>ITT: Character ideas you've always wanted to try, but were too afraid to sumbit to the GM.
Portly Barbarian Chef who ventures forth, not for gold, fame or love, but to find the the most wonderful taste in the known world.
>ITT: Character ideas you've always wanted to try, but were too afraid to sumbit to the GM.
Portly Barbarian Chef who ventures forth, not for gold, fame or love, but to find the the most wonderful taste in the known world.
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So basically Toriko?
Personally i've always wanted to make a 5e monk specialized in grappling and throwing ball bearings
Another is a Guts/Berserk rip off character cause it would be fun in a combat heavy game
Also a deep gnome transmuter/alchemist who specializes in earth magic and throwing grenades
(Im a geology student irl so earth magic would be fun to roleplay)
i have plenty of ideas for fetishy drow characters too, those are especially not appropriate for a game.
A haughty Noblewoman who gets her servants to do everything for her. Including adventuring. She's still present just to y she did it.
A travelling alchemist offering wonder cures that is actually a bard snake-oil salesmen.
A sorcerer who vehemently claims to be a wizard.
Is that from Valkyria Chronicles?
Your favorite Pimp's favorite Pimp's Pimp
A single young mother who worked as a dominatrix in the city brothel for living, expelled once discovered. Want to become rich and get back her twins children.
Fights as a rogue with leather vest and uses a whip, taunting and acting slutty and strong in front of everyone, but cries herself to sleep every night thinking on her children and the father who abandoned her.
I've kept a modern fantasy character idea in the back of my head for a while now. The idea is that cartoons are people a la Roger Rabbit. This character would be the lovechild of a scandal between a toon 'actress' and her manager. His mother would be more Betty Boop than Jessica Rabbit, but the idea would be that he could swap between being a 'toon' and a realistic person, each with its own set of limitations and benefits.
It's kinda out there, which is why I've never brought it up (and I don't want to explain the headache of his parentage to a group).
>Portly Barbarian Chef who ventures forth, not for gold, fame or love, but to find the the most wonderful taste in the known world.
What's that comic about the barbarian girl on a quest to eat one of every animal
>cries herself to sleep every night thinking on her children and the father who abandoned her.
I've always wanted to play one of the following duo: A precocious preteen magic user (ideally sorcerer, maybe cleric), and their beleaguered bodyguard/caretaker. I don't really care which, it just seems like a fun dynamic.
I'd like to actually use some of the homebrew I've made (the serious stuff, not the "I made it because I thought it'd be fun to try" ones), but I don't really feel comfortable suggesting a GM to let me use weird homebrew stuff (and being weird is kind of a recurring thing in my homebrew stuff).
I've had this idea in my head for a while about a robot originally built for sex that becomes a weapons specialist after her original sexdoll AI chip being replaced with a spec ops combat AI stolen by some mercenaries to hide it, gaining sentience and combat knowledge and being ashamed of her original purpose, wearing modest and practical clothes and being generally asocial despite still having a rocking body
I still like the idea and I don't think about it as a magical realm thing because I'd be driving away from her lewd starting point and avoiding it completely, but it still feels like some magical realm shit
Make it a male, and play him like Zoolander and I'm down.
Those tits are fucking retarded.
You'd be better off passing it off as a specialized assassin gynoid who gained sentience and refused to seduce her targets any more. Maybe after a job gone wrong?
Better would be a female model for combat who is unfortunately associated with a different set of gynoids due to their sharing physical features.
It would probably come tagged with a knee-jerk negative reaction to overtly sexual behavior.
I always wanted to do something like.
A charasmatic noble man that has an army of disposable lemming like followers that use them for everything.
Literally everything.
Throwing proficiency: peasant
Weapon finesse: peasant
And a lot of charisma stats to order them around like lemmings.
Outside of that he's kinda squishy.
You know, I never noticed that. But Christ, those things look like someone stuck a pair of Klompen to her chest.
