>the entire chapter is covered in cameleoline and skulks around the battlefield exterminating enemies with their arm blades and shoulder mounted plasma pistols while making predatory sounds when decloaking erotically
The entire chapter is covered in cameleoline and skulks around the battlefield exterminating enemies with their arm...
Wait what
Just start the sexy pred picdump already OP.
on a more serious note, what do you guys think about predator-themed chapter idea?
Seems very existing already in NL and RG
you make their preferred enemy tyranids. they go around the galaxy looking for incursions to add more trophies to their collection.
Name them The Blooded
White Scars kinda do this but not limited to Tyranids.
This is getting more erotic by the second; maybe we can work out something unique out of this despite it already kinda exists in WH40K?
Didn't one of the hive gangers have optical camo? If not, you can also use camo cloaks.
Raven Guard successors. Shrouded on the first turn, Lightning Claws after that.
Could work.
Huge break form the codex.
Only specific units wear power armour. The rest wear cameleoline over a mixture of flack and carapace.
Each initiate has to make their own armour so it tends not to be standardized. Over time they replace it with bits and pieces of what they kill.
Flack replaced with treated ork skin and carapace replaced with tyrannid shells.
They go where they want but typically seen trailing Imperial Guard transports if they look like they are going somewhere the game might be good. Imperial Guard see them as a mixed blessing, on the one hand they keep decapitating the opposing leaders but on the other hand they are uncommunicative creepy fuckers that wear dead things for clothing and don't follow orders.
When they deploy of their own volition it is often against orks as Warbosses make good trophies and their removal tends to destabilize orkish empires and stall WAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!s.
They have an unorthodox tendency to eat the enemy even when there is no need to. It is suspected that some sort of mutation has made them more prone to inhuman behaviour
cannibalism and trophy exception made when fighting Chaos.
I would let her hunt me through a tropical forest...if you know what I mean.
>>the entire chapter is covered in cosmoline and skulks around the battlefield exterminating enemies with their rust-resistant arm blades
I'm not sure I do, because it sounds like you're inviting her to sodomise you.
A LOT of Spess Mehreen Chapters HATE these guys for a LOT of reasons
>They don't really give a shit about the codex
>They don't really give a shit about orders
>They don't really give a shit about collateral damage (that the enemy causes, they don't directly harm civilians)
>They don't give a shit about reporting where and what they're doing
>They generally don't give a shit
and they scare the shit out of them too
Favorite enemy: Catachan Jungle Fighters
what the fuck are you
Do they recruit from Catachan in secret?
Okay, so are we talking a really, really aggressive rivalry or are we talking scalp on sight? Either would be fucking awesome, since that's a space marine chapter showing respect to a bunch of (admittedly ripped) grunts.
++Verifying Credentials++
++Inquisitorial Authority Confirmed++
++Secure Connection Established++
Lord Calgar,
Inquisitor [REDACTED] has once again reviewed the information concerning His most holy [BLOODED SONS] sent by your esteemed self, and after (further) extensive investigation has once again concluded that His most holy [BLOODED SONS] are not guilty of Khornate heresy. In addition, Inquisitor [REDACTED] also wished to remind your esteemed self that absolute refusal to adhere to the venerable Codex Astartes is not, in fact, grounds for prosecution by the Ordo Hereticus.
Ave Imperator,
Really works best as a renegade chapter, honestly.
Is that how official Predator females look like or it's regular fan genderswap?
>initiates are nearly completely brainwashed to the point of severe memory loss
>they then drop the initiates on some shadowy mushroom forest planet filled with horrible monsters
>they pick up the ones that survive for a year
>fly to catachan
>"capture a catachan child, and you will become a space marine, if you fail, you will be left behind on that wretched planet"
>the initiates that succeed are turned into space marines
>the catachan children that are captured are put in brainwashing seats until they have been brainwashed to the point of severe memory loss
>they then drop the initiates on some shadowy mushroom forest planet filled with horrible monsters
>...etc. etc. etc. you get the idea
Official female predators look like regular male predators except with boobs, and an extra half meter in length. Also, more muscles than men.
The whole thing behind Predators going off to hunt dangerous alien species is because female Predators are much bigger and powerful than males, so males have to put a LOT of work in getting a chance to impregnate a woman. They're willing to die for it.
Ha, interesting. Thanks, senpai.
