Magic should cause more problems than it solves

>Magic should cause more problems than it solves.


only when not used sparingly

If that were the case, then why would people continue to practice it?


Because not all (or none) of the problems affect the wielder, only their immediate environment.

Because its easy and has consequences that hopefully don't affect you

Why do people do take Krokodil?

This is like asking why we use mechanical excavators that require 100 different industries to be built and another 10 to run when we could just use men with spades. Well, excavators are just better at digging and we have those industries anyway, so why not.

Why do people smoke meth?

Nobody smokes meth planing to get addicted to it

Maybe it's the same with magic?

But what do they think will happen? They'll take it a few times and they'll just magically not become addicted?

>Magic is all-powerful and consequence-free for it's practitioners.


That's boring and unlikely since all actions have some sort of consequence

>Single line of greentext
The shitpost

But it does. Consider the average life of a peasant. Before magic, you'd normally die of plague or maybe get chopped by a raider if you were really unlucky. Now, you could get hit with a stray fireball, drained by a vampire, fucking eaten by a zombie or werewolf, turned to stone, possessed, or used as a sacrifice for a hideous beast from the Far Realm.

Isn't magic chaotic? It's ordered when a barded bookworm decides to put a small bit of it in a neatly packaged box and claims ownership.

Wizards: no sense of right and wrong.

>Magic must defeat magic!


>If that were the case, then why would people continue to practice it?
For an unstated reason, that we wont know because its unstated.

Unless a book or setting of hard fantasy, then it would be explained, but almost no one do hard fantasy

>Magic causes just as many problems as it solves, however the problems it creates are different to the ones it solves.
>The new problems have to be solved with non-magical means that in and of themselves create just as many problems as they solve
>These new problems are best sorted with magic
>The wheel endlessly turns

Same reason we use oil.

Wait, so magic is a non-renewable resource that is made of dead dinosaurs?
Is magic powered by dinosaurs' souls?

Because it works, it makes the wizards rich and the wizards have the governments of the world so firmly in their pocket they can legally destroy anyone who even considers working out an alternative?

A pretty cool way to look at this is that magic can only be used to counter magic.

>Is magic powered by dinosaurs' souls?

Fuck that's metal.

And the trick to being a wizard is knowing when the risk is worth it, and anticipating what problems might arise.

So the Disc world wizards

>If that were the case, then why would people continue to practice it?

unnnnnnlimited powaa

nono, it works fine.

it's always people that cause more problems than they solve. the closer you have the link between success and horribly ruining something the more believable your world is.

do you mean liberally? I used to get the two confused when I first learned the words

That's why arcane magic should be cast by those intelligent enough to not kill themselves doing it and divine magic by those wise enough to not overuse it.

Of course magic causes more problems than it solves.
But MY problem is solved, and the other things that arose around it are not my problem anymore

I don't give a shit about the thread, but fuck that drug.

That shit is the stuff of nightmares.

I dunno, why do people keep driving cars when it causes problems for the environment?

Why do people cut down trees when it's the most efficient means of cutting down CO2?

Why do people have children when they can't even take care of themselves?

The answer to all that and more is that most people are idiots who suffer from cognitive dissonance and cannot see in the long-term.

Magic causes more problems than it solves but it allows the average wizard to grab the remote from across the room without getting out of his seat, so fuck it.

Reminder that you and everyone on this board is using the greatest information transmission technology in the history of the world to shitpost on a Californian hackeysac discussion board.
We really have little room to bitch about misappropriation of resources.

A decent way to explain why people just don't shoot the wizard or magical beast.

It doesn't matter, cause magical being just come back if killed/defeated by non-magical ways.

>Magic should cause more problems than it solves.
Short answer? Yes.
Long answer? Magic is basically shortcut to power and/or breaking the laws of the universe. It's only natural for the universe to lash out back at you. It's like monkey's paw, only you don't realize it's a monkey's paw until you've ran out of fingers. You don't see the consequences that will come back to bite you in the ass until it's too late.

In post-soviet Russia, death is escape!

>It doesn't matter, cause magical being just come back if killed/defeated by non-magical ways.

So you hit them again when they come back.
I maintain that there is no magical problem that cannot be solved by a large man with a large axe.

Except for the pissed off wizard who decides to glass you and your village for murdering him 37 years ago, then traps your souls in gems and uses those gems to augment his constructs that proceed to commit genocide against your entire race until there's nothing left.

Seriously, don't fuck with mages, the only reason why they haven't gone out of their way to glass you peons is because they don't see a point in doing so and lack the motivation to care. Leave them in their tower and move along.

>I maintain that there is no magical problem that cannot be solved by a large man with a large axe.
What about one large man with TWO large axes?

Most fantasy settings do propagate the Evil magical adviser meme.

Uncle was full of shit, because there were several times that tech or straight Jackie chan defeated magic

>greatest information transmission technology in the history of the world
And hoo boy, has it caused more problems than it solved

Uncle was obviously more of a purist than a pragmatist.