>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
So dead we nearly fell off the bottom of the archive Edition
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
So dead we nearly fell off the bottom of the archive Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>System Preferred
Shadowrun 5e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
All day Monday to Saturday EST, Sundays until 7:00 PM EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Skype, Discord, Teamspeak
>Contact Info
Skype: helsinger666
Discord: Detox#5034
>Additional Notes
Pathfinder veteran and Shadowrun newbie. Text RP-heavy.
The fluff for the Pathfinder character I -really- want to play is a little "out there" involving reality-bending and extraplanar influence, just a heads up.
Are you the one who posted in /5eg/ with the banana pic? I've been wanting to run a text-heavy 5e game for my custom setting, one where progress is made post-by-post, rather than by session-to-session.
>Fantasy Craft
>GMT, Fridays at 7pm
>Text on Roll20
Already got 4 players, looking for 2-3 more to expand out the group. The system is basically 3.5 but with everything fixed. Experienced players appreciated but newbies just as accepted.
Nah, that wasn't me. What I mean is lots of RP via text. Can't get comfortable with voice RP. Prefer to keep voice to OOC chatter.
That was me
Thread Bump
I'll hit you up on discord
Shadowrun 5e, Legend Of The Five Rings, Only War, Dark Heresy 2e, Legends Of The Wulin, maybe other games - but d20 is a hard sell.
Weekdays evening. Weekends any hour with notice. (GMT+10)
Text: Discord BitRunr#6481, Roll20
Voice: ...
>Additional Notes
Be excellent to each other.
Hold off on the memes and chuckles.
Remember you are not M. Knight Shyamalan.
Focus on creating characters within the setting, rather than being 'special' or overpowered.
>the Pathfinder character I -really- want to play is a little "out there"
Pathfinder group found.
Still down for a Shadowrun 5e group. Not planning on another special snowflake.
>System Preferred
Pathfinder/3.5/5e are my go-to's but If you have a system you would consider more interesting then I am willing to give it a shot.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Monday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings.
Any time after 5pm PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, Roll20, Maptools
Text or voice works, I'm not too shabby at doing voices.
>Contact Info
Discord: Jambo#9021
>Additional Notes
I am adaptable and can grasp new situations and methods easily. I have been a Player/GM since 2008 and have done many, many adventures and embraced each and every one of my characters.
My characters tend to lean toward the ideology of being a good addition to the to a party. While also keeping to a concept I have chosen/discussed with before hand. I value the Three C's to success. Communication, Cooperation, and Compensation. I don't expect every person to follow the same outlook, but it is nice to see people actually come together and enjoy things when we're all invested as a team.
That Discord name's wrong, tried contacting you
is still holding out that this user shows back up
Fuck, I didn't even realize I donked the number (I'd blame the gnomes, but we all know its just dyslexia)
Try Jambo#9201
Well I'm heading to bed for the night and still hoping that user swings by. If you read this, add obelion13 on Skype.
I'm here now. What's up?
>System Preferred
Only system I've ever played is Star Wars Saga, but I feel confident in my ability to reliably learn a new d20-based system. I'd prefer something sci-fi, but not Star Wars.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Weekends, preferably mid-day (12-4 EST starting time)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for play, discord for communication outside of game
>Contact Info
[email protected]
discord name is Affectionate Nouns#3712 (preferred)
Skype is Affectionate Nouns
>Additional Notes
Still fairly new to tabletops, but (I'm told, at least) I'm a decent-to-good roleplayer. That said, I'll probably need some talking-through on things like character building and my first few combat scenarios.
(Czech 'em)
Forgot to mention, but I'd prefer text play.
UPDATE: We're full.
Group of 6 seeking additional potential players and hoping that this shit doesn't fall off the board quite as quickly as the last time.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Game slated to start mid-January, scheduled around GM evenings. Once a week, exact times TBD.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 plus Discord, voice game
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Spears, sandals, and serpentine sorcerers, this is D&D: Prepare to Die Edition. Running one page crawls whenever for now, the main campaign will be a player-driven hex crawl affair.
