Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

How cute/sexy/moƩ/pretty/handsome is your character?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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How play catgirl without being massively fat weeb


make catgirl massively fat, you weeb.

What are some male character concepts you desperately want to see, either in general or as a kink? Help me arouse you!

Seriously though, what turns you on in a male character? We know plenty about female characters, but men are a mystery!

This thread is cancer.

Please mods! Spare Us!

I need a secondary class for a Dragoon-style character. Primary is going to be Warlord.


Can we not. Please, for once can we not start fetish posting immediately.

Can we not. Please, for once can we not start fetish posting immediately.

Nope. This is Veeky Forums, after all

Does this look "cute" to you?

It does not, don't you start with that.

just give them a fantastic butt and pretty much anything will work.

He's a half-drow on his father's side with 21 Charisma, and basically I ALWAYS describe him as being supernaturally pretty. He poses during combat and might become a gang leader sometime in the future, after arming his gangsters with fashionable outfits and fancy hats.

All Tsun, no Dere.

Nobody trusts a half drow


I fucking despise the cleric in our party, she's a petulant bitch who refuses to integrate even after we graciously offered the opportunity!

Is it because he's black?

Fuck off, stop pretending to be me.

Be a cat's girl.

I dunno, she's got 8 Charisma though.

Fuck YOU!

They prefer the term underground-american

Okay. How about this then.

With so many magical bloodlines, alternate races, celestial influences and whatnot, how do you guys feel about having 'animu character cast' levels of hair / eye color variety. Or just 'exotic' features in general.

I mean, I think it wouldn't be too unusual to see the whole fucking rainbow of colors in terms of hair and eyes unless you were out in some podunk nowhere, because it seems like in a setting like golarion everyone has boned some exotic at some point in time in their family history.

Don't you mean underground-golarian?

Shelynites dye their hair rainbow for Crystalhue!

>tfw no Crystalhue deito


I would unironically love if someone used that art for a character.

Gorgeous hair, lovely eyes and face, wide hips, what's not to adore?

The fact that you're a fetishposter

Fetishposter? I just think it's cute.

Nobody cares what you think.

I'd use it if it didnt have horns.

B-but... user!

Hey I care what you think and value your opinion

The horns are super easy to remove, user!

Don't let your dreams be dreams!

You heard what I said!

I'm terrible at picture editing though.

That's pretty neat. I like religious festivals and food festivals.

You're apparently pretty terrible at taste.

Maybe the magical editing user will appear. He has recolored stuff for others in thread before, I bet he can also remove stuff.

First off, the art is perfect for a Tiefling as-is, secondly I could totally remove the horns!

what character did you have in mind for that art?

On a scale of 1-10, probably around a 7. His Charisma is 14, because he's more friendly than he is handsome, but he's not bad looking.

user, I think you need a hug. Only the unloved are as mean as you've been being.

I wanna say that he's decently cute.

Jean Glitterdust

Thief and extra-dimensional warrior.

Also part time dancer.


The Jel Soulknife/Serial killer. It had a lot of the features I was bad at putting into words. Particularly the large doe-y eyes.

I was previously using a picture of an albino person as character art.

> the art is perfect for a Tiefling as-is

Yep, an user was posting them yesterday titled as tieflings.

Going by the (STR+DEX+CON+CHA)/8, she's a 6.375/10

Is there a bonus for personality or gap?

Ooh, I've got art if you want a lovely woman with large doe eyes.

Otherwise, the art you've got going on is lovely.

I mean I wont say no to taking a look at it. So please post it.

Part of the rulebook says that casters can put in time and research to create new spells? Does anyone have experience with this idea? There are absolutely no guidelines presented, besides it needs to take a week and 1000gp per level and a number of spell craft checks.

Also, can a divine caster research and learn a spell outside of their class? Like a bard learn something off the cleric list.

Did you forget his real art?

So I hear that a few new PRC's are being released shortly, including something called a scar seeker. Anyone have any sort of info on that? I'm really hoping for something resembling a return of the scarred witch doctor.


>made tiefling for lewd hells vengeance
>ask for art in case I got chosen
>didn't get chosen
>drawfriend does my request
>decide to bring the character to life as a cohort in my main game
>pic related

What's the best way to build her /pfg/ lodes of damage or a protector type.

Apprentice user here, I might be going half-giant with Steelfist Commando || Vigilante!

I always liked using monks as a 'protect the wizard' type character. Able to get around the battlefield quickly, smack some arrows out of the way, stun a fucker with a kick to the head and grapple the shit out of someone too.

I am bad though.

I'm getting a steelfist vibe.

Well if she's not wearing boobplate, she's gonna get more than just the tip of my sword huehuehue Don't tell mom

This is obviously a man who wants it, and cultivated his figure to get it.

She looks like she'd be all rush up aggro all the time to me.

Alright, /pfg/. Who's your favorite user to bully?

Who's your favorite user to protect?

You rang?

He looks like an ancient fart with scars, acid burns, freeze burns, sick burns and normal burns covering his body.

You tell me.

SwimmingEagle, He's a faggot. and its easy to have ammo against the fucker.

Beautiful, thank you.

