What would be the social, economic, scientific and political consequences of having 50% of all women on earth turn into monstergirls?
What would be the social, economic...
I would imagine that medical science and biology would have a fucking field day.
Furries/Degenerates would die of excessive ejaculation
Hopefully, faggots like you leaving the board.
Don't know, don't care, let's move on to the monstergirls already.
If you want a proper in-depth answer you're going to want to find somebody with a good level of expertise in each individually and have them discuss it. That being said, the things that immediately come to mind?
>Depending on the exact nature of the changes, everything about the medical and biological aspects of society get a complete overhaul with women, most medicine and practices become redundant so those unlucky enough not to get extra resistance to serious medical issues are going to be left without most treatments for a while
>The market for women's clothing and products completely explodes over the next decade with new generations of companies trying to assert themselves as providers for what are most likely individual kinds of monstergirls, the whole fashion/cosmetics market becomes a metaphorical warzone in a tornado in the middle of a volcanic earthquake tsunami
Absolute anarachy
They would go into meltdown
Both of the above
Social : discrimination runs along the line of seperate species instead of just gender. Genocides will occur but should not last long as a society that kills all their females won't reproduce. Quick acceptance might also happen elsewhere since everybody gets monstergirls and there is no subgroup to ostracize (unless you are part of genocide faction).
Scientific : OH BOY are all the scientists (monstergirl or otherwise) are going to be happy about this. The most important thing here is not monstergirl biology. It's the fact that half the population changing species overnight can and did happen. A lot of known scientific knowledge is going to require an update.
Political : there will be a divide between those who accept the monstergirls and those who don't. That divide will last about 75 years as bigots won't reproduce. Countries that genocide their females will gonextinct by themselves. Some might go the enslavement route (so in some countries nothing will change). More tolerant countries will gradually take over thebland of the less tolerant because the latter gets no babies .
Econonic : new markets open and new products appear because more species mean more different needs. There should be an economical boon as new industries are created.
only said 50 percent of females. They aren't the only options for reproduction, so bigots would reproduce just fine. They'd just have to find normal human women who were equally biggoted, which wouldn't be that hard.
Woups I didn't read OPs post correctly. I assumed all females. Disregard my post or assume 100℅ conversion.
Neets repopulate the earth. Also the whole gamut of body horror ala The Metamorphosis
ITT: Shadowrun with snek tits.
What would be the social, economic, scientific and political consequences of having 50% of all threads on Veeky Forums turn into magical realms?
>What would be the social, economic, scientific and political consequences of having 50% of all women on earth turn into monstergirls?
So what would be different exactly?
You're gonna have to be extra careful who you sleep with,
Considering by "Monstergirls" we expect to see attractive and civilized demi-humans...
We're gonna see a whole new bunch of different cultures. The affected will slowly change their way of thinking about life if they have wings or a snake tail, so yeah.
You think there will be some new nations that occur because of this?
Only in areas already prone to disunity, so Africa and the Middle East would switch around.
So, Egypt goes back to Pharaoh worship?
What about the middle east? I can't imagine Islamic extremists being able to wrap their heads around this. Also, hordes of Neets would be raping and pillaging.
I can see a sizable portion of transformed women just offing themselves. I don't know a single girl that would be okay with become half snek
Can a monster girl have children? If so, are they able to have sons? Will daughters be human or monster girl, or is it 50/50? Would it be like in shadow run in which when they hit puberty they may transform into a metahuman? Are they mentally human? Do they have the same diet, or does it default to the closest animal counterpart? Lots of things to consider
Look up shadowrun's history/timeline.
Most likely that.
I would assume that for monster girl the birth rate would be 50% human male, 25% monster girl, 25% human female. I think it would default to closest animal counterpart. I also think the transformation should trigger on puberty.
sure is tumbler in here
It's just a shitposter trying to trigger you
Don't you mean succeeding?
Two words: Camel Girls.
Or, ugh, goat girls...
> Image source OP?
audible kek
I don't know if the region could handle that.
However, another Arab Spring and I could see them appointing something like pic related as the divinely appointed ruler, since the Military cracks down hard and the Muslim Brotherhood weren't much better, at least according to the media.
new markets open up catering to monster bodies
maximum fuck
religious groups and human purists gain power, otherwise chaos
Better question; what if 50% of both males and females turned into monster girls?
Same, but even more chaotic.
What ? I don't follow you ?
Aren't women evil monsters already ?
The population growth in Japan is no longer negative.
Stop making these magical realm threads please
>what if 50% of all women turned into 10/10 sex crazed yet monogamous exotic beauties?
>said Eugene with a smirk as he clicked "post"
>with his vaseline covered hand grasped firmly on his erection he muttered "showtime"
Oh wow, it's been ages since I've seen this pop up here.
Humanity goes extinct within 1-10 years. Same as 99.85% of all other scried possible realities.
But we get 1-10 years of shark tits so I mean hey, not as bad as the one where 50% of women turn into googirls made of antimatter.
Will they be more or less vindictive in their pursuit of alimony and child support?
