Last session I ended up getting a brothel as a reward for helping the town free themselves from the criminal faction that owned said brothel, amongst others. Veeky Forums, how do I turn this into an actually worthwhile source of income?
Last session I ended up getting a brothel as a reward for helping the town free themselves from the criminal faction...
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This may come as a surprise but you can make money off Beds and shit are already there so you just need some girls if it doesn't already come with them.
Convert it into an assassin's guild.
Keep it a brothel, it makes more money then a tavern, and it will already double as an inn, unless you cant keep it a brothel, just keep it the same
>how do I turn this into an actually worthwhile source of income?
by using it as a brothel? lmao
Presumably there are bunch of whores who worked there when the criminals owned it. So just hire them back and keep them busy in their chosen line of work.
Obviously the brothel was profitable enough for the local mafia to keep it open, so I'm sure you'll make a good go of it too.
Work on getting a good reputation. Hire some people to nonchalantly put the word out about your place.
Get a doctor on staff if the brothel doesn't already have one. Make sure everyone is healthy each day. If any form of contraceptives are available, use them. If not, encourage the workers to suggest oral sex acts to the customers- it's less risky, and depending on cultural standards you might be able to charge more for it.
Odds are that the criminal faction in control of the brothel was not maintaining it very well because monopolies tend to bring about stagnation.
Go into the brothel and do an inspection of the premises. Make sure that furniture is of good or at least acceptable quality and that the employees are free from disease. Having a cleric on call for curing diseases will be a good investment as well making sure you have a decent security force to remove customers who step out of line.
Offering the traditional brothel services is good enough to ensure a steady stream of profits but you could enhance your business by making the main room of the building a lounge/bar where those uninterested in buying sex could relax and be pampered after a hard day of work.
You could also seek to add some sort of unique gimmick to your establishment like specializing in exotic races, novelty rooms (or pocket dimensions rented at hourly rates), good food, psychological counseling, or even renting out a bit of the basement for people who need to disappear for a while.
Good luck OP and have fun!
Some decent ideas here .
I'd avoid human trafficking. Get girls that want to work there, but hire a madam that makes sure they WORK. Preferably one who is/was a whore herself. Or himself, whatever. Don't skim; instead, charge a "bed fee" where you basically are charging rent to the girls to use your brothel, and its services (bouncers, madams to vet customers, herbalists/doctors/midwives/laundry/turndown/housekeeping etc) and they can stay as long as they pay the bed fees. Run a tight ship, but show you care about them and treat them like people. That show Cathouse that used to be on HBO is a good example of what to do. Act like their father, never expect them to fuck you, and protect them, and they'll make you tons of money, and as the girls come and go, they'll rotate naturally so your offerings always change, since they aren't slaves.
Also, give quests.
Figure out if prositution is actually legal, and if it isn't, who you have to bribe to stay up.
Please do not use ellipses' in that manner.
Staff it with your defeated enemies, transformed into exotic beauties.
Everyone always forgets the most important aspect of a brothel.
Pillow talk.
Information sells. Turn the brothel high class, aim for nobility. Hell, keep it low class, it might attract them better, playing in the mud and all that. Teach the girls(boys) to be super chatty. Coax info out of people. Hell, simple shit like knowing the blacksmith is a frequent visitor, without his wife's knowledge, might lead to discounts, or into strong arming into a partial ownership. Get enough dirt on everybody, and now /you/ are the new mafia.
There's already been a lot of people telling you to keep it as a brothel (which is good economic advice) but if your character is worried about it morally then you can always change it out for an inn/tavern. Of course, since you're presumably an adventurer of some type you'll need to find a trustworthy and competent person to take over running the organization. Just make sure to have a deed/title of ownership that you hold onto.
First of all have all the girls line up for inspection. Tell them if any of them are here against their will can leave but thosr who stay will get a raise. They get to keep gifts and tips but theyll have to work hard.
