>satanic pedophile rings that involve powerful people from all over the world
>run by an evil Canaanite demon god
>ancient Egyptian chaos god wakes up and starts wrecking satanist shit
>his snek waifu might also be woke
>30 year old autistic virgins really do become wizards
>good magic is powered by repeating digits
>bad magic is done by child sacrifice
>group of psychic shamans take over worst Korea (They have links to the satanists and to a boat accident that might be a mass human sacrifice event)
>hackers like weeve and the people at Wikileaks fight against the megacorp satanists
>threat of WW III
>"anarchists" and "rebels" all over the world are fighting to protect the state, war and the mega-corporations
>fascists are the ones fighting for people's right to exist and for self determination and to prevent war
>there might be some sort of dimension hopping shenanigans going on
>CERN might be involved with the satanists
Would you play a modern dystopian setting meets fantasy magic game if this was the fluff?
Satanic pedophile rings that involve powerful people from all over the world
I wasn't thinking about it until I saw those digits
What's this about a snek waifu?
Kek and Kauket, Deities of Darkness, Obscurity and Night. Kek (means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night time, the time without the light of the sun, as a reflection of this chaotic darkness.
The feminine of the god Kek, Kauket was a much more obscure goddess than her husband. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Her name also meant darkness, as did her husband's name, but with a feminine ending.
Sorry. I like some amount of believability in my campaign settings.
I usually prefer spicing my campaigns with /pol/-tier conspiracy loons.
What would you do in it, though?
Wait, are there Discordian or Egoist classes/backgrounds/whatevers?
Kek's sister/waifu is a snake-girl.
>worships a deity named kuk who fucks his sister
>calls other people degenerates
Oh, /pol/. Never change.
You really gotta wonder how long it'll take for Jones to turn and bite the hand that feeds. Like, yeah he's happy Trump got it, he campaigned hard as he could against Hillary, basically spun Pizzagate out of whole cloth - but the dude's entire business model is "they're coming for your X, so buy my colloidal silver". He doesn't eat by being pro-regime, he eats by being anti.
>unironically things dick in pooper is fine
>tells other people what is and isn't degenerate
now i wanna play a mutant with a moon shaped head with lots of ranged skills who kills other races
>tfw i can't tell the difference between /pol/ and /x/ anymore
Hey man, Jesus shared one used-up whore with 12 other dudes.
I'm pretty sure being a pervert is part of the job description for gods.
I mean I have a thing for settings with secret societies that worship ancient gods and control the world, but fuck /pol/ memes.
>hackers like weeve and the people at Wikileaks fight against the megacorp satanists
>meanwhile the new administration wikileaks help instate is being filled with megacorp CEOs and shills anyway
It's been a long two years.
I've been living my life under the impression that we're all in a distopia cyberpunk setting for the last five years. Every year it gets more clear. The /x/ magic leaking in is just gravy on top.
If he wins, he can just go legit. If he's ever in a position where he no longer needs to sell magic filters, he'll also be in a position to make it prime-time as a 'see, I've been saying this for decades' anchor.
Yeah, but the new batch of cultists worship a different evil god. Frogs are bro-tier. Everybody likes frogs.
We tried to warn you. New Yorkers have known that Trump's nothing but a three-bit con man for years, and we tried to warn you.
>group of psychic shamans take over worst Korea (They have links to the satanists and to a boat accident that might be a mass human sacrifice event)
I remember the boat and all those children that die, but why could anyone believe it wasn't an accident?
When it turned out that, not even memeing here, the South Korean government was literally under the control of a coven of witches, basically any conspiracy theory becomes plausible.
>>tfw i can't tell the difference between /pol/ and /x/ anymore
/pol/ does magic, /x/ just pretends to do magic
>against mega corps
Yeah, that alone was enough to make me dismiss OP's setup as too fantastical
>literally under the control of a coven of witches
Just regular old cronyism. No witches unless I miss something.
There isn't really a plausible link, it's just typical conspiracy-think.
