doors and get your lockpick kit out.
The issue is that it's not specified if at least one head, or exactly one head will lie, and the players will go into it not knowing which to believe. I think it's generally assumed that exactly one head lies, because of the movie labyrinth
Yes, the default version of this riddle is exactly one liar and exactly one truth-teller. Making it two liars is a deliberate response to everybody and their cat knowing the correct question to ask.
Not him, but I'm a data analyst who's played D&D for years and I don't enjoy this crap.
>inb4 quantum physics PhD who's sexually aroused by obtuse number-riddles
Right but the answer was hand
Rule of thumb
>Well armed
Hand holding
Giving someone a hand
>folded and tossed
And in fact
(also me)
told you it was hand in the very post that asked you to elaborate.
So how could you be so set in thinking that the riddle was at fault for your poor answer which didn't fit the riddle?
Made a couple of new ones for my latest dungeon.
You should never array riddles in a way that require storage of more than one piece of information at once: stupid players will just overlook it. I use simple math riddles like the Josephus problem, or adaptations thereof that are relevant to the dungeon.
This one is a bit too easy. I got it in about 10 seconds.
These are a bit too easy imo.
> A
> B+C-A
The font is a bit hard to read, but
> A | B
Used creatively (i.e. not just raw numbers) they are the best kind of riddle because they do not have stupid gotcha answers. OP is an autist though for not dressing them up with a narrative relevant to the dungeon.
thanks for the feedback. might spice it up a bit.
I took it as a euphemism for bowing, or being executed if you add the 'tossed away'.
Ok, 2x the digits of pi. But If you cant guess [famous-sequence]*2 or [primes+1] you probably wont enjoy numbers puzzles.
>Nobody autistic has ever played PnP
God forbid we throw them a bone every so often.
This one is pretty easy too tough I feel it is much more likely to be discovered by accident then the others.
The awnser is 5
The sum of the upper 2 rows of a Collum are eaqual to the sum of the lower 2.
I made it with a different solution in mind, but you're right. That makes it easier than I intended.
How are you supposed to know that from the information given? That kind of sounds like a guess.
How did you get it?
Is that thing on the pinky finger part of the clue or just a graphical error?
no clue, the hand is though
I must be really fuckin' stupid If this is easy.
>Leave a corpse on the ground by a door
>"The key is white as bone and held closer than a single man could hope, the lock is tight and must be smoothed with oil as red as blood"
>There was actually a key made of pearl and red oil in the dungeon
>I left the corpse there as something to hold the message
>They tore out a rib, whittled it down and used it as a lock-pick and used their own blood to make the door open smoothly
>taking riddles literally
i like your players
It was actually the Alchemist who suggested it, the others, a Paladin, Druid, and Death Knight (DK and Pally were on bitter terms because Death Knight used to be a Paladin and then there was this thing with a Necromancer, Chaotic Neutral, blah blah) were heading off to scour the Dungeon for the items.
The Alchemist failed the pick roll like 4 times, he just kept ribbing out more ribs before finally getting it. Then bloodletting was a roll-free action, as much as I wanted to see him roll a one and chop off his hand, he smoothed the lock and pulled open the rusted shut door before proceeding to the next floor.