On a scale of 1-10, how ugly do you think this is?
On a scale of 1-10, how ugly do you think this is?
It's honestly the worst GW model.
Solid 9.5. It would be barely tolerable if the legs weren't dangling like in a baby's high chair.
At least an 8. I've seen warjacks that look less stupid than that thing. The boring leg pose and the fact that in-game it's a teleporting melee massacre machine doesn't help.
Replace the carrier with something and its solid
Big fat 9/10 . Warhammer is a setting filled with impractical and retarded stuff, but more often than not it's at least got a "it looks cool, I don't gotta explain shit" mentality backing it up. This thing just looks dumb. Dumb and ugly.
This is the worst though. The big 10/10, the one that was so bad that I had to come back to my first post and stick this in there.
It's embarrassing if you know the game, it's embarrassing if you like the game, and it's embarrassing if you don't know the first damn thing about it either. It alone is enough reason to hate the Space Wolves.
>It's honestly the worst GW model.
It gets worse m8, pic related
Continuing hall of shame
I love the "sculpting" on the "fur" of those wolves
Actually, in general GW's digital sculptors seem to be incapable of doing fur, and instead choose spiky scales
Did those cunts just mirror the model? That's lazy as fuck and looks terrible.
Your mum.
I actually have no problem with this one. What don't you like? I'll give you that the skull hand is a bit questionable.
>skulls popping out of skin at random
>face buried in pile of horns
>stupid bug claws emitting out of carefully-placed, uniform, shoulder bug-claw docking stations
>identical bug-claw growing out of hand
>not-quite khorne-symbol cut into chest, only it doesn't really look like a cut, but it doesn't really look like a brand either, it's just sort of there
>big, thick-featured chunk of plastic so that under-12s can paint it more easily
I honestly hate 9/10 figures that they have released in the past 3-5 years so maybe I'm biased, but I think AoS is the worst. Even things that should be impossible to fuck up, like "orruks" they fit into their rounder, chubbier, "use more plastic so we can charge more and it's easier to paint and costs less to sculpt" aesthetic and look like crap.
In 40k (and End Times) they did the opposite by just piling bigger and more retarded looking piles of "detail" onto figures. Archaon is one of the worst offenders
Terrible fur and mounted nonhumans awkwardly positioned on their mounts in standing or kneeling positions because the sculptor was to lazy to play around with the anatomy and make a proper pose work also trigger me heavily
Well considering she's dead and rotting in the ground, I suppose you're right.
It took me a while to realize where the head is.
Not as ugly as the white males who play warhammer 40k.
>9/10 of the figures released in the past 3-5 years
you wat m8
6/10, the uglyness is bearable
quit projecting
I actually like the scions and Death Watch models
don't talk shit about my roboniggas
they're rocking the retrofuture vibe and i feel they have just the right amount of detail, while the flat spaces encourage creative free handing. not over designed at all
I love the scions. Gothic Special forces are dope
I don't mind the deathwatch. too much bling for my personal liking, but i can see why people like it.
The Scions only problem was the Taurox but its been proven if you use 3rd part tires it goes from 4/10 to like a fucking 10
Its fucking amazing how little changes can make bad models good
6. In a more dynamic stance it would probably look alright.
The Taurox design makes no fucking sense
Armored Truck but 40k edition
Then somebody decided to add tracks and really impractical guns.
I think they should have gone with a half-track design.
why are the guns behind the fucking doors
why is it as tall as a tank
why is the engine block partially open, just waiting to collect dust/ bullets/ burning promethium
I dont know
I wont defend the treads but I personally think with wheels its a nice model
Just turn the helmet around and lower it into the chest before gluing the back on. You don't even need to greenstuff it because the bottom of the helmet fits flush against the front side, so just keep a bit of careful pressure on the back of the head while the glue sets.
I don't have mine with me to show, but the models look a lot better once the Bomberman face is gone.
Even with wheels, there are tons of models out there that are less retarded, better sculpted, and less expensive.