>tfw you realize all these aliens stalking you across the jungle are doing it for big muscled alien amazon booty
>when you realise that the us government put billions, perhaps trillions of dollars in Predator 2 to investigate the equivalent of a kissless virgin trying to score
I think stormtroopers/scions or death cult would be better suited.
When you're stealthy killers, having power armors and bolters is kind of a waste. Unless you want to do dynamic entries Eversor-style after having killed the sentries.
>have a fetish for musclegirls.
Goddamit, another setting where I'll get constant distracting thoughts from now on.
The in-universe reason for the hunts is cool, though.
You guys do realise that there's already a chapter that does this?
I haven't played Warhammer in 10 years, but those Raptor dudes do stealth.
They play the long game, like they'll insert a single squad of Space Marines on a world invested with a Waaagh, and just let those Space Marines sabotage Ork supply lines for like 10 years ensuring that the local PDF can survive long enough to hold out until the Imperial Guard arrives on the scene after the message of the Ork Waagh has been received on Terra, and a defensive fleet is rounded up and sent to the battlefield.
IIRC, their big hero, some guy with a beaky and twin lightning claws survived on an enemy planet alone for 50 years until they could get him back into orbit.
I mean, I don't want to be a dickhead, but there is a chapter that uses cameleoline on their armor, the Dark Hunters.
Hold on, I'll try to convert their novel, Umbra Sumus (absolute must read) by Paul Kearney, into a pdf.
You sure they are still around? That sounds just awesome enough for them to have been ret-goned into oblivion like all the other interesting bits of the 40k lore.
There you go guys.
Honestly, it's everything a book about an unknown chapter. Good characters, simple yet compelling story, IG kick ass in it, there's only the epilogue that's a wee bit disappointing, but really a damn good book.
Raptors? Yeah, they're still around, fighting Tau.
Raven Guard, they're one of the original Founding Chapters/Legions, so I doubt GW would retcon them.
>White Scars that fight like Raven Guard
Family gatherings must be awkward.
did he fucking stutter
Funnily enough, there's talk about that in the book. How's the new blood is losing the old traditions, like the Mongolian Braid and stuff.
I'm just happy I finally got around turning it into a pdf. The book never got sold because of legal problems, but still ended up on torrents (I presume by Kearney himself, not wanting to let his work go like that) so it never got much publicity, even though it's one of the best book for 40 there is.
Here's another taste: Their Master of the Forge dates back to the HH, in a Dreadnought. And he's a grumpy based granpa. From what I understood from the book, he never got deactivated, since he was not crippled before being interned, but rather went into a Dread willingly, because they lacked techmarines and needed a way to preserve him from battle.
>cannibalism and trophy exception made when fighting Chaos.
Reminds me of the homebrewed Sons of Lucullus from a few weeks ago.
Thanks for pdf. Dreadnought guy looks fun.
The building makes no sense, but that cover is great.
I like the CSM with the grenade a lot. It's just right.
>that caution sign on the chaos space marine backpack
I love those kinds of functional Stanley Kubrick-ian detail in scifi.
I like the idea that they are fleet based.
I very much like the idea that they scour the known badass worlds from Catachan and beyond, searching for the most impressive recruits to fill their ranks. That in itself could bolster the theme of secrecy they shroud themselves in and the super-stealth tactics they employ, because heavy losses are something they would hardly ever recover from.
I like the idea that they have limited but quite specialized armory, from various melee weapons and shoulder plasma toys to oh so important cameleoline that they mask their armor with...might even use it as a warpaint. Considering they would go light on the armor side and heavy on stealth, maybe the chapter is heavily scout-centric.
I very much like the idea of them getting a big hard on for the hunt and forever searching for bigger and deadlier monsters in the galaxy to slay and add to their trophy collection.
And I like the idea of them being buddies with some parts of Inquisition that tolerates their aberrant chapter structure/tactics because of their superior elimination capabilities.
We could distill stuff from the Retcon Raptors & Umbra Sumus and salvage what fits best the predatory feel.
>Master, why is there a caution message on your ammunition feedbackpack? Is it because it gets hot?
Being Chaos, you know it could happen.
Since it's 40k, they could also put [CAUTION] runes everywherebecause they saw it on some archeotech machine so it must be important.
I never noticed that eldar seer in the background. Or warlock?
Eldar's are in the book.
Maybe that was just me, but I felt like there was some tsundere sometimes.
