The game-store owner makes dice in his bathtub at home and sells them in his store

He wanted to post a picture of a pretty girl on the board he spends the most time lurking on.

Don't think too deeply.

>Definitely violating the codes of good sense and good morality, if nothing else.
How though?

How does one make dice in a bathtub?

>Making a product and selling a product
>violating the codes of good sense and good morality
How are these the same thing? Dude's making his own dice and selling them via a retail outlet that he owns. Good on him for taking some damn initiative and getting a new product out there.

The only way this is a bad thing is if he's making them out of people or something equally fucked up or if he's being a scummy businessman by pretending they're something that they aren't. Otherwise, he's just selling a product in a retail setting, which is totally fine.

>Time cube
Now there's a meme I haven't seen in a long time.

This is what I wanted to know.

Because he didn't apply for the dice making permits. Or the permits to apply for permits, either.

This one understands the importance of paperwork.

Everyone was EDUCATED STUPID, so of course no one knows about it now.

Did you know that Timecube is gone now? :-( Last seen this past January. It's almost a year now.