Vortex Kroak is OP, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Vortex Kroak is OP, edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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First for president kroak and vice president vortex
>butt blasted wfb nerds exploit OP combo that GW didn't think through
>tripfriend insists competitive AoS is fine
>people fall for wow bait in every thread
>no truly new releases in 6 months, probably never again
It is the beginning of the end...
They making money man, I prefer WHFB myself but the change has come and since GHB age is doing ok. Just have to wait and see if the people buying the stuff will keep buying it
>follow the guide
i will try but it is easier to say than do.
I will fuck this up so hard
Just ignore it guys. Leave it alone. Move on.
Are you a new painter? Because likely you will be fucking it up no matter what instructions we give. Because that's just how it is. Your first minis painted are likely going to suck, but just follow painting guides, which are designed for beginners, and even watch Duncan's videos as he gives good tips on painting.
the wfb spergs' salt levels are immeasureable.
Like the dude who set his 600 euro army on fire cause he has such a hateboner for AoS
>Are you a new painter?
i may as well be, last time i painted figurines were some skeletons 10+ years ago and one test skeleton today
i think i know why Infinity is doing okay...
they have femmodels, waifus.
Warhammer has very little waifus and is not doing so well.
Yea I've come to accept it. I totally rejected it until GHB came out. The way I see it, it is an end to the collection. No more chasing the plastic pony.
>not plastic dragon
C'mon man, you had one job.
It's not doing poorly
No, infinity is doing okay because "muh animu"
It's also a well designed game, but I have no interest in it, and I like cheesy pinups. My big issue is there is no wiggle room for aesthetic and conversions. Also it's all metal. I fucking hate metal models.
i want wfbfags to leave or accept reality.
Btw what "nu" races you think GW will add to AoS?
Kys waifu faggot
No idea, just hope my gutbusters get some cool stuff eventually and they aren't left behind for the BCR. Likely not soon since they did do the ogres recently. Here's a WIP
also there are not many other sci-fi skirmishers with their own miniature lines.
they've found their nieche
1 Balewind Vortex,
1 Morathi Leader,
4 Darkshards Battleline,
1 Sisters of Slaughter,
1 Loremaster leader,
1 Dragonlord Leader Behemoth,
1 Dreadlord on Black Dragon Leader Behemoth,
1 Sisters of the Thorn,
1 Sisters of the Watch,
1 Alarielle the Radiant Leader,
1 Handmaiden of the Everqueen Leader
This list murdered: Beastclaw Raiders, Ironjaws, Other Elves, Stormcast multiple flavors, Nurgle daemons, Khorn Daemons, Bloodbound, Multiple flavors of Scavin, Death of multiple flavors, Seraphon, and Silvaneth.
15 games deep zero losses all at 2000 or 2500 points matched play. I think this is officially the best army in the game.
>I play exclusively against bad player.
does believing that comfort you?
Does profiding so many proofs about thoses claims makes your peepee hard ?
>Does profiding so many proofs about thoses claims makes your peepee hard ?
believe what you want to believe. You lack of belief is not necessary.
For some reason I have this terrible feeling that after working on and painting my army for months, I am going to field it and get tabled on turn 2 of the first game I play with it.
I had this same fear about 40k, and it turned out to be true.
>For some reason I have this terrible feeling that after working on and painting my army for months, I am going to field it and get tabled on turn 2 of the first game I play with it.
what's your army list and I will tell you my opinion about how likely it is your fear is justified.
I saw u on Reddit
Hi guys
so heres my army. i'm in fact on a 2178 games winning streak all won by, on before turn 1!
I played against everything and even some apocalypse 40k army but no one can beat me!
I even got a medal from Queen Elisabeth 2 and a blowjob from Kirby !
Also im a Jcup 10 years old girl completing my PhD in 2 months!
also send me your armylist because i obviously know your meta and what kind of player you'll be against so i cam definetly give you the objective point of you of an UNDEAFEATED master (me).
>Hi guysso heres my army. i'm in fact on a 2178 games winning streak all won by, on before turn 1! I played against everything and even some apocalypse 40k army but no one can beat me!I even got a medal from Queen Elisabeth 2 and a blowjob from Kirby !Also im a Jcup 10 years old girl completing my PhD in 2 months!also send me your armylist because i obviously know your meta and what kind of player you'll be against so i cam definetly give you the objective point of you of an UNDEAFEATED master (me
someone is a little sad they aren't as cool as this guy
>I saw u on Reddit
that shit hole sucks, but yes that was me. Also I keep getting banned from TGA cause the mods there are SJW asshats who cant take a joke.
