Is it explicitly said in the book that some places in the world are simply impossible to live in as a vampire ?

Is it explicitly said in the book that some places in the world are simply impossible to live in as a vampire ?

Because I just though that if someone that lives in Hawaii (or someplace in Polynesia) would be turned into a vampire, It would really sucks for him

Why would it be any harder to be a vampire? It's not like the sun doesn't set in those places.

Far in the North and South would be pretty shit. Sure, you've got long ass winters with a lot of darknesse, but the sun doesn't really set in the summer at all and it's never dark.

You've got clothes that cover 100% of your skin and black googles. I think a vampire would manage to survive.
Now living in Vatican city? That sucks.

Well, it wouldn't be an issue if the vampirism of the setting is caused by a non-supernatural reason.

>clothes save the vampire from sunlight

This is, was, and always will be bullshit of the highest caliber.

if (sufficiently thick) clothes don't protect you, I don't see why walls or coffins would.

Again, the setting has to specify if it's the naturally holy and divine power of the sun that kills the vampires or the UV rays.

>walls and coffins save the vampire from sunlight

This is, was, and always will be bullshit of the highest caliber.

Coffins are solid wood dingus, vampires tend to live in stone walled castles, and you can't wear either of those things out on the town.

If a supernatural creature's biggest fucking weakness is negated by a big hat and a puffy coat, it's not much of a weakness.

Are you aware of how thick polar exploration clothes are? Unless the weakness is linked to the kind of material used, the amount of light recieved is exaclty the same.

I really don't give a shit how thick some clothes are or how much fucking sunlight they block. The complaint isn't rooted in real world logic, it's about lazy writing and stupid narratives. Nobody's safe in a world where a vampire hunts in broad daylight because he wears a parka all the goddamn time.

Except for the fact that most clothing can be easily damaged and fire burns just as well during the day?

Which book?

There are many books that say they do just fine in sunlight.

t. Twilight fangirl.

You just realize you've come full circle, right?
>Supernatural creature has major weakness.
>Here's a mundane way to negate the major weakness.
>So it's no longer a major weakness?
>No, it's fine, the negation is also easily negated.


It could be the case that the symbolic natures of a threshold of a home or a resting place for the dead are what protect the vampire from the sun, rather than anything purely physical.

>Is it explicitly said in the book that some places in the world are simply impossible to live in as a vampire ?

Yes. It says so in "the book".

>I haven't read DRACULA or CARMILLA
Welcome to Veeky Forums newb.

Dracula literally shows the Count walking around in the day. He doesn't do it much because he can't use his powers, but he can.

Literally happens in Dracula

Whatever happened to the lesbianpire genre?

WoD happened.

The sun doesn't even hurt the founding trio of vampires - Carmilla, Dracula, and the one from The Vampyre - and it only even weakens two of those. Be thankful a stupid movie special effect has percolated so far at all.

Because it's an advantage for a vampire to be able to get the upper hand by working during the day?

Because it's always nice to have a secondary fail-safe, just in case? The same reason why people wear bullet-proof vests even in situations in which the vest will most likely be supeflous.

They are trying to blend in and working during the day helps to keep their cover?

Allows them enough time to take someone down with them in case they get attacked?

Several reasons, user.

By god, aren't you an unsufferable prick.
There could be a thousand reasons why clothes don't work.
Maybe vampires sleep during the day. Maybe they have to be buried during the day (as in inside a coffin or in a underground building), maybe the holy power of the sunlight permeate clothes.
Or maybe their weakness isn't sunlight per se but UV.

But no, instead of trying to discuss it like a normal human being, you went all "you're having bad wrong fun -vampires don't work that way".

Are you aware that vampire weaknesses vary a lot depending on the period and country?Like how russian vampires don't fear sunlight, or chinese vampire need to be drowned to truly die? Broaden your horizon a bit instead of being perpetually angry at everything.

>never read Dracula or Carmilla
>throwing around 'Twilight.'

Kill yourself. Well, no, first read Carmilla and Dracula, THEN kill yourself.

>Whatever happened to the lesbianpire genre?
Ruined by anime, like everything else.

They moved on to erotic roleplay.

Actually, lespires don't get much credit in anime - only lolitapires with big strong men to protect them.

Vampire Princess Miyu was a disappointment for lespires everywhere.

What if a vampire built himself a mech so he could function in sunlight?

Nosferatu in 1922 ?
That film, while goofy at some points, is legit scary when accompanied with a good sountrack. It really is a masterpiece


The story of a vampire living in the extreme North during Polar Summer, the period of time where the sun never sets.

Wasn't Miyu always deeply in love with Larva, who was a dude?

Places like Saudi Arabia or Sweden would be perfect for a vampire. They could walk around in a portable tent all day without it attracting any suspicion.


>The Camarilla is funding islamism so they can walk outside freely during the day.
Fucking conspiracies.

He'd either sleep the whole time or go NEET with a ton of blood in his freezer.
(Just like finns during winter)