What's so bad about "fightan wizards"?
What's so bad about "fightan wizards"?
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The amount of cock they gargle in OP's image.
Here be real fightan wizads:
They're not "realistic". In a world where wizards can undo reality and monks can talk to animals, sometimes you just want to play a sword guy who can be a useless sack of metal and shit without being a total weeaboo like all those fucking weaaboo norse legends about weeaboo vikings slaying dragons and seamonsters and shit.
Of all the anime you could've chosen and you choose that piece of shit? I mean, fuck the argument, getting OP better taste seems to be a more pressing matter.
Nothing, if they're called that. But Naruto was ostensibly supposed to be about ninjas and instead ended up being about battlemages.
Imagne sitting down to watch a show supposedly about pirates, but then even though they still call themselves pirates (and thereby implying a certain degree of murdering, pillaging, stealing, and so on) the main characters all end up acting like Benedictine monks.
It's mixed signals, is the problems.
Wasn't it supposed to be like HP, but author hastily reskinned it to avoid C&D?
In reality Kishimoto, the author, wanted to make a manga about sorcerer and wizards but the editorial said it wouldn't sell so he needed to make the manga about ninjas
I don't know, I just know that they go on quite a bit about ninja and shinobi and how they're supposed to be all about the shadows and stuff in the first few episodes...and then drop all that by no later than episode 10.
Zabuza was the last real ninja in the series.
Depending on the extent of magic in the setting, is great. My favorite thing. I like Jedi, personally.
But in a setting with magic, it feels like magic would be just a standard part of any comprehensive martial training. "Martial", meaning a combat class, would always have lots of magical skills.
Because they aren't mages, they are ninjas. The author skewed the definiton, hard. Ninjas are supposed to be sneaky assassins, not fire-flinging warmongers and battlemages
Are you not tired of being a useless piece of shit in real life? Why would you punish us and yourself with your underpowered shitty character? Is being a dead weight your magical realm?
>Imagne sitting down to watch a show supposedly about pirates, but then even though they still call themselves pirates (and thereby implying a certain degree of murdering, pillaging, stealing, and so on) the main characters all end up acting like Benedictine monks
One Piece is one of the most long lasting and best selling animus.
It was actually "reskinned" because the headbands were easier to draw than goggles. At least according to the guy who drew it.
How does it feel to be immune to sarcasm?
Anime? On an anime website? It's more likely than you think!
The main characters are not nearly that nice.
Honestly the worst thing about it was how drawn out it was. I can excuse the edgy backstories, just because it's far from the most dramatic example of trying too hard to be dark I've ever seen. The pacing, on the other hand, was awful. I'm pretty sure if you cut out all the flashbacks, remembrances, and people standing around yelling obvious things that we can see happening, the series would have been half as long and a lot less tedious to watch. I've seen the exact same scene of Sasuke's parents dying more times than I've blinked in the last year.
>Watching Anime
You're the only one to blame. Unless is original content you shouldn't be watching Anime because it has tons of filler.
user, you need to know more about the legends around ninjas than TMNT.
Amusingly enough, Naruto encompassed every single supernatural ability attributed to shinobi, and if there is something it missed, it is so minor that no one knows about it at all.
What's so bad about "thifin' clerics"?
What's so bad about "druid'n monks"?
What's so bad about "barbari' bards"?
This shoud be a thang
>Unless is original content you shouldn't be watching Anime because it has tons of filler.
>He doesn't know about Fullmetal Alchemist
The baseball filler episode of Samurai Champloo is great. GREAT.
No, the problem was that the powerlevel spiked to insane levels... and then just kept going.
The first series actually wasn't that bad, characters had powers with clearly defined rules and limitations, so watching the characters defeat the baddies was interesting because many times they could lose to cleverness and skill.
Then they all turned into reality twisting wizards, ignoring the limitations that made it actually interesting.
When every PC gets to cast Wish multiple times ever combat it gets stupid.