According to Islam you're only allowed to marry human women and genie women
The limit is 4 wives but you can have as many concubines/sex slaves as you want
t. Ex-muzzie
How are they distributed? Is it half of all women overall, or is it disproportionately distributed (all Americans + some other countries, less in other places?) Is the form they inherit based on any observable factors? Are there any forms they can't have?
I assume ISIS and similar extremists wouldn't follow that rule, but then again it might inspire some kind of religious revolution, being an obviously supernatural event and all
The general consensus is that Allah created many exotic races in the far reaches of creation
But only humans and genies have souls
>horned worm thing in the bottom right corner
god damn it what is that? WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOW
> 50% of all women on earth turn into monstergirls
Are they actually monstrous? As in, eating babies and drowning men etc.?
Are they genetically compatible with humans and capable of bearing offspring?
Are they lovecraftian? Are they aggressive? Are they intelligent? Are they sentient?
You are ignoring a lot of factors here, mate-o.
Ask in the Monster Girl Thread:
Under rated.
You're hoping for a constructed OP in a bait thread? How foolish.
For the sake of argument consider the following.
>Are they actually monstrous? As in, eating babies and drowning men etc.?
Let's say 40% are almost entirely human(~10% monster), 35% are mostly human(~30% monster), 15% are mostly monster (~70% monster), and 10% are almost entirely monster (~90% monster).
The first category displays human behavior with a bit of quirks. The second category displays mostly human behavior with mild monstrous tendencies. The third category displays mostly monstrous behavior tempered with some human consideration. The fourth and final category displays almost entirely monstrous behavior with occasional human quirks.
Their monstrous behaviors are tied to whatever monster they were spliced with, and some in the last category may actually be less dangerous than others in earlier categories.
>Genetically compatible
Assume that those that are less than 50% monster are, those that are more than 50% are not.
Some may have spliced with creatures like that, it's a bit of a smorgasbord.
Depends on how much monster there is and it's original personality.
>Intelligent, [sapient]?
Those that are mostly or almost entirely human are guaranteed to be at least somewhat intelligent and sapient [though if what they were spliced with is very dumb the splicee may have reduced levels of intelligence, perhaps to at most that of a child].
Those that are more monster than human have their intelligence depend on what they were spliced with, if it was something like say, a vastly intelligent elder dragon for the most part they retain that intelligence, if they were splice with say a lesser slime creature they are going to lack almost any intelligence whatsoever, perhaps only being boosted a bit by the small human part of them.
Okay, final question then: can less monstrous monstergirls communicate (and coexist) with more monstrous monstergirls?
> can less monstrous monstergirls communicate (and coexist) with more monstrous monstergirls?
Not universally, but within the same species or species that normally coexist and communicate it is often possible. However, it is limited by the more monstrous of the two and their natural tenancies. If they are social animals with some sort of communication the two can communicate in a animalistic way, but will likely not be able to talk so much in complex concepts. If they are unthinking killing machines in their natural state it's unlikely that even with some sort of primitive communication, that coexistence can be reached.
Of course, if the monster is intelligent in it's natural form, anyone can communicate with it.
in the western would we would *shrug* then go home and start looking for the new porn. new companies out the wazoo re clothes, make-up and accessories.
In the rest of the world probably mass casualties as the monstergirls are (raped and) murdered. I guess most would flee here. though some societies might adjust ie have them as whores & slaves. Humans are pretty shitty in the 3rd world.
>I assume ISIS and similar extremists wouldn't follow that rule
If it's in the Quran maybe
Aren't wahabbis Quranic literalists.
Then it's split between people who see some MG as monsters and it is okay to rape, rape and kill or just kill.
That said, there would be a TON of medical problems and deaths with doctors suddenly unable to give proper healthcare to a sizable proportion of the population.
So short term, fatalities would skyrocket.
Also infant mortality would skyrocket due to the genome going wonky and most modern medicine suddenly having an aneurism.
But on the bright side, we literally win genetics win we've figured out how it works because it opens the way to extreme transgenic engineering.
What would magic do for us?
I saw Deus, you say Vult.
Dumb frogposter.
I don't understand this mentality. What would be the point of a thread that can be solved in a post or two?
This board, at least in theory, is primarily about discussion. Arguments and differing viewpoints cause discussion.
It'd be pretty dumb.
You should ask the proper board about that
"What is the best rpg system" is a question that won't have any resolution
"What is the best sci-fi rpg system to run squad based game" still has the potential to generate 350+ posts, and will go somewhere since you've defined the goals of the thread correctly.
If your original OP is so broad that you have to spend half the post determining the limits of the discussion instead of actually discussing something (losing the interest of half the posters in the process, since you won't reach a consensus on Veeky Forums. I've seen anons diverge wildly on very restricted topics; give them a sandbox and your thread won't go anywhere), I think you aren't contributing to the quality of the board.
>Arguments and differing viewpoints cause discussion.
Arguments yes. Differing viewpoints, no.
