THREAD FOCUS: normal people and/or normal spehss elves
>I believe we started work on Lion and Horus last thread, which is good because we really need fresh writefaggotry. >Write more. >Kinda be interesting to get more stuff about ordinary folks. The promised shit about Ollie Pius hasn't materialised and I'm really fuckin' sorry for that but in general, we want more about the rank and file. >What about regular IG? During the War of the Beast, the Age of Apostasy, the present day? Nobledark is all about honour and bravery getting steamrollered by the sheer ohgodwhat of the setting, after all. >Hell, what about regular Eldar? Not all spehss elves are sheer embodiments of Keikaku or Waifufaggotry. >I haven't been able to make much progress on the new WIP 1d4 page, but I'll try and build up more when I can. >Still need non-Battle of Terra WotB stuff >Still need Weebs >Still need Bugs >Chaos needs more fleshing out, a LOT more fleshing out. Croneldar seem to not exist apart from one bit of writefaggotry that I don't think even got mirrored on the wiki. CSM are far fewer in number, collectively referred to as the Fallen (MOST of which were DAs, hence Lion's lot being obsessed with purging them).
Do you or anyone have saved the religious Croneldar religious Many-gods-as-one rant?
I vaguely remember reading it but I also remember being ill, feverish and drunk off of a mix of cheap whiskey and lemsip.
Bentley Morris
Yeah, that's the one I had in mind, about how they saw Slaanesh as the Eldar pantheon just having merged. Was fantastic how it all seemed to have the whole "inspiring melodramatic speech" that turned out to be in the name of Chaos.
Caleb Bailey
A question about the Tau.
How friendly are they? How friendly is the Farsight Enclave?
Also Inquisitor Aran, raised by a high gravity Kroot monastic order. Officially the first member of the Tau Empire to earn the rank of Inquisitor.
Ordo Xenos, for obvious reasons. Has a very small retinue, has a small warp capable ship provided by the Tau government that is quite outdated now. Famed across the Eastern Fringe as the gene-stealer slayer.
One arm ends at the elbow after a Purestrain ate it and chocked to death.
Is currently using every ounce of her authority to divert resources to the eastern border worlds of the Tau Empire and surrounding fiefdoms in preparation for the ohgodWTF Hive Fleet.
Joseph Bailey
Tau have been fully absorbed into the Imperium, and are on relatively friendly terms with them because of ye techiness (although understandably less so with the Mechanicus). Not sure about how we feel about Le Ebin Veeky Forums Crossover Fanfics though, especially since everything about this post seems like it was just to try and worm that (admittedly really nice) pic into the setting. No offence.
Ian Wood
Only partly. Samus Aran seems to be flavour of the month at the moment so I thought why the fuck not. It was also leading up to asking if the Inquisition allows provincials and xeno citizens into the ranks of the Inquisition as Inquisitors.
It's pretty much a given that they would be hired for the help more often than Vanilla.
Is Farsight still friendly with the Imperium even if he has a grudge with the rest of his Tau Empire?
It could be that he wants his realm to be recognized as a member of the Imperium independent of those Ethereal dipshits.
Nathan Bailey
Nope, in this case Farsight is all isolationist and against integration, and the Enclaves are probably the closest thing to the Vanilla Tau Empire that we can find.
Parker Watson
Alright. What about provincial Inquisitors?
I think the Inquisition should still be a humans only club, it is GrimDark and not NobleBright after all.
Also what do the other races of the Tau Empire think of the Imperium?
Asher Bailey
>GrimDark Nobledark.
>other races of the Tau Empire The empire, as said in the last post, has been fully absorbed. Auxillaries more loosely tied to them (demiurg, kroot) are being worked out on a case by case basis.
Lurkmore, fampai. 1d4 is there for a reason.
Tyler Roberts
Were demiurg ever fully integrated Irish the Tau Empire in Vanilla?
In this they seem to have sworn allegiance to The Throne on their own power rather than as Tau bitches.