The show should have stopped with the fight with Pain, the last interesting villain, after him everything just kept ramping to insanity.
>The show should have stopped with the fight with Pain, the last interesting villain, after him everything just kept ramping to insanity.
At this point, Tobi/"Madara Uchiha"/Obito was already appointed has the actual big bad
I mean, isn't that what happened with Dragonball Z after the Cell Saga? At that point it was just PUNCH SHIT AND OH NO THE PUNCHES AREN'T HARD BUT PUNCH HARDER CUZ LOVE N STUFFS.
>What's so bad about "barbari' bards"?
There is nothing wrong about Skalds. And they should be the basis for bard, no the "le epic womanizer".
Which one, the one that it's shit or Brotherhood? because it took two tries to make a non original content anime non shit.
>The aactual big bad
And turned out h wasn't
Agree, how about thiefin' palladin/cleric or monk druid?
Citation needed
>thiefin' palladin
I would make a joke, but you would call me antisemite and put links to /pol/ so whatever.
>And they should be the basis for bard, no the "le epic womanizer".
very clever, very clever
Kato Danzo is one of the many examples of Ninjas use black magic and shit
only butthurt leftists call people that here, or if you go way overboard with that... whole Veeky Forums is right leaning and contrarian. There is a reason for all that HFY shitty memes or why every /epg/ goes into fever fap about jovian's
but then again you managed to answer my question and joke without joking about it so ill give you standart (You) for your time.
I chuckled.
Yeah, that shouldn't have happened.
Pain, ideologically, was the ultimate villain for the Lead, Naruto. His story and the way Naruto has to interact and deal with it were entirely necessary for finishing Naruto's character arc, making everything afterword's WAY unnecessary. Naruto succeeds, he earns the respect of his village Just because they wanted to give Sasuke a redemption arc, then, to keep the ball going, they throw a prophecy doomsday plot in the last few chapters.
Yes, doesn't change the fact that it was bad writing but yes...
What's wrong with Weeaboo Magic Fighters?
The problem is when you find yourself playing "Thobias, the veteran royal guard" in the same group as "Godmode, the sorcerer supreme", And some autist insist You're supposed to be strictly worse at everything than him, at the same level.
Childhood is when you hate Naruto becasue it's fashionable to
Adulthood is when you realize it was a great show that unfairly suffers comparisons to non-shonen programs
>great show
Not really, it had some good ideas, some good worldbuilding, some good secondary characters, some good mythos, etc but the arcs were shit, the main characters were shit, it was inconsistent as fuck, had tons of retcons, author wrote himself into a stalemate and had to come out of hit with bullshit many times, etc.
Gotta disagree a bit. It was a meh show with great lore and good attempts at world building. Honestly, a big chunk of the series describing things that were way more interesting than what was happening, and when things finally started to get interesting it got crippled by pointless filler and poor writing.
Bitches don't know bout Sarutobi Sasuke
>he doesn't know about literally almost all anime
>Imagne sitting down to watch a show supposedly about pirates, but then even though they still call themselves pirates (and thereby implying a certain degree of murdering, pillaging, stealing, and so on) the main characters all end up acting like Benedictine monks.
Honestly, I'd watch that.
the series has a lot of "ninjas" the main problem is that they are overshadowed by fucking DBZ cherecters. Look at neji, shikamaru, that bug guy, the puppet guy from sand, Sai. All of the are cool ninja cherecters, but they live in a world where there are fucking DBZ cherecters doing their ninjutsu kamehamehas all over the place so they are overshadowed
He became another DBZ character, user, didn't you want his combat against Hidan and Kakuzu? he went from smart tactic dude with little to no chakra and null combat ability to Kakashi^2 in combat, infinite chakra and Flash reflexes.
