/FEG/ Fading Embers General

Continuation of Looks like we're getting a real war game on our hands.

Other urls found in this thread:


Migrating my suggestion for the Knights' basic statline

Order of the Aegis. Mutated into massive guardians.

Lord Marshal 110 huge heavy armored leader q2 c4

Veteran knight 73 huge heavily armored q2 c4

Knight 58 huge heavily armored q3 c4

Knight aspirant 30 huge q4 c3

Order of the lance. Mutated to run faster than humanly possible and go days without rest.

Lord Marshal 113 long move leader q2 c4

Vanguard 75 long move q2 c4

Knight 60 long move q3 c4

Knight aspirant 35 fragile long move q4 c3

Order of ? Mutated for superhuman reflexes.

Lord Marshal 108 agile evade and counter leader q2 c4

Duelist 70 agile evade and counter q2 c4

Knight 56 agile evade and counter q3 c4

Knight aspirant 27 agile q4 c3

Order of ? Mutated for superhuman eyesight.

Lord Marshal 113 longbow unerring aim leader q2 c4

Sniper 75 longbow unerring aim q2 c4

Knight longbow unerring aim q3 c4

Knight aspirant longbow q4 c3

What do you all think?

Niiice pic OP. Should we include Primitive Human Tribal nomads as a minor faction?

Wouldn't they get wiped out by the lizadds prety fast?




well while i'm at it might as well drop the suggestions i have for the lizards statline. For the record all names are just stand ins, assuming you guys decide to use these stat lines they would need some new names.

Archer Horde lord 90 savage mount composite bow good shot inspiring presence q3 c2

mounted archer retainer 64 savage mount composite bow good shot q3 c2

mounted archer elite 52 mounted composite good shot q3 c2

mounted archer 39 mounted composite good shot q4 c2

Mounted archer novice 35 mounted composite q4c2

Calvary Horde lord 86 savage mount free disengage inspiring presence q3 c3

Calvary retainer 60 savage mount free disengage q3 c3

Elite calvary 48 mounted free disengage q3 c3

Calvary 36 mounted free disengage q4 c3

Calvary novice 29 mounted free disengage q4 c2

Am i just barking up the wrong trees here?

OP of the original thread here, for future reference, a thread doesn't hit bump limit until 310, and doesn't leave the catalog until it hits page 10. We should wait until that happens before starting a new thread from now on.

Also, I'm also the OP of the /fvgt/, a thread dedicated to encouraging threads like these to pop up more often. We've actually been looking for a Wargame to help make a free wargaming simulator, BattleBox3d, more popular on here. I posted the last thread as an experiment, but I didn't expect it to get near the popularity it did. As such, I'd be happy to work on gathering 3d models and tokens for BB3D and Tabletop Simulator in order to make actually playing this game a reality.

These images are all awesome by the way. Very nice.

Sorry, I don't mean to intrude on you but I thought I'd take the initiative. Like I said I don't know the post limit so I won't do anything like that again in future

Thank you. This is the last one unless someone wants to write stuff for the remnant. sorcerers, dragons and the free city

Agreed, they fit the setting perfectly.

I was picturing constantly moving, paranoid, stealthy familial tribes of only twenty or so individuals at the most. They'd be extremely rugged, and possibly mutated to more easily survive the wastes. The tribal nomads would survive by avoiding everyone else, and would likely be a Peril of the Wastes, and possibly cheap mercenaries for the Yona Clan

This is a question bridging the background and the game rules that champion anons like and are working on.

Should the eldritch dragons be represented on the tabletop, or should their faction be represented entirely through their centaur servants, with the strongest centaurs being those most corrupted?

