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Monk UA is out! dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/monk-monastic-traditions

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Previous thread What is your opinion of the new monastic traditions? Should the weapons used by the Kensei be considered monk weapons? Is the Tranquility monk underpowered?

peace and murder monks

Healing monk is cool

Sword monk needs some Sage Advice desperately - sword + unarmed damage yay or nay

New monks are trash, but the tranquility one shows potential.

Does anybody know just how many Domains they are?
I'm trying to make a proper list of them. So far I've got all the ones from core, the ones from the Domains UA, City, and Arcana. Am I missing any?

Tranquility monk is perfect healer fill in that does shit loads of damage late game provided that you're bringing along hirelings.
I say yes for the first one but you gotta fluff the aesthetic a touch. Use the wuxia name.

Kensei is fine but I wish they got more to do than "U hit gud" I feel like kensei weapons are supposed to also be monk weapons but that wording was not included due to an oversight. GWM monk should be a fun time at least.

Tranquility isn't underpowered as they're the best healers in the game by a wide margin as written. Wish they got non-lethal options in combat such as special grapples, disarms, trips, and so on to emphasize their pacifist nature. Level 17 ability is okay but a weird capstone for a pacifist. "Murder the murderers!"

>d12 greatsword, pick dex or str, and never get to use the +2 AC, but at least you get auto-hitting d4 pummel. Also, unarmed attacks are 1+STR
>d6 shortsword, can use unarmed attack for 1d4 (scaling with martial arts), get the +2 AC, and still bonus attack with the shortsword for d6. Alternatively, d6+d6 or d6+pummel autohit and don't get the AC

>What is your opinion of the new monastic traditions?

Both great. Might need some polish, but loving them so far.

>Should the weapons used by the Kensei be considered monk weapons?

I think it's fine as-is, if you think of the +2 AC like Shield as a benefit to using a one handed weapon. At most, I'd say they should make one-handed Kensei weapons monk weapons.

>Is the Tranquility monk underpowered?

I think it's fine, if a bit plain in some areas. Calm Emotions or some disabling Ki attacks would help give it a few more options.

Demons run when a good man goes to war

>The next day, Raymond decides to sneak out to the storage room himself but gets caught and whipped again. Is put on double disadvantage
>Due to Raymond's screaming of race war, tensions are high in the prison with the party slowly pushing the prison into all out racial anarchy with it all coming to a head when Frank begins flying a poorly drawn swastika from the top of a building
>In the ensuing chaos, the party sneaks into the guard building, gets all their equipment back and escapes through the sewers to freedom

And that is where we're up to right now.

I hope you all enjoyed.

>+2 AC
Why not just give them a Parry Reaction?

You made a lot of littler mistakes in that explanation. Greatsword can still be 2d6, and you can't bonus action attack with the sword. Once you're at level 5, you can to d6+d6+d6 as sword, unarmed, unarmed and still get the AC.

>works once
>prevents making reaction attacks

>Wish they got non-lethal options in combat such as special grapples, disarms, trips, and so on to emphasize their pacifist nature.
This doesn't seem too hard to implement, but I would worry about breaking them if they're as good of healers as you say they are

Exactly. Much more thematic and already an established mechanic.

Sorry, yeah, I always mix up the 2d6 and d12 weapons.

Oh, also, it seems I had some kind of stroke and read "you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action" in martial arts as "you can make one attack with a monk weapon or unarmed strike as a bonus action". Disergard that, I suck cocks.

I like the new monk traditions.

Can anyone answer this for me. Would a kensei be able to use a long bow as a monk weapon? It just said martial weapon.

The downside being of course that using your flurry would be more difficult.

I agree that I wish they got some more actual pacifist options at the lower levels.
The level 17 ability seems good to me though. A literal calm rage. I can see it playing out really well.

>whatcha gonna do now bald man... Chad Thundercock is dead.
>*screams internally*

It's fine. Everything else you said was on point explaining the tradeoffs between Shortsword and Greatsword.

They get a better lay on hands that can be used as part of their flurry.
As a paladin main, I am absolutely salty. Here's to hoping next week does the boys in shiny plate good...

I can't pretend I'm not disappointed that there was no Wot4e update/rework. But I do really enjoy the new traditions.

Also a drunken master would have been appreciated. However, I suppose you can always just roleplay that pretty easily.


Yeah, when I think of "wuxia themes" I think of a guy deflecting one attack with his sword every six seconds.

As it's written, yes, you could use a Longbow as a Kensei weapon (not a monk weapon). They need to make it clear first if ranged weapons also were intended for the specialization (pummeling at a distance?) and if they intended Kensei weapons to also be Monk weapons or not though.

You could use a Longbow, but it wouldn't be a monk weapon. Kensei weapons don't become Monk weapons, meaning you can't really flurry alongside them anyway. That said, you can choose to use your martial arts dice still, which is nice when it goes above d8.

Still, it's something I would classify more as a ranged backup than a main fighting style.

