What's the most lewd-friendly RPG system (that isn't FATAL)?
What's the most lewd-friendly RPG system (that isn't FATAL)?
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Maid RPG
FATE maybe? I dunno, something rules light that's not gonna have mechanics get in the way of fucking.
But what said isn't bad either. It has an integrated clothing damage system and bonuses for "Getting physical" with the master.
>making Maid RPG lewd
That sadly doesn't seem to stop morons from using Pathfinder
Risus is very easy to make into a lewd game.
John Wick made a (unreleased, as far as I'm aware) called Galaxy XXX. You can see some of the mechanics that eventually made their way into 7th Sea 2e. It's fairly light sci-fi where doing things cool generates "heat" among the party that then can be acted out for extra dice.
>Morons play Pathfinder
News at 11.
Have you tried getting laid?
If any of us could get laid we wouldn't be on Veeky Forums
Wraeththu. Everyone plays a hermaphroditic JoJo wannabe that has sex magic.
Apocalypse World. Everyone gets sex super powers.
A Place to Fuck Each Other. Lesbians making safe spaces for fucking.
Gang Rape. You just aren't allowed to have fun.
I think most people around these parts did.
Few succeeded.
Monsterhearts. You play sexy teenage monsters.
It is apoclypse world based, and one of the moves is turn someone on.
Is this real?
If so...links? I am...curious
It includes a bunch of silly traits and even an entire stamina based sex "Combat" system with maneuvers. I personally don't see the use when the core rulebook already has the Erotic Art and Sex Appeal skill, but it is a hilarious read.
Sex mechanics are never sexy and the few that are actually funny wear out fast. ERP is one of the few cases where freeform is a good idea
Shadow Run
Theirs a spell called orgasm and there are penis and boob mods.
All sexual activity in maid is entirely abstracted by the system. It specifically mentions that it's up to the players and the GM exactly how physical they want to get. "Getting physical" can be as innocent as a peck on the cheek to as steamy as kinky ERP or even holding hands. The rules don't care.
Really, despite how vaguely (if not explicitly) fetishistic everything in Maid is, it's trivially easy to sanitize anything in the book to a level of a western Saturday morning kid's cartoon, and not even a post-Rocko censor-defying one.
"Lolita" maid type? Change that to "youthful". Penalties for clothing damage? Change that to penalties for clothes becoming soiled or disheveled. It's pretty fucking easy.
Bacchanal, Paul Czege.
It actually IS about having sex.
Come on, your average Ghost is gonna give Motomete vibes and you know it.
Do you mean watamote?
Apocylpse World/Monster Hearts
You literally have sex moves.
Granted, they're the CONSEQUENCES of sex with your character. And the lewd times themselves are often glossed over depending on the GM/group.
I am really the first one to think of this?
no, just the first to find their pdf of it
> John wick
I know everyone considers him a kill crazy try hard but I just fucking love the guy.
The game designer is cool.
How could you ever play a lewd rpg?
I guess it would start out okay, but as the system gets going and the lewd bits get lewder, how do you keep your players at the table instead of having half of them under it?
FATAL isn't anything-friendly.
For lewds, its best to go with any free point-buy systems rather than restrictive class-based ones.
Lightness of the rules is also preferred, so GURPS is less favorable than FATE.
Got a link? This sounds fun.
FATE is fucking awful. For all the faults of PAthfinder, FATE is much, much worse (albeit in a different way).
How the hell do they justify making such simple, unengaging rules so fucking long and boring, btw? The core book is as long as Pathfinder!
>Penalties for clothing damage? Change that to penalties for clothes becoming soiled or disheveled. It's pretty fucking easy.
Not even a change, that's open in the baseline
Okay point 1: it's mostly online text-based games.
Point 2: they also often have separate adventure-times and sexy-times - you have your regular dungeon clearing and then rowdy sex by campfire. Although there is occasional overlap, it's dealt with on a case by case basis, often by "fade to black right now, RP out vivid descriptions later"
>The core book is as long as Pathfinder!
And 90% large fonts, example passages and pictures.
Take those out and shrink it to standard readable text sizes, you have maybe 60 pages of material tops.
>The core book is as long as Pathfinder!
C'mon now, that's blatantly false and you know it.
>mfw getting physical with master
>mfw he has really big, really warm hands
>he then reveals that he's gay and it's been YAOI HANDS ALL ALONG
>and you know it.
For him to have known it, he'd have had to look at the rulebook. Big assumption there.
Yes. I was drunk, apparently.
Freeform is always the best idea. Just don't play with autistic neckbeards
>implying anyone other than autistic neckbeards wants to ERP
Oh they do. It's just called sexting when you don't do it with autistic neckbeards.