Binance: 1600
Bittrex: 1200
You know what to do
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Nice, but how do you do this without incurring a billion fees that negate all profits?
Tx Fee: 0.2 ADA
The fuck you're talking about? You can't afford 0.2 ADA fee which is $0.054? What the actual fuck? Can I send you 0.2 ADA so I can cover you your fee so you won't have to shit on the streets?
Withdrawing right now
OP post a wallet adr and I'll tip you if this works out
reee i dont have funds on bittrex
I'm just tipping to buy on bittrex, what are you withdrawing? Transactions take time to confirm.
wtf. My fees are a higher % than that unless I'm mistaken. What are your steps?
FUCKING bittrex man
Took forver to withdraw I'm just gonna canel
Binance needs to hurry the fuck up
Transaction fees for disparities like that are nothing. These absurd gaps (like pic related) are how I make all my dosh.
How do you look for the gaps? What types of coins yield the biggest gaps?
That's awesome! Still skeptical of W/D fees but of course I'm going to try if people are saying this actually works. Now I just need to sign up for a billion exchange sites, haha.
Private arbitrage bot or alerts.
I have an app that reads the orderbook from the top markets, then displays the signals. Truth be told though, it's absurdly easy to find these gaps manually. The manual way is to just start top-down by market cap on coinmarketcap and click on the coin's market tab. Maidsafe, for example, is a disparity right now. But there is always one like this every 5-10 coins in the list.
Just make sure you only pay attention to coins with volumes >30k. any less and you'll probably not find a worthy open order.
here we go again bois
what's the fucking point
bittrex withdrawal limit 0.4 btc
>buy low sell high
The fuck is this? Retard.
It’s like you actually WANT to make money or something. God damn, this board went to shit.
Is it supposed to take a literal fucking age to move from bittrex to binance?
So I buy on binance move to bittrex then sell?
Tried to move 7500.. gaps gonna close by the time this shit goes through isn't it?
Where can I find one/How do I make one?
What is the app, please?
I don't know where you can find one, but you need to learn how to program if you want to write one. The major exchanges all have APIs. For example:
this is why you need to invest in blocknet anons
> shilling softly
Thanks for helper
Thank you!
Other way around my man
Every single time I tried arbitrage by moving between exchanges, I get JUSTed.
Either the wallet for the cheapest exchange is online, or it takes a billion years to transfer.
There's arbitrage bots scanning for opportunities like these anyway.
What's the transaction time for ada?
Anyone else having trouble making a new account on Bittrex? The register a new account page just 404s.
still waiting for mine to go through. the gap has already halved. I now understand these gaps show up for a reason, obviously.
getting JUSTd by this fucking withdrawal time on bittrex, FUCK FUCK FUCK never using this shit exhcange again
Arbitrage is illegal and you will go to jail
So let me get this straight:
Step 1: Setup the Bittrex and Binance APIs on a spreadsheet
Step 2: Setup a formula that compares the exchange price differences between the top 3 exchanges for said coin (so that it just skims the exchanges with the most volume which will likely include Bittrex and Binance)
Step 3: Sort by descending and pick the most attractive price difference that also has a decent amount of volume on each change.
Step 4: Buy on Exchange A with the lower volume, withdraw said alt to the wallet on Exchange B
Step 5: Sell on Exchange B, calculate actual profit from both transactions to confirm profit.
Is that the premise of an arbitrage setup?
Silly guys. He did it just to JUST you over.
It's over guys, the gap is closing up to 100 sats now.
Can somebody tell me whether the coins would transfer directly or do I need any additional transaction to a wallet?
Buying low and selling high is illegal guys, you heard it here on Veeky Forums first
Zulul I'm from bittrex guys. You just can't withdraw ADA now. Thanks for the moniez. Gotto go pick my lambo color.
Isn't there typically no liquidity for that though? Or usually you'll find overpriced coins instead?