"Blue is best color, Red is shit" doesn't cause good discussion, because there isn't any argument in it. How are you gonna contradict such a statement?
tl;dr: A broad OP is saying "hey Veeky Forums, I got the beginning of an idea, how about you do all the work for me while I sit lazily in my chair (and I killed a thread in the process)".
Fuck you. You're not amazing, your ideas are not original, unless you've got some good execution they have absolutely zero value. Do some work before posting. Actually create something instead of relying on others. If it's supposed to be a collective work, be a part of the collectivity instead of leech.
absolutely nothing
mass murder,killing demons and me right in the middle of it
Oh, edgy.
The prostitution industry would explode overnight.
No they wouldn't. They're still abhorrent to the fairer sex, even if said lady has spider legs or a horse pussy.
This is some Go Nagai shit right here user. Specifically Devilman Lady.
But how am I suppose to tell if their the Messengers of God or the Spawns of Satan?
What would the Pope think?
Funnily enough the Egyptian military was why the muslim brotherhood isn't in complete control.
topest of keks
>you're only allowed to marry...genie women
A genie or Djinn is a creature mentioned in Islamic theology, akin to an angel really.
It's "A Djinni" or "Multiple Djinn"
Pluralization is reverse.
It should be stated that things would eventually stabilize and normalize over time.
Well, absolute anarchy. . . Though I guess there are a few things we could predict:
For instance, domestic abuse would be extremely high. Monstergirls would likely be attacked, by family, if they attempted speak with loved ones within' the first few (i.e. 9) months. A great deal of the population would get disowned, likely for religious reasons. Actually, most religious institutions would likely benefit from the increase in patronage.
Alot of scientific fact and theory would be tossed out the window. It would likely bring about a dark again in science, people openly questioning everything they know about the world. Though, after a few years, (once the monstergirl event is better understood) it will likely start a renaissance in scientific discovery.
>political consequence,
Depends on the type of government, though I suspect few would survive. Democracies and free countries would fall apart faster, but that's like stating you'd be better off in the second twin tower because it lasted slightly longer. With 50% of the the female population being turned monstergirl, even dictatorships would have a hard time convincing the populace that they could keep them safe (since it likely a relative or theirs will also be turned 50/100). Just about every government around would get toppled and become some sort of theocracy. The big 3 shitty sand desert death cults would likely do pretty good. Their inability to integrate women into their order would likely allow them to spin some sort of holy narrative BS. Overall, good time to be a muslim, christian, or jew (well, maybe not a jew).
People need to eat. Our global markets make it difficult for people to fend for themselves. This would recover the quickest. The porn industry would like benefit the most from this change. With alot of monstergirls disowned at the societal level. . .
Reminder that you would be just as terrible at asking monstergirls out as you are with human women.
what with lots of sex workers suddenly being able to tear apart johns who try to fuck with them... I agree.
If 50% of human women turn into monstergirls, that means that 100% of monstergirls will have memories of being human.
Every time a man chats a monstergirl up, she's going to worry, "does he like me in spite of my bizarre, unexplained deformities, or because of them?"
. . . Cunt(inued)
As I was saying:
With alot of monstergirls disowned at the societal level. . . many would be forced into (illegal) sex work. Overall, the porn industry could easily take advantage of anyone they wanted (and an offer of legality would make it appealing). It may act as a stepping stone for Monstergirls into other forms of entertainment. Overall, if you haven't already figured it out, they'd likely end up like black (economically) people in America.
That being said, western powers have a tendency of uplifting women so it likely won't end up complete welfare rats.
Though, back on the social side, women would be high distrusted. Until the "event" can be identified, most would assume the women to have been monsters/aliens all along.
>Dank Internet Sites (Funny Junk / #Chans / MSG boards) (within' the hour)
Someone posts, "Guess women are really are from Venus". No fucks given, everything as usual.
Fuck me, what did I just post. . .
I don't even understand myself >.>
I think you overlooked the Economic impact, despite mentioning it yourself.
In a lot of poor countries, women are important bread winners. Think of all those factories in South East Asia that employ women to make clothing. All the single mothers you have here in the Western world. If even 5% of the total human population goes Beastial, you could see mass starvation and economic loss.
You do make some other good points, but I think that was one you overlooked.
Mass chaos, probably purges in certain parts of the world
Things would settle down, after that it depends on exactly what the monstergirl's abilities are
But either way I'd go out and find myself a giantess, dragoness, and/or lamia waifu
Hence why I stated it will recover first/quickly. Ultimately, you could hate niggers to your core. But, if their starving will lead to your own then you will learn to tolerate their existence.
Haha hacker nerds digimon is better than pokemon and all of you are fat
>TFW no digi/pokewaifus in real life
thats a vintage and well aged wine you got there user
Imagine being this triggered by cheesecake.
Just get a unicorn girl to cry on them.
I never knew that. Thanks.
>"does he like me in spite of my bizarre, unexplained deformities, or because of them?"
It's gonna be because of them, 99% of the time.
This, only I'd get a leprechaun. Delicious tiny gingers.