Biz army
Ready to storm r\btc and drop roger ver a big F*** y***
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Biz army
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Roger isn’t so bad he just wants to make money.
“I think Satoshi’s a sellout”
“And I think that he could burn his private keys now and not risk the future economy of the world , with an unknown party holding 10% of it”
“Who may have given those keys to his kid, and his kid might be the next HITLER”
“Or he may have gotten a mental illness and gotten whacky himself”
“Or he has some other socially dangerous beliefs”
“This guy’s accruing a lot of money and he’s a variable that we’re unaware of”
“He could be renouncing his control of his keys and he’s not.”
“Which means he’s either a bitch or he’s dead”
“Those are the only two options I’m aware of”
- Bitcoin core dev
Veeky Forums is now pro-BCH faggot get with it christ
Fuck you faggot fucker . Your mom sucks roger ver while you lick his butthole. Fuck bcash faggot boys
Fuck off.
BTC Core devs are the most retarded bunch of people I’ve ever seen.
checked and agreed
It always has been. Notice how all the pro BCH have the
>bcash is a scam x5
>1 post by this id
[] is unrelated [to our project].
--Satoshi Nakamoto
Richard Heart is such a faggot.
I’m saving my BitShekels to move to Roger’s libertarian republic, I’m gonna build some residential developments in a neighborhood I will call Comfytown, Veeky Forumsraelis are welcome.
>“Who [SATOSHI] may have given those keys to his kid, and his kid might be the next HITLER”
mfw the coreblue pajeet shills are back
Richard heart is not a dev, just a self proclaimed btc whale.
Why does he hate Satoshi, who made him rich, so much?
Is he controlled by some entity that thinks Satoshi is a threat to ...them?
This is a fantastic gif. Have any more?
sadly no
Are ya lost?
Does he have anything to do with blockchain?
BTC is boomer tier now
good luck, r/btc has been weathering the highest paid blockstream trolls for a long time now.
> BTC Dominance: 53.5%
All thanks to a fucking spinner. BCH is a joke.
We need Ver to make a shitload of money so he can make that libertarian paradise and we can not get fucked by taxes
>BTC Core
If only I could ask satoshi nakamoto for his opinion about this "Core" thing, lol
There is only one BTC fag
They literally pissed on his whole idea.
Should have just hardforked but it seems like they’re greedy commies.
They literally pissed on Satoshis white paper and basically threatened to kill him if he spends his coins.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they implement a way to steal Satoshis coins for themselves.
>satoshi can be muh Hitler
u know roger ver secretly smirks at his haters get shitted on by his ass licking fanboys!!! Fuck this fool!! Fuck bcash!!!!
This is so true my head just exploded at how true this is.
Fuck ur sister bitch!!!
The end goal of segwit is obviously to steal Satoshis coins. Now it becomes more clear.
Then they’ll come out with a Fake Satoshi that says he’s spending his coins.
When you realize Segwit decouples the private key from the block.
spicy pajeet
dont wipe your ass on Veeky Forums
i thought bitcoin cash was a scam but now i realize that bitcoin is a scam pumped by tether to try and kill the real bitcoin, bitcoin cash
the fact that you can actually use it is a pretty big plus
Just watch this.
Segwit decouples the private key of the sender from the block. So they can ignore the keys and mike the block and steal anyone’s coins.
The real reason of Segwit: steal Satoshi’s coins.
sum money stealing scrubs these fuckers are
Does anybody really care for the bullshitty disputes about coins and devs? Aren't you smart enough just to speculate on the price changes?
Do you care that your private key is separate from the block and that they can steal your coins?
Blockstream's long term goal is to sell sidechains to businesses. They will never scale Bitcoin.
there are people who make money (highly sophisticated and experienced traders) and then theres people whose interests revolve around devs and technologies (over 95% of all coins are total scams anyway) without making a penny
why is the average mental age of a corecuck 5 years old
Maybe because the possible real world implications are much bigger than making money.
Are you smart enough to realize that if BCH becomes THE coin it will eventually be worth 1 million dollars per coin? Fucking brainlet.
>Richard heart
>bitcoin developer
Holy shit how fucking new are you cashcuck pajeets?
I personaly think that enormous growth of interest towards crypto has ruined it. Most coins are pumped because of shilling and actually good projects are sinking. Speculative interest from my point of view has overpumped the market. The crypto sphere is now missing the main point of why it emerged...
Yeah, that’s how you crash bitcoin. You pump worthless coins and crash the whole market.
>calling retarded a guy that left Core because he wanted to raise the block size while claiming that Core devs are retarded and we should raise the blocksize
We are reaching levels of cognitive dissonance that should not even be possible
yes maybe, but it will resolve itself with time. cryptos and blockchain will evolve much more people can imagine like all new techs.
much like politics, absolutely not worth a minute of your time. mostly total scam and meaningless. even more so than altcoins lol
Stop FUDing me into buying shit.
Can you explain the reasoning of his comments about Satoshi?
The only reason he probably wanted to raise the block size was to prevent a hardfork in which they can’t secretly steal Satoshi’s coins through Segwit.
Now they have a competitor.
Corecucks are getting desperate
“And I think that he [Satoshi] could burn his private keys now”
“He [Satoshi] could be renouncing his control of his keys and he’s not.”
mmm Roger ver made 425m
Corecucks dev barely made anything lmao
Corecucks don't even use bitcoin
What? But r/bitcoin is the worst sub ever, who the fuck cares about r/btc anyways