Proposal for the lizardmen monks of their monasteries

Master of the monastery 94 Arrowcatcher ,Flurry of Blows, Way of intercepting fist . Inspiring presence q3 c2

Enlightened one 68 Arrowcatcher ,Flurry of Blows ,Way of intercepting fist q3 c2

Master monk 54 Arrowcatcher ,Way of intercepting fist q3 c2

Monk 41 Arrowcatcher , Way of the intercepting fist q4 c2

novice monk 26 way of the intercepting fist q4 c2


So these are all my proposals thus far. Can i get some feedback. Here what you all think, and if you'd like to see more or if i should step back and let some other user's up to bat.

They should be the smallest model count faction imo, either have a dragon or two that are powerful as fuck and some centaur soldiers.

...why do i always miss something and look like an idiot. Hear, not here. Blasted typos.

I really like what you've done so far, I think you've nailed the knights pretty much perfectly

Maybe have like one dragon lord and then the rest as centaurs? I can mock up a quick stat line for review if you would like.

I'd also like to push for a new goal: Getting the Supplements uploaded to the PDF Share Thread. Each supplement is $10, and there's three that we need in order to get all the factions statted.

I'd like to propose that someone put forward their PayPal, we all pitch in a dollar or two, then that person purchase and upload the docs to the PDF Share Thread for everyone.

How many supplements are there? user doing the stat lines here, depending on how many there are i may be willing to just drop and buy them myself.

There's two out right now: Hammer and Forge, and Fightin' Fungi.



The last one, Axe and Brimstone, just funded on Kickstarter, and backers of a certain level get the PDF.

Alright, lemme think about it for a bit. in the meantime here is a proposal for a dragon statline based on the fluff we have so far. though it's kinda ridiculous

253 Dragon armor, Dragon fire, Undead, gargantuan, flying, terror, incorporeal q2 c5

Dayum son, ridiculous is right.
But I think that fits with the dragons' identity, so I'm cool with ridiculous!

>mfw your dragon is two thirds of your army

I'm down

ok, so here is a quick idea for the absolute baseline centaur. Just wanna get all your thoughts before i do any more development on the line to make sure i'm taking it in the right direction.

24 undead mounted q5 c3

The Big trait too, perhaps?
Also Q5 seems pretty bad. I'd go with at least 4.

However this wishlist is bumping up their points, so perhaps keep the centaurs shitty? I'm torn.

yeah, i mean i know q5 is pretty bad, but i figure if your sinking such a massive point investment into your dragon (assuming anyone uses it) then you need cheap underlings. or i just go whole hog on them and they expensive as all get out and you have even less units than the knights on field. But that just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe have the centaurs on parity with the lizards?

How's this instead:

Points 44 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Traits: Drain, Magic Resistance, Mounted, Undead, Unreactive

Actually, Try this instead:

Points 34 Quality 5+ Combat 3
Traits Trait: Drain, Magic Resistance, Mounted, Undead, Unreactive

And the thread is now Archived.

alright lets see

Baseline 34 Mounted undead drain magic resistance unreactive q5 c3

Improved 39 Mounted undead drain magic resistance unreactive respawn q5 c3

Elite 66 Mounted undead drain magic resistance unreactive respawn q4 c3

Archer baseline 39 Drain, Magic Resistance, Mounted, Short Bow (W), Undead, Unreactive q5 c3

Improved Archer 44 Drain, Magic Resistance, Mounted, Respawn, Short Bow (W), Undead, Unreactive

Elite Archer 66 Drain, Magic Resistance, Mounted, Respawn, Short Bow (W), Undead, Unreactive

different varieties of favored of the dragons

72 Burrowing, Mounted, Respawn, Rotting Touch, Undead q3 c3

88 Drain, Mounted, Regeneration (P), Undead q3 c3

84 Deathshriek (P), Drain, Mounted, Undead q3 c3

84 Double Strike (P,W), Drain, Mounted, Undead q3 c3

84 Battle Giant (P), Drain, Mounted, Undead q3 c3

We discussed back in the first thread's lore parts about the possibility of the Dragons having a cheap as fuck total cannon fodder nearly useless Undead unit to supplement the Centaurs. The Lore also made passing mention of the dragons being "inert," and that Centaurs who are too close to the Dragons become max corrupted and horrible

What if the setup is something like there are three levels of Dragon, Full powered, half-powered, and nascent, and the level of Dragon you take with you indirectly dictates the rest of your army. If you take a full-grown dragon, you can only afford to take a handful of good Centaurs, or a decent number of useless cannon fodder zombies and less-good hyper-corrupt Centaurs. If you take a nascent dragon, you can take a full contingent of Centaurs and don't need to waste your time on shit zombies, and if you take a medium dragon you split the difference?