Maybe his secret is that the followers can't die and just keep coming back, and they work for him because PC wealth guidelines and they're immortal so long as they work for him?
I'm basically playing exactly this, except it's Ryuutama so our adventures have been stuff like "not yell at peasants" and "figure out what a bathing suit is (she's from the north)" and her servants are two young girls who are the only ones that actually take her ojou-sama act seriously.
A cursed bard. Curse is, he can only speak quoting songs.
Real world songs.
He dresses yellow and is named Bumblebee?
I want to play a witch that's part of a coven that refer to each other in familial terms as honorifics.
To the other players it seems it's a strange extended family seemingly composed only of women and girls (even hags). It's actually a complex world spanning witch coven beholden to a fey entity known as the Great Grandmother.
Frilly adventuring dresses and magic tea-parties for all!
You could totally use thrallherd for this
Sounds like a shitty college sorority
Same sort of idea for me. I want to play a bard like Alan Lomax, who's adventuring to find, learn, and catalog traditional music from around the world.
Anything really.
Nearly got to play this, but the game fell apart due to personal things.
Me and a friend playing Miguel and Tulio. Me as the rogue fencer who can smooth talk anyone and come up with plans, they are the bard that plays the sway the crowd and woos the ladies.
We even got a bonus for our 'duel to the death' to distract a crowd in our first and only game
>this concept again
>and he's presenting it like we all haven't seen it a hundred times before
>Be a wizard
>Act like he's third tier tech support
>Increadibly fat
>Constantly surrounded by cheese snacks, crystal balls, and scrolls
>Rolls his eyes whenever someone asks him a question
>Always talks down to whoever is talking to him.
>"Oh my god, are you SERIOUSLY telling me you didn't undo that lich's phylactery already? That shit is so E-Z bro, what are your brains even GOOD for?!"
>"UGH, I guess *I'LL* have to counter-spell the apocolypse spell. AGAIN. mumble mumble"
Literally the only reason I haven't done so yet is because I could never justify that fatass getting up to go do adventures.
He needs money for his collection of wondrous figurines made by a legendary sculptor from the far east
It's called Skadi.
Sounds interesting, would have potential, but also like it needs more fleshing out.
>Ugh, you guys just wouldn't understand. These zoetropes tell intricate and elaborate, deep, meaningful stories. Just watch for a moment.
>Am I vanima uguuu?
>TL: Vanima is Elvish for cute.
>Le toriko ripoff
Get the fuck out of here you fucking subhuman weebtrash
A few ideas for Eclipse Phase:
1. A neo-hominid (chimpanzee) who used to be a celebrity chef back on Earth before the Fall. Owns a small restaurant in New Shanghi with his girlfriend and is trying to start a small hypercorp to push his own brand of food products
2 A soldier who sold everything to get a Alpiner morph and lives out in the boonies of Mars and offers his services to protect the settlements in exchange for goods, drugs, and sex really. Kinda looks like Jimi Hendrix but buffer
3. An MMA fighter who eventually joine Direct Action in an attempt to save her baby brother. Now owns a gymnasium on Mars and is trying to open up other ones in other polities
4. Finally, A guy who looks like Vincent from Cowboy bebop. A social engineer and accountant who works the corps and the criminal underworld. His secret passion is to build up a collection of old earth cartoons.
Yeah, it requires a lot of investment from the DM to go along with the Toontown idea. It would be like turning out to be half fey.
The idea I had was that he was raised in the 'real world' by his father and told his mother was a voice actress to prevent him from trying to follow her and getting killed by toon physics translating into real damage. Of course, the revelation of his true nature was probably earthshaking for him and I think he would have spent some time learning what he could do with his powers.
I was thinking of making him more straight-laced and logical as a contrast to his metaphor-turned-literal powers.
