What first got you into traditional gamin Veeky Forums?
For me it was these little fuckers. Used to set them up imagine massive battles in my head and even made a rule set to have battles against my friends. This got me interested in wargaming which led me to getting into 40k and here I am now. Whats your story anons?
What first got you into traditional gamin Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
awww shiet
Army men
For me it was a mix between boardgames and model trains
I remember getting that exact fucking kit and then wiping out the Japs that came with too when I was on vacation. Childhood was truly magical.
Well there was armymen, and then there was heroscape, and now 40k.
I still have mine in a box, fun to look through them once in a while.
If you want to use yours in a tabletop-ish game, then check out.
Combat Storm
I got up to around 2000 with my collection. I pretty much got them for every birthday/Christmas.
Bloody awesome m8
that's an impressive army, only got like around 300
They just bring so many good memories back
Army men -> 1:72 ww2 soft plastics & model trains -> various plastic model kits -> 40k and fantasy monopose boxes -> all the shit I'm into today.
Also post pics of your current progress in the hobby friendos. I got a pretty big Guard collection if you guys wanna see.
I live in Texas so I used to go across the border into Mexico (pre-9/11) with my parents and buy GIGANTIC fucking bags of these dudes for dirt cheap. Then I'd go out into my yard or, even better - my friend's, and set up massive battles. My friend nearby had a 20 foot or so cliff that was climbable but made for the most amazing terrain. There were enough ledges and ramps to make little fortresses, deploy tanks and artillery and build an impregnable bastion. Then we'd set up a huge army at the base and charge them up the slope bit by bit. It never rains here so the duders were totally fine being left outside barring raccoons and shit.
Oh man nostalgiabomb. As we got older we starting using cherrybombs, m80s and other fireworks to blow the shit out of them, however, so my collection went from thousands to nothing.
when I was little I'd use Lincoln logs to beuild earthworks, Bunkers and field artillary, sometimes ships and what not, All for my plastic army men. at a frined's house we used all his blocks and stuff for city fighting, and in the sandbox at the house i moved to at 13, I'd dig trenches and shit.
I fucking love plastic army men
Anywyas, My brother had lots of books for the AD&D, and old warhammer, dwarves specifically. I loved all the pictures and would imagine being there in the battles. That, along with watching lord of the rings got me really into that nerd shit.
>Thread about plastic army men
Y'all are good people
>Those games
Fuck fuck yes user.
I had most of them and even the helicopter spinoff ones too. That shit was the best.
Seems relevant.
Can we play too?
Hell yeah. Actually this reminded me of something kinda epic between me and a friend. We bought a set where it was army men vs cavemen and would have gunline battles as I tried to hold them off. Flash forward a few years and now he plays Orks and I play Guard and the battles continue. Feels good anons.
I played Ticket to Ride with a friend, really liked crunchier board games, and then decided to go for it.
I played "RTD", or Roll The Dice, on the Dwarf Fortress forum back in the day.
I did a bunch of that, it sort of taught me the basics of GMing, I eventually joined an actual game that spawned from the DF IRC, and have been gaming off and on since then.
My dad and his DnD group have been playing since it first came out in the 70s. I watched them play on the weekends growing up and have been playing traditional stuff to some degree pretty much my whole life
I guess Army Men are more of a /toy/ thing, but I'm shocked that 1d4chan doesn't have an Army Men homebrew.
My earliest memories are of my sister and I basically constructing freeform rpgs with my action figures and her barbies.
I could never play with other kids because they had no sense of plot structure, too "rollplay", heh.
She got into ad&d and shortly after that we bought the books and I was DMing one on one sessions.
That's how I got into tg.
I had cowboys, indians, and spacemen not green army men.
I still remember the emotional dynamics of the relationships between them.
There actually is a set of rules for wargaming with them.
The name escapes me.
Was something super descriptive like 'Green Army Men' though iirc.
It's sometimes posted in the pdf threads.
We played DSA at the churches youth program.
