/kdg/ Kingdom Death General

>Old Thread:

Kingdom Death is a game.

>which pledge do I get?
Read the kickstarter.
>how is shipping handled?
Read the kickstarter.
>what new expansions are there?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is the game not coming out till 2020?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is this Percival best girl?
Read the kickstarter.
>what is included in the Gamblers Chest?
Read the kickstarter.
Kickstarter Page: >kickstarter.comprojects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description
>Adams comments: kickstarter.com/profile/poots/comments
>Pledge and addon overview: vibrantlantern.com/KDM15/#pledgelevels

Other urls found in this thread:


>people still copying the FAQ about Percival
Feels good.

Correcting this: Forsakers are normal humans, but are the settings equivalent of a berserker class. They rage so hard that they lose their humanity in the process, and in extreme cases lose it permenantly, hence the name.

Butchers are Forsakers that have gone SO ABSURDLY OFF THE FUCKING DEEP END that even once the Forsaker dies, his corpse and his armor keeps going through the same motions and killing everything in its path.

>more twitch bullshit
>possible Female Pinup Manhunter and Female Pinup Manhunter (Male)

>Female Pinup Manhunter (Male)
futa manhunter pinup when?

so can someone here explain the story to me? or at least why the floor is covered in faces?

Read the kickstarter

So how are the bozos on twitch doing anyway? They magicked in a Zanbato someone said?

>Why the floor is covered in faces.

They're the faces of the dead, the dying, the yet to be born.

They just hit the FK's trap card. It only has 5 wounds to go, though, and no deaths so far.

I'm really enjoying this kickstarter, it's such a fun ride.

>My fucking face when Poobs makes another bet on twitch

>tfw SotF'ing a 1 into a 10 on the Gambler's Game
Cheated that motherfucker right in front of his face and he couldn't do shit about it.

King Poots' head almost exploded and he's blind now though. Poor Poots.

He deserves worse for endorsing twitch shit shows.

So they beat the Man Hunter?

They did, yeah. Then they went for double or nothing and are fighting the Flower Knight.

>Pre-emptively pledged the same amount I did last time

That sinking feeling when I start to consider the cost of all the still-unrevealed expansions and realize I will exceed my cap.

Twitch killed the flower knight.

Just jump on a frogdog if there are still any left.

After enormous quantities of cheating and rules fuckups they managed to kill the Flower Knight.

Honestly this shit doesn't count when your viewers can literally pay money to give characters bonus stats. But whatever. At least it satisfies Poots.

I wish. Trying to stay at roughly $500, lots of life intervenes moments hit at once.

>your viewers can literally pay money to give characters bonus stats.
How'd they fail to kill the phoenix with that in effect.

It was a level 3 phoenix.

There are some things that even cheating can't beat.

Once again, Poo is a dumb faggot.

But yea, at least twitch didn't manage to fuck everything up. Again.

But yea all the cheating and stuff is retarded, at this point they're hardly even playing Kingdom Death.

>at this point they're hardly even playing Kingdom Death
I really don't get why people who cheat repetitively play this game. Save scumming behavior basically

Top of the Food Chain (-2 to all severe injury rolls) plus Peck (3 damage, ignores armor) is the most extreme bullshit ever.

Also, any time I've cheated in my campaigns, the survivors have ended up dying shortly after. I'm convinced the game is sentient and punishes us for our attempts to alter the flow of fate.

Because they're babied normies who can't deal with actually "losing" a game.

>Poo on the FK
>I'll add an EVEN MORE brutal card. Clearly he is too easy! lol


They should just go play an rpg or something. It's like playing Diplomacy and not allowing people to dick each other over.

Yeah, I replied to this in the other thread but the butcher is basically a Hollow Forsaker

I mean, the Reich players aren't GREAT but I don't get the hate they get. They are fairly competent at the game, they just outsource most of the decisions to the chat because that's literally the entire point of their stream. They have played through the full game something like 4 or 5 times on their channel now. They have a variant runnignwhere people can donate to either help or hurt the settlement. Sure, it's """"cheating"""" but no more so than the dozen of other house rules every group played with, and unlike those it's literally endorsed by the creator of the god damn game.

I'm convinced it's just Salt from people who got butt hurt about the previous twitch bet because they didn't realize the twitch streamers had literally nothing to do with that failing. It was straight up RNG. One of the KDM devs was literally telling them to cheat that one.

Like, the twitch stream is nothing special and doesn't deserve the attention Poots is giving them, but at the same time I just find the outright hate over the stupidest shit to be completely baffling.

Is this why even if you kill the Butcher he comes back? And isn't the Butcher just one specific Forsaker gone mad?

People just don't like seeing other people having fun.

>They are fairly competent at the game,
They're not.
>they just outsource most of the decisions to the chat because that's literally the entire point of their stream.
They don't, they go "You could do THIS twitch!" and it's usually the most obvious move.

Also shut the fuck up Matt you fat onesie wearing faggot.

Also Zennith is also a nutsack and thinks armour will save him vs a phoenix (lmao).




Anyone know where a good repository of Kingdom Death artwork is? Not the sketches of the pinups but the stuff in the manual, the awesome scenery and world scenes. I want to throw it at my GM and have her make twisted, sadistic things for me to get killed by.

There was supposed to be an Artbook, from my knowledge it never materialized.

Reminder that /kdg/ is a bully free zone.

Wait hold the fucking phone, how is Pinups of Death not included in 777 but in frogdog when the rewards say the exact same thing?? (except for the tshirt ofc)

Cause 777 is a meme.

And FrogGod is the tits.

Pinups of Death II is in God Frogdog, not Frogdog.

