/kdg/ Kingdom Death General

Old Thread: Kingdom Death is a game.

>which pledge do I get?
Read the kickstarter.
>how is shipping handled?
Read the kickstarter.
>what new expansions are there?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is the game not coming out till 2020?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is this Percival best girl?
Read the kickstarter.
>what is included in the Gamblers Chest?
Read the kickstarter.

Kickstarter Page: kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description
Adams comments: kickstarter.com/profile/poots/comments
Pledge and addon overview: vibrantlantern.com/KDM15/#pledgelevels

Other urls found in this thread:


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Gambler's Chest Contents (so far)
>Advanced Rulebook
>1 Survivor (TK Fang) [1xMiniature]
>1 Survivor (Aya) [1xMiniature, +2 Promo cards, +1 Art card]
>1 Survivor (JoJo Adam) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Philosophy]
>1 Survivor (Last Man Standing) [1xMiniature, +1 Mighty Axe Rare Gear ]
>1 Survivor (Scout of Death) [1xMiniature, +Pages to Advanced Rulebook, + "A bunch of cards"]
>1 Survivor (Murderer) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Settlement Event, +1 Secret Fighting Art, +2 Gear Cards]
>1 Survivor (Bow Master) [1xMiniature, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Deadrock Fighter) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art]
>1 Survivor (Romantic Adventurer) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Screaming Hoarder) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Disorder, +1 Hunt Event]
>1 Survivor (Darkeye) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Fighting Art]
>1 Survivor (Cockroach Queen) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Disorder, +1 Philosophy]
>1 Survivor (Beast Hunter) [1xMiniature, 1xArmour Set Card, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Zanbato) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Philosophy]

1xAdvanced Rulebook (Includes Philosophy of Death)
2xPromo Gear Cards
4xRare Gear Cards
2xGear Cards
1xArt Card
1xSecret Fighting Art
3xFighting Arts
1xAdvanced Fighting Art
5xPhilosophy Cards
1xSettlement Event
2xAdvanced Disorders
1xHunt Event
1xArmour Set Card

>to be continued

Lantern and sexy mosquito lady or Gold Lantern?

Is percival the "black knight pinup"?

Guys, I found a leak for the Oblivion Mosquito pinup.

To the user asking about the nightmare ram node, I'm an idiot and was thinking of the screaming god. Ram is probably T2, T3 at most.

No, the Black Knight is Percival's dog who developed an obsession for her after she died and is now killing anyone who approaches him who isn't Percival as he waits in the spot she told him to wait for her at

>Lonely Tree explanation

There's a lot of confusion about this expansion and how it works. Let me try to explain it as accurately as I can.

The fundamental confusion comes from the fact that there's actually two parts of the expansion -- there's the Lonely Tree the terrain piece and then there's the Lonely Tree the showdown / fight.

The terrain piece can show up in any showdown during a campaign just by drawing its card from the terrain deck. Additionally, there is a hunt event which can happen once per campaign and is basically guaranteed to happen at some point which adds the terrain piece to the upcoming fight. During the fight with the terrain piece present there will be a number of fruit on the ground equal to the monster level. The monster will try to eat this fruit on its turns. If it does, it heals, and if it can't heal (full health) it gains a damage token. You can try to move the fruit around to prevent this. At the end of the fight with the terrain piece if any fruit remains on the ground then you get a strange resource called Lonely Fruit.

From here you can use the Lonely Fruit resource to sacrifice a survivor (your choice, choose the old fart with three crippling disorders) in order to trigger a special showdown with a fully grown Lonely Tree. This does not consume a year as it is a special showdown. At the end, if you beat it, you'll get some random basic resources and one fruit (depending on level tree you fought) which a survivor can consume to gain a permanent ability.

So that's the Lonely Tree. It's a fight which you might be able to face once per campaign -- but only if you can keep the monster in the terrain piece battle from eating all of the fruit -- and which gives you some fairly mediocre but not nonexistant rewards. It's not a bad expansion, honestly, it's just a bad value. At an MSRP of $75 it's way too expensive for what gameplay it adds; that tree figure is huge and costly and is what carries the entirety of its weight.

I'll take 10.

Lonely muse is my waifu

So what you're saying is at $35 it might be worth it.

Where are you getting that from? It wasn't on Black Knight or Female Squire's fluff?

Check Percival's on the website:

>Percival is a member of a small order called the Black Knights. The Black Knights were founded by a militaristic settlement that hoped to conqueror the darkness and provide a safe haven for humanity. A great crusade called the Black Knights into action and Percival left her home never to be seen again.
>Before leaving, she commanded her loyal companion, a young puppy, to wait for her safe return. He still waits to this day.

>So what you're saying is at $35 it might be worth it.
Sure, probably. I haven't played it so I can't really vouch for it, honestly. The people who have fought it say it is a very interesting and unique showdown.

At $35 it probably is worth it, sure. But it's still less worth it than literally every other expansion on the table. So I honestly wouldn't get it unless you're getting everything, at which point you grab Ancient Gold Lantern and it and the Lion God are basically free due to the bundle savings.