I'm looking for more people to facilitate a drop in-drop out method of play, allowing a more flexible schedule.
I'm still up for that game if you are. I'm the Skype name here
Why won't you just.. kill me?
I'm thinking of running a game using Legend of Zelda RPG, except it wouldn't be Zelda.
Party would be a band of recently slain vikings that were taken to a parallel world by the Valkyries. YHWH has decided to conquer the world and offered the pantheons exile in this parallel world that has no gods. So Loki, Tyr, and Freya (the only survivors of the war with YHWH's forces) are sneaking out with their followers and have charged you with carving out a slice of this would-be Alfheim.
Play method would be roll20 with skype for voice
Anyone interested in this?
>I'm thinking about running Valkyrie Profile, except for some reason I'm bringing up Zelda
You know this sounds more like Shin Megami Tensei than Legend of Zelda.
maybe, but the system is fun. I'd be filing off all the zelda copyrights and just using it as a combat system because I like the combat
>System Preferred
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Thursdays, time negotiable
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for dice and handouts,
Discord for discusion. This is a voice game.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I'm a huge faggot so I have an intro
Over the past ten years there has been a rising interest in the small island of Ralenor off the west coast of the continent Thyora. Ralenor has governed itself and stayed away from the continent's politics for centuries, so very few understand the sudden interest in such a small country. Regardless of that, many men and women have been sent to retrieve the legendary power said to lie dormant somewhere on the island.
As Ralenor grows in size in front of the merchant ship bringing you, you think of those who sent you. A local lord with confidence in you, perhaps a sorcerous mentor, or maybe you chose this path yourself. Whatever the cause, you and the several others on this boat have had a chance to speak to eachother on the ride and decided it best to work together.
The ship pulls into the tiny harbor of Leuden, and a rush of excitement brings your feet pounding down the wood of the dock. Land has probably never looked better than after three days at sea, and this mysterious land holds adventure.
I should clarify that I'm on the west coast of the US
bump for games
Player, but I'll be running a game of dnd in the near future if you want to get your foot in the door.
>System Preferred
3.5/Pf, 5e, Star Wars Saga
Really want to try Legends of the Wulin, Exalted, Runequest, or Mutants and Masterminds but no one's ever running them
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sunday-Thursday evenings PST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Any, I don't care. I'm familiar with just about all of it
>Contact Info
Discord: Wind#5574
Gmail: [email protected]
>Additional Notes
People generally like me
Player. Prefer text over voice, but perfectly capable at both. My voice isnt stupid either.
>Preferred System
Familiar with Pathfinder & 5e, learned but never played Shadowrun 5e, New World of Darkness.
>Method of Play
Skype, Roll20, whatever.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>additional notes
If we're playing Pathfinder I can be ready to play in hours.
Group with a GM, looking for one more player.
>System Preferred
Running Vampire:The Masquerade 20th Anniversary
>Times Available
We've been planning awhile and due to player drop off we need someone able to have a character ready 16~ hours from now. (5pm Thursday Central time) I realize this is a tall order and all assistance will be provided.
>Method of Play
We're on Discord at the moment.
>Contact Info
>additional notes
Takes place in Seoul South Korea.
Seriously, live, I need like three more guys in this damn game.
>System Preferred
Star Wars Saga
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Time is up in the air until I have more players. I'm EST US
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
TS3 (my server) or Discord
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Pretty new to Star Wars Saga. Time period will be around the TOR MMO, though not necessarily related to it.
PM me over Roll20 and we'll talk there.
40k [OW, DH/2, RT, BC], WHFB RPG, Shadowrun, FantasyCraft, Mutants and Masterminds, nWoD, others just listing the ones I have some familiarity with and I am interested in playing.
Haven’t played in the Cthulhu-verse, but would really like to. Would absolutely love to play some Degenisis or other post-apocalyptic setting. Fragged Empire would be super fun to play as well, have the rule book.
