Quick, I need pictures of cowboys !

Quick, I need pictures of cowboys !
trying to write a setting and would appreciate some NPC inspiration. Post any kind of cowboys.

Will be dumping my own favorite





Wuxia in the wild west. Don't pretend that doesn't sound like a cool idea.


>trying to catch the devils herd, across the endless sky



Oh no! Not the Tingle!

I'm running a western game set in the Yukon, anyone have any fun sidequest/adventure hooks?

the backstory of scrooge mcduck



Not that you particularly care but that image is an edit of pic related. I don't think I have any cowboy images but I'll check

now i'm mad new vegas didn't have a lever action laser rifle

Playing as a mad scientist in deadlands. Fun game






That looks like the Wandering Jew.

That looks like a slav on fire.

I feel like the definition of what makes a cowboy might be a little loose here.

Here's a pair of the rootinest tootinest most incompetent buckaroos ever to forcibly occupy public land and get off scot free.

As someone with a hankering to run a Weird West game, anyone have system recommendations? I hear Deadlands is pretty good, but I'm not sure I want to figure out how to draw cards over IRC.
