Warhammer 40,000 General

Except for a couple of units, Eldar are actually only upper mid tier edition

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Which faction has the most obnoxious fanbase?



Which of 5.

CSM, easily.
They've gotten multiple supplements and still bitch about how bad they've got it.
IG, Nids, Orks, DE and SoB have gotten far less and don't whine nearly as much.

Why are Taufags so eternally butt hurt?

If I combine Spae Marines with Skitarii to Drop Pod in Vanguards with Plasma or Arc Spam, can I let the Dominus Maniple's Tech-Priest join my Assault Squad and my Captain and let them ride a Land Raider together?

Also, can he still spot units for the formation rule from inside the Land Raider (similar to how bubble effects still work from inside transports)?

>SoB have gotten far less and don't whine nearly as much

Welcome to your first day on Veeky Forums.

Becayse you give them attention.

It's not about your faction, it's about (you).

i have never seen someone who's above 5'9" play tau

I'm a noob when it comes to 40k lore but how come chaos only seems to affect humans? why are there no chaos tau for instance?

>ig have gotten far less
we do need some new stuff though

Tau have a miniscule precense in the warp, Eldar have soulstones.

Anyone else having issues with the epub files in the mega link? All distorty and fucko.

Tau have almost no presence in the warp so they aren't susceptible to corruption, plus knowledge of Chaos is suppressed in the Empire.

Chaos Eldar are dead Eldar because Slaanesh would just eat their souls as soon as they joined Chaos.

Orks just literally don't give a fuck.

Most neglected army by gw

wonder why they are but hurt?

hmm i wonder why.

>Chaos only affects humans
You might wanna read up more on eldar.

Chaos can effect most sentient species, but generally seem to effect psychicly active species more often, which explains why you never hear of chaos tau since they have no psychics and very small souls.

Retarded Ork-fix poster where you at

No, because everyone else lurks to see the same fucking questioned every damn thread.

hey, I searched a few pages back.

>Chaos is suppressed in the Empire
By that do you also mean all the desires that nourish chaos?

And naturally, it's the thread before where I stopped last.

No I mean literally all knowledge of the Ruinous Powers. Tau haven't encountered Chaos too much and the Ethereals keep what they do know under wraps for the Greater Good.

It's one of the reasons Farsight went rogue. he found out about the coverups.

Not this Chaosfag. I'm actually so disgusted by how powerful the Death Guard rules are that I'm shelving my plans for converting the Nurgle Daemon Prince to appear to have formerly been an Apothecary and have him supported by zombie Loyalist corpses. I'm similarly disdainful of hopping on the Sicaran Council's Summoning Rapetrain to Beardytown. Now I'm trying to decide between fedora edgelord sons of Curze, guitar-wielding warpdust-snorting fuck-animal Noise Marines, and shitwrecking psyker-faggot-stomping World Eaters. It's like thumbing through 3.5 again, except the spine won't wear out this time because I'm reading a screen.

I'm leaning towards World Eaters because a little psychic defense is built in and I've always been that cunt trying to play melee in shooter games. Have the Chaos Warband made up of foot and bike troops, back it up with a Helforged Warpack, make a Helbrute the Pack Alpha with IA XIII's Scouring Vet/Maelstrom Raider, and fuckin' have a blast. Bang on 2k points, too.

There's several warbands dedicated to Khorne and Nurgle. It's rare for them to be corrupted but very well possible.

How much do the Ethereals know about Chaos?

How much does Farsight know?

Anyone give any tips on a 1000 point alpha legion force?

Battle brothers can no longer begin the game embarked in their ally's transports. Your dominus will have to be on the field and embark T1. Bubble effects cease once the effector is off the table (like in fortifications or vehicles).

You can't drop pod Skitarii.

>guitar-wielding warpdust-snorting fuck-animal Noise Marines

the answer is always this

Ork warbands, I mean, of course.

farsight commanded the expansion fleets when they met daemons for the first time, it defied all reason and he started to question if the greater good is anything more than in insignificant spec in the sight of the things he's encountering more and more

Are Skitarii fun to play? I've never seen a game with them so far

Loads of cultist.

