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First for Cassus Fett

Second for spooky sneaky space skinks.

So anyone got any campaign ideas for Life Day?

find as many Dr. Who Christmas specials as you can.
Select two at random. Mash them together.

Ah TORtanic had such nice dressup stuff but otherwise is so mediocre.

This is genius

Palpatine demands the ruination of Kashyyyk festivities, as well as ingredients for a grand feast fit for an Emperor to rub it in those dirty Wookiees' faces. The premade PCs tasked with carrying out this mission include but are not limited to:
>Moff Hissa
>Orman Tagge
>Raith Sienar
>Baron Fel

mah boi


I liked some of the main quests

(reposting from previous thread. Didn't notice it was in autosage before i posted)
I think i gave my players Venator-induced PTSD this session

>EotE game about to turn into quasi-AoR
>crew is hired to run getaway vehicle for a rebel strike team doing something
>PCs haven't been told what exactly but it sounds pretty important
>previous sessions has been legwork galore to pinpoint Imperial anti-air, aerospace and space assets plus some minor sabotage to not get their very-illegally modded YT-2000 caught by the spaceport's tractor beam
>PCs found an exit window between the ImpStar and escorts in orbit leaving and a group of three recommissioned clone wars cruisers coming in on the last leg of a shakedown cruise
>Eventually strike team sends the signal to prep GTFO
>I make some rolls to see how the strike team exfil goes
>roll success with despair
>strike team is late to the spaceport due to triggering silent alarm and having to avoid search teams on high alert
>PCs goes "Oh, It's fine. Our souped-up bird can outrun three old clone war clunkers if it comes to that."
>PCs burns through atmo, chased by five rapid response TIE fighters
>As they gets up into space they see three lines of pseudomotion
>lines turn into three Venator-class Star Destroyers, all painted Imperial Star Destroyer gray
>the crew fails to jam the chase TIEs signal
>All three Venators begin opening ventral and dorsal flight bays

>PCs manage to pop the original chase TIEs but are still too close to the planets gravity well to make the jump to lightspeed
>Venators scramble TIEs
>all the PCs see is wave after wave after wave of TIEs streaming out from the three Venators
>576 TIE Fighters, 576 TIE Interceptors and 108 TIE Bombers. All coming in on a intercept course
>brown-pants moment for the pilot and copilot as they calculate they won't be able to jump before at least some of the TIEs are all over them
>a few turns of OHFUCKOHFUCKWEAREGOINGTODIE later the PCs make the jump to lightspeed
>their poor YT-2000 is battered and bruised but still kicking
>PCs finally ask the strike team WHAT THE HELL they were doing to catch all that heat
>strike team leader pulls out a 1x1x1dm cube and cracks it open
>the two halves form into a projector showing a holomap of the Emperor's Palace on Coruscant. All levels accounted for, including complete sewage and ventilation schematics.

forgot to add my pic. I don't think my players will underestimate clone wars vintage ships anymore at least

Sounds like those rebels are a heartbeat away from Vader

To add on I'd say the A-wing should be at speed 7 based on that chart. But I'm not sure any starfighter even reaches that normally in the system. Though if you removed one hardpoint from it you could in theory.

The unmodified A-wings are probably a speed 5 though. With more armor/HT/ST.

I mean, if they knew what you stole (Judging by the pursuit they did) it's not likely he'll actually be home.

Question for Mandaboos: Why did the Taung let themselves get wiped out? Other Mandalorians survived the wars


You should incorporate a reason why the Emperor has to stay there.

Like a banquet or party in his honor.

I think it was some kind of disease or genetic dead-ending. It would be cool if a few survived in isolation, same as the Sith species. Both have really great visual design so having them wiped-out by the time of the trilogies is a real tradgedy.

The archives themselves are probably worth it.

Most of them were killed in the Mandalorian Wars. Mass Shadow Generator did a number on the Mando'ade.

No official explanation, but the other anons have the common headcanons.

how useful is the F&D lightsaber?
its only as strong as a blaster pistol

>only as strong as a blaster pistol
Except that's fucking wrong. It's as strong as a blaster pistol, plus however much soak your target has. And its crit rating is 1 better. And it has sunder. And with the right talent you can use it with any attribute.

So they're nothing at all alike.

If you manage to grab a good crystal too, you can do some serious damage.

Goddamn, EAfront had a good idea putting sights on a T21, but they royally fucked up by making it shorter, just look how goddamn good it would be if they kept the full length.

Now I kind of want to do a Lost Tribe of Mandos storyline where they run into some chilling in the unknown regions. Only not shit like Lost Tribe of the Sith

Lost Tribe of the Sith suffered from the overall editorial direction of Fate of the Jedi, and the bizarre choice of NOT making them face tendrilled red badasses.

JJM is still the closest thing we have to Allston left alive.