I make this suggestion still not really having looked at the rules for this system we're borrowing. This is just lore-based. It also makes sense as to why the dragons enslaved the Centaurs at all if they're so powerful instead of just consuming them like they plan to do all other life: their lesser forms require a bit of tending and protection while they suck in enough life to reach their full-grown state.

>Opens thread for pic
>Gets interested in pics and quotes
>Goes back through old thread
>Oh No

Writefag reporting in. I know absolutely nothing about playing wargames but the faction building has greatly interested me. I've only been able to skim through the last thread, but would anyone have a compilation doc of the agreed-on lore? I'd love to write/expand for Fading Embers.

That, makes some pretty good sense. I'll come back to it in a bit. I really need to go write now, i'm behind on updates.

I was actually about to suggest that myself. We need a compilation document, and a wiki page. I don't have the time right now(Finals) but anyone willing to volunteer would be great.

Do the lizards ride horses? I think they should ride something cooler.

There was a suggestion for Utahraptors and one tribe having a single T-rex

That's how roleplaying games started, iirc. A group got bored of renacting battles with figurines so one of the players took a toy dragon, set it on the board, and said "what do you do now?"

My suggestion was that the lizards have access to a variety of mounts based on their units to represent the fact that they can range in and survive in the wastes better than any other living race, but they should have a basic mount that's sort of their cultural touchstone in the way Horses are for humans, and an upgraded special breed of that basic mount for officers/khans/whatever.

I'm all about the lizardmen riding flightless birds. T-Rex sounds kind of... autism

Giant komodo dragons

I think just for simplification of rules leaving them as mounted makes it best. We can just say their baseline mount is something more exotic, and have a bigger meaner version for the higher ups. Personally when i was going through the statline i never thought of them as riding horses.

Dinosaurs do come to mind, but that feels like stealing from Warhammer Lizardmen.


The lizardmen of Fading Embers are nomadic, at least from what I read. I'm thinking something exotic but not super crazy. Camels? Maybe larger-than-average leopards or gazelles? Seeing a large gazelle/deer doing those short jumps/skips would be scary--seeing a lizardman riding one more so.

No doc yet but apparently there will be one

Basically the world is dying. A lot of the north has basically become wastelands, desert and tundra and only small pockets of land are still hospitable

Be warned, I did a decent amount of the writing for Visamti and Zelthen so my description of them will probably be more fleshed out than the others.


Preservers of Zelthen's Light:
They were a group of fanatics and zealots from before the end time who were constantly preaching about an armageddon. As the world turned to shit they began gaining more traction since their prophecies began coming true. They use drugs and magical manipulation to turn recruits into veritable killing machines with no sense of remorse or pity. They also believe that to save the world they have to rid it of all the evil in it. Being a knight of the order means forsaking your civilian life to follow the endless crusade. They're basically turbo-spartan drugged-out templar killing machines who don't know anything but the constant war they are waging. They live in castles and monasteries in the mountains but protect various villages and trade routes too. They hail from the Old Kingdom of Restavia.

The Yonas Clans:
Bear druids who have a matriarchal society. Through nature magics they have been able to create small pockets of fertility where they live. Their a loosely knit confederation of these 'islands' who work together, pooling their druidic magic to try and find a way off of the dying planet. I recommend reading the original posts about them since it's pretty interesting.