And in 3 days of only reading books and playing shogi.
to be fair, that was one short arc and he went back to beaing the brains of everthing. Plus akatsuki arc is well past the start of Naruto ball z, so i did not think anything diferent will happen
This was one of the few shonens that kept the legendary tough guys from early generations still powerful as fuck
FMA had in fact a shit anime (and even there it was quite good)
Then it was completed, and then they did Brotherhood, which was god's gift to us.
I remember watching it with my sister, she loved every part of it
FMA is one of those rare cases in where a shonen ends being both concise and good
Do they act like Benedictine monks?
Eh, not really. After the Cell Saga, it was basically a race againist the clock to overpower Buu and they tried several other stuff and none of those were love and stuff.
They tried fusion, a new level in the super saiyan form, a second type of fusion, mystical powers, etc. Hell, Buu was actually the only villian in DBZ in which actual talking helped.
Also, Buu was the only villian in the main series to be actually killed by the genki dama/ spirit bomb after years of red herring every time that attack was used and failed.
I'm not saying DBZ is deep or anything, but people oversimplify stuff based on tropes too much
Naruto had cool world building and stuff, what with the mix of technology.
But every battle scene after a point was like playing a JRPG. Characters stop, use their special attack, then get hit by the enemy.
It sucked.
He was lazy
He didn't feel like fighting until his sensei died
>He hasn't watched Record of Lodoss War
>He hasn't watched Spice and Wolf
>He hasn't watched Ping Pong
Seriously user, get some good taste
I like how quickly this thread went from questioning dislike of martial wizards to questioning dislike of Naruto.
>not mentioning 90's Berserk
because narto would of been AWESOME if not for how retarded the author was from a point. Hell, i'd play the fuck out of a naruto RPG if shipuden never happened and if a bunch of things were retconned
Knights of Malta anyone?
>Which one, the one that it's shit or Brotherhood?
>FMA had in fact a shit anime (and even there it was quite good)
I was talking about FMA being an adaptation of a manga without fillers
Also, both are good, it's just that the first one is completely overshadowed by the manga/brotherhood greatness
In my group the best campaign we ever played, spanning 6 years out of game and centuries in game, started with "Naruto has a great premise but a shit realisation, I bet we could do better"
Naruto is pretty good, though, desu
Thats weird, because it started out quite ninja-y and only went full wizard near the end. I'd expect the opposite, he scrambles to get rid of the wizard elements near the beginning but as the story goes he has more and more time to re write.
>Naruto encompassed every single supernatural ability attributed to shinobi
As well as hundreds of others Kishimoto made up when the powerlevels got stupid
>One Piece is one of the most long lasting and best selling animus.
do they sail around, fight the law, fight the navy, fight other pirates, fight corsairs, explore wild places, search for treasure, steal and rob, destabilize countries, destroy properties, deal with slaves and lowlives, encounter ghost ships, have a unique subculture, etc?
because if they answer is yes, OP is fucking pretty much about pirates.
>do they sail around, fight the law, fight the navy, fight other pirates, fight corsairs, explore wild places, search for treasure, steal and rob, destabilize countries, destroy properties, deal with slaves and lowlives, encounter ghost ships, have a unique subculture, etc?
Actually? Yea they do kinda all those things.
That was his point and why he actively avoided any mention to armed assault of civilian ships out of greed, the main feature of a pirate.
I love them.
currently reading fanfics: chiaroscuro (like Kakashi in there) and in fire forged (good worldbuilding).
If you want I can start a rant about how a 3rd generation warfare fought with medieval technology and wizards is awesome and we (we as Veeky Forums) should totaly fix the Naruto setting.
>medieval technology
But they have radio,fridges,TV, and computers.
The setting itself is already decent. All we'd really need was to justify a anachronistic things for the sake of sating autism and de-edge a few things.
I was mentioning series, not movies
Make people who aren't related to Uchiha and Senjus viable because fuck that circle jerk.
Yeah, you make an interesting point with Buu. They kept whipping out new power ups and transformations and nothing worked; in the end they actually had to go backwards and using the spirit bomb.