>1000 points - work in progress
Wulfrik the Wanderer
Marauders x30, shields
Bloodreavers x30, reaver blades
horsemen x5, javelins
horsemen x5, javelins
>1500 points - next steps
Wulfrik the Wanderer
chaos sorceror lord
Marauders x40, shields
Marauders x40, shields
Bloodreavers x20, reaver blades
Bloodreavers x20, reaver blades
horsemen x5, javelins
horsemen x5, javelins
I have almost no shooting, and the 1000 point list has no mortal wounds. I've also been told using too many light infantry can be seen as poor sportsmanship due to how long it takes to move everything, but from the beginning I wanted an army of barbarian types. If there was a marauder equivalent of chosen I would field it.
if I had to fight a vortex kroak I would just lose right then and there. The bloodsecrator would get sniped out first turn, and the wizard or warshrine after that. Without those units, the rest of the army will fold very quickly.
>Game just looks like call of duty and gears of war had a halo baby
>The shit looks western as fuck
Seriously, it's like people who call shit "anime" have never actually watched anime.
points - work in progressWulfrik the Wanderer Bloodsecrator Marauders x30, shieldsBloodreavers x30, reaver bladeswarshrinehorsemen x5, javelinshorsemen x5, javelins>1500 points - next stepsWulfrik the Wanderer Bloodsecratorchaos sorceror lord familiarsMarauders x40, shieldsMarauders x40, shieldsBloodreavers x20, reaver bladesBloodreavers x20, reaver bladeswarshrinehorsemen x5, javelinshorsemen x5, javelinsI have almost no shooting, and the 1000 point list has no mortal wounds. I've also been told using too many light infantry can be seen as poor sportsmanship due to how long it takes to move everything, but from the beginning I wanted an army of barbarian types. If there was a marauder equivalent of chosen I would field it.if I had to fight a vortex kroak I would just lose right then and there. The bloodsecrator would get sniped out first turn, and the wizard or warshrine after that. Without those units, the rest of the army will fold very quickly.
That list would be a new one for me. You would have a ton of bodies on the table and could potentially do some work with the overwhelming numbers. Truth is I don't exactly know how that list would play out but either way it would be fun to play against something unique like you've got going. No one ever thinks my army will win either cause conventional wisdom says it shouldn't.
Maybe someone else has seen something similar in action and can give you some better feedback.
>t. phoneposter
>playing 2000pt on a 4x4
pic doesn't show the rest of the table...
No user, you have never watched anime. I have a feeling the only anime you are familiar with is sailor Moon and dragon Ball. Infinity is so anime the entire game is a love letter to Japanese entertainment
The stuff from infinity just looks like shit from modern videogames. Primarily shooters of the third and first variety.
thats a 4x4 games workshop battle mat
unless you show the rest of the table its fair to assume youre playing on a 4x4
You haven't watched much anime have you?
Moonclan Grots is best grots
Gitmob fondles wolf dicks
You must watch some crazy gritty military anime made for westners with realistic faces and lots of shooting where characters have to stay in cover in order to survive more than one second to think this is "anime".
Reminds me of akira
You must watch some fruity over-the-top declare your attacks lightshow action magical anime shit to think that infinity is a western aesthetic.
That shark looks like a total slut
Generally speaking it is a western aesthetic. You see, declaring something to look anime means that it looks like the majority of anime, if it merely looks like fringe cases as opposed to the core of the genre, then it doesn't look like the genre; but those fringe cases alone. If you want to go for something that actually looks like infinity, you'd have to go for western videogame. Hell, they have an assasin's creed faction.
Are we going to start calling 40k a "fisher-price game"
No anime influence here at all, no siree.
Seriously though, some of the drones in the game are 1:1 designs from Ghost in the Shell, the bikers are obviously Akira and you even got Japanese video games with fucking Snake in there.
Plus some spanish stuff, like a corrupt politican as HVT etc.
Other stuff references Hollywood with Braveheart and Highlander too of course.
Infinity steals from everywhere. Most of it comes from Anime and Manga though.
>that denial
Seriously? You really think Infinity isn't anime? Dude, the creators have clearly said "yeah this shit is inspired by anime", not in those words but the same thing. Look at the official art and concept art for the game.
Just because YOU don't think it's not anime, does not mean isn't. I get you are trying to distance yourself from the animu weirdos as much as possible and enjoy the game on its own merits, but that attitude does not make your game any less eastern.
