What does this do?
What does this do?
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allows you to draw two cards.
But what does it do?
You get 2 cards.
It's a deck thinner. If it's allowed, then practically every type of deck benefits from it because you're more likely to draw the card you want at the moment without going under minimum deck size.
And I believe it has no additional cost to use, but I might be wrong. A very very broken card.
Gets B&4lyfe because Exodiafags. If I'm remembering correctly. It's been a few years since I could into YGO.
It's been banned since the card game came to the US, at the least.
This kills the format.
Thin deck without downsides.
Yep. Zero costs. Play it, draw two cards. Prior to its ban it was one of those things you'd have to be an idiot not to play.
>Have a deck completely full of Jar of Greed's
>except for all five pieces of Exodia
>instant win on first turn
>What does this do?
It does webmrelated, only on even more broken scale.
Exceed/Synchro is so silly.
This is alright, right?
I'm not entirely sure
Pokemon's pretty different. Draw is everywhere, the game's about enabling both players to get their crazy shit happening.
There's also a hard 60 card limit, so having too much draw means you don't do enough stuff.
Man Yugioh has gotten stupied
Lets not pretend like was ever anything but a badly designed mess.
holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in awhile
What the actual fuck is even going in YGO anymore? Any time I see a card it has a goddamn term paper of rules written on it and then this nigga plays 40 cards in one turn.
yugioh after battle city was a mistake on so many levels
> it was a mistake for the show because the filler arcs were terrible and either contradicted the cannon or pretty much sidelined the main cast and it seems like every sequel series but 5Ds was awful
> it was a mistake for the card game because it introduced bullshit like this that turned the power creep into a power sprint with the card creators having zero idea on how to balance the game
Pretty sure you can only use one Trainer card per turn?
Been ages since I've last played, so I might have that wrong.
There's a subcategory of trainers called supporters. They're only 1 per turn. Other trainers, go nuts.
Also, it wasn't even slightly difficult to find if I recall. I had like 6 of them back in the day.
This is one of the least played cards in netrunner - different games have very different ideas on how much draw cards matter.
Being an asymmetrical game, the other side's version of this card, which also has no cost and draws 3, is much more popular, but still.
well yeah, but isn't there a hard limit on the amount of energy/mana/action points you can have at the start of your turn?
card selection =! card advantage
even in unlimited format, you can still only run 3 of each card
>implying fusion decks haven't been historically more problematic
Xyz master race fampai
Every reference to what Pot of Greed does over 500 episodes.
>a hard limit
There's a usual limit, there's at least a few decks that go way, way past the normal amount of things you can do in a turn.
And being able to use any action (which you usually have 3/4 of) to draw normally also kind of takes the shine from draw cards a bit.
As fun as that webm is I wish people would stop posting it because it prompts a bunch of fags who know nothing about the game (or are trash at it) to complain about how "x broke the game forever" where x is whatever most recently wrecked them/whatever was introduced as they stopped playing/whatever someone last fapped to.
This person gets it
it's not a meme if it's true though.
>guy draws through literally his entire deck
>at no point draws into a hand trap
deserved that loss desu
Two cards? From where?
Not where, just draw them on a piece of paper.
And this is why Magic the Gathering is a better game
That's just one player being an idiot by using Maxx C against Synchro turbo without running any fucking hand traps. They guy deserved to lose. Also, Synchro shit like rarely tops anything because it dies to disruption.
That card has it's uses.
>Google does nothing.
It is absolutely a meme, even if it's true.
I found it here.
> Google does nothing.
"displacer beast anthro" led me to barbariank.tumblr.com
Yandex also led me there. It's shitty Russian google, but it's got a more reliable reverse image search.
>We don't need decks where we're going
>Wow! a Veeky Forums Yugioh thread that looks fun and isnt bogged to hell with shit posting from people who dont know about the game! this could be fu-
why are magic fags so autistic that they cant let people who dont enjoy Magic play other games?
Did you faggots ever consider that there are things about the way yugioh plays that people enjoy that magic doesn't have?
The heart of course.
It can get a bit messy.
Synchro was what broke the game forever though.
Every new addition after that was just additional breaking.
I fucking hate modern synchro decks, but anyone who says they broke the game is retarded.
All synchro did was make the game faster and crazier, and without a major rule overhaul thats all yugioh had over Magic the gathering. Synchro summoning was just Konami actually utilizing what its rule set allowed for.
Anyone who complains about Synchro summoning should have been playing magic all along.
Get in here for a season one stream
Pot of Greed allows me to draw two cards from my deck and add them to my hand! Greed is good!
>Pic related is pot of greed
>A universal symbol for a meta card
>This is somehow not a shitposting thread
Honestly you deserve this.
Perhaps you should have been a little LESS greedy!
>two-for-one'ing yourself
They still net +1 card advantage relative to you.
Synchro was where I quit the game, but it had been broken for a long time, and I didn't quit because of Synchro itself. I'd argue Chaos was probably the beginning of the end, but ever since then the game has more or less been the ban list and the current meta playing whack-a-mole. Something absurd comes down the pipe because they wanted to push a new archetype, then a little latter the banlist scythes them down a bit for the new hotness.
Sore wa dou kana~
The card I discarded... WAS MY DARK MAGICIAN! Now, reveal facedown card, MONSTER REBORN!
He may still net one card advantage, but can that one card stand up the THE GREATEST MAGICIAN IN DUEL MONSTERS?!
Do you also think pendulums are hard to understand?
Operations have an inherent cost in Netrunner, though. If Tip didn't require an action, it would be played in every deck.
>le "yugioh's meta isn't eternally fucked" meme
>implying waking the dragons didn't totally ruin the final arc in the original series
>implying GX & ZEXAL were good
i just find it fascinating how accurate to the show/manga the game has become in terms of straight up bullshit
Which deck? My side deck? Extra deck? My other deck? This card is so confusing who the fuck approved this
I knew I art class would have come in handy one day!
You pretend like there aren't turn 1 wins in MtG either.
That's bullshit and you know that's bullshit.
my beef with 1 turn win decks in yugioh over magic is that they don't seem as common in MTG
i've probably played or seen people play more 1 turn win decks in yugioh than i have in magic.
>Jar of Greed
>turn one win
>not posting the original
OTKs happen all the time in Yugioh, but not all decks are OTK decks. Most F/OTK decks aren't consistent enough or rely on not drawing certain cards from your deck.
Man he looks like you shit in his cheerios
Strictly inferior to Bill and Professor Oak.
Base-Jungle-Fossil all time best format.
>Base Set 2
Shiggy so much diggy.
Not so fast, Kaiba, you've activated my trap card!
yeah this was a crazy common card, had tons , 3 of em everydeck, man i miss the first 5 expansions of yugioh :(
>tfw you'd Veiler that