No need to bring hirelings. Usually somebody goes down in a fight, and you only need one person to go down every fight.

Hirelings would be overpowered anyway given action economy.

>salty that a low-tier class gets a better ability than a high-tier class's main class feature as a class archetype

I dunno, boss. I feel pretty fine.

>dual-wield longsword and shortsword
>if you ever feel like flurrying, just drop the longsword or leave it stuck in an enemy
>attack with shortsword, then flurry with your free hand / feet
>not wielding a non-monk weapon now since you disarmed yourself of the longsword, full MA damage applies

Right, these were my assumptions.
Part of me believes they were not intending for it to be ranged martial weapons. As pummeling from a distance sounds really odd.

If a mindflayer ate a monk would they be able to harness Ki? Would they even want to?

Kensei is cool but could use some more utility, maybe.

Tranquility is fine at the start and end but the 6th and 11th features are "too situational" and "actually useless" respectively.

Remember to give feedback on fighters and to give feedback on these monks next week, when paladins come out.

I'd allow it.

>mindflayers eat your party monk
>now the mindflayer colony has turned full weeb

the nightmare would become even more real

The problem was never MA damage.

Martial arts damage dice is an innate part of monk, monks would still have an unused martial arts damage die if they didn't have martial arts. Martial arts merely gives the ability to use those dice.

The problem is that when you lose martial arts you cannot use dexterity instead of strength.

>they start going after the female party members first with their tentacly mouths


Longbow, not longsword. Also, not much benefit to a longsword there really.

Yeah, if pummeling worked from a range Longbow would be a stronger option. Aside from refluffing it to be weird talisman arrows that explode into tiny no bursts though, it doesn't make make sense.

>The problem is that when you lose martial arts you cannot use dexterity instead of strength.

You mean just for the sake of unarmed, right?
Because the kensei says you can choose dex or str.


>They need to make it clear first if ranged weapons also were intended for the specialization
It's in the description, so I'd assume it's intended.

If unarmed strikes were kensei weapons, it'd actually work out even if you lost the martial arts feature as you'd still do 1d4/1d6/1d8 whatever and you'd be able to then apply dex, which means the only thing you lose is the bonus attack.

>not firing shortswords out of your longbow and doing the same thing

They were clearly talking about neckwear.

But shit, you're right. I guess I glossed over that. That's good to hear I suppose! Still, now I would like them to change the word for pummeling.
Although I suppose you could flavor it as shooting two arrows at once. So long as your DM doesn't care about ammo tracking for nonmagical ammo.

That's already been in the class from the start with Patient Defence.

So what are the chances of being able to successfully play Samurai Jack as Kensai monk?

>Be monk.
>Become Kensai.
>Select a Martial weapon.
>Heavy Crossbow.
>Shoot a guy with it. Using Strength as preferred stat.
>Bonus action to punch them from 40ft away.

That's a question for your GM. If it sounds entertaining to you/the GM then it should probably be a thing.

Kensei weapons are separate from monk weapons now, as a category.

Thus if you're willing to sacrifice your unarmed strikes and faster movement, you can *actually* play an armored Strength monk now.

Depends on how much your campaign will feature walking.

Isn't ki about the connectedness of mind and body
wouldn't be of much use when your mind has left your body huehe

Mountain Dwarf with Heavy Armour training, you don't even need to multiclass!

>when I think 5e I think being able to take not only an action, a bonus action, an object interaction, movement and a reaction, but even more reactions every 6 seconds!

You talk as if you're allowed to have fun.

>no Tomorrow style
why would you do this to your eyes

Was this confirmed in Sage Advice? That kensai weapons don't count as monk weapons?

That seems kinda shitty.

Unless it's a short sword.

Not in a sage advice, in the fucking UA itself.

You know, because it never says they count as monk weapons, and only names specifiic limited benefits of Martial Arts that apply to kensai weapons.

>Wield Greataxe.
>Hack for 1d12 Damage, proccing +2AC.
>Extra attack is a side-kick, for Martial arts damage and granting flurry.

>Not in a sage advice

That's what I needed to know, thanks.

Point, that's probably what I'd pick.

Well then, I'm in luck then 'cause I get to defer to myself.

5e isn't designed for fun martial combat. If the players had the ability to really miss things up wuxia style, it would result in option paralysis, as the whole world being open to them is just too much.

That's why it's better to force combat into endless cycles of standing still and attacking.

Kensei seems cool I guess. Didn't they used to have improved crit as a class feature? Pacifist is kind of neat, but I'd never play one.

Where did the sun soul come from? I've only found it 3rd party so far.

Hasn't been confirmed or anything, though hthe lack of wording is pretty clear.

It basically means you have to choose between using a Shortsword so you can still flurry and get that +2 AC, or forgoing that for a bigger sword, the potential for GWM, and auto-hit pummels.