Can we please not fucking talk about this here? It's enough having to deal with the daily WHFB shitters, and now we have to deal with infinityfags shitposting too? Give us a break
How is this related to Age of Sigmar?
Infinity discussion GTFO
For a new player, is this set a good starting point? Or should I get the gold sigmar knights vs red chaos warrior starter pack?
Out of all the releases, what has actually had new kits? All the stormcast stuff, all the bloodbound stuff, all the fyreslayer stuff and some of the ironjaws and sylvaneth? Has everything else been repackaging?
Unless you REALLY want to be KBB or Sigmarines get that box.
It's LITERALLY an old WHFB starter box but in a new packaging
I don' think it has dice or measures though, but that should matter little since chessex dice are more cost efficent and tape measures are everywhere. I'd get a fabric one though so you can measure curves though
Is the elf vs skaven set for christmas only? Do I have time to think about it before i pull the trigger?
Not sure, but even if you do fuck up and decide you wanna play a different force, its literally just the cost of a start collecting, so you don't have that much investment.
More or less. Can't do new models all the time. Especially when half yyour shit needs reboxing. The other factions will get new shit eventually though
Because Age of Sigmar is an anime game, too.
if you want elves or skaven, it is a good box
if you want khorne or stormcast, get the other box
if you want a different faction look to a Start Collecting! box.
If you want treeple or ironjawz, get their big box.
The ironjawz one also comes with a free giant too. I fucking love that kit
Potential WHFB newfag here: What pros and cons does the spire of dawn box have over the sigmar vs chaos warrior starter box? are they roughly equal in terms of what you get out of it?
Also, why do the elf horses have such small hindquarters and have donkey-like faces? Is there an alternate sculpt of this unit? I really like the half elf warriors in shining pope-hats; I think its great. And the griffon rider is an awesome centerpiece. But man, that cavalry ...
Can't decide on how I want to get started between these two box sets.
If you're playing WHFB go to their thread. Just... don't send any of them here. They're annoying as fuck
I guess another question I have is: are the units provided in these boxes useable past the newbie phase? Or is it just chaff that will end up sitting in a box/bag of miniatures and never see play.
Sorry I meant age of sigmar. I suppose WHFB and AoS are technically two different things.
pretty much yes
>Potential WHFB newfag here: What pros and cons does the spire of dawn box have over the sigmar vs chaos warrior starter box? are they roughly equal in terms of what you get out of it?Also, why do the elf horses have such small hindquarters and have donkey-like faces? Is there an alternate sculpt of this unit? I really like the half elf warriors in shining pope-hats; I think its great. And the griffon rider is an awesome centerpiece. But man, that cavalry ... Can't decide on how I want to get started between these two box sets.
My opinion:
The elves in this new box set are not that hot. On the upside they are exceptionally cheap in price so there is that.
The Skavin in the box game seem to be more high preforming in game terms and lend themselves more easily to expand upon into a larger competitive force.
The Stormcast and or Bloodbound starter boxes are good as jumping off points for those armies as well.
The start collecting box sets for the individual factions are IMHO the way to go unless you have a physical friend IRL who is actually going to split the cost and the models for either box game.
One downside of skaven is they have a really annoying fanbase for some reason
Well they're fucking rats
So guys I am looking at the empire militia, and I know it's a legacy warscroll as it is seen in the old empire warscroll compendium document, but I am not entirely sure theyre gone.
Empire militia is not under complendium warscrolls in the GHB, which leads me to believe that they were either renamed for the GA:Order book, or split up or something. Were they? Because if they were, is the kit still for sale, or renamed into something?
They're part of one of the new Free Peoples units. They're basically a loadout now.
But if i wanted that kit pictured above, which kit would I look for on the GW website?
I didn't realize there were people on this site who had never heard of Appleseed.
It's out of print. You won't find it on Games Workshop's website. Try Ebay.
that kit was last chanced early this year
to be fair it was from 1998
Ruleswise they count as "freeguild guard"
Drunken skaven user from last thread here, these are my most recent rats. How do you guys do your banners? I'm beginning to be somewhat satisfied with mine.
Hey guyz,
i played warhammer a looong time (exclusively ogres)
and had to stop 3 years ago (i still followed the fluff and read all end times etc, just couldn't play)
Now that my situation has greatly stabilized and i just ordered my airbrush, compressor, paints etc, i wanted to get back to AoS with ogres ("Ogors").