Visamti Empire:
The human empire in the south which has dominated the world for centuries. They are ruled by an Archon who has lived for 300 years and a ruling elite who use demonic magic to bolster their armies. They are all for slavery and the Archon isn't really concerned about the end of the world, he mostly just wants to continue conquering neighbors and operating like a Feudal empire. (Cont)

Why not a wingless, dragon, or a wrym of some kind that they more or less worship?

I second this


Do camels even work for a calvary charge though?

Gazelle Calvary. Fund it.

I propose that Crazy Hassan the Used Camel Trader is included in the setting as an insignificant, elusive, and mysterious trader specializing in camels. This would have no impact on the wargame itself, just be hilarious.

Maybe turn to rules to decide the mounts?

The dragon faction's overall playstyle is "Few, strong units". So if the lizardmen had t-rexes, for example, that would be a lot of overlap.

In general what kind of overall faction stratigies are in war games? Lots of weak units and few strong units are obvious ones.

this has caused a lot of turmoil inside the empire. A lot of people think that the Archon's approach will only leave them unprepared when the apocalypse comes to Visamt. The main contender to the throne is his great great (...) Granddaughter who is amassing an army to overthrow him. He's more interested in pitting the factions of the world against each other and sabotaging their plans of survival so that he can continue living his gluttonous life. Their armies are made up of decent cavalry and demons who are summoned by powerful spellcasters.

Lizardfolk Hordes:
Once again, read the original posts since a lot of effort went into crafting their lore but BASICALLY they are mongol-esque hermaphroditic lizard people who think that they need to rid the world of all humans to become gods and ascend to a new world. They work as mercenaries for any faction which is willing to hire them but hate the Preservers of Zelthen's light the most. I feel like I'm missing some important parts of their lore so once again I implore you to check it out.

Eldritch Dragons:
These horrific creatures have only come about after the coming of the end times and feed upon the despair in the world. They make their homes in the wastelands and have successfully enslaved and corrupted a race of philosopher centaurs who are now nothing but violent husks. Once again, READ THE ORIGINAL POSTS

There's also four minor factions which I'll give a brief description of shortly


>Incoming writefaggotry

Why worship the Antithesis? Why not worship those consume the stars like grains of oats? Why not stand in awe of those who extract the essences of the world around them with the same effort as wringing water from a dishrag? Why not prostrate yourself before those whom the might of great wizards and gigantic armies mean as little as a sunbeam in stopping your movements? It is a child or a fool who would dare deny the proof that exists before them.

~Discussions on the Antithesis from Archippos the Enlightened. Year of the End 683.

Kinda viewing the centaurs through an Ancient Greek-like viewpoint. Why not worship those who disprove everything you thought you know about the ways of the world? Leastways, in the mindset of the one who still think gud.

Gazelle Cavalry is an incredible and unique concept, I nominate that they are included as a Lizardmen mount.

What if there were four choices for Lizardman baseline mounts, that make no real difference apart from appearance?

Horses, warhorses that have been bred to survive in the wasted. They aren't as rugged as the other mounts, but they are powerfully built and can carry plenty of loot. Most Lizardmen horses would be stolen from Humans.

Camels, just normal Camels selectively bred and mutated for war.

Tamed Raptors, basically slender riding dinosaur lizards with some bird features, like colored feathers, talons, and a hooked beak full of sharp teeth, good for ripping and tearing man-flesh.

Gazelles, huge, lithe, almost horse-sized, ferocious Gazelles with boundless agility and antlers for goring and thrashing.


Lizards were defined as High Mobility Close-Combat units, and we either were going to make them incredibly fast and light guerilla tactics, or high approach, high melee tanks.

Well the way i had been looking at the lizardmen was to play them like mongols, like we had been saying in the fluff. Thats why i mounted all of them, had a group of mounted archers, and then gave the other a free disengage so they could hit and run like actual calvary does irl. i figured lizards would be highly mobile. Problem is looking at the centaurs there is a lot of overlap , and i'm not quite sure what to do about it. Honestly i feel like maybe just giving the dragons basic undead underlings rather than centaur undead underlings would be best. there would be less overlap and it would lead to more unique factions i think.

