Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread - /fvgt/

Welcome to the Friendly Virtual Gaming Thread. Here we aim to be the FLGS of Veeky Forums, finding free resources to make it easy for Veeky Forums users to jump right into traditionalgaming, and forming a small community around that. We also try to get various amounts of shit done, whether it's writing, homebrew, art, or whatever else deemed worthy of Veeky Forums. Have a project? Come and pitch it to us. Don't have one? Come and shoot the shit with us anyway.

1. Check the PDF for the game
2. Post a request for a game, using the suggested resource, either here or in the Game Finder Thread
3. If there's a particular game you're looking for that we don't have a resource as of yet, let us know and we can work to expand our list.
4. Finally, hang around and chat. There's always some crazy project someone is Working on.

>Current Projects
-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG
-Night Shift RPG
-Setting up a dedicated Xmage Server for the enjoyment of Veeky Forums
-Dark Souls RPG
-Veeky Forums MUD Guild
-BattleBox3D resources.
-Various amounts of Art and Writing.

Over the weekend, I decided to try an experiment in creating a collaborative wargame thread.The results were... rather amazing. check it out here: Should we use this for BB3D? Or keep what we've been doing. Also the BB3D Dev may or may not have uploaded a tutorial to make quick 2D tokens for the game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for the tutorial.

this ran dry pretty soon

What do you mean?

Don't go pulling the plug just yet user. This is a really good idea, and tg needs something like this. I for one am very appreciative of op for doing this, and will continue to support it.

So how are we doing on the mud? Anything i could do to help?

Thanks. That means a lot to me.

We really just need someone to manage the project as a whole, decide on a game with some good RP, and then gather some players to form an actual guild.

I Don't think we were building one. Someone discussed making an IF, and we also discussed forming a group to play an existing MUD.

Well i would be happy to be a player, and i can kick around ideas for the game itself, but i don't know that i've the time to manage the project. Using up most of my free time for writing at the moment.

I'd also like to say good job with this. And considering we are seeing other attempts to improve the board and generate content besides just this i think you done good and started something here.

That was the goal. I really just wanted a thread to remind people that hey, Veeky Forums can still get shit done, and should! Love and Krieg 2.0 was done by a guy that came to us and asked if he should post it, and I'm rather proud of that.

You're good. We just need people to keep on stopping by with an interest.

So did we ever get virtual minis for 40k, or are we still looking at frostgrave?

Maybe I should go give that a look. How is it?

Well, actually, over the weekend I started a custom wargame factions thread that kind of blew up, and everyone seemed to like. Check it out here:

Since there's an interest there, and it fulfills our need, I'm thinking we use this one, if there's no objections.

As for 40k models, there's a Torrent on the Bay that you can download that has a lot of them.

I haven't read through it myself, but it looks well-written.

>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon RPG
Tell me more

Currently busy with finals, but d12 dicepool based, and based directly on the Blade of the Iron Throne RPG. It converts Pokemon Base Stats into Blade of the Iron Throne Stats, then character creation adds skills, Movesets, and other character customization elements.

Well I just read that war game thread of yours and THAT SHIT IS AWESOME I wanna play preservers so bad now. If there is anything I can do to make this happen please tell me. I need this.

Well, at this point, we need mechanics, and we need 3d models for BattleBox3d.

Right. I will go and learn proposed system so I can help with mechanics. I know nothing of 3d models.

Sounds good. We're also looking for the supplements to the system.

>As for 40k models, there's a Torrent on the Bay that you can download that has a lot of them.
tell me more

The Bay of Pirates has them under the Physibles section.

Out of curiosity which faction do you like the look of? And would you be interested in running beta tests together?

Are we interested in projects involving existing RPGs?

Yes, Depending on what it is. Homebrew settings, system hacks, as long is it's something fairly new or enjoyable we're into it.

Love and Krieg 2.0 guy here. Don't know what to say, other than thank you. I honestly probably wouldn't have gone for it without you.

I've got a few decent ideas for homebrew settings, albeit without a system or anything resembling completeness. I could give you guys what I have so far for Teslapunk NYC, for instance.

Alright, let's hear it. If it's decent enough, we'll tell you whether it deserves its own thread or not.