Anyone else love spidy fluff?

>hey bro, I'm back
>except I'm not, not the way you were thinking

That's one twisted pider


Gold Lantern if you like narrative sculpts. Lantern + expansions if you want moar gameplay (Though right now Dragon King and Frogdog would probably be the best, rather than mosquito lady).

The GC will absolutely be worth the cost and seems to have some good gameplay but it does skew towards pretty plastic > Crunch.

The GC is mostly nonsexual pinups. And that really is not a bad thing. These sculpts look drop dead gorgeous and trend towards commonly used builds as well.

I wanna see a Lantern Armor + double Skullcap Hammer narrative sculpt. I've never seen anyone successfully complete that set but it looks so absurdly OP if you do.


>I've never seen anyone successfully complete that set but it looks so absurdly OP if you do.

I failed to clear that on my People of the Lantern campaign, but managed on People of the Stars. 8 armor to every location (10+ with a Shield Master in settlement) is sweet. Ignoring a survivor's Overwhelming Darkness roll is even sweeter. The linkups are kind of annoying since you usually don't want Deaf but NEED to get that breastplate linked. The club damage is hilarious.

IME it's obviously the most defensive set, and the offensive power isn't shabby either, but Phoenix gives you some more tactical options while Leather is infinity easier to make.

Start farming iron early.

>Oblivion Mosquito is Node 2.
Damnit Poots. I wanted an all insect campaign with Spidicules, Oblivion Mosquito and an unrevealed Node 1 monster.

Please post more young survivor

pics, lewds, greentext, fics


What was your strategy for getting enough iron to pull it off? Just bring pickaxes on every character to every hunt?

>young survivor

Young survivor is not for lewd, she is pure and only can be given encouraging headpats.

Fucking Teleiophiles

>playing a campaign trying to get the Green Knight Armor
>fight level 3 lion knight
>manage to win
>cheers all around the table
>get the sweet loot
>trigger Finale event
>one of the players starts crying

I'm curious how well those who own / have played the game think this would work out:

At the end of each session the group nominates a survivor who doesn't have an up to date mini to get a new mini. Over the week / two weeks between sessions I then build (as accurately as I can) that survivor and paint them up.

How long do you think I could keep that trend up? Will I have issues running out of duplicate weapons / armor pieces?

So I guess that's the theme of this thread huh? We just gonna cry?

some of the very smart people commenting on the kickstarter are concerned that the mosquito abdomen may be dick-looking. I didn't see it before, but now I hope it can swallow survivors with it's not-urethra, like the phoenix butthole

I need to start painting my minis, but I don't want to butcher these things. Life is hard.

>this game

Like really? This is the one that gets them concerned? The giant brain bug? The multiple gaping assholes, dick-headed god and all the balls were fine?

It's pretty much guaranteed.

Being inserted into orifices is a big theme in KD.

how come a well, outhouse, and stockade aren't part of innovations? If these are people starting from nothing in civilization, I'd think they would invent these before heart flutes and record keeping

Someone needs to make a KD edit of this.

Good luck to start leather early, like just after Tyrant 1 (Butcher for core), at least one pick (preferably more) every hunt. Placing Mineral gathering after Overwhelming is also super-lucrative, potentially. Even then it took to late teens But worth the gear grid slots. So worth it.

they poop in the mouths of the faces
the lantern hoard protects the survivors well enough

I don't think many have seen monsters beyond the kickstarter. Someone should post the sunstalker, forge god, and wetnurse there

Fair enough. Forgot to check hers.

The sunstalker isn't sexual unless you have an attention to detail that these people prove time again not to

I'm curious, would the backers here say they bought KDM because it looked like a really interesting game that had some neat models, or because It was a bunch of really good models that came with a neat game? Would you buy the game (appropriately priced) if one or the other were scaled back and made cheaper?

I feel like as someone who backed primarily for the models, I'm in the minority. If KDM was just a Boss Rush game with a simpler gear & combat design I'd still buy it.

All the posts last thread saying Gambler Chest is low for gameplay value got me thinking that. It's a totally reasonable opinion to have, I just find the 14 models you get (as of right now; there probably a good few more) make the $100 worth it as is. the rules, gear, philosophies, etc are just icing on the cake.

the hunt table has multiple references to water sources, and a river.
Your response to the outhouse and stockade, however, is quite reasonable and I accept that logic.
Even taking a dump in KD is now a weird, voyeuristic, scat thing. Male survivors probably use monster grease and face fuck the stone faces when they can't roll for intimacy.

The Sunstalker is literally a giant broccoli penis though.

The back of its head is penis glans, and it has its floppy long dick in front. Should be good for outraging some

>>this game
Alright, we officially need edit of this one image with Gorm on Sunstalker in the background.

I backed the 2012 kickstarter probably 65% for the models and 35% of the game. I was pleasantly surprised that the game was... well, fun.

Lion God, Mr observant.

I would buy a scaled-back cheaper KDM in a heartbeat


Get cheap minis to practice on. Reaper Bones, D&D Icons of the Realm, and Kings of War are ideal places to get started. Or buy from chinaman.

