"What the hell was WotC thinking edition"
>Hyped for the new Tezz?
>What do you expect from the set?
>What would you like to see in the set?
>Do you like the mechanics?
"What the hell was WotC thinking edition"
>Hyped for the new Tezz?
>What do you expect from the set?
>What would you like to see in the set?
>Do you like the mechanics?
Other urls found in this thread:
Btw, I'm ready to crack two of these pieces of shit at the prerelease
not gonna lie this would have been nice to have during mirrodin
>mega oblivion ring for artifacts
>at 5CMC
I would say this would have been way too good but affinity was so broken that honestly by the time you get to five mana you probably have already lost the game.
They managed to kill MUD in vintage
It's a more expensive Moat that also works in against Stax.
5 mana is rarely a problem. the only good thing is that it's sorcery speed
overcosted even by current standard mana constraints.
mainly due to meta reasons, artifacts rarely see play right now, and most are incidental (hulks)
I suppose its good against any deck with clues/vehicles, but its not really a smart answer.
It's still a worse Moat that doesn't work against Eldrazi.
Can't be fragmentized
When will we see new Tezzeret? He's my favorite Planeswalker.
Haven't been following things.
Status on Energy, and whatever the deal with new Tezz are?
Modern player by the way.
Wow, thanks, Wizards!
>pic is hundreds of players opening this during prereleases around the globe
>thinking wizards will ever make a bad draft environment
It's why MM is a joke release.
MM?Mercadian Masks?
>tfw zombie player
I'm a bit scared.
Modern Masters. Only Modern-legal cards are printed, and the only ones you'll ever actually want to use are rares.
He meant MMA, Modern Masters. That MM is Mercadian Masques and MMA is Modern Masters is not widely realized.
I'm still assblasted at Eternal Masters.
>Let's make a reprint set so that it can lower the cost of modern/eternal formats
>Ok but now let's balance it around draft
>when it's a limited run set and costs 10 bucks a pack
>so now we have to inflate the set with a bunch of commons that see play nowhere so people can draft
>those rares
>those mythics
Worldgorger Dragon? Goblin Trenches? Fucking really? Every single set is balanced around draft, not to mention that it looks like Conspiracy is taking off, which is essentially a draft exclusive set. Why can't we just have ONE set dedicated to actually reprinting what matters?
user, think of the poor investors that put their money into children's card games instead of real investments.
Jokes on you, I too have a closet full of KTK boxes for those sweet, sweet fetchlands.
Money in the bank baby, all I gotta do is wait for it to mature.
>Hyped for the new Tezz?
Yeah, some. He's quite neat for a pack intro mythic. It almost justifies spending the dosh on a prolly otherwise shitty precon... If you are a beginner
>What do you expect from the set?
Higher power than KLD, lots of EDH stuff, a pretty different flavor and a heavier focus on the color red (this'll be the red set in the same way Eldritch Moon was the black set).
>What would you like to see in the set?
I'm pretty pumped for Improvise. If anything good comes out in Blue, White or Green it could make my Bant clues deck competitive enough
>Do you like the mechanics?
Badly executed with how the new symbol is used in the cards, but the concept is nice. Lots of design space which is good because this won't be the last time we see it (since it's Kaladesh' equivalent to Landfall)
Draft chaf, but some of the best draft chaf we've gotten for a while. It don't have much more design space but it works well in-set with pretty much anything.
I don't like how its a card type completely dependent on creatures to function, that means that, to be playable, they've gotta be better than the creatures themselves and in return, they make the game revolve around the creatures themselves. Plus, just how much design space do they really have?, is it possible to make cool/competitive vehicles that aren't just glorified beaters?, I like them flavor-wise tho.
Could potentially break some decks here and there, but there's no dedicated artifact deck to really exploit them. Closest is R/W/x Vehicles and even that obe has a lowish concentration of the stuff. Something could pop out from the control end of the meta tho.
What I don't understand is why Wizards gives a rat's ass about investors in the first place. They make zero money off of legacy and modern. This is why modern pro-tours don't exist anymore. They don't make money from it. Reprint sets is their chance to actually get money from those players and as a bonus get more people playing those formats. Suddenly it's not a waste to have modern PTs anymore because people can actually afford the decks they're watching and buy packs to help make them.
But instead they make it limited run and balance around draft. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
>Bant Clues.
My dude. I thought I was the only one who played this. I think it's a lot of fun. Clues + Tamiyo + Briesela.
I don't think WotC does it because they care about investors.
Rather, they don't make money off Modern as a whole, but can't ignore the format because the players will riot.
Seems close on the money to me and influences my thinking on this matter.
If they can't ignore the format, and they can't make money off it because everyone buys from distributors instead of buying packs, WotC only has incentive to put a token effort in, essentially pretending they care about Modern.