>when you realise the cries and roars are the predator equivalent of REEEEEEEEE
The Emperor's Warbringers do this as well. Both chapters are considered retards by other chapters. Emperor's Warbringers because they don't love walls as much as their cousin IF chapters. And because they plan out the battlefield to the last second, sending in Scouts to map out the battlefield and reduce enemy resistance, setting up for the arrival of the main force.
The Raptors are just retarded for just not using their scouts to do all their stealth ops.
I can sort of agree, since Space Marines are more like an elite shock troop faction that deploy and act like walking tanks. Which is wasted on stealth, and is why Scouts are a thing. To do stealth.
Of course, this doesn't mean I don't find them cool. I love them, but I do hate Raptors user.
You mean Raven Guard.
It's important to remember that the Raven Guard are the smallest Founding Chapter in 40k, and not because of ingrained rules, like with the Iron Hands or Salamanders, but because the Raven Guard never take time to recuperate their losses (like how the Blood Angels just quit going to war for a couple decades to restore their numbers after being reduced from 1000 members to just barely one or two companies).
The Raven Guard are always at war somewhere, and they do not have the numbers to fight like a regular Space Marine chapter.
So they go in stealthy.
>implying tanks can't be stealthy
Jokes aside, the British, Swedish and Polish militaries are right now actively developing (infra-red) stealth tanks.
I'd rather crawl through her treacherous underbrush, if you catch my drift
Well, if you're going by the movies, then wouldn't all of them be scouts? Maybe they're so obscure and eccentric that they either don't get shipped power armor on a regular basis or they just flat out don't want it.
After all, hiding behind a wall of ceramite and shielding doesn't seem very sporting, does it?
Nah, Predators can get armored up, like the AVP when it was either newbies who needed the protection or shit was serious enough to warrant armor.
Most just eschews for the challenge.
Because Predators only bring their armour when shit hits the fan, like when actual intergalactic war is brewing or some prey species is about to start reverse engineering Predator tech.
Predators have fucking insane warfare technology. The best way to describe it is basically Necron-Space Marine-Dark Eldar.
Lots of armour, lots of exotic energy guns stuff, lots of black hole or antimatter bombs. When the Predators roll out the army, everything that isn't on the side of the Predators is just going to die.
There's a reason why the Space Jockeys are extinct. And it isn't the Xenomorphs.
>at least, that's how I understand AvP lore.
Is it just me or is he smoking a cig?
That's the grenade pin he took off with his mutated vox grille.
He's about to be splattered by his buddy's brains though.
There was some novel or author's notes that covered a lot of predator culture and history. Wish for the life of me I could find it again.
Essentially the Yautja are a race of savages accidentally uplifted by reverse engineering alien tech that crashed on their homeworld. They're culturally backwards and completely barbaric given the level of technology they have access to; thus all of the resources and effort dedicated to hunting and trophies.
That actually makes a lot of sense. I always thought that an entire race so autistically devoted to conflict had too much advanced tech
>Chaos Marine with the hole in his chest was handing a mag to his buddy
Okay, so if we're still sticking with the whole "We Predators now" thing, let's say they found a nice, big cache of archeotech on their homeworld that puts them leagues ahead of other people (hence the miniaturized plasma weapons that don't blow up every other use)
>Okay, so if we're still sticking with the whole "We Predators now" thing, let's say they found a nice, big cache of archeotech on their homeworld that puts them leagues ahead of other people (hence the miniaturized plasma weapons that don't blow up every other use)
You dumb motherfucking cunt. Imperial plasma weapons don't blow up unless you put it on overdrive.
The only reason that plasma weapons blow up on the tabletop is to keep those motherfuckers balanced and easy to use.
No one wants to fucking use 40kRPG plasma gun rules for the tabletop when someone can shoot like 10 different plasma pistols, guns and cannons in a single turn.
Yeah I've only seen that today even though I saw that art a lot or times.
From the author's comments, he's still alive but about to be headshotted though.
kroots have a lot in common with predators already
>yfw you can't work with these guys because all your champions and notable heroes are constantly being hunted and targeted by them despite being on the same team
You'd literally have to be weaker than the enemy for these guys to help you.
I remember one person posting on a models thread pics of not!Predator Space Marines.
All black green with metallic and goblin green visors. Even the helmets were shaped to look more like Pred masks and had the organic dreads. Hell, they even had special effects painted over them to look like they were de-cloacking. But they had power axes instead of wrist blades.
Sadly didn't save the pics.