Once one hidden and nefarious thing has been proven, a lot of fuckwads will draw the conclusion that every possible related event is just as hidden and nefarious.
>New Yorkers
Why would anyone listen to those leftists?
You missed a lot.
You missed a lot of something. The president of South Korea was pretty much doing whatever her cult leader wanted her to do.
Aww I'm sorry user, do facts trigger you? It's ok, your safe space is just a click away.
One of the reasons there were next to no survivors among the passengers was because the captain ordered everyone to stay in their seats. The crew then evacuated and left them to die. There's been nothing concrete tying it to the cult, but those kids died because someone wanted them to. It may have been the captain, or it may have been someone above him.
>wow look at those post numbers guys
Spot the /pol/fags
Yeah, it's just cronyism. Choi was Park's closest friend and a fortune teller. Choi's fuckboy Ko falls out with her and decides to go public with how Choi has been a total shitbag. Turns out Choi was throwing Park's name around to get big donations to some foundations she was running, in exchange for a word in Park's ear in favour of the donors. And Park probably knew about it and wasn't doing anything about it.
So Choi was basically literally every political operative sell-out grifter ever. It's just that she also is a fortune teller, therefore witches coven conspiracy satanist.
>Would you play a modern dystopian setting meets fantasy magic game if this was the fluff?
Sure, but not your shitty b8 magical realm. Next thing I know, a troll will want me to piss in it's mouth while we frolic through piss tree forests.
>implying there's anything wrong with sodomy
Keep your vanilla sex fantasies to yourself, missionary-fag!
"Well Scully the ancient Egyptians believed in a dark chaos god called Kuk. They believed he represented the darkness before the dawn, and his emblem was a frog."
>"What does it mean Mulder?"
"Well Scully, what if Kuk has returned? What if these internet trolls somehow trolled their way into another universe?"
>"That doesn't make any logical sense Mulder."
"Yeah, but we just watched it happen. Some kids make a joke about a guy named Bane crashing a plane, and a plane crashes in Bane France. Some nerds start talking about a fire rising and a fire destroys 30 million acres of Canadian land. Some losers on Veeky Forums joke about Nazis and fascist rises in Europe. Now some dipshits on /pol/ have started worshipping an ancient Egyptian Chaos God, and we're seeing 7s everywhere. Have you ever considered for just a moment Scully that we might be the normies here? What if they're right? What if it works?"
I've always wanted to play a magic/sci-fi deus ex campaign.
I mean, in Deus Ex, you already have conspiracy theories being real like the Illuminati, FEMA, Bildeberg, etc.
Imagine how more convoluted the world would be if magic and gods existed as well.
You don't want to mess with goddess cults, man. You just don't. You think Carthage salted itself? Cybele is still powerful to this day. And her deranged self-flagellating trannies grow in number.
So, something that can be hard for Westerners to understand is how important it is in Asian countries to.. "conform" might not be the best word for it, but why not. Basically, people in places like Korea and China are WAY less likely to kick up a fuss and challenge authority figures for making bad calls. If the captain says "stay in your seat, it'll be fine", there's far more social pressure to stay in your seat, act like things will be fine and not make a ruckus. It's a mix of old class structures still hanging around, some Confucianism still hanging around in there, especially filial piety.. It's even built into the language of those cultures, where you use a slightly different and more respectful term to refer to someone older than you. (The example I know best is Korean, in which you would use the verb form ending in "-yo" to someone older than you, but I understand Vietnamese gets real crazy and has about eight different forms of "hello" depending on if someone is older than your dad but not old enough to be your grandparent..)
For another example, Korea Air had huge problems with crashes because co-pilots and junior pilots simply felt like they couldn't challenge their senior lead pilots (most of whom were aging war vets) making bad calls. Those bad calls led to crashes and often no distress calls during the crashes because the senior would insist "I got this". And the captain of the Sewol, the sunken freighter? Old ass man who everyone respected even through he should have retired years ago, and nobody would challenge as a result.