I've always wanted to play a scholarly Necromancer. Like, someone who's just utterly fascinated with the underlying magic to the point where he's now adventuring to gather info for his doctoral thesis: "Necromancy Is Not Inherently Evil You Guys".
Barring that, making a mint off his memoirs, skelebro army, and a Good-aligned form of Lichdom.
Problem is my GM's default morality is hard-set to Paladin. And not the reasonable sort.
A witcher. Not a would-be-witcher substitute, but a witcher Want to play character like that ever since playing first vidya, always get just strange looks from other players.
At this point it's safe to say I will never play as one, given all the hype around the last vidya
I ran a Witcher game once using D&D5e for a couple of friends. Warlock makes a ballin Witcher with certain spell and build options.
I want to play a techpriest who insists on being lawful good (though not lawful stupid,) grapples and punches opponents with his armoured, augmented limbs.
He has a circular blade built into his chest which he uses on grappled opponents.
The Witcher games ruined one of my DMs.
Dark Souls ruined the other.
A character who, alongside his best friend, studies for years at their craft however neither can manage to progress in their skills. Eventually he discovers that his friend has been fucking his wife this whole time, he puts two-and-two together and realizes that she was a succubus.
You called dood?
How about getting your group the Witcher TTRPG? Wasn't it translated by Veeky Forums last year?
>a 5e monk specialized in grappling and throwing ball bearings
Where are you going to get ball bearings in a medieval setting?
>A sorcerer who vehemently claims to be a wizard.
One of your fiend-blooded spawn, no doubt.
One of the players in a game I played did that.
He played a posh adventuring nobleman with like 40 followers all of whom had names and who he'd send out on errands.
>medieval setting
>Implying the Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) isn't one of the quintessential D&D items
There is a pretty decent homebrew witch hunter class for 5e. Works pretty much exactly as a witcher would with alchemy and all.
So one of those 4e Warlords who make your allies attack, and never attacks themselves? That'd be great fluff for one.
>Medieval setting
D&D is more of an anachronistic fantasy rpg, even the main setting of the D&D5e, forgotten realms is more a medieval pastiche that pick and chooses renaissance and medieval histories coolest things. Ball bearings are for sale in the players handbook anyway.
>female model for combat who is unfortunately associated with a different set of gynoids due to their sharing physical features.
I'll take "Who is Motoko Kusanagi?" for 1000, Alex
Always wanted to play a straight-up orc. Rape and pillage and all that. Unfortunately in both groups I play with the character would be too uncivilized/simple (it's always magitek or some urban politics shit) or crude (as the only guy playing in a group of all women-who love building characters and roleplaying). Still, I think I would have a blast raiding villages for wealth and slaves and slowly turning my character's tribe into a great horde to burn down the 'civilized' kingdoms of man and such.
I had a terrible snowflake in my head for Shadowrun
A NOSFERATU vampire elf. Phsy-Adept with cyber legs. Literally a corp wage slave who ended a test subject. A science/magic created anomaly who was let loose by other shadowrunners. Legs would've been made to transform between a combat, street, speed, and informal designs. Their vampiric nature has left them a ticking time-bomb with an excessive bounty on their head by one corp. Not that ANYTHING meshes build-wise, I just liked the idea.
An Ogre with two heads. I did ask him and he said no, I can't really blame him.
Our party bard has managed to speak only in rhyme for the entire campaign thus far.
Declaring attacks, negotiating deals, asking for directions, everything.
The rule is, if it rhymes, it's canon that she said it.
Done that twice now. Once for a one-shot with an evil party. Once for a longer campaign I accidentally derailed and GM abandoned.
1000 large metal rings full of balls. That's got to be heavy as fuck.
I want to play a loyal knight, an evil (but loyal) lieutenant or something to that effect, but no one but me has the chops or the drive to play any kind of leader.
A naive freelance journalist who gets in over her head in a war zone, including being suspected of espionage. Someone who needs a sensible party to keep the nativity in check and teach her somethings like how to use a gun and not flag everyone in the party.
