>50 gorillion tethers printed
>Bitcoin not doing anything
What's going on?
50 gorillion tethers printed
I blame wallstreet
It's all going into Ripple.
Just you wait
Tether $5 EOY screenshot this
They're going to wait until it starts to dip hard again, then pump it past 20k.
Calm before the storm
maybe instead of pumping it's just preventing a crash
Theyre going to need exponentially more tether to keep raising the marketcap. Quite obviously.
Man it's going to be a bloodbath.
they have to make more because tether went up in value. they should have fucking done this yesterday
When will the "tether affects the price of bitcoin" meme end? Tether's market cap is a small fraction of bitcoin's market cap and daily volume. How exactly do you fags think tether can prop the price up?
they're printing tether to inflate the market cap to keep tether "pegged" at a dollar which would be great if they also deposited another $100MM or whatever into their sketchy polish bank to back it up but they didn't. also it's still unpegged...
because you can buy crypto with it despite the fact that it's inherently worthless. when you buy crypto with fiat, that crypto has value. when you buy it with car wash tokens, it does not. but everyone thinks it does. and then one day the price drops a little too much and bitfinex 404s
>When will the "tether affects the price of bitcoin" meme end? Tether's market cap is a small fraction of bitcoin's market cap and daily volume. How exactly do you fags think tether can prop the price up?
it is explain literally in every tether thread retard
also "market cap" means fucking nothing when like a $5MM market sell can shave off like $5 billion of market cap
go take calculus again
This desu
It was eth. Then ltc. Now ripple. They splash btc inbetween everything to keep the bull market going.
This is apocalyptic.
yep, they pumped LTC and ETH recently too. no idea wtf the endgame is here. i guess probably to make a shitload of money before people catch them.
Pumping alts is more profitable.
Tether $1 EOY screenshot this
>registration disabled for over a month
>we are supposed to believe hundreds of millions of $$$ has been put into Tether
You can also buy USD with tether. Does that mean tether is destroying the value of USD?
Bitcoin sees $12B sold everyday, $15M is nothing.
Thse threads are becoming a cancer
tether literally has printed more than 1 billion fake dollars and the US has done nothing about it.
why shouldn't i start a usdx token or something like that and start printing my own fake dollars? i'll be completely okay with 10 millions
>muh bitcoin needs its whole market cap to enter it again in order to x2
kek. Could you imagine.
>Bitcoin sees $12B sold everyday, $15M is nothing
It's more like $6B, and that's volume, not amount sold. That includes every transaction, including arbitrage and wash trading.
$25 million of tether is plenty when it comes to buoying that market.
Actually now that I look at it. It doesn't seem possible that tethers are preventing a crash because volume is dropping.
They dumped it in ripple this time since btc is a hopeless case at this point
Alts got pumped.
ltc eth xvg xby xrb even dgb and many more.
It's going into alts, user.
You must be feeling pretty dumb holding btc bags while Neo and Ripple are mooning.
How about more than +1% to it's daily buy volume, brainlet?
For every bit of volume there is a buyer and a seller. It doesn't matter if they're trying to arbitrage or not.
Serious question.
Where does Tether get the USD to back all the Tethers?
Hahaha, jesus fucking christ.
We're on the Titanic.
Half of us understand this, half of us don't.
so basically because so much btc is bought with usdt, it appears that btc is worth something?
It's going to some other coin, obviously.