Free City State of Berustia
A crowded city state which is the last normal place on earth. They have militia and are mostly interested in preserving their independence from the other factions. They are a major maritime power and make their living off of fish and other such goods

Remnant of Restavia
The survivors of the old Kingdom of Restavia, which was the northern kingdom the knights hailed from which has become nothing but a wasteland. They have outlawed magic but developed technology to a point past any of the other factions. They have steam tanks and what not.

Sorcerers of Olde Restavia
Sorcerers of Restavia who were able to carve out small holdings for themselves during the fall of their homeland. They use golems for their armies, live in towers and have a unique approach to societal structure that resembles communism

Dwarves and Giants
Two proud races who have not been able to stand up to the fall of the world and have become nomads instead. The dwarves ride in the beards of the giants, wandering the Tundra together in vain. They hate lizards because they chased them out of their old homes.

ALso there's some talk of the Dwarves having sluggish attributes but I don't know where that's up to.

I'm feeling Gazells as a mount, maybe trained raptors as a super cheap, high damage/speed, low everything else unit? Like attack dogs?

I like it, keep it coming. I plan on giving some fluff writing in a bit. Honestly I'm excited for the wargame but I already love the setting so much that I'll use it for a D&D campaign at the very least.

Thing is, Stating units is just point buying traits. The Mount trait provides the same benefits no matter what the mount is, and only changes when you add more mechanical traits to reflect that(Movement increase, Size modifier) Mounts and Riders are treated as a single unit.

I wrote a lot of the Lizardmen lore, and this is pretty spot-on, but they aren't hermaphrodites. They have two sexes, male and female, but they have almost no sexual dimorphisism beyond their reproductive organs. They're also able to mate with Humans and spawn Lizardmwn offspring.

The Dwarves, however, were hermaphroditic.

Is anyone gonna throw together the political map or should I?

Ah yeah that's it. Sorry bb

Maybe Gazelles as the basic mounts and raptors as the savage mounts for the higher ups?

I kind of like the idea of having primitive human nomads as a Peril of the Wastes along with the undead. After all, the world's a big place, and there's bound to be human wanderers, Lizard hordes or no, humans are awesome survivors when they're pushed to the brink. I don't know, it makes the world feel a bit more, lived in, I suppose.

I think this is stupid and aproaching that guy fetish territory.

That was back when we were making them slugs. They're no longer Hermaphroditic, just Dwarves.

Split the mounts by purpose.

Give the big tanky lixards camels and the smaller hit and run strikers gazelles.

For added fun, make the mounted troops capable of being split into two units since camels will fuck you up IRL and gazelles could be fluffed to be trained to use their horns while their rider dives on their target with a spear.

High risk high reward and it differentiates them from any other mounted or cavalry type unit.

Good News Everyone! The dev for BattleBox3d has just given me the basics of a tutorial for making quick 2d tokens in the tool:

>To make a new token copy both the .dae and the .png. Rename them identically to what you want them called. Using some kind of image editor place the front and back images in their respective locations. color the token base/edge regin if deisred.

>Place the dae and png in the models folder and start bb3d. It should import cleanly.

Files are here: drive.google.com/file/d/0B0FNPX-6FdaOX2JSVjRYTU45QU0/view

So, all we need to get started is some Art. Don't worry about the size of the model, you're able to scale them up in-game. Boom.

It's not quit 3d poseable models just yet, but it's a quick and easy solution until I can find the time to actually gather models we can actually use and rig them.

This is NOT supposed to be a final map (I made it on MS paint) but what do people think of the general placement of factions? Nomad factions like Lizards are assumed to just live in the wastes

I think maybe move the Yonas clans more down and to the right towards that peninsula. but thats just me. May i assume all the white is wastes?