It's implied that the ethereals know the whole story, or at least more than they let on. Farsight, on the other hand, has actually fought demons before, and his Dawn Blade is an ancient sword designed to kill demons (not of Tau origin, obviously).

The SOB whining is a false flag action.

Are there any decent depictions of Abaddon in any of the novels? All I know about him is the meme and the crappy model.

Ah damn, would've been too fun to be true, I guess. Thought bubbles still worked inside transports, though. Wasn't Grimaldus + Servitors usually deployed inside their own Rhino to have a mobile FnP field for your army, since they can't join Crusaders inside their LRCs?

I'm sure the people bitching are not SoBfags, but people pretending to be.

Is not like SoB had any real update since 3rd, some SoB models are going to be legal in most places of the world. Think the oldest model is 20 years now.

>Orks just literally don't give a fuck.

Right? Kakophoni looks like a blast. The rules seem honestly almost as brutal as Death Guard. Max out Kakophoni, grab some Slaaneshi Sorcerers, and maybe take Lucius for one last Doom Siren.


I'm going to be very upset if thing within the same codex. Can't start inside the Valkery. Because idiotic faction rules

Is there any AdMec related stuff inside Imperial Agents? Thought I saw that mentioned somewhere.

How would you equip the noise champions?

We haven't seen the entry yet, so it might have a rule allowing other units to embatk during deployment.

Techpriest Enginseers and Servitors, that's all. By the sounds of things they've been lifted from the IG Codex, but benefit from Canticles of the Omnissiah now.

they hilariously shit on vehicle heavy lists, but are fairly paper thin

hoplites are nice though, 2++ if they go to ground but cant even snap shoot afterwards

I thought only the Servitors had all of the Haywire? What do Skitarii have as anti-vehicle?

The sonic weapons are salvo, so you're not gonna be charging, so i mostly just slap a power weapon on the champion and leave it at that unless the squad is big enough that icon of excess becomes a good idea.

Where is this all? Tau/Farsight codexes?

the only infantry unit that doesnt have access to haywire are hte infiltrators, rangers and dragoons get them as special weapons, hoplites get them automatically, ruststalkers and peltasts can get them in melee

the ironstrider gets twinlinked lascannons for cheap, dunecrawlers get the beamy thing

I think that pintle weapons should be able to overwatch at full BS. Would give vehicles something to do when being charged and make pintle more useful than it is currently.

That would make sense.

We are talking of modern 40k a game where you need 7 different books to play one army.

I play mech heavy Guard. Should I invest in more infantry to give me an advantage over Skitarii? I have a maxed out platoon of 50 Guardsmen,a unit of veterans,2 units of Scions and their command squad and was thinking of getting some conscripts too. And by mech heavy I mean I run usually three or four Leman Russes above 1000 points.

This is a mech heavy list my friend, you appear to have a good TAC list though.

invest slightly more in scions and also get the odd hellhound

giving some of your lemans the 20 shot main weapon also helps, skitarri either have shit saves, or amazing saves with nothing inbetween on generally T3 models, drowning them in wounds works wonders

>a game where you need 7 different books to play one army
If you're going out of your way to add as much stupid extraneous shit as possible, sure.

My GSC army uses the Codex, the paperback rulebook from Kill Team, and the Fortification datasheet that came in the Munitorum Crate kit.

His point was stupidity of Supplement over Supplement.

Pretty much just the Farsight supplement. There's not even a mention of chaos in the Tau codex if memory serves.

So no rule book? Or rules for flayers, or fortification rules, etc etc.

The point is 7th has a retarded amount of rules spread all over the place.

>So no rule book? Or rules for flayers, or fortification rules, etc etc.
> the paperback rulebook from Kill Team, and the Fortification datasheet that came in the Munitorum Crate kit
Are you retarded?

The point <
You <

It went all over your head.

Emperor's Children and World Eaters are probably roughly similar to Death Guard in power level. Although I suppose it would be easier to handcap your own list with them.

Help! My best friend got me a bunch of mortar teams for Xmas without knowing any better. How do I make them /fun/. Also I dont own a Wyvern yet because I wanted to avoid blowing out his Nids.

You need
>measuring tape

Here's everything I have,well besides the Wyvern and box of Scions I just got. Also 5 man melta or plasma squads or are ten man squads better?I apologize for the poor formatting in advance.