OP here, sorry if I wasn't clear enough, I'm on mobile. I am keeping it as a brothel, what I meant by "worthwhile source of income" is that I kind of want to expand it. Right now it isn't too much, it was just one on a big chain of brothels, but now that the mob is gone the other buildings are probably going to go on auction and eventually have new owners, I assume a good chunk will also be staying as brothels so that means I'm gonna have competition. I have a good cunk of coin saved up, so I could make a sizeable investment on it to kickstart it, maybe buy the neighboring building and expand the brothel into it, though I think that might be a bit risky
>But you do have to eat these eggs
Why are you doing this?
>Not staffing it with you and your party members on your down time transformed into exotic beauties
>dat pic
>Implying player characters are ever ugly.
I once played in a game where the whole party was really hurting for cash when we realized that we were above average looking dudes. We fucked strangers for money, no transmutation, illusions or manipulation necessary.
Offer free stewed prunes to get customers in the mood.
Providing it's a medievalish setting.
Don't listen to this ponce. You'll need round the clock whippings and imprisonments to discipline transgressing chattel and strike fear into the rest. I'd recommend getting a crew of hobgoblin overseers with experience. Best money you'll ever spend.
Hiring an Ogre to work the problem girls (and boys) into compliance works too, if you're tough enough to keep your own virtue safe from his girth.
Convert it into a sweatshop, naturally.
It's not just the looks that matter. Your average elf ranger looks hot as fuck, but he's still a barely-literate CHA-dumped rambler who smells like armpits and swamp mud and acts creepy around dogs.
Leave it and go adventuring
OP is being a faggot as usual, here you go
fanks m8
>Realistically speaking
Get a bunch of bored housewives to cuck their husbands for some extra money.
>There are women/manginas at the table or you're a waifufag
Muh poor girls, muh they have no other options, muh this is the safest way to earn a living, muh feels.
>I'm virtuous as fuck
Teach these born-again virgins to smite evil. Ask funding from the curch and/or the king.
Keep some of it free to use as a love hotel style arrangement. There aren't many places you can sneak off to fuck in the fantasy world
>Teach these born-again virgins to smite evil
Holy prostitutes?
Good clients get a discount, evil ones get a snu snu smiting?
No, it's purification. You take a slut and turn her into a decent woman, as innocent as a blushing virgin. In reality that's impossible, but we're talking about fantasy here.
What's... the... matterwiththeway... he... uses... ellipses?
Keep it as a brothel but make it a wortwhile and special attraction. Not only ofer human girls but everything with a hole. Attract every kind of degeneracy and let them pay horrible prices for it.
>Act like their father
This advice would make a lot more sense if you weren't talking about encouraging further whoring. What kind of father does that?
Just destroy the building in a way that preserves as many resources as possible. The place'll probably be tainted with evil forces and questionable stains anyway.
I'd rather them be sexy paladins who have no qualms about exchanging coin for comfort
>What kind of father does that?
The kind of father that runs a fucking whorehouse, that's what.
Variety is the spice of life. Get elves, orcs, maybe a goddamn centaur if you have room.
This is a good idea actually.
I mean that a whore can get really close to her target. Problem is the tastes of the target...or if he even likes to have sex with women.
>This is deemed kid-friendly in France
>Implying my defeated enemies aren't already exotics beauties
Staff it with exotic beauties, transformed into your defeated enemies.
Keep Brothel. Hire an off staff doctor to provide for the girls/boys/whatevers. Anyone who can leave is free to go, you only want volunteers. If they want to leave but cannot afford to, move them to a 'pillow talk' area where they can just flirt with weary travelers to earn enough for a decent life.
Those who want to stay are taken care of (security, wellness, good meals, etc) and can leave when they reach the pay benchmark to do so.
Assuming the funds are coming in well enough, those who leave will be able to afford to start small businesses in the town. Those who don't or are on the way out will provide information or blackmail for the business owners in the town.
Corner the market and have five people run the town from day to day. You get a slice of the profits for your idea and they may keep the rest. You keep the deeds to any land transaction for leverage.
Stop in every once in a while and have welcoming company, good drink, a loving woman (or many, or men, or monsterpeople), stash your stuff, then head off again.