Open to other suggestions
MST (GMT -7) - Tuesday afternoon / night, Wednesdays, Thursday mornings specifically. I work nights and it sucks.
Discord - RichterRaf #8242
Something that isn't entirely murderhobo would be nice. Voice and Text necessary. Discord is best way to contact me.
Have a ton of RP books that I am willing to share.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I am in AEST timezone (GMT+10), but quite flexible. Will be worked out with players once chosen.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for OOC, Maptools for gameplay.
Anyone new to Maptools but wary, I encourage you to try it out- I've only started using it fairly recently and I'm really liking how it works.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Reign of Winter, playing as a party of losers, malcontents and madpeople thrown into something far beyond their skills and comprehension.
I am seeking three players. You must have a decent amount of experience, both in Pathfinder mechanics and in RP, particularly text-based RP. I'll be requesting chat excerpts of previous games from applicants.
I'm in no rush to start this game; planning on a vetting process of, say, at least two weeks.
MAOCT was everywhere for, like, a week. Just when I started getting into the PDF the playerbase seemed to evaporate.
We gotta make this happen. We gotta.
Here's a Discord link so that people looking to play can coordinate easily.
got an image 4 u
>wants good roleplayers
>runs pathfinder modules
Y'all mind if i bump this post?
Which post? Did you forget to ">>" it, or did you mean "y'all mind if I bump this thread"?
>System Preferred
Know a bit about D&D, gurps and shadowrun but I've never played, just read a bit on my own.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I'll do anything but I prefer text
>Contact Infow
DeepMeep#2590 on discord.
>Additional Notes
I haven't really played anything Veeky Forums before but I know a lot about it through osmosis and I've been pretty hype to try playing some. I have a mic but it's garbage and my accent is kinda thick, so text might be best.w
Good job giving time availability.
>System Preferred
5e or 3.5e (Have worked with other systems but those are the only sword n dragon type fantasy ones I've used and that's the game I'm looking for atm.)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST (GMT-5), preferably afternoon/night sessions. Cannot do Mon/Wed.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and/or Roll20 Preferably, text would be best, but can do anything.
>Contact Infow
HVRT#0084 on discord or [email protected]
>Additional Notes
What kind of accent do you have user?
Put a bullet in your brain, heroin junkie.
>running pre-written pathfinder modules
>I'll be requesting chat excerpts of previous games from applicants
>vetting process of, say, at least two weeks
Is this nigga serious?
I want you to know that I'm laughing at you. Not with you.
Shadowrun game soon - Teaser: Your players have all received tickets to a major event. This could be through luck, or other... means.
I feel nothing but genuine pity for you.
I can't wait user
>I'll be requesting chat excerpts of previous games from applicants.
oh god my sides
>planning on a vetting process of, say, at least two weeks.
>for a text-only Pathfinder game
>featuring teenagers from Veeky Forums
>using Maptools for gameplay
and the best line
>I'll be requesting chat excerpts of previous games from applicants.
Text games or voice?
I prefer text.
>System Preferred
Craving GURPS.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Late night (23:00 onwards) GMT. EST games suit me just fine.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Up for any, although I prefer Roll20 for actual play.
>Contact Info
Skype: EpicPirateGuy
Discord: Mulmangcho #9156
>Additional Notes
I've been going through the 4e books (haven't played much since 3e), and I absolutely love the idea of an Infinite Worlds game.
But I know better than to be too picky, so really, I'll consider any game going, especially if guns are an option.
Humpty bumpty
Well my prospective DM vanished on me so...
>System Preferred
DnD 5e
A case can be made for Ironclaw 2e since the system looks really fucking cool but I'm not really a furry so if we do that, let's not make it too weird please
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Central US (but see below)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Text via Skype preferred but flexible
>Contact Info
obelion13 on Skype
>Additional Notes
Was hoping to get in on a text-based play by post campaign with a prospective DM. Being busy with life and with a new job possibly starting soon, I was looking to do a play by post of some fashion. It'll be as laid back or involved as you want it to be due to the flexibility of having things progress by posts, so it could work for a DM eager to run a side game in that setting you totally love on the side but will probably never get to run.