HQ Squadron
Vanquisher 135pts
Lascannon 10pts
Plasma Sponsons 30pts
Tank Commander 30pts
Executioner 155pts
Lascannon 10 pts
Plasma Sponsons 30pts
Primaris pysker 50pts
Mastery Level 2 25pts
Techpriest Enginseer 40pts
Commissar 25pts
Plasma pistol 15pts
Powersword 15pts
Platoon Command Squad 30pts
Voxcaster 5 pts
Flamer 5pts
Melta Gun 10pts
Infantry Squad 50pts
Voxcaster 5pts
Flamer 5pts
Melta bomb 5pts
65pts x5
Heavy Weapons Squad 45pts
3 Lascannons 60pts
105 pts
Veterans 60pts
2 Plasma Guns 30pts
Powersword 15pts
Grenadier Doctrine 15pts
Dedicated Transports:
Chimera 65pts
Heavy Flamer free
Multilaser free
65 x2
Scion Command Squad 85 pts
2 Melta Guns 20pts
Plasma Gun 15 pts
Plasma Pistol 15 pts
Scions Squad 70pts
Plasma pistol 15pts
2 Volley Guns 20pts
Melta bomb 5pts
Heavy Support:
Leman Russ Battle Tank 150pts
Lascannon 10pts
Heavy Bolters 20pts
Demolisher Squadron:
Demolisher 170pts
Lascannon 10pts
180 x2
2,225 pts Total

You had no point.

Put them in PCSs. They can't really underperform with their BS3 because they're blast weapons, and are only 5pts.


>wall of text
Read the OP

Just wanted to shitpost.

But the game sure needs some trimming.

You have got to tell me how you managed such a clean white.
My Tau will remain unpainted until I figure out how to get their white to not look like shit

I agree, they can start by removing all the bullshit Apocalypse stuff from the core rules. No more superheavies, gargantuans, D weapons or stomps.

Not them, but getting a clean white is just a case of many thin coats. Like, really thin.

I had it in a txt file lads I was just copying it over but if you give me more time I can make it A E S T H E T I C A L L Y pleasing for you.

Or flyers.

Or formations without point cost and outside apocalypse.

God damn it 7th why do you make 3rd look good

Any army that was not in the original 3rd edition rule book should be remove.

Yes or no?

No, and fuck you.

Taufag detected

>Hurr he must be a Taufag because he doesn't want to see armies literally as old as Dark Eldar disappear

Don't be a retard user. If you're an anti-Taufag then just come out and say it rather than beat around the bush like you're doing.

Why exactly ? Besides it doesn't remove Eldar form the game so I don't see the point :^)

No, fuck you. What's this even supposed to achieve? Besides get rid of Tau, that is.

Dark Eldar where in the 3rd edition rule book.

Not counting special flavour. Tau, Necron, Scion and Genestealer Cult would be out.

>Besides get rid of Tau, that is


Sisters of Battle.

Well if we leave things in the lore till that point. Necrons, Kroot and Genestealer Cult would still be there.

Only Tau would be gone.

So get rid of Tau, don't get rid of all the other cool shit.

When has GW ever thought that far ahead.

And Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus too.

Easily Space Marines. They're behind 50% of the anti faction based shitposting, like the recent string of anti sob posts.

T.dark eldar player.

Had forgotten those existed. That would be a sad lost. But if we go with they would still be there. All the cool shit, non of the stupid shit.

Kroot mercenaries would had been cool.

Yeah fuck off. Skitarii and Cult Mech are great. All they need is a proper codex/fix.

Combined AdMech Codices and/or Fires of Cyraxus when

Think Marines are way to happy SoB got shit. Can you picture the butt hurt of marine players if SoB got good rules.
Not even talking of over power or Necron level good, just good or decent.

So why not just say "Cut Tau"?

That's all you want gone, isn't it?

>Grav chute insert robot men with scissor hands
I didn't know I wanted this

Personally I don't mind Tau being there in the fluff. They're the most unimportand race, which only excists because other threats are keeping the Imperium occupied enough that they don't have the time to wipe them out. Not even Chaos cares about them, and that's saying something.