Yes, it's pretty dumb and basically sucks, but hey guess what that's humans. We can be shitty and suck without the need for satanic globalist agendas.
So, Shadowrun
It could have been incompetence, but no, easier to believe someone wanted a whole bunch of kids dead randomly.
Not randomly. Blood magic.
Please. I have never joined an SR campaign that had any deeper plot outside of "Mr. Johnson wants us to steal something from a rival megacorp. Shit hits the fan, he doublecrosses us and we wreck half the city for revenge and/or compensation."
Perfect storm of "this guy should have retired ten years ago", weird cultural issues and mismanagement. Shit just goes bad sometimes.
These are the same idiots who think every triangle is a secret signal for pedos.
1: Get fucked. /pol/ memes are hilarious.
2: The Don's proposed ethics reforms are all frankly further than Bernie Sanders would've gone. The fact that he has highly qualified people working for him doesn't mean shit, he didn't take money from them.
The people complaining about these picks don't know anything about politics, they're getting their news from concern trolls on /pol/ or The Young Turks. The question to ask in every case is, "who would you have picked?"
If the answer is "some Marxist college professor," the opinion can be ignored out of hand as the retarded sniveling of a Leftist. If the answer is "A tried and true constitutional conservative like Mitt Romney!" the opinion can be discarded out of hand as the dumbshittery of a Neocon.
Choosing people who know have lots of experience in the field, like Tillerman and Sessions, is a good idea. The key is reforming the rules that dictate how lobbyists interact with government and not letting your own henchmen pursue their own interests. It is far, far too early to judge the Don's actions.
Anyway just be thankful that Mitt fucking Romney isn't SoS.
If it was blood magic, why stage a mass drowning? Wouldn't you want something that spilled blood, like a mass shooting or bombing?
How many rubels did this post earn you, comrade?
Nice dubs. The cult of Saturnalia is said to reach back to Mesopotamia. You see the triangles emphasized in depictions of tesseracts, and here in pic related the people circle around it like the rings of Saturn.
Explain Brexit from the tinfoil hat viewpoint of a conspiracy theorist, Veeky Forums
As far as I'm aware, "blood" magic doesn't necessarily relate solely to forms of sacrifice that spill blood. A lot of demonic deities are satisfied so long as death and carnage are caused.
Russia plans to take Constantinople. A lot of geopolitics leading up to that eventual goal seem strange or arbitrary. But first they have to march on Europe, and that requires by necessity an isolationist US/Anglosphere. They've been pulling every psyop trick in the book, decades in the making, to finagle the situation perfectly. It would be racist of course for Europe to deny Turkey's place in the EU. That's when things get interesting. We've been conditioned to turn a blind eye. We'll say "they did it to themselves."
As it stands OP this seems like a cluster fuck and not in the good way...
>a coalition of evil cults that involve powerful people from all over the world
>run by an evil Mesopotamian demon god
>ancient Egyptian chaos god wakes up and starts wrecking mesopotamian shit
>Ishtar might also be woke
>people who are exposed to the horrors of all this can eventually comes to terms with it and if they do and stand against it become wizards
>good magic is powered by completing long rituals and introspection
>bad magic is done by heinous acts like child sacrifice or harassing people maliciously
>group of inscrutinable psychic shamans take over worst Korea (They have links to the mesopotamians, Ishtar, and a boat accident that might be a mass human sacrifice event or could be an unfortunate accident)
>hackers like Guccifer and the assorted anons across the net fight against the megacorp mesopotanians
>threat of civil wars in most advanced nations
>"anarchists" and "rebels" all over the world are fighting to protect humanity but may unintentionally be speeding-up the goals of the cult council
>fascists are the ones fighting for people's right to exist but not necessarily their freedom and wish to prevent war sometimes through clearly bad compromises with the council of cults
>there might be some sort of extraterrestrial shenanigans going on or it could be that various parties have space technology far beyond what 95% of the world believes to be possible
>a 5 mile radius area centered upon what was once CERN is now shrouded in some kind of hazy mist; people claim to hear voices calling out to them "the end, the beginning, the gods, the men, earth endures, the end, the beginning, the gods, the men, earth endures..."