I can second Bones. They're like 3 bucks a pop at your FLGS. Pick out a couple and give it a shot. You'll get into the flow of it before long.

I never realized just how much a dick glans this is..

but the real question is, whose is it?

Did poots subtly slide in a mould of his raging erection in his game?

Sunstalker confirmed for Woboffet

What I meant is that I dont see how they could put a well through stone with their limited tech. Even tent hovels are as good as their housing gets. I guess I could see it as an innovation.

Important to note is that if you hear it, you get another lonely fruit, so you can fight it multiple times. If you really want to. It looks like a crazy fight.

Are you sure about that? I only see you getting another if you lose the showdown. Or is it from a hit location crit or something?

Looking at the scan of the book now, the rewards are random basic resources equal to the number of nightmare fruit still on the board plus a special fruit based on what level you fought.

Mosquito says you can fight it year one if you're brave enough, just have it replace lion. Poots won't get upset, I promise.

Here's some more tears-

That Mosquito armor looks WICKED SICK-ICK-Ick-ick!

Hopefully someone else can do better

That's gold. Good work man.

I laughed. A lot.

Good enough to get the job done.

Nice work!


Sounds like a good settlement event. A white speaker mysteriously enters the settlement and visits each survivor with a permanent injury. Roll, and on a '1' one survivor, nuzzled against her warm bosom, decides this is as good a way to die as anyone is ever going to get and passes away happy. Set departing survivors' survival to '0'.

Actually it looks like a big rupturing cum spurt birthing hands.

what are the two red marks? gills? gills that look like STDs?

You don't have those? I'm so sorry user. They feel fucking great man.

Which expansions come with innovations? Can the dragon and sunstalker starting locations like the spawn pool be used in the base game?

damn, i'm circumcised... happy merchants strike again

Did I do good?

I don't think that was a "happy ending" user.
"Santa, can you help me?"

ms paint/10

Pic related are the only expansion innovations which key into the core innovation tree via the consequences mechanism. All of the rest of the innovations require specific events or triggers to get added to the game. You can't use the Dragon / Sunstalker Lantern Hoard replacements outside of their campaigns.

Round Stone Training comes with the Dung Beetle Knight.
Shadow Dancing comes from the Sunstalker.
Choreia comes from Spidicules.
Settlement Watch & War Room come from the Dragon King.
Petal Spiral comes from the Flower Knight.

Most of them are pretty solid. The only one I don't like is Choreia and that's mostly because it's too high risk. Harvestman is an awesome fighting art, but 70% chance of spending two endeavors to do nothing? Yeah nah.

>Settlement Watch & War Room come from the Dragon King.

Choreia is OK if you're Protect the Young/Collective Toil/Graves so Survivors are expendable and endeavors are cheap. But that's kind of specific and the damn spider likes to punish those sorts of choices (Protect the Young at least)

For context, here are the FAs and disorders mentioned on those cards so you can judge their strengths on their own merits.

He did the honorable thing, denying his programming. He walked into extinction, one last midnight, opting out of a raw deal.

Yep, you're right, my bad. Got the icons mixed up.

While it's not part of the innovation tree, the Gorm Alchemy system is a pretty big deal for innovations. Should probably post that as well.

Wow, Settlement Watch and War Room are great. Shame they aren't in the core set, or at least a more interesting expansion than hat noose guy.

>no second roll

>Being this butthurt about GC Rolls

Did he say two rolls?

I've been staring at this comment dumbfounded for the past hour...
Poots is joking right? This is a joke?

Poots seems to be responding right now. Someone who has pledged just ask. He did mention it in a previous post.

You got two rolls. They were a 5 and a 5. Deal with it faggot.

Poots isn't much of an anime guy, no.

Why would anyone make this shit? It's only ("only") got three strength over the Zanbato but it's still fucking frail and it costs 3 iron to replace instead of the one cat bone + 2 hides. Just seems like a shit deal.

Im gonna call bullshit on that considering theres a Kamina figure.

Because I want to be Guts, duh.

*1d30+3 Strength over Zanbato.

Whoops I meant 1d10+3

Yeah I see that now. It got lost in all those keywords. Makes more sense now.

I still hate that it's frail though. I can accept that a bone sword would be, but this thing's made out of iron for fuck's sakes.


Because of Sharp, and you run frail removal on it, same as Zanbato.

3 Iron means you can hunt whatever to get its resources back, rather than relying on Lions (and while relying less on the RNGod)

1d10+3 strength over Zanbato thanks to sharp, which is significant for very late game showdowns.

Don't need to link affinities to get Devastating, which gives you more freedom with your gear grid.

It's not a great upgrade, but it's an upgrade. I think Sharp is what really pushes it up, Str 6 on the Zanbato starts to struggle, at least for 'training' survivors, by the endgame.

Maybe the handle keeps breaking off because it's too heavy.

and too rough?

this guy gets it

It could barely even be called a sword.

Because you further upgrade it into the perfect slayer.