I'm running a space opera game soon, so gimme some aliens. Preferably somewhere in the middle ground between rubber forehead and sentient worm colony but I'll take whatever
I'm running a space opera game soon, so gimme some aliens...
Not exactly design, but I love when alien species have really different morals. In the case of this comic, an insect race that thinks it's disrespectful to not eat the dead.
Hey running through my alien folder I just saw that I had this saved for some reason
I'm fond of Giants IN SPESS. You can go real crazy with architecture and design when it's designed to accommodate way bigger or way smaller people.
Does this count as alien?
On a scale from star trek to barlowe, how do you like your aliens?
always works
Barlowe, but that's because the scifi I play is Numenera.
Orion's Arm is a special kind of crazy
One thing I really hate about sci-fi is naked aliens. If you have aliens, they need pockets. Even Chewbacca had a bandolier.
Scizzor mega evolved!
the majority of aliens posted in this thread are wearing clothes or equipment harnesses.
someone photo -shop a sweater onto this guy
I remember those fuckers.
The Stelarais portraits are good for inspiration.
Nah. Elder things seem more sweatervest and bow tie. Just a race of huge nerds
I'm a fan of Mike Mignola's aliens and also this Abe Sapien design.
trade paperbacks come with the design sketches. They're pretty great.
Fun ones are where they have another artist on BPRD, who typically runs into trouble with the creature design. Then Mike whips out a sketch in two minutes, which solves all the problems and looks basically like the end product.
I wish Mike didn't get so tired of drawing. I love his art, even though he's taken on this super-minimalist style, but I think it works well for Hellboy in Hell.
have a bump
Fucking asymmetrical monsters. Why couldn't my race be asymmetrical?
I think that if you held down either control or shift while adding a piece you would only get one piece to use.
They didn't have asymmetry for your races for a while, but added it in a patch.
I would play the shit out of that game again if it weren't for biological disasters. Nothing like an entire purple spice homeworld colony collapsing while you're on the other side of the galaxy.