Are people really stupid enough to think a ball bearing is the ring and not the metal balls themselves?
This is ironic shit posting right? Cause the bait hooked me.
I for once wants to play a straigh-out, most stereotype barbarian from the grim, far north you can imagine.
Unfortunately, my regular group is made from people mostly doing detective stuff and heist jobs, so such character would not only barely fit, but end up outright shunned as "trolling". My irregular group on the other hand scraps a game once per month, so it's hardly possible to play any character other than one-shots.
Suck my ball bearings.
Is there any way I can play a lich without having to play in a campaign that starts at epic level? I don't want the power so much as being able to play a skeleton wizard, but D&D is very staunchly against letting you play as a skeleton, let alone a skeleton that can attain high enough INT to be a wizard.
No idea if its 5e or not but here ya go, senpai. i tested it and its pretty friggin sweet: imgur.com
wtf i said senpai not senpai
Thanks, I hope this will be deemed acceptable.
At least you tried senpai.
Thanks, cuck
Oh shit i dint mean to say that! someone told me that was translated as well! fuck i apologise.
Futuristic 'faceless' mute barbarian who specializes in throwing and improvisational brawling, meaning he doesn't carry a weapon but instead kills by throwing and swinging things he finds in the environment. Probably low int, super high str with arm augmentations.
Pic related
This is Magical Realm as FUCK but I really want to make a character who makes all the big faction or racial leaders into devoted members of his harem, all of which are female and incredibly hot for one reason or another. After long series of grinding quests for each to win their love, and perhaps a few love potions, he'd have the whole realm under his rule, though it'd all be peaceful and prosperous. Doesn't matter the type of character; an incredibly charming bard, an aggressive Orc warlord, a devious Wizard; as long as it works.
This includes, but is not limited to:
The incestuous Human Queen and Princess duo, the High Elf, Wood Elf, and Drow Elf Matriarchs, the Dwarf Empress, the Orc High Chieftess of all the Orc clans, the Hobbit President, the !notArab Human Sultana, the oddly intact former-BBEG Lich Queen, the half-Succubi Demonlordess of the Underworld, the Headmistress of the School of Magic, the Human High Priestess, the Goblin Broodmother, Human Captain of the Guard, and any notable lady adventurers who helped on the way.
I've gotta be pretty fucking autistic but if I had any DM's and groups that could let me go through with this stupid shit I would.
>all that pucci
>no dicc
poor guy
I like this idea though
How pathetic
The "seamstress/tailor" can make cheap (non-metal)armor and clothing and gear on the fly if they have the right materials or give a small but limited buff to a teammate's (non-metal)armor or clothing or gear. So say a teammate is wearing bulky clothing the seamstress/tailor would be able to size the clothing down and give that teammate a agility(Whatever) bonus. An other teammate needs some armor fast but has a whole bunch of linens, the seamstress/tailor can make come Linen armor that would break apart after a week or so.
Seamstress/tailor doesn't like using their tools as weapons and they don't have any formal training in proper weapons so in a fight they use clubs/pointy sticks/rocks to attack their enemies. Luckily for them they're quite nonthreatening looking compared to the rest of the team so usually targeted last by enemies. Giving them openings to get crits in with the enemy isn't looking their way.
Someone wanting to be a lich could have tested the process on you, letting you start with a party level of 4 or 5 (+4LA), or lower if you can find something with a negative level adjustment.
>Heroes with the Artifice Word can create any non-magical object a normal man can carry as a round’s action, using whatever materials are to hand. While the ensuing creation may look odd, and any "foodstuffs" are inedible, it functions and lasts as well as a normal object of its type and usual substance. The hero’s crafting efforts for a day count as 100 laborers per character level when an estimate is needed.
>Ten Thousand Tools(Constant): Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level. This gift is of no use to a Godbound who has not bound this Word.