Hate the Buu arc, but I love Buu himself. More particularly what I love about him is that he is shown over and over again to be a godawful fighter who gets the shit kicked out of him over and over again, but he just kept healing.
>the main feature of a pirate
but are we talking real pirates or romantic pirates?
to me, the influences on OP and the literary are pretty clear (remember the name of the original one-shot?), probably for cultural reasons. people should cfr with stuff like sandokan.
the fictional / superpowers element push further the "tales of the seas" spin and not the historical one.
and even if oda was historically driven there's a good reason rufy hasn't started assaulting cargos: he still has to get a full crew.
im not suprised, fixing naruto is fucking easy. Power level stops at kage and there is NOTHING OVER THAT POWER LEVEL, kick out sharingan, make some more interesting jutsus, make taijutsu more powerfull, make them not wear stupidly colorfull clothing, scrap the whole "tailed beasts are not only monsters but have a personality" and there you go, i just fixed naruto
And how are those not the exact same thing?
Oh no you finally bypassed all my defenses and the tricks i threw at you earning yourself a heroic and exciting martial victory did you?
Oh shit im totally fucking off the chain broken, see you tomorrow after ive rested in my pocket plane you cant possibly get to and reorganized my reality warping powers to be more specific to the encounter based off of what Ive observed.
See ya tomorrow buddy!
>Veeky Forums's le ebin contrarianism has turned to actually liking or at least trying to defend Naruto
"not muh wizards"
>after years of decrying shounenshit like Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach, /a/ now unironically discusses Dragon Ball "canon" and gets excited about DBS
Really gets my brain trained
This. There is a big difference between historical pirates and fictional pirates. The most iconic pirate thing that exist is the buried chest with a map, not armed robbery.
And this is the same for basically every character archetype, from ninjas to knighs.
sleep snug, smug
Teenage is where you like Naruto because you can relate to the characters
Adulthood is where you realize the main characters are stupidly shallow and petty twats who have act like they know more about life than they really do, and you hate them for it as well as your past self for being Like them.
Sleep snug, smug
And cars
I don't mind levels above kage, but keep the numbers down, by the end of the Manga everybody and their mother could take on kages.
Since when did spies and assassins have supernatural abilities attributed to them?
There was a thread about a dude with a martial killing a caster with contingency, even after the martial told the wizard guy his powers.
>I can fly, be invisible and teleport at will, also I have a feature that makes be go first, no ini rolling
>Ok, contingency pool of acid hwhen I see you attacking me, kek
>...dude, I told you I fly and I'm invisible
>Ok, pool of acid when you hit me
>..dude, I FLY
>Pool of acid in the air?
>Where, I'm invisible
>Fuck I dunno, everywhere?
>Even yourself?
>since when did spies and assassins have supernatural abilities attributed to them
The dumbest post ever.
Since you don't know much about shinobi legends, user. Before Naruto, Ninja Scroll probably had the most variety in one place.
Actual abilities? never, but the ninjas had a mythos behind them that helped them in their daily jobs, read about kato danzo, it was said he could fly, become invisible, hipnotize hundreds of people and swallow a cow whole instantly
Naruto is not about actual ninjas, is about the legends around them
Every wizard with contingency ever, contingency trigger keeps changing as the fucking wizard player realizes he isn't as smart as he thinks.
Naruto is not about real ninjas, its about Edo period folklore Ninjas, who had all kinds of crazy ass powers
>swallow a cow whole instantly
Why would you ever need to do that? Was he just perpetually short on time and had to eat on the fly? Could he also cook it before eating it, or did he just have E. coli all the time?
>no one posted muscle wizard yet
While this is partly true, that romantic pirate already is departing from the original concept. It keeps the name because it's a minor departing. If you make it even more distinct, you may as well drop the name or add something that compensates your fightan magic.
>Schrodinger's wizard strikes again!
you know dragon ball has been popular on /a/ for years right?
exalted does them best