Shhhh...Veeky Forums
DuckDuckGo got integrated in Brave. Are you comfy for the moon mission? Time to destroy google.
Shhhh...Veeky Forums
DuckDuckGo got integrated in Brave. Are you comfy for the moon mission? Time to destroy google.
whats duckduckgo?
A searchengine that does not track and sell all your personal data while using it.
>no personalized suggestions
so it's a shit one?
This thread was created just after the old bat thread which only lasted 2 posts died. Curious, Whale team mayhaps?
You can personalize if you want in the brave tab. But its off by default.
yeah, or i could just use google with abp
>This thread was created just after the old bat thread which only lasted 2 posts died. Curious, Whale team mayhaps?
Its currently going up. So tell me. :3
might go all into this coin soon
only waiting for moon indication
Unitil it goes back up to 12k I dont care since thats what I paid for it in july
Mmmmh wasnt the best investment i guess. But you will be happy soon. Trust me.
It has gone up but currently it is moving sideways.
I was right with Litecoin, ripple and feathercoin. And i will be right with this as well.
Hell i totally should create a signaling discord channel.
The fact that you were right about those coins are not really valid here though for a number of reasons, chief among them being that this is an anonymous forum. Bat WILL go up so long as bitcoin continues its sideways momentum and it will probably try and push its 1700, 1800 - 2000 Satoshi level depending how much time it has. So far this coin has more or less been in a continual despair phase stooping lower and lower and having no real exceptional gains perhaps because the fundamentals are not necessarily there yet when compared to LTC and XRP (I do not know much about Feather).
Main point being that there is more money to be made elsewhere during the short time frame we have before Bitcoin has its leg up to 20k and burns the losses, this is really just an accumulation of BTC for that movement. As I see it anyway.
And there is no reason for that.
They constantly putting out brave updates and BAT updates as well. Pretty solid dev team, an actual product.
Lots of good recent news centering about that token. It only needs to get spread more to moon. Most people are not aware of this...and thats why i create those threads. This token is totally undervalued.
Yes I agree with you, I want this to succeed and i want it to pump because these bags are heavy boy. However the fact that it is undervalued because it is not widely known and used by the public I believe is a fundamental factor that needs to be taken into consideration. XRP and LTC are veteran names by this point, BAT is not even a year old. This is one of these tokens that needs time to be adopted, much like bitcoin, as it needs to set up an user-friendly ecosystem for mass adoption. The dev team said they are not interested in the price and trading aspect of the token and I have heard in these BAT threads that it is in their interests that the token does not get too expensive for the reason that it may harm adoption. Heck they even gave away something like 50 tokens for this reason, to get people to use the coin. That fundamental comes first unless there is a preexisting whale team that can pump it up temporarily before before either BTC pumps or Eich drowns them with his bags.
I finally reached my accumulation target of 1 million BAT. Now I don’t know what to do with my life. It was my focus for months. I want to do something else but at the same time I’d also like to get to 1.5 million...
Mmmmh even i dont hold 1Million BATs user. You make me proud. =3
Make an offer to Pewdiepie explaining Brave and the BAT ecosystem and offer him a third of it so that he will be compelled to use it.
even if BAT slightly moons you will have made it
keep holding user
i am but a babby compared to you
did you buy or trade into that many?
This sounds so stupid it might work. Pewdiepie hates yt, google and is pretty open towards crypto.
people dont give a fuck about privacy anymore
>Holding 1M BAT
>By that owning 10% of future global internet ad market
U will become the rupert murdoch of crypto.
i've been sending little "BAT starter packs" to some content creators i personally like
i've been daytrading for the last 6 months. 2/3 of profits went into BAT (and the remainder into XMR)
I wish! Unfortunately 1M BAT is only 0.1% of the circulating supply :)
I give a fuck, so that's one person