I say Skype since I check my phone often and can respond to Skype messages anywhere I go at nearly any time (as long as I'm not busy), but I'm cool with anything else as long as you don't mind it going a tad slower.
I play with an IRL group every Saturday and DM a play by post myself, but nevertheless I'm eager to delve into someone's setting. My first group meets every Saturday like clockwork and my personal campaign goes at posting pace, so I won't be too preoccupied with other groups for your game. I'm a flexible player and can play any kind of campaign as long as it isn't extremely heavy political intrigue, I don't mind politics but I like a little adventure yknow?
>Not even GMing
Not really getting what you're implying at. Clarify please?
It's 2016, who the fuck even does play-by-post anymore, especially on skype, and not, like a forum?
Busy people? People with nonregular schedules or in different time zones? Iunno, it still works for some people. It might be a bit outdated but it ain't mailing letters to one another. Nothing wrong with it for a side gig or someone practicing new GMing techniques and styles.
Onward and upward.
Maptool is better than Roll20, though, for everything except voice.
Time availability will be flexible. We'll look at who's interested and when they can make it and plan around that.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Youtube/G+ Hangouts or Skype
>Contact Info
Veeky Forums I guess
So my group runs Palladium Heroes Unlimited pretty often. We're not playing a HU game right now, it's pathfinder, but probably in some upcoming months we'll play HU. If you want to leave your contact info I can talk you up when we're rolling; it's hard to find palladium players
>System Preferred
Not D&D or Pathfinder, totally fine with learning new systems
>Times available (with timezone!)
Monday-Thursday pretty much all day, would prefer to not have late night sessions
>Method of Play
Roll20, Discord
>Contact Info
Discord: Guypatron#0921
>Additional Notes
Heavily prefer text, totally fine with high mortality campaigns
forgot to include my timezone
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
so scottish that people think i'm french.
>System Preferred
Any. As long as it's not abstruse, I should be able to figure out how to play.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST -5; flexible, but I do have some restrictions.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
IRC, Roll20, Discord.
>Contact Info
Discord Svetto#1473
IRC Svetto
>Additional Notes
I do text, but not voice.
Think I'm gonna rescind the "not d&d or pathfinder" as long as it's more RP and less combat
You're getting zero replies because players are worthless, not because you don't want to play D20-likes.
There's too many players and not enough GMs, and this is winter when most games go on hiatus, creating an even LOWER supply of games.
You know I'm hearing that that Accidental Magical Girl CYOA turned TTG that was (is?) popular here for a while has a surplus of events this Christmas and is running low on players to fill them.
I was okay with all of this up until
>I'll be requesting chat excerpts of previous games from applicants.
So is this you?
Heh; my bad. Let me try this again.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I am in AEST timezone (GMT+10), but quite flexible. Will be worked out with players once chosen.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord for OOC, Maptools for gameplay. Let me know if you have issues running maptools, I'll try to help.
>Contact Info
Game page can be found at
>Additional Notes
Reign of Winter, playing as a party of losers, malcontents and madpeople thrown into something far beyond their skills and comprehension. Paizo adventure, yep; I'm already running two other homebrew games and want something a bit more... chill.
I am seeking three players. We currently have four people who have expressed varying amounts of interest.
I've had problems recently due to my not bothering to vet my players, and to my freely letting in newbies. This time around, I'd like to ensure that players are at least competent at PF mechanics and text-based RP. If you want to save some time, the latter can be demonstrated by sending me a small excerpt or two of your characters' rp from previous games you've been in. Otherwise, we'll just work it out in discussion.
Not sure how long it'll take to wring out some firm players; could take a week, we'll see.
Unknown Armies 3rd edition
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Friday nights and Sunday mornings, GMT-8
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Text through either IRC, Roll20, or Discord. Players choice for one out of the three platforms.