>Dark Souls RPG

I'm curious to see what's been done with this so far, because I had a few ideas the other day about how to make such a system.

Speaking of models and tuts: A progress update. Here are some untextured modeluar 3d tiles. Feedback is useful. Also working on a token tutorial, just need a moment when my daughter is not around. -bb3d dev (not user for clarity)

Sweet. This is great.

When you get a chance, tell us what you think of this:

It's a wargame we're supposedly going to try to use in BattleBox.

Seems like it'll be a super fun game! If anybody over there needs help, I am happy to!

Well, the 2d token tutorial is what we need most right now. Besides that I'm gathering a bunch of models that need to be rigged for posing, but I'll probably do that myself.

I've written two different introductions to the idea at different times. Taken together they provide a pretty good idea of what the setting would be about. I'll provide both of them here, I guess.
It takes place in an alternate-history NYC in the 1940s. Prohibition is still going strong, innovations using Nikola Tesla's inventions as a base are commonplace, and New York has expanded both into the sky and below ground.Three huge generators are housed beneath the city that supply a form of wireless energy to the aboveground. Everything from appliances to semisentient (yet tightly controlled) robots (called auto-teleautomatons) to remote-controlled menial laborers (called radio-teleautomatons) to lightbulbs to toasters is powered by this “Statosphere”.
New York is divided into three districts: Overtown (No boroughs to speak of, lots of private floating islands/communities [for the rich] and corporate headquarters) Middletown (Same five boroughs, basically the original New York only more residential, with fewer corporate headquarters), and Undertown (Four boroughs: Alphathorpe, Betaville, and Gammaburg in the center - though most of the longtime residents of these areas call them Alpha Block, Beta Block, and Gamma Block respectively - and Mutant City, on the outskirts).

Here is a fast version of the token tut:
To make a new token copy both the .dae and the .png. Rename them identically to what you want them called. Using some kind of image editor place the front and back images in their respective locations. color the token base/edge regin if deisred.

Place the dae and png in the models folder and start bb3d. It should import cleanly.

Where's the .dae?

Link to the resource files. Still getting the hang of this place...

Thanks! This is great!


Also Make Human is a good starting point for more robust models.

I'll check it out.

Well, stating all the factions for embers is driving me insane, but if we get some models it should be playable soon. How are we doing on the model front?

Finals are killing me. I did post a tutorial, the same one as , for quick and easy models.

K. Sorry user, didn't mean to be pushy. Best of luck with your finals. Lord knows if mine weren't over i wouldn't be doing this. I'll try to figure things out on the tutorial.

You're fine. Good luck with the models.

Last bump of the night.

Here is an archive of tiling textures. Super useful for making scenery for bb3d. It's pinterest but it is still good.

Sweet, thanks.

Hey, is the art user who drew the OP here?

Here's a example of a wargame style table (standy for scale) This is VERY fast to make.

That is fantastic.

What program is this?

Blender, to my knowledge.

Here and occasionally aware!
What's up?

So, we're working an a pretty epic setting for the wargame, and we're trying to find some quick 2d art to use in tokens like . Thought you might be interested. The setting discussion is here: Of course, I don't want to beg you into this, so take a look and see if it's something you might be interested in first.

This is in blender. It is designed to go into BB3D. It is neater than it appears the texture adapts based on the shape.

I'm on it.
This thread is in danger of gloriously stretching me too thin.

Sorry man. You're under no compulsion to follow through, I just thought I'd ask.

Having too many interesting projects that I get to be a part and help ensure that/tg/ gets shit done is definitely a good problem to have.
I've been here for years and the only thing I really have to show for it is a couple quick sketches for a recent screencap and some writefagging I did a while back that got screencapped and very occasionally gets reposted.

Yeah, I know that feel. Before I decided to start this campaign of getting shit done the only thing I had to show for it was getting one of my more cringey gaming experiences screencapped. I'm really not sure whether to be proud of posting Benny the Weeb or not.

Question from one of the other devs: does anyone here play heroscape? (or use virtualscape?)

I need to learn how to use blender now

I used to play heroscape when i was younger. It was my first wargame. I still have all my models and tiles. I use them when i dm and occasionally break them out for terrain when we play warhammer at my place instead of the shop. Why?

