I was thinking Seattle, Nashville or Austin...
No income taxes, good weather, good food, decent jobs, good property rights, and anti-union.
What do you guys think?
What is most Veeky Forums approved place to live?
Other urls found in this thread:
Costa Rica you dumb fuck
St. Petersburg, FL, your digital nomad hipster friends will tell you about in a few years.
Besides no income tax and good jobs Seattle is none of those things.
god lord, id nut in every last one of these chicks
>St. Pete Florida
unironically a great place if it wasnt for all the niggers roaming around
I live in Austin
Please don't move here
cayman islands
st martin
st tropez
>digital nomad
Is the end goal of Veeky Forumsraelis? Kind of like /pol/ creating a country, Veeky Forumstards should decide on a place to move with our crypto gains to NEET for eternity in peace.
That'll rule out Nashville and Austin too.
We're slowly concentrating them at least, it's actually not that bad in 95% of areas.
>no income tax
no tax on crypto gains sure
Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau...
The west is doomed, social security is going to bankrupt the US and europe.
>wants to live somewhere biz approved
>chooses 3 expensive cities in an expensive country with shit internet
give my regards to reddit low iq faggot
st martin, you wanna get hit by a fucking tsunami/tornado user?
>with shit internet
The only free internet in the world unlike your cucked socialist shitholes
you're never going to make it with that attitude.
Frontier life, with a bunch of toys
Have you seen the news today faggot?
FWIW im a former digitalnomadfag and spent years living in SEA.
Can only advise against it. Living among low-IQ monkeys will drive you nuts after a while. And banging their women gets old after a while, believe it or not. Back in the motherland now and I dont ever want to leave again.
>these women
None of them are virgin and none of them haven't had cum on their face. Pretty disgusting to think about it. Since this picture was taken they also probably degraded a lot and it wouldn't surprise me if they all missed their prime for making babies and taking care of a family, due to preferring riding the cock carousel. And you know what the worst part is? Even though they degraded, had the times of their lives riding Chad cock, they will STILL be put on a pedestal for simply being woman. Somewhere out there is a beta provider who will marry each and every one of these WHORES and even divide his net worth with her because he puts woman on a pedestal.
cheap as fuck. no terrorism. decriminalized drugs. biggest coast in europe. a shit load of foreigners in lisbon. great weather for 7-8 months.
Actually no.
Most them are probably single moms who got pumped by Jamal.
hows crypto laws taxes and economy ?
also how is it compared to Spain ?
>a shit load of foreigners in lisbo
you need to give more details user
are we talking about brown people? or noble european foreigners?
the former is not exactly a selling point
>t. white separatist that wants to live among his own kind
>good property rights
You are retarded and gay
Yeah but..
economy is going pretty decent right now (average of UE, mostly). crypto we don't have laws about it right now so gains are taxed at 0%! you only pay if you have a company that is crypto-related.
spain is mostly bigger, louder, much more expensive.
i'd go to thailand after i cash out this shit, cheap as fuck. girl btw so no not because of the yerrow pussy
Going to Thailand for 6 months next year.
Gonna rent an apartment in the middle of Bangkok and just sit with my computer next to the window. Can't wait!
Manila, Philippines.
Cebu, Philippines.
Chaing Mae, Thailand
Pattaya, Thailand
Tokyo/Osaka, Japan.
Chengdu, China
Bali, Indonesia.
La Pham, Cambodia
Hanoi, Vietnam.
Your normies living in fucking first world cities in your citadels. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Low cost of living. High Income (savings).
Befriend locals.
Learn langauge, culture and skills.
Sure,fuck around a bit; fuck the locals.
Maybe get married, have a life.
>Cambodia and Vietnam have no extradition to USA. No need to pay taxes.
Really another Tampa Bay normie on Veeky Forums.
St. Pete sucks.
I've lived in the bay for a long time. No longer anymore.
How could anyone really want to live there is beyond me.
>music shit
>locals shit.
>drugs everywhere, not bad, useful really.
>need a fucking car.
>uber ride anywhere $20+
stay the fuck out of austin. I've been here for most of my life. It's a good city but nowadays there is a FUCK TON OF HUMAN BEINGS EVERYWHERE, ON THE ROADS, ON THE FUCKING SIDEWALKS WALKING SLOW AS SHIT, DRIVING AGGRESSIVELY, FUCK OFF. Not to mention the gigantic influx of people has resulted in austin becoming one of the most expensive places to live in the world. so please. fuck. off.
>yfw nobody wants to
Why you say dis
i live in austin too, sup homie
you want to be able to afford living at every place you choose?
How can you guys even compete? I live in the kike central Switzerland.
Nashville is full. We don't want you.
Any britbongs here?
Which city would you guys pick in the UK?
London's an overpriced shithole, I liked Glasgow apart from the crap weather. Edinburgh's okay currently but the locals piss me off.
Washington in general is good but avoid Seattle. Seattle is AIDS central, full of faggots and diversity. Property prices there are retarded too.