Tell me about your Imperial campaigns, /Swg/. I've been thinking about running one someday, and I need some good examples.

I know this isn't Veeky Forums related but I felt like telling somebody and this seemed like a good place.

Today I managed to not only get into the core ship on RC, which I never managed in my youth without the help of my older brother, but managed to make it off of the core ship too, with precisely 0.001 seconds left in the countdown.

Holy balls. They sold this game to children?

I set a campaign with a group of imperial officers and crew chiefs that were commanding a gozanti helping in the genocide of Geonosis. It was a massive shitshow, ending with the group murdered by imperial intelligence for misinterpreting orders and actually going rogue trying to join a rebel outfit. My favorite moment was them vandalizing their ships and uniforms because they thought that was for the best, then entering a known imperial controlled town wearing defaced uniforms because hey, the armor is a nice bonus.

You always have 0.001 leaving the Coreship I think. No matter how much time you have when you get there the game always lets it run down for suspense.

The game was pretty fucky on balance and forced you to choose between cool fun weapons and reloadable ACP weapons, but still great.

Its the yolo, hardcore metal god lifestyle.
If they're a nomadic, warlike species that just rampages around picking fights, there's next to no logistics, fuck all scientific advancement, medical research or anything else. Couple of constant wars, new diseases from ending up in new places and its all over rover.

I don't think they have NO science but yeah not enough.

Man, I love these air deployments.

I mean, there's a few characters that show there is room for intellectuals (like that Dr commando trainer,) but yeah, that's not the focus.

>Mandalorian science

I love the smell of baradium in the morning. Smells like victory.

Plus don't forget, its a total war footing for these guys towards the end. Women, kids, family pets and shit are all on the warpath for victory.
All its really going to take is just a couple of shit events in a row and eventually there's not enough people around for a next generation.

And here's an image of the Mandalorian fishing industry.

I've posted this before, but I'm pausing my established campaign to run a Holiday Special One-Shot. Plot is as follows:

COMPNOR's High Colonel Grover Stinch has been assigned to guide the "Cultural Adjustment" of Kashyyyk. As part of this process, he has deemed this so-called Life Day to be an affront to high galactic culture and banned its celebration, effective immediately. He has seized the gifts and toys for all the little wookiee girls and boys, and had stormtroopers tear down all the holiday decorations.

The military is instructed to enforce a strict curfew - any wookiees found in violation are to be sentenced to hard labor in the slave labor pools.

Your party, all wookiees, must infiltrate the Imperial warehouse in which their clan's seized decorations and gifts have been impounded, steal them back, and covertly distribute them, restoring the Life Day good cheer to all.

But beware... the Empire won't make it easy.

Pic related: he's a mean one, Grover Stinch.

This is a little more how I imagine it

Looks about right

/k/ is pretty much the best way to depict Mandalorian industry and recreation, really.

Can I get sauce on this?

We used to go 'carp bashing' in the summer here when I was growing up, they're a noxious pest.
Mostly when the rivers would get shallow and run around spearing them with bits of sharpened reo-rod on a length of broomstick. Though I have done it with an old .303 jungle carbine that wasn't much good for anything else past 30ft.

Belleville Rendez-vous

Its a fairly funny story, worth it if you like French animation and films

Sounds pretty fun. Carping in style is definitely on my bucket list. Did it make for good cooking or were the carp worthless for even that?

Nah they're a rubbish fish here that taste like mud.
You can eat them if you where pretty hungry, but never been that hard up to get into them and they're really stinky too. The European ones are the main pest here, they grow fucking massive in the dams, at a lookout we could see them swimming around like torpedos, roughly 4-5ft long and if you hook up to one while you're fishing you'll know about it because they charge pretty hard. Most are only 1-2ft long though.

ARC-X1 prototype ready for her debut in heroes of the aturi cluster. Now just need to stat it.


how loud are blasters?
could they be used in a heist?

They are pretty loud. I believe anyone in Medium can hear a blaster go off.

They do have silencers though

Ok thanks


Well, all Wave X got spoiled, looks like some interesting things here.

Unspoiled Quadjumper pilot Sarco Plank is PS5 with an EPT, 18 points. His ability basically is instead of using the ship's 2 agility, you can roll a number of defense dice equal to the maneuver speed you used this round, so if you say, do a speed 3 you can roll 3 instead of 2, or if like a tractor would reduce your agility by 1, if you did 2-3 you can roll more, etc.

Black Squadron Scout does indeed have an EPT, and comes in at... 20 points. No 5 Blackcrack Strikers for you. Scarif Defender is 18 points.

Zeb in rebel TIE fighter is, in fact, 13 points.

And the upsilon might actually have an okay dial for a shuttle. It has 2 white turns, red 1 and 3 turns, white 1 and 3 banks, and then 2 straight/banks and the 1 straight are green. 3 forward white.