There's the Pokemon, but how much Mystery Dungeon are you going to add to it?

Mostly that you play as a single Pokémon instead of in a team of six, because that as a whole is completely impractical unless you do so as a Campaign based Skirmish Wargame.

After I get the core system set up I'm going to sit down and orient it towards Mystery Dungeon style campaigns.

Ready to die now

One of the other devs was curious.

Gotcha. I wouldn't mind playing it again actually, its just i don't really have anyone around me who is interested in it at this point.

Well, that's why we made bb3d. I'll update about it we are building a few things in that direction.

Thanks, it's great to have your hand in all of this.

Looks good so far. Any more details?


Last bump of the night. Well, things got a bit slow today since a lot of us worked on Fading Embers. Have a night.


I've noticed that this thread slows when we start working various projects, which is the thread working as intended in my opinion.

Yeah. Though really, we need to get the MTG server and BB3D up and running ASAP in order to start facilitating game requests. We've got a few peopl requesting to Wargames here, but it's mostly one-sided. What we really need is something like Discord, in that it's easy to join the group, but with Profiles akin to Roll20, and make it Veeky Forums oriented.

you know, if you could import this to Tabletop simulator and tweak with that some - make custom models and whatnot - you could play things like Warhammer, Malifaux, Warmahordes and the likes digitally.

Aren't their already online services for MTG though? I thought as far as that went we were just pointing it out to people and offering a thread where they could pop in and find other people to game?

Yes, you could. It is built with battlebox3d in mind though, in which you can play any kind of rpg/wargame/card game without having to purchase anything.

Speaking of which: I was thinking of doing a live stream about working getting all kinds of models into Battlebox3d. That way I can feild questions and such. At the end I want to give out sample assets.


-bb3d dev

>Free stuff and questions answered.

Yes please!

You sir, are a wonderful human being.

I do have one question though. Is it possible to make the base color of the token you provided with us transparent?

At the moment transparency is not support. We are looking at it as a part of the first official version. Did you not want a base, or did you have something else in mind?

Nah, Just a little OCD about not being able to see through the token for Line of Sight, But that's just me, and will be easily rectifed once we make the transition to full 3d models.

Are you much of a 3d / art person?

I've dabbled in Blender. I've also taken it upon myself to gather and rig a few models for Fading Embers.

Dabbling is a good start.

BattleBox3D Live Stream Planning Notes:
Model/texture import
Standy customization
Simple RPG map import
custom card decks
Multiple material import
'snazzy ways to build easy'

Basic ideas so far. Areas I should focus on? Questions I should be prepared to answer?
Time of day I should aim for (central time zone)?

As far as focus goes, here's what makes the program so attractive:

1. You're advertising a program that is always going to be free and available.

2. It's intuitive and easy to set up and use to play a game

3. Direct Connect. Not having to set up a server to play with my buddy is probably the best feature you have right now.

4. You're free to customize it to suit your needs provided you're willing to invest the time.

Now, here's the downsides that I've seen:

1. Not cross-platform, despite being developed in Unity.

2. Lack of default models and maps means that you have to put some effort into it to get it to really work(which is something we're all working on as of now)

3. It's probably just me, but I'd also like a 2d dice rolling gui on the screen so I don't have to pan back to the dice evert time I have to roll.

4. Blender seems to be the default tool for editing, posing and painting, which is fine for those of us who want to really get into it, but for the rest, there needs to be a more simple, intuitive option that doesn't require a learning curve. For straight up painting models I've found Sculptris to be the best option, as it feels intuitive to anyone who's used MS Paint, and it's a good analog to those of us who've painted physical models.

However, I'm still looking for something that works for posing rigged models, quickly combining meshes to kit out models with weapons and armor, and rigging models on the fly. MeshMixer seems to function for quick model edits, and it converts between a huge variety of formats(including .stl), but it's still missing a few key features.

Other than that it's a wonderful platform that really just needs to gather resources and an active community to really make it into something amazing.

I wanna read this later


Is the guy who purchased Tabletop Simulator here by any chance?

Midnight Bump.