Hey pfg, I knwo there's some sort of wierd tech weapon build or something that lets you summon tech weapons out of energy or something like that? Is there anything like that for regular guns? I thought emulate ranged weapon out of soulknife might help, but it explicitly says no guns.

Just noticed a tiny piece of horn floating about, but I'm sure you can erase that out yourself

Discipline Blade shapes, just take Weapon Group Adaptation.

You're a fag-lord for doing this however.

You! You! You're a big fat ugly and your butt smells!

The blending of the hair / removal of the horns was way beyond me, thank you for the work, I can absolutely knock out that little bit of extra floaty stuff.

Ah? Why? I just wanted a big ol' energy gun firing energy bullets to shoot at people with, I was probably gonna go with, like, a rifle at most, nothing techy.

Nobody and nobody. I was bullied as a kid and while it didn't wreck my life completely, it made social life impossible beyond my immediate friends in elementary-, middle- and high school. On the other hand I am now calloused to psychological abuse which I consider a good thing, thus giving me the rather edgy opinion of "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger".

Adventurers should be ugly, because it's an insanely dangerous job and attractive people have something to live for. Also, fuck off you degenerate.

Is Path of War a 3pp?

Anyone know of an online token generator? Something I can make tokens online of NPCs and such.

...Are you real?

Yes he's going to be a sexy trap, But i kinda want that to be the back burner at the moment.

I'm thinking of him actually being on bad terms with Ameiko. Maybe stealing into the Rusty Dragon to try to pinch something hard to get. For the thrill of it of course, he couldn't pawn it off in this sleepy town if he tried.

That's some nice projecting there, kiddo. Sure those aren't your own insecurities?

>he isn't edgy enough to bully others to make them stronger too
What are you doing?

So wouldn't you want to bully everyone then, so that the human race as a whole becomes stronger?

Yeah, kinda new to pathfinder...

You give me too much praise, but thanks. If you need other stuff cropped or recolored just post something in the threads and if I see it I'll work on it.

3pp is 3rd party publisher. The only 1pp is Paizo, and Path of War is made by Dreamscarred Press, so Path of War is 3pp.

It is, yes.

Because that requires effort and I am lethargic as fuck.

>Half giant
>Not Rakshasha-Blooded Tiefling

Do you even young stud?

what did she catch him sneaking into her bed chambers... just to see if he could?

Maybe he broke in, Ameiko caught him, expecting him to be doing something lewd. but in actuality he was just practicing his sneaking.

What do you guys think about the unchained monk?

Easily DHB! I hope one day to drive him to suicide!

It's nice to be able to make a barehand brawler and not feel like a flailing child pretending to be Bruce Lee.

Did you insult her deity in any way?


How much violence is too much violence?

Bro, you can't go around shooting people's dicks off

When you describe it more lovingly than to tell what happened as a natural result of an attack, it's borderline.

When your love of gore is bogging the session down, it's too much.

If at any time you or someone else in your group seems turned on, back it down immediately.

Don't listen to Only Paizo and "muh medieval setting" faggots will hate you for it.

Whether you're materializing firearms, advanced firearms (automatics like the Madsen MG are a very different build however, if you want them to be of any worth) or Tech (*actually weaker than advanced firearms and have to deal with energy resist*, and the touch range hasn't mattered since like the SECOND increment out of five on the advanced ones anyways), the main use of this is to not be shooting your fucking foot off buildwise the way that someone rolling up a regular gunslinger is doing to himself.

Granted this does mean if you really went all out you'd be on par with a longbow archer (which is considered a bit too good even when put side by side with berserking barbarians) but the real value is that instead of needing 20 levels of "please make guns not shit" you can actually now consider them just your weapon, and grab more versatile effects like psychic toolkit and silver crane heal boosts or the like.

Gestalt or multiclassing?

The Warlord gets Piercing Thunder from PoW:E, so you can use boosts from that discipline for jumping attacks.

We did in Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.

Only for the planetouched and elves. Gnomes in my games have the same color range as humans.

Her deity might force her to atone if she hangs around you too much.

That depends a lot on what the Pixie'a Kitten is looking for, doesn't it? An exotic dick, or a huge humanoid dick?

You can when you play a necromancer user.

What are you gonna do with an army of necro-dicks?

inb4 "Fuck shit up"

Oh also you don't need Weapon Group Adaptation unless using Heavy Weapons *AND* not having a harness for them; whether a Nagant, a Flamethrower or a graviton rifle, they're all Firearms group. You'll only need it to qualify as a discipline weapon, but the ranged ones with firearms in them to begin with are the ones that were most "you can only use this maneuver with these weapons" in the first place.

Your GM may (and should) demand you either be from an appropriate place like Numeria or Alkenstar or one of the other worlds (maybe an android or something), or at least demand you take the (MOST OTHERWISE WORTHLESS TAX) Technologist Feat if you wanna start producing lasers out your arms. Which does make sense; a warsoul from a primitive setting where his idea of an incredibly advanced ranged weapon is the composite construction of a crossbow (fuck you not having those paizo they were everywhere) would obviously not conceive of forming XASER cannons or the like. He's never even *heard* of ionizing radiation anyways.