Not so loud that you can't shoot people in the docking control room of the Death Star unnoticed, though.

Or spend twenty minutes climbing into, shooting in, screaming in, climbing out of, then shooting back into a trash compactor on the detention level.

they did notice
thats what the "reactor leak" conversation was about

Fucking hell, it's a VCX.

And why the fuck are Black Squadron Scouts 20? This is bullshit levels of bad.

Is this a viable list?

Black Squadron Scout (Lightened Frame, Crack Shot, AA)-23

Black Squadron Scout (Lightened Frame, Crack Shot, AA)-23

Black Squadron Scout (Lightened Frame, Crack Shot, AA)-23

Inquisitor (PTL, Autothrusters, TIE/V1)-31

(Alternatively, replace Inq with shield OL.)

>Fucking hell, it's a VCX.

Yeah, they're real similar. It's a big improvement over the Lambda.

>And why the fuck are Black Squadron Scouts 20? This is bullshit levels of bad.

I don't know why, but it seems like FFG is strictly against 5 of certain ships with upgrades. You can't run five Protectorates with title, for example. It's not just the 3 attack, but the 3 attack with something extra, seems. You can run five of the PS1s with the Frame, I'm just not sure you would. I mean, nobody runs 5 alphas with autothrusters.

I am now also hearing that apparently via Expert Handling and Pattern Analyzer, Kylo can 1 turn then barrel roll, like a bumpmaster.

thats such a good dial for imperial large ships its not even funny, not as green as I would have hoped but its good enough for me

>And why the fuck are Black Squadron Scouts 20?

Because FFG hates Imperials.
It's easier to see in Armada but it's in X wing to a lesser extent too.

Personally I blame Sheev, he limits their design space so much that they can't function without him and they just give scum and rebs more and more tools to counter him. Swarms don't work anymore, cloak doesn't work anymore, they wont give us unique upgrades, and they are persistent to never give us a new theme or reward us for actually having to fly well to do mediocre.

or do daredevil and have an almost 180 0-stop like the u-wing

>Hera put a Kanan drawing on her ship


X7 defenders seems to speak otherwise

Should have been more lewd

Really man?

No, after that. They shot up the trash compactor three times, after jumping into it, and yet there were no stormies to recapture them on the other side.

Leia even says "No wait, they'll hear!"

X7 is just an Aces list with Vess and Ryad.

Yeah it performs great but it's still the only competitive archetype Imps got.
I was really hoping that the striker would make big swarms reasonable again.

I'm so tired of Imps only having one real play style since Palp came into the game.

swarms is still a thing and they still work despite what says

in a casual environment a lot of list still "work" and you don't need a tourny level list unless you are at a tournament or your group likes to play sheeple-wing

>Look up the Pelta expansion for armada
>Realize that the Entrapment fleet command hard counters Konstantine

So the rebels get a 5 point upgrade the shuts down a 23 point commander, and soft counters tractor beams and two of the Interdictors upgrades as well.

Dick move FFG, dick move.

un tripplets de belleville

I need some meaty hooks and ideas for a LORE based campaign in FaD. People be going into temples, ruins, ancient shit and the like. Please help!

Formulate it like an Indiana Jones adventure.

The PCs hear rumor about a clue emerging, said to lead to an ancient artifact. They get the clue, which solves a riddle to reveal a holocron that points them in the direction of (a number of) the ancient site(s).

But the whole time, an Inquisitor/dark side adept and her archeologist sidekick are right on the player's tails.

Capture the artifact before the Empire can.

Idea for this artifact:

Another superweapon? Nah...

Instead, it's some sort of datacron thing but bigger, that can sense the Force sensitives in the galaxy and autonomously records their locations - used to be used by the Jedi to find Force sensitive younglings, but lost to time. Now the Emperor wants to track down the legend and see if it's real afterall.

I'm pretty sure the project lead for Armada loves Imps. Have you not seen what the interdictor can do?

Might stat the U-Wing and new Imperial Shuttle for saga edition later, although there are a few interior scenes I'm not sure are inside the U-Wing or Shuttle, I'll probably revise and post my stats after I see Rogue One

I have seen what the Interdictor can do, I have on sitting on the shelf with the rest of my fleet.

The thing is you pay heavily for the abilities it brings - Interdictors can easily end up costing as much as an ISD, but without the kind of crushing power an ISD can bring. That price tag means it can't just be added willy nilly, you need to plan around it to try and get the most out of it.

So if you are banking on G7 projectors holding up the enemy as part of your plan, having a 5 point upgrade void your entire strategy seems kinda bunk. Especially when you consider how much goes into even attempting that plan it the first place. The fact that that same upgrade also hurts tractor beams, Konstantine and G8s just rubs salt on it, especially when you consider that stacking nav commands already undermined them.