>Perpetual Perfection(Constant): Everything you make is flawless and impervious to normal decay and use. Only intentional efforts at destruction have any chance of ruining them. The weapons and armor you create count as magical items, ones capable of harming supernatural foes and granting a +1 to hit and damage rolls for mortal wielders. You and other Godbound are too mighty to benefit from this hit and damage bonus.
>Reverence of Steel(Constant): Any clothing or armor you make for yourself gives you an AC of 3 with no saving throw penalties. When you make a suit specifically for another, any saving throw penalties are one class lighter; none for medium armor, and only one saving throw penalized for heavy armor. As an Instant action, Commit Effort for the scene to negate one hit you receive from a manufactured or crafted weapon.
>Regalia Armor: The holy warriors, philosophy-crusaders, exalted champions, and imperial harem guards of the Former Empires often placed symbolism and aesthetic preferences over the practicality of thick steel. The fashioning of regalia armor was devised as a method to flaunt a particular philosophy's style or symbols without costing the wearer the benefit of sturdy protection. Regalia armor is wildly impractical at first sight, ranging from massive suits of impossibly heavy steel plate to mere thimble-sized vials of ever-replenished body paint that protects its bearer. Even so, it functions as normal armor of its intended type: light, medium, or heavy, regardless of its visual appearance. Medium and heavy regalia armor apply saving throw penalties just as their normal varieties do. While basic versions of regalia armor are comparatively simple for enchanters to fashion in the modern age, most Former Empire examples are enchanted to at least a +1 bonus, as their mortal wearers were persons of great status or import.
>ortly Barbarian Chef who ventures forth, not for gold, fame or love, but to find the the most wonderful taste in the known world.
Now what does that remind me of? Oh yeah, the worst character in the history of fiction.
literally who?
I'm not fond of weebshit, user
You got Google, fuckboy.
Man cursed by a playful entity, turned into a woman. Still has male voice and feels fucking terrible about the fact that he is beautiful.
You've posted wrong picture, let me fix that
I'd like to at some point play a druid and go against the whole "druids are a bunch of pot-smoking peace-loving hippies" thing.
I'm a druid. I serve Life and Nature, nothing else. I don't give a fuck about purely human diversions like morality or proper social conduct. Also, I can turn into a bear and maul the shit out of things.
I have a feeling that it'd come across as edgy for most people, though.
Always wanted to play a Skeleton barbarian/knight that can't remember how the living did things, but also has to disguise himself as a living person to avoid loneliness.
One of the tricks i though off would be hanging a waterskin filled with Wine by the ribs so in case he gets stabed in the guts he can fake bleeding and not spook his wannabe murderer.
In short, a friendly skeleton that likes to hang with people and not spook them.
I just wanna play a character that is 300 lbs +. And for it to make sense. Even if that sense is stupid like being a human Kirby.
I want to play a skeleton druid with beast form fluffed as having lots of extra bones that rearrange into animal shapes instead of a full body replacement.
And yet... it is exactly a toriko ripoff....
Just play a dude with beefed out STR and CON, make him Musclefat and tall as fuck.
So, a SR troll.
I've always wanted to play a hobgoblin samurai who is inherently evil in the sense that they believe only the strong and noble should lead but is honorable at the same time.
>Basically a hobgoblin samurai of Asmodeus.
holy shit that's perfect
try playing him as a tip to the character from Re-Animator (without outright copying), might be fun.
Technically possible as a 4e fighter. Brb
>continue practicing and grow more proficient in tailoring
>eventually make cloth garments so perfectly stitched and fitted that they feel like wearing nothing, but still successfully turn aside blades
>create a Meteor Hammer made entirely of quilted material, knotted into a giant Monkey's-Fist knot at the end
Do it. Do it NOW.
also still has the strength, toughness, and effective weight of a 250-pound male warrior who would be a linebacker if that was a thing in his world. could be a lot of fun.