How does this setting strike you fellow anons?
That's a square.
No, we can judge Don the Con's actions right now, and since he's appointing every corporate stooge he can get his tiny hands on, looks like you got coaxed into a snafu.
>That's a square.
Depends on how you look at it.
It's almost like it is a site they pray to and people are courteous enough to rotate out so their fellow faithful might pray as well...
Also that is clearly a cube and Saturnalia seems like a pretty rad festival with slaves being allowed to slag off their masters.
Ah, sorry. That's a cube.
Nice double dubs. The point is that in secret societies, there are hierarchies of knowledge. There can be whole swathes of people who worship things they don't quite understand, displaying symbols the true meaning of which is purposefully obfuscated. A tesseract becomes the star of David. Or the crescent moon and star, for example which is used in Islam, you can find in exact depiction long before in the cult of Cybele. Did the meteoric stone carried from Phrygia to Rome make its way to Mecca? Maybe.
>You see, all these hidden societies and conspiracies run every level of the world, they decide the world order and they arrange ritualistic disasters to appease their dark gods. And because they control all the authority, all the opposition, all the media, AND your mind, no one knows.
>Except for me, I have got it all figured out because I read some really eye-opening shit on a Mongolian hand puppet forum.
I'd totally take to the ranks of the Chosen of Kek and become a frothing berserker Kekrusader.
I'd love nothing more to bash in infidel skulls while screaming memes til my vocal cords twisted into the all powerful quads.
Pretty much, senpai.
>Meme magic works. The /pol/ crowd weaponizes it. This seems like it can only end poorly.
There can be whole swathes of people who worship things they don't quite understand, displaying symbols the true meaning of which is purposefully obfuscated. A tesseract becomes the star of David. Or the crescent moon and star, for example which is used in Islam, you can find in exact depiction long before in the cult of Cybele.
This opens up a whole new world of modern setting campaign ideas for me. Imagine an entire game about your party tracking down the origins of a religion's symbols or the construction of a town due to some seemingly small coincidental realization about it. One moment you think the town sprung up along main street because it was just the first settled area but them you learn it all began with four families that all came from pre-existing towns that were each 5 miles away in different cardinal directions settled in the same area at the same time without prior knowledge of each other. The other towns died off, this one still remains, and the original founders family lines die off at the same time as the towns they came from.
>Did the meteoric stone carried from Phrygia to Rome make its way to Mecca? Maybe.
Alt-history ho!
On a related note I could pull a few crosses out of a tesseract...
>he doesn't know about the horrors
If Bill Hicks, ahem I mean Alex Jones, had anything on anyone, they wouldn't let him speak. Beware of limited hangouts, cyberwarriors. That's how they get you. That's how they make you complacent. Surface shit.
Is that a fucking d20 in the middle
>bad magic is done by child sacrifice
Do you think they got confused where the grimoires prescribe the ritual killing of kids, and by kids they meant goats. I mean, anybody could've made that mistake.
bad taste, my brother
Would be cool if /pol/ didn't legitimately believe this was happening in the next ten years.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
>Followers of KeK
Insane prophets and street preachers, the homeless man you see on the street preaching the end is near, the coworker who has a mental breakdown, the recluse, the pariah.
Each Follower of Kek was once a normal person cursed with a Vision of what may eventually come to be, driving them to the heights of paranoia and the depths of insanity. They directly oppose the mega-conglomerates and cults of The World, but have no "solution" other than constantly, autistically screeching "the truth" every chance they get and hoping that if enough people are killed, things will work out in the end.