>Hack for 1d12 Damage, proccing +2AC.
Nope, not how it works at all.
If you have extra attack and use unarmed on one of those? Sure.

Sun soul is in SCAG

>proccing +2 AC

No it doesn't. You've gotta punch for that.

Rate my 4elements/tempest cleric monk.

18 monk/2 cleric (probably would only reach level 15 at the most, so likely 13/2).

Variant human for mobile to simulate flowing through battle and shizz. Also, to eventually smack people as I fly by them.
Pick up the wind themed elemental disciplines, minus thunderwave (get it with cleric). Maybe barter with DM to let me take gust instead of the elemental attunement discipline.
Two levels in tempest cleric let me use my reaction to blast people with thunder or lightning if they hit me a number of times equal to my wis.
Once a day can max my thunder damage.
Hard fights I can up my AC with shield of faith.
Also keep healing word as a backup in case someone drops.

Plan to max wis, dex, with 14 con.

At what point did people decide that losing the 'martial arts' feature removed your martial arts die completely and why do people still insist it's 1+STR instead of 1dX+STR?

Also, at what point did everyone start using 1d12 weapons instead of 2d6 weapons?

Because the d12 is cool lookin' and more fun than the d6

>At what point did people decide that losing the 'martial arts' feature removed your martial arts die completely and why do people still insist it's 1+STR instead of 1dX+STR?
When Martial Arts specified that you can't be wielding any non-monk weapons to use your martial arts die.

Can't use the dice for unarmed while using a non-monk weapon.

>wizard casts charm on big bad when tranquility monk isn't looking
>makes him kill one of his own minions
>anger of a gentle soul activates

Suitable loophole?

Actually, yeah, just realized I'm doing this all wrong.

You can still use the martial arts die for the kensei weapons, but not for unarmed strikes.

I fucked up somewhere along the lines, probably when people were talking about using it at later levels.

At least I'm not wrong that you can still use it for some attacks.

The simplest way to fix 4emonk.

Reduce the ki price of every listed feature by 1. Yes, this means some are functionally cantrips.

Double the amount of disciplines known.

I needed this image, so badly.
There's a cancerous, mentally deranged Lord Dominator avafag somewhere on Veeky Forums that even the tripfags despise.

Even the one that increases your reach to 10 feet and makes you do fire damage? What about the extra 1 ki for additional 1d10 damage?

Warforged Tranquility Monk specializing in Throwing Darts?

That would work, but only if you seriously misunderstand how charm works.

Take a level in warlock or grab magic initiate for hex (discord).

Muh references lmao!!!!!

If you've successfully dominated the Big Bad at that point, there's probably something better you can do with the control.

My bad, It's meant ot be "Greataxe for damage, then Kick for +2AC"

I play blizzard games! such a nerd!!!!!

i was slow because i had to shitpost about the UA, naturally

>play in a game using these houserules
>make a bugbear Wot4E monk
>get the discipline for 10 foot reach punches that do fire damage, do that every turn
>bugbear so now I punch 15 feet

I like it

I swear, my friends only fucking play something if it can be likened to a league of legends character.

Why not just skip the bullshit and play a soul of the sun warforged monk and just roleplay the tranquility part.


I love these

oops, I guess I meant Dominate person, not charm person, and if you're gonna lose control of him after a minute anyways, 80+ damage seems like a good start

Is there a system in place for attempting to bodyblock an attack coming towards an ally? Like a reaction or something.
I wanted to play a Druid that physically got inbetween a player and an enemy as a way of tanking for the party.

If you make the net a kensei weapon, can you replace its 0 damage with your martial arts die?

Are you DMing for my players when I'm not around?

No, having too many options like that is confusing, so wizards eliminated them.

Your reaction is exclusively for opportunity attacks and maybe prepared actions but don't count on them.

Protection Fighting Style allows you to impose disadvantage on an attack directed at a nearby ally if you are wielding a shield and use your reaction.

The Knight from the recent Fighter UA does something similar with their Marking.


>so, you want these guy's "caught alive" or "chunky salsa"?

It pisses me off every damn time. Zero depth to the character other than references. They make zero room for development and then bitch when they get bored. Well no fucking shit, you took a caraciture, an amalgamation of references with no fucking focus or subtlety then expected it to be interesting because of "haha you named him Fuzz not Fizz" and some one dimensional, one note bullshit.

What's the best build to roleplay as Teemo guise XD

>lol here's 20 spells each with their own damage and use cases, and you can control 9 creatures at once
>what, you wanna do something other than knockback, prone, or grapple an enemy? get fucked kiddo, that's too complex

>4d6+10+2d4= 33
>2d8+1d6+15= 27.5
This at 5th level
If you flurry
>2d8+2d6+20= 36
And gets worse the higher the unarmed damage it gets
Why would anyone want to be a kensai?

>netfighting is now RAI

Fuck, why didn't I notice this sooner

Kensei means I can play a STR monk, right? I am absolutely playing a half-orc muscle monk kensei first chance I get.