Do whatever Falls-from-Grace did in Planescape Torment.
That character was a mistake.
You're a mistake!
you can turn it into an inn or keep it as a brothel if it is legal to do so.
At least I'll die someday and stop fucking up the world around me. Falls-from-Grace is going to live on forever through faggots trying to push their non-evil succubus snowflake bullshit.
I'm sorry I guess I went too far.
Pretty much this.
Other ideas:
>While off adventuring, be on the lookout for exotic willing women to work for you, send them back home with a letter informing your brothel-keeper to let them work
>Stay classy, but cater to exotic tastes, you want the noble society to have interest in keeping you afloat
>Sell information, pillow talk is a great way to find out the secrets of society
>Avoid doing things to endanger your brothel, don't make it into an Assassin's guild, sooner or later someone is gonna notice and shut you down.
>Create a party base of operations in/under it. Adventurers coming and going from brothels is normal, and the party shouldn't have an issue with easily accessible food/wine/whores nearby.
Have you considered expanding the business? Fighting arena in the basement, hooka lounge/casino on the top floor.
user pls don't die :(
Like this user?
Found the Playboy club and chain. Make a rabbit your emblem.
I swear most kids there don't know what the fuck is actually going on in that show.
wait wait wait. There are whores in wakfu? I may need to go watch that now.
Shit, I feel grimy now.
...While this is obviously (ihope) made up, I really wanna know the context here.
It's not, and an over-awake brain dead GM gave his players an opportunity they couldn't pass up.
My players would have done the same exact thing.
Convert it to a monster breeding/indoctrination cult.
Avoid the obvious fetischisms and twist it into a more "The mutants came from the depths!" theme. With your PC snickering and twirling his mustache as your muties slowly take over the urban areas.
Whores, boufball, and wiggly elf ears.
It's a pretty good show if you like anime-esque stuff and don't mind all the french cultural references
build a dungeon under the town
stock it with loot you can't be bothered to sell and monsters you kidnap from mobs in your other adventures
hire people to go to other town promising riches beyond your wildest dreams beneath Monsterton
create gold rush scenario
dudes come, outnumber women 30, 40, 50 to one
Brothel $$ secured
Brothel money gets so good non whores start admiring the job, wanting to do it
Now I want to know what the other stories are about. I also want to know how the hell someone lands a job like that, what the dude has nightmares about if that is his life, and what the fuck is wrong with people.
French here, what's wrong with it?
He's an American. They can't handle the sight of women.
put sexy ladies make profit
You're incredibly uncreative if you can't find a use for what is basically a large room on your own.
From the casual way he talks about shooting people and the UK english, I'd think ex-SAS. They're usually the sort to end up as 'private security' doing random crap.
American cultural values say 'SEX IS BAD SEX IS BAD SEX IS BAD'.
But, apparently, violence isn't.
Kek, if you have any belief in the validity of the poster after the first paragraph, you really don't know just how heavily Veeky Forums is monitored.
Is America some kind of Middle-east shithole? I mean being scared of woman skin? Are they fag?
It's basically all the fundamentalists that got driven out of Europe after the 17th century, then settled down to make their own nation, without blackjack or hookers.
Unlike the middle east, the USA pretends to respect women.
Easy, hire some attractive women, hunt down the guys who don't pay, that's it.
On American TV it's considered inappropriate to expose children to the concept of people selling sex.
They pretty much can't talk about sex at all, but especially not prostitutes.
What wrong with sex and what is so acceptable with violence?
Blame the puritans who first came to this land and let their cult beliefs take root
Do Wakfu got a release on the american TV?
Did the parent association cry loud?
>That club
yet more evidence Slaanesh and Nurgle cultists could work together
Just America for you. They don't even like nudity, much less THE BIG SCARY S WORD.
Don't you remember the Janet Jackson superbowl controversy back in the day? One nipple, mostly-covered with a shield piercing, was enough to get the whole nation in a frenzy. You see worse on BILLBOARDS in France than you do on American TV until the late hours on cable.
