How do you deal with edgy players/DM's?
my DM constantly throws really cliche edgelord shit at us (dark versions of ourselves, evil nightmares from our past, etc) and our players for some reason eat it up because they all have "muh tragic backstory, my parents were killed in front of me, im so deep and misunderstood."
Am I the only one who wants a heroic story instead of some fucking sasuke style edgefest?
How do you deal with edgy players/DM's?
Quit the group. You're a poor fit.
Be a force for good and never stop. Peace and love will conqueror all in the end.
If everyone else is having fun and you're not, it you that's the problem not them.
Just play a really happy cleric or something, constantly trying to improve other peoples' lives by sharing your faith and giving any enemies the opportunity to join you as well.
I think you should be more open minded op. Instead of being a dime-a-dozen shit flinger, try being positive.
Pretty much this. You're not going to win by out-edging your DM, so laugh it off and don't play into his antics. Heck, he might be constantly throwing that kind of stuff at you because he's waiting for ONE of you to actually confront it rather than embrace it like your other players are doing. Try literally doing nothing the next time you get a doppelgänger thrown at you.
And if the DM decides to just kill you over it, then do quit. They're obviously going through that edgy phase and it's not worth hanging around until they get it out of their systems.
you literally described the character I play.
no its even worse. he pulled the cliche "fight that is impossible to win, you die, but wake up afterwards alive, (maybe it was a dream?)"
Be explicit about it. Say to your GM ""we've had a lot of dark stuff recently, how about some lighter stuff to cleanse the palette"?
This is literally what my group has been doing recently. Our last few games have been pretty bleak (Delta Green followed by Red Markets) so our current campaign is a goofy ass game of Better Angels where we play dumb tacky supervillains and make dick jokes. And it wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't said "we've done a lot of dark shit recently, let's do something else"
If you're the only one not having fun, you're the one who either needs to change, or find a new group.
The joke of Sasuke is that literally everybody else had a worse childhood yet they ended a better person.
You are a liar. The words "literally everybody else" don't mean what you think they mean.
>most of the other leaf ninja of his age
She's the wife of a wife beater
Lost also her parents in the war
Lost also his parents in the war, also lost his mentor, and got an addictive habit at the age of 16
He's a furry
AND my DM is a first time DM who has always been a player and is obsessed with showing off how strong his enemies are. hes on a power trip.
Gnome illusionist. Model him after Elton John. Have him cast Glitterdust and Grease A LOT.
But seriously it sounds like you need a different group if you're the odd man out.
Or go full Sasuke, "PUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRGGGGGGINNNNNNGGGGGG WITH MY KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" and go full GrimDerp and kill random people all the time and shit.
Not one of which matches the edgefest that was Sasuke's "my brother murdered everyone I knew to test his abilities" backstory. Even if it turned out that didn't actually happen the way he thought it did, he was operating under it for years.
> Matches
Well, no, we clearly said they all had WORSE childhoods.
And still didn't turn out as shitty as Sasuke.
just quit senpai
I cant quit, theyre all friends and we've been playing for a while, but up until now I've been DMing and it wasnt so bad when I had control
I always play optimistic charactera who try to see the bright sight of everything and who do whatever is in its hand to make the world a better place. Become that guy
This, a million times this.
They didn't tho.
Don't be that guy, user
Who is forcing you to play tho?
If you're all friends but you're still not having fun, you can still do something else that you like instead.
Well, I played in a game with a 'so cool, so dark, so mysterious' type. Fortunately I was playing basically a farmboy caught up in greater things, so I just kept talking in a Savannah drawl and gently reproving him with cowpoke expressions, especially for not being 'neighbourly.'
Sasuke's the dumbest fuck in the series. The whole time he's chasing his brother he's feeding his own hatred which is literally exactly what his brother told him to do. If some BBEG rolls through your town and kills everyone but then spares you for reasons, and says "yeah man you need to try some blood magic and sucking Satan's dick" who the fuck would actually do that for the next ten years, instead of doing "exactly the opposite of what that asshole I hate told me to do?"
I bet you think Conan should have run away from that wheel on day 2 and married an ugly but buxom butchers' daughter, don't you.
I'm not denying that Sasuke is a dumbfuck who very much could have turned out differently by not being retarded.
I take with issue with "literally everyone had a worse childhood." He objectively had a worse fucking time than most of his village.
There are definitely worse ways to live. Not even remotely the same circumstances, though.
when you realize that the gym was two blocks down and that you're in the wrong campaign, your options are either to quit, change your character to fit the campaign retroactively or be the ''that guy'' of the group.
and it's sounding awfully like you just have to man up and change your shit up if you don't dare quit
Wasn't Conan chained to the wheel? I don't think he had much choice in the matter.
Sosuke was never chained to any wheel. Somehow I doubt the village would have objected if he'd decided to nope the fuck out of ninja training and become a baker or something.
My first answer to this, if I had to pick a tragic character, would be a character that's already accepted whatever tragedies made him into who he is, so he simply waits until the dream is over or the edgelord half stops talking, because he's seen it x+1 times and seeing it once more won't really help.
The other idea I had was basically a CE dude who really doesn't give a fuck about his past or all the shit he did or people did to him or whatever, he just wants to fuck around and he hates people 'cramping his style'. He'd probably constantly insult his edgelord half and treat the nightmare sequence as a happy dream, all while walking around in a pimp coat, wearing the fanciest purple hat you've ever seen, and slapping the shit out of whoever gets in his way.
First post best post.
Its fully possible to be That Guy of a group, but still be not a shitbag. That Guy is the one that sticks out massively. Its most often the total asshole in the group, but it can simply be the paladin in a group of edgefags.
Alternatively adapt. Be the edgiest of the edgelords.
If it's everyone then leave and be glad all the That Guys found each other instead of half a dozen regular parties.
This is the post of someone with actual Asperger's. Everyone please study it carefully so future use of the insult can stay consistent.
Your DM sounds like shit. Consider finding another group.
yea this seems like the best option
>DM is presenting material that most of the players enjoy
sasuga Veeky Forums
something can be shit even if a lot of people like it.
look at PF