The reason MMA doesn't get useful reprints then, is because WotC doesn't want a changing supply of cards to unexpectedly change the format. Imagine the havoc if every deck that wanted Lilly of the Veil could afford her. And extreme example, yes, but one that's easier to assess than asking what would happen if Damnation was a $10 card. Following this interpretation, reprints of Thoughtseize in Theros and other Modern staples was not done for the benefit of Modern players, but because WotC thought Standard needed good targeted discard and didn't want to print anything new. IoK would have appealed more to players, but the 3-cost limit doesn't work so hot in Standard.
So, middling cards get reprinted, players feel like WotC isn't ignoring Modern, and any player dumb enough to draft MMA has fun playing and feels like he got his money's worth because these new cards are far superior to everything in his kitchen table shitbrew deck.
All in all, WotC makes some cash and doesn't need to pay any more attention to Modern.
>"Hey guys lets print the best discard spell ever printed and quite possibly the most powerful black spell ever printed in Standard for no other reason than because it'll make Standard a better place!"
Said no one ever.
You'd be fucking dead by the time you could cast it.
Why'd they print it then?
>crying about targeted discard when you should just be filling the board with creatures
Did you forget you were playing Creatures: the Tappening?
I'm really hoping for WUB Tezzeret but it seems like he's gonna be UB again
To be fair, if you are playing competitively, you are going to be playing the optimal version of a deck.
I would think, and I could be wrong here, that most people who actually go to an FNM arn't going to be playing some brew with half the cards it wants subbed for budget reasons.
>Why'd they print it then?
They were testing the waters for reprints. Thoughtseize was an $80 card before Theros. And I'm not crying about good noncreatures being printed, it's just that Thoughtseize is the best fucking black spell ever printed. Imagine if Brainstorm had been printed in Theros. It would've fucked Standard up too.
>I would think, and I could be wrong here, that most people who actually go to an FNM arn't going to be playing some brew with half the cards it wants subbed for budget reasons.
Not sure what you're referring to here. Would you mind being specific?
I didn't draft MMA, but if that's what the draft experience was, I would understand your post.
he's from fucking Esper, and in this set he is playing the role of the Law.
walkers can change colors to suit their current mindset.
It was kind of a pipe dream since I also wanted Ajani to be naya colors
So Trump shut down the artificers?
I just want a set with BGW Ajani and BGW Garruk.
Quality political commentary from Anonymous.
>Abzan Garruk
I could see it and now I want it
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say something I noticed as a player and store owner:
Pricing balance between consumer and seller is the single most important thing to keeping a game alive.
Yugioh died because it reprinted too much, stores had no reason to carry or buy singles as the investment was absolutely shit. Stores need to have their palms greased in order to keep a game going and that's why Wizards is so invested in keeping prices relatively stable.
When stores stop carrying singles people come to the store less, generally. Tournaments are less financially viable as nobody is buying the singles you aren't selling. Store owners have no incentive to maintain the health of local communities as they are not making money off of them.
Over costed cards are a sign Magic won't die. So long as FLGS owners can make a tidy profit off of it, it will outlive us all.
Since this is the closest thing to a standard thread we've had in a while, opinions on my list? tappedout.net
Standard is a dead meme format.
Neck yourself.
not even close, Yawgmoths Will is so much stronger than Thoughtsize they aren't even in the same fucking breath.
You are delusional. Brainstorm would be fine in std.
Not in khans standard. Any format without fetches, though, it would be ok
>mycosynth lattice doubles in price
>that card that combos with more than 10 cards combos with another card
It's already not a cheap card.
>heavier focus on the color red
>mfw all red gets is overcosted shock and ping effects, shitty creatures and unplayable "fun" effects
Suicide hotline will have a lot of work.
I mean, we already have good cards in every color spoilered, except Red, which gets shit that's janky even by EDH standards. Never underestimate wizards' ability to shit further on the worst color.
Will WOTC ever have the balls to print Lightning Bolt again?
Not as long as Rosewater works in R&D. As much as I hate Ken Nagle, magic would be better with him as lead designer and with Rosewater's cronies off the development team.
After all the bitching because standard babies couldn't handle Thoughtseize?
Not ever.
>best black spell
>Yawgmoth's Will
>Yawgmoth's Bargain
>Dark Ritual
>Mind Twist
>Hymn to Tourach
>Vampiric Tutor
>Demonic Tutor
Fiery Temper is the closest we're gonna get.
Admittedly, Temper gets pretty spicy in decks dedicated to discarding like R/B Zombies.
It really shouldn't be. It's the closest we've got to block constructed, but Wizards keeps printing cards that hijack it.
lightning bolt was a mistake.
3 player/creature damage for one mana at instant speed destroys too much design space.
Turning it into shock was a middle ground we saw for many years, but in today's standard, we have 5 red spells that cost R and every single one of them deals 1-X damage to creatures specifically.
In terms of game flow, it appears that wizards wants red to interact with other players for a while before initiating "draw burn-to-face go" on turn 1.
While I find that notion acceptable, making burn spells so bad that they literally 2-for-potentially 1 the caster is not.