These are the same shows that won't let people say "kill" or "die".
>jam but no toast
What is this, a caviar reference or something?
>They don't even like nudity, much less THE BIG SCARY S WORD.
My sword is big, but it's not that scary if you just give it a chance.
Some people like to mix jam into their tea instead of sugar or honey.
You want weird? In the old Spiderman animated show (the one that had the Clone Saga), you had changes like having the entire NYPD armed with fancy sci-fi blasters instead of actual handguns. Which still isn't as weird as the editorial requirement that any action scene taking place on a rooftop should not show birds being disturbed, because apparently that was TOO VIOLENT.
Oh, I thought the old Russian couple might have liked putting jam on potatoes or such things like Scandinavians do.
Jam in tea is nonstandard enough, but not really that strange to me really.
I remember Teen Titans would use "destroy" instead of kill. "You tried to destroy us!"
Back when Gundam Wing used to be on the air, the night time airing would say something like "Relena, I'm going to kill you." while the daytime airing would change that to "Relena, I'm going to stop you."
I watch all of my shit online now, so I have very little idea of what television does these days.
It could be cream teas. Literally tea with a big dollop of whipped cream on top, and some jam on top of that.
Some of the old super hero cartoons were pretty weird. I think it was "Super Friends" where punching was considered too violent, so whenever the good guys and the bad guys fight they shoot laser beams at each other or just sort of awkwardly grapple.
What's acceptable for American children is a very weird subject. The funny thing is, if you go back to the 30's-50's, American comic books were full of weird, lurid violence and hyper-sexualization. Admittedly, they were actually aimed at a fairly wide audience, but the primary readers were still children.
If I was to take a guess at your question though, I'd say that violence is very easy to sanitize and can teach children good values about protecting the weak, being brave, being clever, etc.
Whereas sex is rather difficult to sanitize, and there's some residual fear that children being exposed to sex will become completely fixated on it. You'll note that romance *does* show up in american children's cartoons, it's just usually rather chaste and has, at most, the occasional kiss, and maybe a nod or two to the fact that couples sleep in the same bed.
Oddly, old James Bond films are considered generally acceptable family viewing, and Bond is basically the definition of a man-ho. So I guess it can be acceptable for kids in certain contexts, provided it isn't too explicit.
>Oddly, old James Bond films are considered generally acceptable family viewing
The violence far outweighs any hints of sex, and they don't show anything evil like nipples.
>I remember Teen Titans would use "destroy" instead of kill. "You tried to destroy us!"
"Destroy" always felt MORE violent to me than "kill". If they kill you you're dead. If they destroy you, you're not having an open casket funeral (if there's even anything left of you).
It's still kind of awkward. At one point a character begs another to "destroy" her because she's being effectively weaponised by the bad guy.
>tavern full of whores
>act like their father
>don't fuck them
oh that'll go over well.
Swedish here, not enough Dildoes or Somalians
That Yu-Gi-Oh "sending to the Shadow Realm" thing was a lot scarier to me than just dying.
I thought it was stupid. Until that episode where Mai got sent to the Shadow Realm and it turned out to be a personally-tailored Hell designed to inflict maximum psychological pain on you until you went insane.
As a Britbong, the idea of putting anything save sugar and milk in my tea is heretical.
>What's acceptable for American children is a very weird subject. The funny thing is, if you go back to the 30's-50's, American comic books were full of weird, lurid violence and hyper-sexualization. Admittedly, they were actually aimed at a fairly wide audience, but the primary readers were still children.
IIRC the Comics Code was born out of lobbying by child-friendly hero strip publishers that saw how more mature horror and mystery themed comics were eating their lunch. A ploy to kill the competition masked as BUT THE CHILDREN.
No scandinavian in the history of everything has put jam on fucking potatoes.
Its supposedly some guy who works as a private investigator heres the only place i could find the rest
Any more stories like this? These things are like goddamn forbidden fruit. Its the kind of stuff I'd never imagine or dream of doing, but when it comes up I can't help but read it.