And as a counter point, name a unique Imperial upgrade that shuts down that many Rebel upgrades.

There isn't one

As an addendum:


According to the consolidated regionals data people on the FFG forum have been collecting, Rebel players have won 10 of the 13 regionals thus far, with Imperials wining only 3 and only reaching the top 4 2/5ths of the time.

Those Imps that did win didn't even use Interdictors or Konstantine, and this is before you invalidate those as options.

I just don't see the need to apply what's essentially a hard nerf to tools that are suboptimal to begin with.

I guess the only upside is that most rebel players are going to be too busy taking All Fighters Follow Me to bother with Entrapment.

Turns out that this thing is incredibly difficult to get a good shot of. My thoughts as far as statline for it are 4 attack, 0 evade, 8 hull and 3 shield with slam added to the action bar and a second crew slot, a bomb slot and a cannon slot added. Rear arc can still only shoot 2 dice. Should give it pretty insane speed and versatility with an astromech and 2 crew and the normal arc dial with slam.

Man, I litteraly got out of Rogue One.

Go see it guys, it's fucking fantastic. There's so much good in this movie. The fact alone that they manage to put Cushing in it makes it worthy, and it just kept going better.

Super late to the party but I am picking up x-wing with my brothers to play and was wondering if there are missions designed around 3 player games?

Also are there any ships I absolutely should avoid getting? I know the advanced tie fighters were bad for a while but I believe they got fixed somehow.

Look up heroes of the aturi cluster.

>You're a mean one, High Colonel Stinch
>You're a nasty Imperial, High Colonel Stinch
>You're as smelly as a Hutt, you look like a Sarlaac's butt, High Colonel Stiiiiiiiii-inch
>Your touch is like a mynock, I'd like to throw you out the airlock, High Colonel Stinch


You're missing the point, both rebels and scum have variety even in the highest tier play while FFG seems satisfied with Imps having a single stale meta.

Seeing it tomorrow user, hyped as fuck.

What do we all think is the appropriate amount of time to only talk about the film in spoiler text?

How long do we expect it to remain in theaters?

Seeing how good it is, and liked by both critics and public, a solid month at least I'd say.

But m-muh skeleton menace

>skeleton menace
What skeleton menace? Has the Day of the Spook finally come?

>The fact alone that they manage to put Cushing in it makes it worthy
How did they do it?

CGI, just like young Leia at the very end. It was very well made actually.

Some people say it's creepy but I guess they weren't expecting it, but I knew thee was meant to be 2 holograms to show characters from the OT, because 1 actor was dead, and the other old, so I wasn't surprised to see both of them, the super glad.

They even get dialogues, and quite a lot for someone who's dead in the case of Tarkin.

Really, I expected nothing from the movie, and I got blown away. They did damn good. I'd copy paste the opinion from another user from /tv/ if that doesn't bother anyone.

Do it faggot

I say we should wait until new years. If you haven't seen it with your family/friends over christmas, then you don't get to complain.

How do you think the Tarkin/Leia CG compares to the Jeff Bridges CG in Tron Legacy? Cause that's the most impressive example of that kind of tech I've ever seen.

There you go:
>a lot of great visual direction, as expected from Edwards
>cinematography was fantastic
>more variety of set design, vehicles and worldbuilding
>great action, but the space battle was even more awesome
>k2so and the third act was the best part
>Vader's short screentime turned out to be really efective
>a lot of fan services, references and easter egg
>really like the whole concept


>it really took a while for the movie to become great
>the beginning was pretty jumpy with constant change of location and character introduction
>giacchino's score was pretty mediocre, nice cues but nothing really memorable
>not enough characterization for the rogue one team, they were pretty bland honestly
>felicity jones is a good lead, but her character in here was pretty bland and even worse by every cliche lines she threw even though she got most depth

If like me, you were drawn to the movie mainly for the battle scenes, you'll fucking love it. The 3rd act blows pretty much every SW out of the waters on that point. Yes, even TESB, since you have TB-TT in here as well
I'm afraid I haven't seen Tron. But really, show it to someone who isn't aware that based Cushing died more than 2 decades ago, they wouldn't notice. Leia looks a bit more fake but her appearance lasts for litteraly 5 seconds so whatever.

I would say avoid the E-wing, but that's mostly just me thinking it's an ugly piece of shit.

Goddamnit, thanks for reminding me to stay off these threads. I'm seeing it in a week in Paris, see you guys then.

Hue, I went to see it in Bordeaux. Finding a VOSTFR movie is a nightmare in this city.

triple defender gets play too. And triple defender is not exactly 'ace' as your PS tops out at 6.
The problem is that palp solves so many problems for ace lists that there will always show up.

And you're pretty damn quick to call it 'stale'. I don't know where you're getting your expectation, but this is multiple versions of general strategy in one faction in a non-rotating game. How fast were you expecting this to change?