So we gonna stick with the centaurs then? Or replace them with more generic undead and leave mounted as the lizardmens niche? Looking at the system i feel there really isn't enough to differentiate them significantly if they are both mounted. We could change centaurs out so that instead of mounted they were just long movement thought. That might work.

I would me the free city east as it seems that as a centre of trade it is too isolated at the moment

Maybe move the knights over towards where it is, have the bear clans in the uper right hand corner, and then place the merchants on the Peninsula by the inland sea?

I have an SVG of the blank version of this map if anyone wants it.

If we go with the idea of having the dragon on the field and the centaurs are just thralls for the most part then having them all be "mounted" is not that big of a deal.

Assuming equal costs assume you have a human force of 30 units split equally into infantry, cavalry, and range/support. If this army is going up against a dragon/centaur army the centaur player has a dragon and only 10 centaurs that are having to pull split duty between cavalry, protecting the dragon, and possibly another role.

The extra mobility is a necessary concession.

Yeah... If they're dwarves and not slugs, we should avoid hermaphroditism, the last thing we want to do is invoke the wrath of /d/.

I think having bearded slugs for the sake of uniqueness is autistic, and I think that nomad Dwarves are a better idea. All the same, the idea that the Dwarves have fundamentally changed over the centuries to survive the Wastes really speaks to me. It'd be interesting if they were 90% Dwarf, but had mutated over time to become 10% Slug.

They'd look like Dwarves but distinctively, changed, in a few subtle ways. Jus picture: Their skin is slightly yellowed or an almost sickly shade of green, and looks almost rubbery in consistency. Their body perspires with a strange, watery, almost mucuosy slime, and their eyes have a sort of yellowy film over them. Their movements are almost painstakingly precise and methodical, their eyes seem to catch everything going on around them, and something about them feels the slightest bit, strange.

Maybe I'm autistic, but it feels interesting to me. They're Dwarves all the same, but they're not, at all the same.

That makes sense, as they are they are literally their own mount. I feel that they should focus on melee, and buffing the shit-tier zombie units. Maybe a specialist unit that serves as a mediocre, cheaper caster that can do reasonable damage at medium range.

The Free City ISN'T a trade hub. There aren't supposed to BE trade hubs. This is a dead world. The Free City survives because its on the sea and they have a profound maritime tradition.

I feel like a lot of this lore might be moving away from the elegiac feel most of the first thread had in favor of high fantasy, and that would be a shame.

You don't need them to be part slug for any of that.

They look sickly because the cold sunlight is slowly killing their entire species. Every generation is weaker without the protection of spending most of their time underground in their formerly great cave cities.

They hide in the hair and beards of the giants not just for transport, but to hide from the sun that is killing them.

I feel like only SOME Centaurs should be melee oriented and count as mounted. These are cultists after all, support should be their main focus. The hyper-corrupted ones being melee oriented because they've been warped into more physically able forms would certainly track though.

Anyone have any good ideas for images we could use to make the mini's for the knights? And other factions of course.

Perhaps the division of centaurs serving under the dragons are the >1% of necromantic lich-like sycophants that still can think and reason, maybe 5% ones that are wight-like in manner (Have enough consciousness to hold a battle-line and employ tactics) that want to absorb the nodes and become the necro's, and the remaining 95% soulless, brainless husks that are cannon fodder to tie opponents down for the others to chop them up and feed to the big dragon.

This way, it's still undead legions with big draggo beatstick, without detracting too much from the lizards Mongol schtick.


Since people liked some parts of the slug thing, like using mucuses as desert exposure protection why don't we just have the Dwarves RAISE slugs? Something bizarre and disgusting they've had to learn to live with because all their pride and heritage is gone.


Ok, well what if we had like centaur subcommanders and then lots of normal undead? like you grab your dragon, you grab a few centaur cultists, and then you grab a bunch of skellies.