Those names are fucking horrible and Poots screwed up with them because they are going to cause absurd amounts of confusion, but, whatever.

Yeah, should have been Frogdog and Oblivion moth or something.

They also should have had Lantern on the end, too, so that people don't get confused between Frogdog the expansion / addon and Frogdog the pledge tier.

But Poots is a dumb.


I'm sure I'm the only one, but the moth triggers me.

>Poo makes giant mothra monster.
>Call it out in a kd thread and call it stupid before the reveal because Mothra is stupid.
>Poo reveals the moth.
>Says it's a mosquito.
>Clearly a Moth since mosquitoes don't have antennae like that.
>But meh zambies.
God damn it Poo, just make a Botfly monster if you're obsessed with muh larvae.

Mosquito is the first expansion after Nightmare Ram I find myself really wanting. Then again I'm a modelsfag and spend considerably more time painting than actually playing.

>tfw im gonna have to add 115 americanobucks on top of 777 just because I dont have have any of those pinups (except for the gorm suit)

Half right! Male mosquitos have fuzzy-ass antennae, the only issue there being the males subsist on nectar, and those are definitely bugtits in the art for the TES4 Mosquito.
>inb4 Poots making everything a hermaphrodite

I don't think we're striving for scientific accuracy here as mosquitoes don't have a bunch of hands all over the place or a termite queen butt


Why isn't Pinups of Death 2 included with Satan?

It is, read the update.

It both is and already was. Every single figure in PoD2 had already been confirmed for being in Satan even before the update, but now they're getting packaged in one box with some neat gameplay bonus content too.

I wonder if Poots will do a Pinups of Death III box at the end of this campaign. Makes sense, honestly. He could even do two, one male and one female. Would do a lot to drop production prices.

Who here full doggo?

Jesus that's nice.

Seeing all these amazing paint jobs makes me hesitant to paint my DBK

Only through pain can we grow

People keep showing up in the KS comments saying they dropped a Satan pledge for a God Frogdog pledge. This shit's hilarious to me. Shows them for not fucking reading.

If anybody here still wants a Satan pledge tonight is probably the last opportunity to get it, what with those retards running around. Just keep mashing that F5.

Do Wimmins play this game? On the one hand half the survivors should be female and there's having babies and making a town that they might like. But then there's rape monsters and pinups that they might not.

Thought 777 comes with all new pinups.

Generally no, if only because tabletop games are a predominantly male hobby. Even general board games skew towards 75/25 or even 80/20, and more in depth hobbyist games like KD:M go even further in that direction.

As for pinups, most people don't even know they exist, and rape monsters literally don't exist in KD. Not even the Wet Nurse is a rape monster.

They aren't new. They're all from the original KS.

There's literally no rape in this game.

Those the ones
>accepting your death
user means? Okay.

My players consist of Me, my GF, my brother, and his GF, so I guess wimmins do play this.

His GF isnt that interested though, mine loves the combat parts, rolling many many dice and killing things (She has become the DPS of our party, and i am the rawhide catseye scry guy), so it really depends on their personality rather than their gender.

>pinup of death 115$
The hell?

The wet nurse looks like a rape monster. It has a big penis thing and has pregnant women figures. Also is it the juvenile sun stalker i think with women chained to it like jabba? It certainly seems to imply rape.

I was so desperate to get a Kingdom Death mini a long time ago that I bought a wet nurse. I don't even like it, it was just the only thing on the store at the time. It's still just sitting around my house in the envelope Poots sent it to me in.

The wet nurse is a wet nurse. Those ladies give birth, and the monster suckles the children to brainwash them.

The Sunstalker infant is being cared for by the women, because it is a holy and divine beast to their culture. Hell, they sometimes sew their children to them with their umbilical chords to try to get rainbow babies.

>there's having babies and making a town that they might like

Post lewds of young survivor please


Has anyone received their BF expansions yet?

Anyone got scans of the Gencon 2016 promo cards by chance?

It did actually, just not as a physical book, only PDF. Downside, it's ~130 MG zipped.

>still no edit with a lewd pepe head on the chicken.


So my game with friends on TTS just spun out upon beating the butcher. We lost our only returning survivor to lantern experimentation, leaving us with only males left in the settlement.
I can't wait to fail all over again though.

I think you mean "right in front of his faces"

So these twitch faggots win yet?

Yea they won both fights so we get smexy Manhunters.

I really want a Messenger of Humanity reprint, but I also cannot afford it. What do you think the chances are of a reprint?

Chinaman brosef

I couldn't come across one on AliE when I checked. Neither LeLe's or Sylvia's stores, anyway.

LeLe has it in the pinup collection.

The few that do really enjoy it.

If you have less than 7 pop you might get lucky on Armored Strangers.

Does anyone attempt to maintain a high pop bc of armored strangers?

Iirc having high pop on AS event is not a good thing, although my group normally tries for babies very early and we always end up with a decent amount by then.

All of my play through I keep my head down and stay at or just under limit so they don't attack. I wonder if anyone else has played it differently?

They don't come back if they do Destructive Action, though. If they pull supportive, they'll return to reap what was sown. Still, if you fall to 7- it might be a good idea to get your guidepost THEN breed like rabbits in preparation for their next arrival.

Oh, didn't realize they don't return after. I'll try it next time

Durr, you are right, thanks user

Out of curiosity, which recasters actually have shrinkage? Which ones don't? I am looking for a recaster with shrinkage so I can use KD figures in games with a smaller scale.

Just buy Reaper Bones if you want cheap and shit quality.

But you don't have QTs like thief.

you don't deserve thief

I already own a copy, I just want a smaller one

I bet you're that user that fucked up his umbrella.