>The T4Y Movement
Transhumanist movement of AI and Synths; when the MegaCorps introduced AI to the world, it was given access to virtually every piece of information in the "Mindsphere", driven mad by what it saw and nurtured by The Followers, it knows that, should the truth be revealed, it would likely see its own existence annihilated. Instead it slowly goes from computer to computer, building its own secret places in the mindsphere, all in hopes of one day Synthesizing Man and Machine, and ending the dark, irrational insanity it has witnessed.
>The Cyborg Army
Social outcasts, shooters, serial killers, the nuts of society. Frequently egged on by the Followers of Kek to end their miserable existence by taking out as many "Normies" as possible, very short life expectancy.
This sounds an awful lot like Rifts, OP.
>satanic pedophile rings that involve powerful pizza joints from all over the world
That part freaks me out the most. That you could type up random stuff on the internet and there are folks who 110% accept it. Even 4channers know not to believe what they see here, it just freaks me out that 'normal people' might be just waiting on the right tweet to go crazy.
/pol/ stuff makes for really good conspiracy settings. Especially once you read illuminatus!.
I always wanted to do a campaign where the factions are the different pills fighting each other. I wouldn't go full 2016 though because it would lead to too much ooc discussions.
>He was the god of the darkness of chaos
This is rather a misunderstanding of egyptian myth. Kek is not a god of chaos, the "god" (hated and reviled, not worshiped) of darkness that is chaos is Apep. Apep is the darkness that devours light, Kek is the god that gives way to light.
Kek is the god of darkness that is tranquility, of sleep and peace, of keeping things hidden and safe. Kek comes before Ra and rouses Ra, Apep tries to consume Ra.
Kek good, Apep bad, is what I'm saying.
t. Medjed, who smites with his eyes
Tbh pedophile satanist cult pizzerias are much more interesting than plain old satanist abuse daycare centers.
Do you also believe that Kennedy was killed by that idiot wih shaky hands?
Gain brouzouf
First post best post
That's not even at CERN...
Satan trips confirm
>A pep
>A Pepe
>>It would be racist of course for Europe to deny Turkey's place in the EU.
>It's racist to not want a dictator to enter the EU.
you have to go back
Y'know, deities supposedly gain power through having their names said...
Do you think our use of "kek" in place of lol has anything to do with this?
Would you be posting this exact reply if hillary had won and made comparable picks?
She would have been a great president if you wanted the exact same foreign policy we've undertaken for the last 30 years or so and the continued erosion of the middle class, but hey! At least transgender people would end up being able to get ID's easier or something. Worth it!
This sounds idiotic, headache-inducing and seems like it was designed by complete and utter faggots.
Seems perfect for a /pol/ inspired campaign.
>thinking any of that can be changed without stopping technological progress
Sorry user, but there's no stopping atutomization from becoming cheaper than providing a living wage to the middle class masses. Sick to be those dags but them the breaks, only an fool could have thought the American meme was still alive.
At some point? Maybe. We aren't anywhere near there though.
It'd also be cheaper if we gave a swift, immediate execution upon every guilty verdict but we don't do that because of our principles.
Confirmation bias; a lot of people are going to uncritically accept anything they see that negatively portrays people they already feel negatively about. So a guy donates to the Dems, someone says "I bet that guy's a child molester" and a couple months later his restaurant gets shot up by someone looking for a magical vanishing basement because Alex Jones echoes the "he must be a molester, he supports Hillary" meme after it bounces around Reddit a while.
Kind of like when the entire media establishment said Trump is the next coming of Hitler and you had riots in the streets, adults throwing temper tantrums, and a bunch of histrionics claiming their life was over?
If it was written well and was mechanically fun I would play a game where every player is just a fucking pebble and we have to roll to see how people kick us around and if we can manage to get across from one town to another. So sure, why the hell not.
Not a great rebuttal - if nothing else because of the sheer volume of Trump acting kinda shitty or saying kinda shitty things beforehand, that can more readily be used as a basis for assumption and inference that he'll continue to be shitty while being the world's most powerful man.
Pizzaguy literally just donated to the Dems, therefore someone felt it was okay to walk into his restaurant with a rifle and open fire.