Ok, so here is what i am thinking

3 different levels of dragon, representing different levels of development and how fed they are.

4 types of empowered centaur lieutenants

8 different options for undead hordes (not mounted).

Should stat out or no?


I follow where you're coming from, but for my money I would like it more if the undead units the Centaurs command aren't themselves centaurs. I like the idea that the fact that most of the planet's population is dead makes this dragon cult exceptionally dangerous because everywhere they go they have an army waiting. I also think it would make more sense thematically for those % to be switched, since when I think of cultists (or philosopher poets before their fall) I don't think Frontline Fighters, and thus it seems like the Wight types should be the minority.

That works a little better. The slugs are parasites that are too small for the giants to notice. The Dwarves are reliant on the slugs for food and mucus to protect them when they leave to protection of the giant's hair.

People already suggested having undead be a type of field hazard. Give the centaur mages the ability to raise more undead in the middle of falling enemy ranks or take control of the mindless units already on the field.

That way centaurs are still a low count strong force but can supplement their forces with the fallen on the field.

I feel like 8 undead is too many. The undead should be the fodder in this army not the focus, and when you get to 8 unit types you're kind of demanding more of the focus be there.

What if we swap that? Make it 2 types of Dragon. One Superbeast, one babbie. The Babbie is a mostly-centaur army, so we make 8 types of centaur from basic troop up to Elite Catsers. The Superbeast you're probably only taking a couple Centaurs because he's why you have the 4 cheap garbage undead horde options. Does that sound workable?

There is actually spells such as Summon Warrior and other necromantic abilities in the game. so that works.

Eh, if it's what you guys want i'll do it. Should work out and it makes sense to give them some options in game play. Give me a minute to play with the stats.

I like these trains of thought. Perhaps in the past, the centaurs weren't nearly as numerous as the others. When the dragons came from wherever they came from, the majority of the centaurs were wiped out to slake the initial hunger of the dragons. The majority of those left were either those who could fight to defend themselves, or smart enough to avoid the slaughter. If they are less numerous, it would make sense for them to strictly be the commanders and lieutenants. Plus, in the minds of those who can still think through a sentence, if their intellect, cunning and power couldn't save themselves, what hope would the others have? Why not accept your scaly, flying, city-devouring masters that can bring back the dead?

yeah i am planning to use that for one of the centaur lieutenant options powers. Its expensive at 25 points though.

I think that the Remnant Sorcerors should be called the Sorcerous Conclave, as that fits their communist ideology better. Apart from the Golems, they should be able to field communist mutant levies, made up of Humans they've captured and/or indoctrinated into the Conclave, and "improved" using blasphemous life-twisting sorcery.

Their mutant levies should be more durable and have a higher morale than standard peasant levies, but be twice as expensive in cost, reflecting that the mutants are willing to die for the collective, and that their bodies have been twisted to go far beyond their natural limits, but that they are few in number.

Their mutant levies are equipped with one of three weapons, warhammers, spears, or longbows, and the only variation should be based on experience, with the higher tiers being more powerful and expensive than their predecessors, reflecting that the Conclave isn't technologically advanced or as versatile as the other factions. I feel that Mutant peasant militia levies would spice up the Sorcerors, and keep their army from being a homogenous mass of Golems.

Mutant levy tier proposal:


Lore ideas for the Free City;

>Whaling traditions?
Provides lots of food and oil to run the lights and candles. Could also provide conflict as the whales are getting less numerous due to Bear nature-fuckery/Dem dirty dragons eating anything bigger than a dolphin.

Living off nature's bounty for centuries could have led to potential for over-fishing and ever-expanding fishing fleets which ties into

Have to have a nautical tradition to protect the fishing trawlers from piracy due to the Visamti dogs claiming these are "their" waters. Maybe the reason militia troops are garbo comparatively is because they consist of cast-offs, or ones who couldn't make the grade/ had chronic seasickness.
