PC/PC relationships never work out
PC/PC relationships never work out
How many times you gonna make this thread?
As many times as it takes for people to start talking
You should realize that maybe people don't really want to talk about it.
Have you ever thought that maybe it's a shit topic?
I considered it.
Then stop making these fucking threads.
Okay, I'm sorry
This is why you let them play matchmaker with your NPCs
Suckers the dumb bastards in EVERY TIME
*Almost never. Worked for me once: my girlfriend from the moment and I were playing radically different characters but ended up in a pretty similar situation (suddenly have to raise a son in an unknown city and without any other ability aside from adventuring).
A lot of you will probably thing "urgh" since the moment you've read "girlfriend", and I can't blame you: I've also experienced RL couples trying to play as a couple in a game, but it wasn't that. I actually believe that if it worked was because we didn't make a huge deal about it, we just had something to do when nobody did anything.
Also, pic related
>Gonna be DMing a game in January with my roomate and her boyfriend alongside some other friends
>Roomates previous experience playing DnD was 3.5, played a bard that tried to seduce everything
>Hasn't made her character yet, terrified she'll be playing a bard just to get into her boyfriend's pants on the table
What about PC/NPC relationships?
Gotta play those with a light hand if at all. If you have normal players who aren't freaks with weird hangups, then you can have fun with it like normal adults.
If a dwarf and and elf had a child, would the child just be a human?
Agreed. PC/PC romance is the reason why I have to retire my new PC. The player of his future wife is nowhere to be seen for about over 7 months now. Although the romance was one of the few good things apart of that game...
What exactly am I looking at?
It'd be a Gnome
How would they end up with offspring shorter and smaller than either of them? Doesn't make sense to me.
Anything can work as long as your players aren't awkward autistic spergs and it fits with the story. Now stop making this shit thread, it won't spawn any interesting discussion.
Romance in games always seems really cringy to me, and I'm not sure why. I do have a lot of hangups though. I wish I could get past it, seems like it'd be a nice dynamic to have in a game.
Do you know what blinds are? They go on windows.
No, I get that.
How is the shirt supposed to work? Mechanically.
And what are the characters from?
>"human relationships rarely work out"
fixed that for you
Mini blind mechanisms in the shirt made from strings of varying lengths and toughness. Anime is:
Love live!
Me and another party member in a SR game married each other. Worked out so well the GM (who was the other party members wife) began having nightmares of the two of us running off together.
The only one I was ever a part of was the most spite filled, abusive and generally awful relationship I've ever seen depicted... ever.
The main issue was that the DM declared we weren't allowed to kill each other. He also allowed a drow antipaladin into the party.
>Antipaladin and I despise each other
>Antipaladin intentionally tries to contract every disease known to man
>So far it's all STDs
>Thinks we don't know
>We cure her in the knight without her knowing
>Antipaladin considers raping a prisoner of ours to test it
>I offer to have sex with the antipaladin instead to spare the prisoner.
>We kill the prisoner and have sex over the body
>Antipaladin laughs having finally killed me through sex
>I laugh having foiled the plot of the antipaladin to kill me with sex
>It takes us quite a while to realize that neither of us actually accomplished anything, other than having sex with our mortal enemies.
>Antipaladin is pregnant
>Decides to keep the children to manipulate me
>Attempt to be civil with the antipaladin, for the future children and party alike
>Things actually going pretty decent
>Children eventually born
>Antipaladin considers turning over a new leaf, seeing her beautiful children
>Children kidnapped literally minutes after birth by big bad
>Antipaladin attempts to acquire more children
>Antipaladin attempting to force herself on me becomes a daily issue
>Waterboarding the anti-paladin becomes a daily occurrence
>Need to start leaving traps by my bed
>DM winds up introducing drow love interest for my PC
>Try to balance new drow relationship while still being around genocidal babymoma 24/7
>This continues for several sessions with no shortage of fucked up shinanigans
>The antipaladin's mount starts trying to rape me too (DM's idea)
>Eventually I throw the antipaladin down a well, cover the top and sit on it until she drowns
>The player and I laugh our asses off
>DM doesn't allow PVP/killing other members
>Antipaladin death retconned.
It was a lot of shit, but in the end we killed the BBEG, recovered the children. Before antipaladin could act, the whole party turned on her. Baleful polymorphed into a parrot and locked in a cage as our guild/home mascot. I put the children up for adoption. Got married to my new Drow Waifu and live happily ever after.
I still play with all the same group, except the DM for like 5 years now. Me and the Antipaladin didn't really know each other at the time of this story. I wouldn't describe any of my experiences with this group since this "incident" as anything other than tame. High school was a weird time I guess.
I played a game where me and another player had our characters as on-again-off-again lovers who cared for eachother intensely but couldn't sustain it because of different lives and politics. One was an ambitious hermetic mage who was trying to continue a magical lineage and craft, despite being an outsider to their own family, and the other was a hedonistic vagrant biker who was constantly high on drugs and also flickering back and forth through time.
The main stresses were that the vagrant had politics that annoyed the hermetic, and the hermetic really needed to get some kids down the pipeline who could be viable heirs to the line. Also wanted a son, while the vagrant wanted a daughter.
It was kind of fun, with the back-and-forth flirting, the jealousy, the complaining. One of them nurses a crush on another PC for a while, it goes nowhere and they go to their ex to complain for a while. It was great.
They we totally codependent.
I saw it work out once in an adeva game.
As the OD, I deemed it tactically advantageous and let it happen.
What about friendships?
... Jesus. That's literally perfect. He looks like he should be killing people with an axe on a mountainside with such unearthly grace and unbridled masculine beauty that it brings tears of admiration to onlookers.
similar experience
>Playing a dwarven warlock with really low int/wis
>Try to fuck the party's paladin
>Party monk starts a beautiful relationship with me
>We work together and watch each other's backs
>He triggers a trap a few sessions later and burns to death
>Cry, get his name tattooed on my body
>That player makes a mentally imbalanced ranger
>Consoles me while I'm weak
>As soon as we get friendly he starts yelling/hitting me all the time
>Starts turning full evil
>I break it off
>Paladin has a heart to heart with me and apologizes for letting me go through all of that
>Says I'm a great person, he just didn't like me because I'm gay
>"What? I'm not gay"
>That day I learned that dwarven women are the only race's females that grow full beards
> didn't know your own character had a beard
>fucking dwelves
>Ever perfect
It's almost always the DM baiting you in for tragedy.
Low int/wis should have been a giveaway. He probably just never shaved because he kept freaking out over the lady dwarf looking at him from inside the mirror.
I want to fuck this man.
Any degree of romance in a game group will totally and utterly destroy the group.
That's one handsome face, holy smokes
I dunno man, it's working pretty well in the current game I'm playing, in that it's generating conflict and adding to the story and characters.
You mean PVP never works out, right? When have you actually seen PvP done well?
The thread goes through a hole in the shirt and is secured to a lower portion of the shirt. Then she pulls the string through the hole.