And with so much material to study from, that abortion of a vehicle is mind-boggling.
The issue with the fur is probably that they can't make the molds with the detail needed.
do you think anyone at GW studies how vehichles actually work?
I once saw a picture of a centurion inside of a dread knight. Funnily enough, it actually looked Made it look BETTER than the regular dreadknight.
No. And I think that's the issue.
Is it really an issue?
I think so, since we get ugly models like the Taurox.
I actually like the Dreadknight just because the concept is so ridiculous in that 40k way.
I dunno, people take plastic space men very seriously.
Trips of truth
but its been proven like half of the IG shit with wheels looks kinda cool
>why is it as tall as a tank
Because the thing it's based on is taller than a tank.
I think the taurox is cute as heck.
No one cares Scions are played less than sisters. Since running a full scion army is kinda pricey
Fucking $35 for a 5 man squad when most lists need like 30 scions on top of dedicated flyers
Is this the one you're thinking of?
I like the scions, I just wish they didn't supplant the kasrkin. Would be cool if they had somethrowbacks to the 3rd edition stormtroopers, namely hooded heads.
hope a redesign comes along sometime
Made a nice traitor chapter Dorido. Miniguns on the arms as the autocannons and a havoc launcher on top for the missile battery. Fuse operator with the machine, add dragon head exhausts and defiler plates for armour.
This thing. Robots look as bad in seats with pedals as marines in baby carriers.
The dreadknight would be a 1000x better if it didn't have the marine exposed, and if the arms were pure guns instead of guns mounted on the wrists of the arms.
honestly all they need to do is cover the legs and the model would be decent. it just looks stupid right now.
The mark bedford stormtroopers don't have hooded heads. Those are visors that can be flipped down, presumably like the ones fighter pilots sport.
Also the guns and one of the heads are deliberate throwbacks to the 3e stormtroops.
The Tempestus Scion thing was just name changes all around
Hellguns=Hotshot lass guns
Hot volley gun was new
to be fair, hellguns were the original edgy re-branding of equipment names
The scions will forever be in my mind a failed attempt to expand storm troopers
I dont get how they fuck scions up but Skritali or Genestealer cults got a free pass
Also, Scions with berets are an even older throwback.
The shoulder cams, too. I think they were targeters in 2e?
Man, I love the scion kit.
I like it as well. I only bought one though to use as platoon command squad and two extra to reinforce a Inq henchman squad.
My Tempestus Platoon is schizo, not two squads are of the same make.
The Dreadknight is completely unsalvageable. Even people that try to cover it up are fucked by its retarded smoothman frog human aesthetics.
They should never have made it so retardedly kiddy and robo toy human like. If it was a hulking, hunched over exoskeleton, with reverse jointed legs and tons of exposed supports and pistols powering two giant arms, it would've looked badass.
I've got a proper platoon of the plastics and one full unit of the 3e boys. I'd like to get my hands on a classic 2e squad as well to use as non-carapace vets, but my budget's been tight this year.
The cadian kasrkin never really grabbed me like the others. I wonder if it's just the smooth, rounded plates throwing me off.
I mixed it all in one platoon but I don't mind a bit of a haphazard styling, I tie them together in the colour scheme instead.
But my desire for the 2nd ed plastics has also been growing recently.
The metals are the pricey ones. Largely because you're going to be paying shipping costs from god knows where.
This model actually managed to make me go completely off the Space Wolves (I was starting to dislike them with the 5th edition codex and the over use of the word wolf, Canis Wolfborn and the Thunderwolf cavalry) but Santa Grimnar was the last straw. I know it's 40k and it's supposed to be over the top but there has to be a point where you need to stop and whoever designed the 6th (or 7th can't remember right now) edition space wolves clearly went past that point.
>flying platform
>pulled by animals restricted to the ground
What is the point. Whatever's holding the and speeder thingy in the air could surely move faster than two wolves
Guy at the front looks like one of those mirror images of game covers /v/ always does
Just take a 2cm column oout the middle (leaving the head) and it'd look fine. Why is it so wide?