In a little circlejerk forum I was part of a few freeform RP games/collaborative story things and eventually was invited to a Pathfinder play-by-post and now I have a few games going on. If I was in an actual Veeky Forums kind of forum, I'd probably have picked up wargames first because I lean to the /k/ side of Veeky Forums autism.
I got into TCGs from various friends of mine talking about them and them being a good way to waste time in school. Nowadays I end up theorycrafting and shitbrewing than actually playing the TCGs, but they're still fun to talk about and occasionally break out an EDH deck.
Also, fuck yes I loved setting up battles with army men as a kid. I eventually got into poseable figures pretty hard, I still enjoy doing little warzones now and then.
Great story user! Do you and your friend use a specific chapter or orc clan?
I love that cover
Founds objects make for the best terrain.
I'm working on building a custom regiment for my Guard and got most of them painted up. He on the other hand just likes to make shit up as he goes along. I think he's gone through about twenty names for them so far. And at least 1 in 10 models in his army has a unique paintjob.
This game. Used to hate playing board games (still do, but I discovered it was because my family is horrible at any game in general), but then I got this. Massive adventure game. But what really blew me away was the dice. The game uses a d8 instead of a d6, and until that point, I thought that ALL dice were six sided. The diamond shaped dice melted my 7 year-old mind.
A few years later, I found out that there was another adventure game which used ALL sorts of funny dice and let you do anything. I was hooked.
Playing AD&D and Shadowrun with my cousins when I was like 5.
Were you good?
reminds me of the old Star Wars Risk where having a capital ship let you add d8s to your dice pool.
I like that. A justice leuge of orcs.
>I guess Army Men are more of a /toy/ thing, but I'm shocked that 1d4chan doesn't have an Army Men homebrew.
Veeky Forums has made at least three independent Army Mans games. If they're not on 1d4chan, it's your fault.
Dubs says you do. Now get up on it faggot.
Kek. I never thought of it that way.
Anybody actually play with any of these rules before?
Dumping my collection pics.
First up Riflemen, common as hell, I have 2 big gallon bags full of them in various poses.
And I already fucked up.
this picture is Recon troops.
This one will be Riflemen.
Heavy Machine Gunners
Used to play in my garden with my brother and sticks. It gets cold during the winter, so we didn't want to go outside. He then suggests we play this dungeons and dragons thing. It was pretty fun. We don't play d&d anymore, though.
Talislanta was the bomb when I started. Like 120 classes and weird races back when AD&D had, like, 10.
Dual weapons.
Sub Machine Gunners
Snipers, they clearly have visible scopes compared to riflemen in similar poses. Very rare.
Mortars, no real variant poses for this one.
One rule I like is that if you have a Recon paired with a Comms and a Mortar paired with a Comms. You can use the LoS from the Recon for the Mortar.
Bayonet Riflemen
Terrain and obstacles
These are from a new set I found at Walmart, very modern/sci-fi. Dat minigun tho.
I'll admit when I saw there was a mecha in this set I may have got a bit excited in the store.
And then here is some real tiny soldiers and vehicles.
I should've put the regular sized one for scale up closer to the front.
The wife and I played a game at our local store.
Using these rules.
Although I want to try the one page posted earlier.
here is some rules i've come across
I also have combat storm but it is too big to upload.
Thread over in /toy/ lots of great pics of various sets.
My modern day "army men". I've actually run my old ones against it using 40k rules. I might actually do a battle report with my friend would you guys want to see?
This copy of White Dwarf. I was 10 and wandered down to the corner shop and bought it with my pocket money.
I moved away from GW 5 years ago now, but even after I got rid of all my other copies of WD, I've still got this one back at my parents house.
Did you ever play LOTR user?
Its been a long time, but I still get a surge of nostalgia when I see older White Dwarf covers.
This. Seeing this on a shelf with a bunch of other magazines, and picking it up just to see what all this crazy was about. I've been hooked ever since. It may not have been this exact issue but was near about this one.
Army guy thread in /toy for inspiration.