>Contact Info
maratusgm at
>Additional Notes
I'm running a street level Unknown Armies 3-4 session campaign about a door in Detroit, with heavy roleplaying, and potentially little to no combat. Unknown Armies itself focuses heavily on magical realism and weirdness so if you're into all of these things send an email.
I always like to give players a run down of the rules myself so players who haven't even heard of Unknown Armies before are completely welcome to join.
>System Preferred
Modified 3.5!
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any day past 9pm PST!
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20! (Cams must!)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Starting a furry only 3.5 adventure. BoEF is mandatory. Need two more. Can only be a Fox-Fur, Cat-Fur, or Camel-Fur. Rest of Furs taken. Yiff me if interested!
>Rest of Furs taken
Okay, so bear with me a second pun intended I don't do furry stuff, so maybe I just don't get it. But would it really be an issue if two people ended up as the same animal?
Well each Fur needs to be unique or else another Fur might get jealous. Plus everyone knows Furs only yiff other Furs.
>System Preferred
GURPS, Shadowrun 5e or 4e
>Times Available
PST, any time.
>Method of Play
IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc. Text only though.
>Contact Info
Discord:"Fucking Kevin Goddamnit #9379"
Skype: "transparentcatnom"
>Additional Notes
I've been playing or GMing gurps for 10 years now, and have played in a Shadowrun 5e game recently, though I know both systems. I'd like to play in a shadowrun game that's not whacky or zaney, with good players hopefully.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Varies, game won't start until mid-January
EST / GMT -5
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord Text OOC
Discord Voice
Roll20 Text IC
(Voice or Text will vary Episode to Episode)
>Contact Info
alt. join the discord:
>Additional Notes
the game is called Strange American Nightmares
It will be a series of one-off 'Episodes' set across America, which will vary in content but generally stick to horror of some kind.
It's drop-in / drop-out but players are expected to finish the episodes they start and joining mid-Episode might be fine depending on where the players are
Episodes will be ran 'Weekly' once they start until they are finished, so the actual Day/Time will vary based on who can attend
but between episodes it can be 2 Weeks - 2 Months depending on what time I have.
I want to work on my plotting/story-telling so time will be needed
Beyond that ask any questions in the discord
The Current Episode is #0: BLUE MONDAY (1988)
>System Preferred
5e DND
>Times Available (with timezone!)
2 pm GMT+1/UTC+1. Use this:
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Text on r20 with Discord for everything else
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I already have a party, just looking to fill out the spot that a player left. We barely started the campaign but here it goes: All dwarf party, you'll be living under a mountain doing dwarf things, currently the party is literally steps away from attacking a dragon lair with the entirety of dwarven kingdom army, led by a High King Boromdur Irongate after making a call to arms. Party starts at lvl 3. After dealing with the immediate threat one way or another, the game will turn to a more sandboxy style game.
This guy is a shit GM who basically has all these 'episodes' because he can't keep a game together for more than a month without everyone getting tired of his shit, save a few diehard sycophants.
The only thing he does well is campaign presentation, as he seems to spend most of his time on audio and visuals instead of helping people generate characters, and has NO filter on who he lets into his games, meaning that everyone usually flakes out fast.
I tried to put up with his shit once, and after HE flaked out on an intro mini and refused to propose a time to make up the mini, and said "NO YOU GIVE ME A TIME, I'M NOT GIVING YOU SHIT", but declined every time I offered, I told him to go fuck himself and left.
Every month there's a new listing from this GM. He's legit mentally ill to the point of him flipping out and shutting games down just because he didn't like something.
Majority of games on Veeky Forums die, but his games are gonna die 100% and very fast.
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
11am - 3pm EST, every Saturday
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Just coming off a 2 year campaign of 2e Adnd and I've decided to go mainstream and try Shadowrun a try. None of us have done it before, so next week we'll be having a character creation session and figuring stuff out.
We lost a couple players due to life, so I was hoping to get someone else in on the party.
You don't need to have Shadowrun experience. We certainly don't.
text or voice?