>tfw really like block constructed
>nobody else does
>closest thing I can do is make duel decks that nobody wants to play except for two friends.
Are you me?
>3 player/creature damage for one mana at instant speed destroys too much design space.
It makes Timmy mad you destroyed his creature you mean.
1 for 3 is good, but its not broken
i have never played standard
is red really shit in this format? are the options basically only Red Deck Wins, and even that doesn't work that well?
i wonder why they don't just reinvent red at this point. having the entire color be balanced around having cheap burn is kind of dumb. too late i guess
No. Red is actually pretty popular right now. R/X aggro sees a lot of play and the secondary colors can vastly change the deck. Cathartic Reunion makes R/B zombies or R/U zombie-emerge function. Harnessed Lightning is a very popular card in any energy deck given that it fills your energy by 3 and you can opt to use however much you want on a creature.
If Timmy were the problem, they would print red spells that target only players instead of the other way around.
The primary objective of the game is to reduce your opponents life to 0. A playset of bolts alone deals up to 60% of the initial life total worth of damage for RRRR. This is why Lava Spike is popular despite being a sorcery AND conditional; Timmy's Craw Wurm doesn't matter when he's dead, along with many other strategies that require more than 3 turns.
>Lightning Axe
>Discarding Cards is bad
Are there any big activated or triggered abilities in Standard that you'd save a card and 1UU to counter?
Maybe Aetherworks but that's like, a T2 deck at best.
The real answer is Contract from Below.
Aetherworks is T1 right now. It's twice as played as Delirium and as played as W/U flash.
This card might get me into Standard control. Unfortunately I'm addicted to budget and brews.
Time for URx control to shine.
Even then, wouldn't you rather counter Aetherworks itself using better counter cards rather than countering its activated ability?
Disallow does all of the above.
You won't always have it in hand when aetherworks gets slammed down onto the battlefield, but you might draw into it before they can shit out an Em. And should you have Disallow in hand when they're casting the marvel, you can still use it to counter it.
Summary Dismissal is worth the extra mana since you can counter a hardcast Emrakul, which is what the RG Aetherworks do now.
I wouldn't really worry about it in Zombies. Just keep making dudes with Cryptbreaker and swing in.
To be fair, the first Modern Masters was good. The second one was trash.
>Following this interpretation, reprints of Thoughtseize in Theros and other Modern staples was not done for the benefit of Modern players, but because WotC thought Standard needed good targeted discard and didn't want to print anything new.
I'd say that was pretty dumb on their part then to time the reprint because WotC liked to complain that Thoughtseize "warped the format". And I disagree on that notion because Thoughseize didn't warp the format, that was a Standard format which had Thoughtseize, Despise and Duress all legal at the same time. That's 12 one mana discard spells.
Brainstorm currently would not be fine in Standard. You'd see Madcap and/or Aetherworks Marvel decks becoming super strong.
I too liked Block Constructed. It was more or less like "Constructed Sealed deck" in a way because of the small card pool.
Only an idiot cracks a bolt turn one even bird would much rather use a guide
You can do both and sometimes making them pay all the energy is back breaking.
They're usually able to rebuild their energy pretty quickly though.
Usually but not always depending on board state. But either way you have flexibility no matter what.
So long Metalwork Colossus! It was fun while it lasted!
Red tends to be good in standard since the smaller card pool means that decks centered around fast creatures and burn tend to do somewhat better than in Legacy or other formats.
Also what said.
It's also worth noting that in drafts, red and green are usually the best colors, whereas the larger and less restrictive the card pool gets, the worse they become.
Also, what said.
>having the entire color be balanced around having cheap burn
The thing is that Red is the "winningest" color. That is, White's main thing (gaining life and summoning small creatures) won't win you the game on its own (well, the latter might, but see green below), blue's main thing (drawing cards) won't win you the game on its own, black's main thing (making the opponent discard) won't win you the game on its own. Green's main thing (summoning big creatures) will (and white's, somewhat), but it's slower due to summoning sickness, and less reliable, due to it being easy to kill creatures in magic (white falls victim to this somewhat more than green thanks to lower average toughness).
Red's main thing is dealing damage, and that, in and of itself, can win you games.
Delirium only standard is coming up, folks!
100 times, this
You're funny.
I just want some reliable burn to the face.
>Mercadian Masks?
You've got a problem with my mercenary deck, rebel scum?
How the hell did they work? All of them seem terrible
>Literally just Voidslime with an easier mana cost
>Voidslime is an eight dollar card
>these cucks printed a strictly superior version of it
>How the hell did they work? All of them seem terrible
they walked directly into the loser bracket because lin-sivvi is a rebel.
EMA drafts are fantastic. Sorry you're too poor to enjoy it.
I agree with EMA drafts being excellent, but the 'too poor' shit is just you feeling smug that you're willing to blow money on an overpriced set.
The price tag of EMA has literally zero valid justification, and you know it.
Now that expeditions or whatever are working to get packs open, do you think we'll see good commons again?