I DO NOT WANT to use my 8th ogre army into AoS (I want them to stay as they are, frozen in time in my display for remembering the good old time)
And i figured i would try the Bestclaw Rider because they look so motherfucking badass.
Just wanted to make sure that i do not do an enormous mistake by buying 4 Icewind Assault Box for christmas and that it is indeed the cheapest way to get all the models.
I hear beastclaws are turbocheese and take little finesse to play well; just move forward and smash whatever is in the way
I guess that means they embody the theme of Destruction quite well
Icewind assault boxes is a great way to start beastclaw ogors. But 4 of them? Ready to build and paint all those minis and never field all of them at once?
Most people are running 2000 point games, and the model count for beastclaw raiders, even in that point range, is pretty low.
I really would do only 2 icewind assault boxes and that's it. Then if you feel you need more massive-unkillable-mortal-wound-dishing monsters to bring to your tables, then get another.
this user has a good point actually
ONE of those boxes is nearly 1600 points if you build it as the box art shows
AoSg has always been THE shitposting general
>Ready to build and paint all those minis and never field all of them at once?
Yes I do love painting and converting ogres.
Not fielding them isn't that important, even if i didnt knew it was that expensive in point in the new system! (i Downloaded the General handbook but have yet to look at it, since i was reading the fyreslayers battletome as well as the beastclaw)
I couldn't ever field my 8K point WHFB ogres at the same time anyway, and the icewing will probably split as 2 for me and 2 for my wife anyway.
I just take 4 because it looked good value and since the Sylvaneth one and another are already SOLD OUT, I figured i needed to get them relatively soon.
Ill check the general handbook as soon as i'm home because those point value seems crazy haha.
Nah man, the 15 last 40K general have been shitstorm just stacking one above on another.
they are very elite - nearly invincible death stars all, barfing out mortal wounds like it is nothing. It is only natural that they cost a lot of points.
Meanwhile zombies are a thing despite being around the same age and imo inferior in quality. I guess somebody had a massive boner for the kit at the time and so it was never resculpted and when mantic came up with better product they just gave up.
They are more of a containment zone at this point.
anyone know were to get the new ogre book? i dont see it on the pastebin.
I think you most probably have all those models, so you know what you are buying model wise.
Point wise, it is indeed a lot, but then i know many people with 20k+ armies that basocally cant ever be fielded.
GW said that they are restocking the thing. You can subsribe to some email thing or just w8 until the hype is over after christmas.
So the 'Spireguard' are now a Swifthawk Agent Battleline unit. However, 200 pt for 10 is quite a lot. Thoughts?
Currently I only have one skaven banner and I painted it white. Thought that was pretty clever of myself. (my other clanrats have the metal totem thingy)
For my Stormvermin I'm going to try some simple black claw-runes. Maybe on a red banner.
Agreed, I play Skaven but the fcking meme speak, aweful conversions and the weird cheapness is pissing me of to no end.
>Hurdur it's skaven your conversion can look like crap, that's the Skaven look...
Seriously, Skaven are closer to AdMech with their warpstone tech than Orks...
The Spire of Dawn battalion is actually different from the old IoB one. The Skaven force is 820 points, including the battalion.
The Swifthawk Agent one won't load for me, it's only 40 points however. The full battalion force is 900 points.
Are these the old seaguard with bows+spear+shield? They (and other range+melee units) have always been overpriced to 'balance' this versatility. They should just be 0-1 in the force organisation and a little more expensive than regular spear or bow units. In the end you can only do one of these things each round anyway.
>the Swifthawk Agent one won't load for me
Broken for me as well. Won't load, and point values are garbled.
I is true that Spireguard are 200 for 10? Because that's stupidly expensive.
Correction, its 940 in total.
Seems to be correct, however do note that in AoS you can still shoot when you are in combat. So effectively they have 2 attacks.
Furthermore, they halve feeling models when a Swifthawk Agent hero is nearby and get +2 bravery if another Swifthawk Agent unit with a banner is nearby. So 2 units of 10 tith banners that are 8 inch from each other have bravery 8 and halve fleeing models
No, please don't. That's stupid.
Seaguard are balanced as is. They have shittier bows than archers, a worse bonus at 20 dudes and don't get anything for remaining stationary on top of costing 120 as opposed to spear-elves' 80 points.
200 is way to steep. 120 to 140 would be reasonable.
Yeah 200 might be too steep, However the they should be prices at 'elite' levels imo.