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Furry Goku/10
Also, the number three reason everyone in Pokémon is a zoophiliac.
>Also, the number three reason everyone on /vp/ is a zoophiliac.
>Furry Goku
If we're playing FATE, that's his high concept. One of his secondary aspects must be Proud Of Its Power.
What could be his trouble? I want to avoid anything having to do with furries wanting to fug him, as that's not a valid trouble according to the book, it's just expected of him like a detective is expected to be disliked by criminals.
Nah Lucario was failed furbait. Nintendo tried really hard to push him as a mascot character in almost every pokemon related product for a few years but they all failed.
Gardevoir is the real fapbait
>Lucario was failed furbait
as a furbait he worked, not on the money side
Lvl 20 Gnollish monk/paladin of Heironeous.
Gardevoir is overrated.
What's it even supposed to be, an elf?
>height: 3'11"
How fucking short is the player character, if he's less than a head above that, and can comfortably sit on a 5'7" Charizard?
>An elf
>Not a ladyboy
Probably the #1 reason I got into furry porn.
Also for some reason it has telepathy but is weak to psychic attacks.
He's not weak to them, he receives neutral damage.
Ash is ten years old (and probably immortal), your average ten year old boy is around 4'2" to 4'6". Compare them to the player characters in X and Y who are teenagers and you'll see they're noticeably taller in comparison.
Whatever it is, it should involve Zoroark.
I like the fluff this guy gave them.
They are a species of magic zen paladins that latch themselves onto to causes they feel are just.
It's supposed to be cute
>Implying that there's a difference between male elves and ladyboys
It's supposed to be a sort of guardian angel.
>It apparently does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power. It will give its life to protect its Trainer.
Nearly all of the Pokedex entries for it make mention of it protecting its trainer.
>loliphox made it in pokken
>not regal pyromancer sorceress
I'm still salty
>Tfw when Chandelure and Suicune are in Pokken
>Tfw when no Bisharp so I can't pretend to be Shredder
Thank You!
I mean seriously
>Pale as fuck
>Found in Forests
>Super special magic powers
>Incredibly beautiful, feminine, and delicate in appearence
I mean seriously, I'm not the only one who sees the connection here, right?
Don't forget the most important parts
>Very Human-like in appearance (although Elves do this more so)
>Depicted in a large amount of pron/lewdness implying material and Fapped to by many, especially weeaboos and Japanese.
Forgot pic
Those white skin-flaps on the sides of its face are probably inspired by an elf's pointy ears too.
So, does that mean they are for bullying?
No because unlike Elves, instead of being unlikably arrogant, They Are incredibly attached and loyal to whoever they imprint on. Like, unhealthily attached. As in, if you bully them, they might kill themselves out of sadness.
so....all the more reason to bully them?
I thought Zoroark was the failed furbait mascot? Lucario pops up everywhere, even one of the older Pokemon you can catch in Sun and Moon, while Zoroark barely made it into Smash 4.
>and probably immortal
Only partially - he can 100% be killed. He's died on four separate occasions. He's just also /jesus/ so he's been resurrected every time.
The third time was fucking brutal though. Holy shit Ash how do you not have all of the ptsd?
Fighting/Steel type. BST 525.
HP 70 / Atk 110 / Def 70 / SpA 115 / SpD 70 / Spe 90
Stat me
Stat me.
Gnoll Monk (Iron Soul)
IIRC the line is supposed to be like mages, its "dress" is supposed to be a mage robe, but elf wouldn't be too far off.
Gallade took a level in Paladin, I suppose.
Mewthree mind wipes them. Don't forget how much stuff Pikachu and Co. have gone through.
Ah that's true, Ash did get mind wiped after the first death by Mewtwo and got a delayed one after the second and third and fourth by Mewthree. That must be why he can't count past like, 20, and has to go to school in Alola.
My favoured head canon for why there was a random female Mewtwo is that MASTER OF CLONING, KING OF HIS OWN CLONE POKEMON HIDDEN LAND, MOTHERFUCKING MEWTWO decided to build a waifu.
underwhelming, -10hp
You were supposed to actually fight her in beast form, all her mons have moves that can heal others in that fight even though it's a single battle
who the fuck is mewthree?
I don't know about the other guy, but it's just me being a sperg. Muh Mewtwo has a male voice since I went to go see the First movie in theaters. Mewthree is just what I call the one that shows up in the Genesect movie, since it now has a female voice.
Fighting/Steel type
HP 70
Atk 110
Def 100
Sp.Atk 115
Sp.Def 70
Speed 90