I did this four years ago for 10 months. Had a part time job teaching teenagers English and spent the rest of the time eating all the awesome food and playing lol
It was great.
>don't move to Austin meme
let me guess, you've lived there about 10 months?
It's expensive I heard but a beautiful country.
You realize this happened because of the cucked anti-growth movement in Austin, right? People kept saying "don't move here" and when they had the opportunity to build better freeways people said "don't build better freeways! if you do more people will move here!" Well, people still moved there anyway and now they are all stuck on I-35 together.
Houston > Austin
Do you think "refugees" would try to settle in one of the poorest countries in europe when they can go to france or germany or nordic countries?
I live in Nashville
Don't come, we're full.
Mexico and live like a king while fucking sloots like those in pic
Anyone who wants to settle down in the sinking ship that is murrica is a brainlet. Should go to stable countries with a future like switzerland, japan or iceland.
wat up boii i'm at the best university in texas currently, you?
>using "cuck" unironically
>being from the humid, gang infested, chemically contaminated shitfest that is Houston and comparing it to the best city in Texas
if you don't have one of the good paying jobs here or go to college here or something. You need to fuck right off. There's no reason to be here otherwise. If you land a good tech job or whatever feel free to come, but don't fucking come here and just take up space while providing nothing useful
I'm going too, for six months at least.
I'm so sick of the normie hellhole this city has become.
If sweden is top left, this means the best country will be bottom right?
Bangkok or Pattaya.
Avoid the US, this place is turning into a shithole.
Going to thsiland as well soon. I've been there before quite a bit. Going to teach English part time and continue making crypto gains
I lived in austin for a while. Got sick of it and moved away after a while. It's not too bad a place but get out of there as soon as you can because there's a lot more to the world
This dude knows what's up.
Costa Rica no doubt.
Would love a /cozy/ mountain house in Jackson Hole or somewhere in CO.
Australia seems pretty nice. What are the cons?
Everything wants to kill you
hey, those slags are from my cunt
>Australia seems pretty nice. What are the cons?
>A country where using bulletproof vest is illegal
too much chink ibut it seem they will reduce chinese inmigration ,thank god
who the fuck wears a bulletproof vest anyways?
Singapore is the right answer
Anyplace that bends over backwards to investors. Hong Kong, Switzerland, Monaco, Lichtenstein, Singapore if you want a good standard of living. Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Belize if you're willing to rough it a bit. If you want to live with White people and still be pretty free to do what you want, Belarus and Ukraine are good if you're willing to occasionally grease the palms of local police.
Japan is good for cryptos, but it's too "first-worldly" to perhaps live long term... and it's expensive as fuck.
Pretty much every poisenous and huge animal that can enter through your window and kill you after hours of pain lives there. That and SJWs in government.
Thinking about moving there for 6 months or so with the GF. It's high time to get the fuck outta the US
You know the rules. Get your tits out.
Colorado springs
tits or gtfo
lived in the shity for 20yrs. fuck that noise now. it's fucked itself
comfy now bouncing around devon.
fuck cities mate. irrelevant for years now anyway,
get comfy in the sticks
It's fucking hot.
Doesn't hurt to throw one on in a home invasion.
None of you fucks come to Ireland, we don't want you
highkey thinking about this once I've got some dividends going
I'll start a ladyboy gang cuz there nothing more manly than inverting your penis
fuck it.
Elon Musk wants to build a city on Mars by 2030
I reckon my gains would be good enough by then
good luck on this madmax, clockwork orange shitball.
you pedestrian fuckers are welcome to it
New Smyrna Beach FL
If any state is going to go red, it's Washington.
The state is overflowing with dems(at least Seattle and its suburbs) and all the liberal policies that destroy a city, high minimum wage, over regulation, etc.
Also, Washington isn't a right to work state, so you've got to suck the union dick and play by their rules if you want to work.
Tldr; don't move to Washington unless you're a degenerate pothead commie.
>girl btw so no not because of the yerrow pussy
so yerrow peepee?
Aussies are cunts. If you're American you wont be able to handle the bants
Right to work is a lie
Have you ever lived in a right to work state?
septics tanks are alright, when they aren't being total pooftas. at least they are white, for the most part.
>switzerland, japan or iceland
Iceland is pretty expensive, are you sure?
Bad roads, lacklustre healthcare, expensive food, gas and massively expensive alcohol. women pretty expensive however you look at it, whores or no.
Also, there's a tourism bubble, or I claim so. If anything bad happens in the world and we lose tourism, we won't be very stable at all. Of course, with crypto taht doesn't matter, but houses will fall in price and whatnot, which would be great if you don't buy at the top price. housing in the capital has doubled
GREAT internet tho, xenophobic immigration policies, literally the safest place, cheap water
t. Icelander
Nice, just booked 100k tickets.
I've lived in thailand and bali before. Trust me pattaya is not a place you want to stay more than a couple days its sketchy as fuck. And the Bali police will toss you in jail for looking at them the wrong way.
ya this guys got it
iceland is neat to visit in the summer but a horrible home base