>You're a vampire.
>You do not have fangs.
How do you drink blood?
>You're a vampire.
>You do not have fangs.
How do you drink blood?
Use a knife and drink from the wound, I suppose.
With your mouth?
From a wine glass, like every civilzed vampire.
Sharpened crazy straw, duh.
Well, it's menstruation then.
Use my vampire strength to literally rip their head off and drink from the neck hole like a sports drink
Via your penis. Shit's prehensile yo.
You could use your fingers like Dio Brando
Bendy straw
for the life of me i cannot remember the name nor find it on google, but, i recall watching a vampire movie where the vamps were more like wereleeches, they used their tongues on your neck like a leech to get to your blood.
Scrape and lick.
Because in Bloodborne blood comes in little bottles. Also literally everyone drinks it, not just the vampires.
>drinking straight from the victim using your mouth
I use a wine glass like you should be using already because vampires are a high class society.
Blade 2 had vamps like that
The good ol' shank n' suckle
>Porous talons
>Tentacle tongue straws
>Maw like abdominal cavity
>Mouths on hands
>Cat tongue
>Vampiric hair
>Vaporizing the blood and absorbing it via gills
>If the vampire seeks the Iron in the blood, rust monster antennae
>Secondary lamprey mouth, a la The Strain
scrape and lick
Work at the Red Cross in a blood bank.
>infinite juice pouches
>Forked tongue with metalic tips.
JoJo style, jab my fingers into their neck and drain it through them.
I recall a movie with this concept; the vampires ended up being brutal savages with all manner of sharp weapons to get blood.
I assume I'm a person? Then I'd drink it from a cup or bottle, like humans do. I honestly would do this with fangs. I mean, I have teeth, but I don't eat straight out of a live cow, right?
With a straw, obviously.
>not biting steaks directly from still-living cattle
>needing to kill animals before eating them
When did Veeky Forums get inundated with tree-hugging communist dick-sucks like this guy.
If reading Tarzan taught me anything it's that the best meat is a raw, bloody, still steaming steak torn from the flank of a fresh kill.
And that is why I stopped reading Ann Rice.
Through my fingers. Preferably while stopping time.
Sippy cup.
Some of the donations are some way faulty (like too much fat), so "disposing" those are a part of your work anyway.
I just file my canines. Do you think vampires drink through their teeth or something?
The Strain.
A lot of vampire mythology has that. I think some of the original Romanian Legends they climbed onto peoples roofs and stuck their tongues through the roof slats.
I kinda liked that the Vilebloods were never explicitly called "Vampires" because it's just redundant.
Shank them in the gubbins and drink from the hole you just made.
the only real answer, you savages
bite real damn hard with my regular old teeth. It'll be messy, but i can still tear their throats and get plenty of blood out of the jugular.
The Strain had such a cool premise, the books were really pretty good for a vampire story.
I don't; I directly absorb life-force from my victims.
From humans who wish to pay me tribute.
>you're a vampire
>you do not have fangs or super strength
how do you drink blood?
I... Do I have regular teth? That's enough.
if I'm you, I vape it and tell everyone incessantly that that's what I'm doing
spotted the Malkavian
>Harmless medical vampire
>Doesn't care about the night shift
>Willing to work for much less
>Allows himself to be subject to experimentation, as his existence is an affront to medical science
Another character gone unplayed.
Brutalize and smash my victims literally into pieces.
Lick up the blood.
A good thing I am a Tremere.
Two words: Krazy Straw.
>doesn't even like the taste of blood so uses an intravenous drip
This is the correct answer, everyone else need to civilize up a bit.
Christ, that took a while to get posted.
Tendril-needle-hairs that extend from your fingertips obviously.
Do you even Norvegi?
>Do you even Dio?
>pic related
What's the point of vampirism, then?
I'm assuming you are wondering how one would acquire the blood.
I would drain villains I killed or if technology is far enough along make friends with whatever person or group is handling blood transfusions.
>Ctrl+f rip and tear
>0 of 0
really now?
is that that one where Batman fought Dracula
>>You do not have fangs.
But even normal humans have them. Not really big saber teeth, but still fangs.
no, tendrills from fingers was thingie of hot-blooded ACDC
My nigga.
A sharpened silly straw
Use a knife and catch the spray, or just drink blood bags with a straw.
Blood funnel anyone
Have at you!
Wouldn't they taste bad or at least unusual?
I suppose wanpire have some preferences, like regular humans do with their food.
I must be tired because I read this as
>You do not have legs.
And I just pictured a legless vampire trying to menace an innocent woman from ten feet away. I don't have any input to the actual OP, I just felt like sharing this. Well, bye.
>offer a blowjob
>bite and suck them dry