I've always thought chaos models have too much going on
Why have a robot push buttons? Just do a built in AI, surely? Especially in the necrons can't get off the flyer and do anything.
That's not really ugly per se, it's just a fucking retarded concept. I mean nothing on it is really modeled badly, it's just a completely stupid idea.
Flesh hounds are pretty shit though.
I've tried assembling Scions. Maybe it's just me but they're a fucking nightmare to build.
Yup. But you want those metal sergeants and special weapons, the whole package so to speak.
you gotta get at least one heavy weapon team too
They are just IG with extra armor
painting them is the nightmare
>>Why have a robot push buttons? Just do a built in AI, surely?
In newcron fluff the robot form is fucking sacred or something so like tearing off two Warrior heads and wiring them to the flying comfy chair is HERESY, instead we get pedal-bots playing synthesizers.
It looks like a silver baby carrier.
>not using the cheaper and better looking alternative that all Daemon and KDK players use
Come on son
link plox
Never said I used those models, I just said Flesh Hounds look like shit.
I AM getting a set of these Chaos Warhounds from Fantasy in the mail soon to proxy as some Flesh Hounds. These at least look like actual hounds and I plan on painting a white lightning stripe down the sides of their faces like the Hound from Berserk.
Ooh, not bad at all. Can't decide if I prefer pic related or that one
plus it's impractical looking
Is that a fucking face in a face?
The guns behind doors is inexcusable, but the grill, and the height are realistic in that it's LITERALLY a Space MRAP. The ground clearance is so it can maneuver over terrain like a LMTV/MATV and not get fucked up by IEDs or mines like a Humvee can.
MRAPs are fucking awesome, and the tracks are goofy but not the worst offenders. The guns behind the troop hatches kill the model.
> Taurox
Since the moment I first saw it I have been unable to unsee it
I cant stop laughing
Karamazov does it for me. He's not a baby carrier or a Taurox or a Lord of Skulls, but I think a walking chair is just too much. 7/10, will make fun of his chair while he calls an orbital bombardment on me again.
I gave a shot at swapping the rider to a PAGK and seating him like a lawn chair landspeeder, but the limbs are failing me. The top is just too flat to warrant any kind of interesting pose. It's like trying to do anatomy with a rigid cheese square for a torso.
Objectively, as a user unfamiliar with the genre, 6/10.
Ugly, but not as ugly as others seem to think.
wow Dominique looks alot more... meaty then his art
I can't believe Dominique is fucking dead
>symmetrical as fuck
Honestly it's not ugly per say, just stupid. It's meant to evoke the power loader from Aliens, which itself was just a sci-fi forklift.
Aesthetically I would like it much better if it was some kind of super-dreadnought or something reserved for the Grey Knights.
The form is sacred but the individuals are not. Their minds are probably permanently linked to the controls, which is easier than designing a specific AI to the job, and more gratifying to the Overlord riding the pimpmobile.
at least is here to give you a morale boost with his symmetry
Also sand paper cigarettes
dumdum here, is that his actual name or is he just a nameless scribe.. thing in canon?
That could look so cool if they didn't have lower bodies or even if the lower bodies were just completely encased
I have so many questions towards this.
>Why use wolves to pull it when it is floating?
I mean if it is an antigrav already, just stick and engine to it and you'll be able to cross some dangerous terrain easily. Wolves might step on a mine, spikes, acid etc, antigrav would fly over that shit.
> How does it stop?
The only way to stop it would be either some sort of exhaust against the trajectory of moving or wolves have to stop the floating sledge with their backs which means that at high speed they'll always slide a forward a lot before stopping (both ways bring back the question, why not just get rid of wolves and stick an engine to it).
A solid 6/10, it looks alright, but design is just downright retarded.
Something else to think about: if the wolves propel or direct the sled, how does Grimnar steer?
Also: how does he hit anything with his axe if he's 10 feet above the ground with manlet space marine arms?