Can we get a 40k feels thread going? In the name of the Emperor.
40k Feels
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Space Marines looking after children is best head cannon.
Even Kriegers need gratitude.
>40k feels
Like, the feel when no primarch husbando?
>tfw Curze is dead
>tfw You'll never be in midnight clad with him
>tfw you will never flay those that betray the Emperor
J-Just f-fuck my shit up, senpai
Stay the fuck away from my husbando you filthy loyalist piece of shit.
Terminators helping the little ones is cute as hell
All I ever wanted in life was to see Angron happy, content and calm
Being Angeron is suffering.
Incoming ramble.
I like to think that these dudes are slaneshii, and that their particular focus is love,, lust, devotion and what not. they worship eachother in every aspect, and through that whole hearted and interchangably mindful/mindless adoration they worship she who thirsts.
It is a high, a warmth that can turn you molten in battle and in soul. And when their bonded are torn from them, they feel a different intensity, one that shatters them and leaves them to rebuild or die off. They are encouraged to explore this, to exalt in it in their own ways. The cult does not have many spacemarines, As they have already become jaded, or have trouble connecting to others in way beyond Battle brotherhood, But those who do lead the cult are empath psyckers, Carefully feeding their own highs by skimming off of the intense emotional connections, and in battle, as those emotional links are shattered, that burst of emotion allows them to power up their attacks, Leading to a twisted dance of using their bonded cultists and brothers tactically, both as combat units and power boosters.
The mind games that it'd take to keep this going for a long time could be tzeentch in aspect.
They are in fact Slaaneshi. Just look at their marks.
If I recall correctly, the artist was trying to demonstrate the loss of a couple of lovers torn apart by war
Thought so. Also, Less torn apart, more burned apart.
Anyways, I think I'm gonna have that cult in my next game. I made them up on the spot, I might as well see if the idea gets me somewhere.
>In truth there are many
Lamenters too good for this Imperium. Too pure
>I like to think that these dudes are slaneshii, and that their particular focus is love,, lust, devotion and what not. they worship eachother in every aspect, and through that whole hearted and interchangably mindful/mindless adoration they worship she who thirsts.
That's actually a pretty interesting idea for a Slaanesh cult. It's valid too since Slaanesh is all about excess of anything
Commorrite degenerate here, just want to say you Lamenter mon-keighs are pretty gutsy.
of course, it would be a mix of healthy and very very unhealthy relationships, probably all at the same time. All the facets of what we understand love to be as an emotional high taken to the max. Manipulation, back stabbing, trust and forgiveness, all sort of... wontonly mixed and meshed as they struggle through a silly amount of politalking internally.
They might have a couple of shisms:
a few over mono-love, poly-love and all the variants therein when one considers gender roles like polyandry and polygamy. the discourse on powering energy into a mutually absorbed duo or trifecta, or spreading your love around to as many as possible and existing in a state of benign neglect most of the time with most partners, only to clash into each-other when the time calls for it, as eager and energetic as any other pair could possibly be, only to move on afterwards along the respective social-orbits, perhaps longing for then next time they cross paths, perhaps already looking forward to the next partner. New relationship Energy is a concept worth looking into in regards to this.
Another Schism could be the artificial use of neurochemicals instrumental to emotional bonding and love. Some see it as a hunt for exess in the name of their god/ess, Others see it as the cowards way in, And that any worship it creates is hollow and half hearted, for the partakers did not truly work for those critical moments, and their relationships are all the more brittle for it.
Anyways, I like the idea of cults of the chaos gods purposefully limiting their worship, Specializing it, turning it from a wide ray-blast into a focused laser of intention and emotion. Particularly long lived Cultists of this type may slip from one laser-focus to the next, or go from Ray to beam, beam to ray and back and forth as they explore and weasel out the nuances of the warp. Of course, they never really realize that those nuances are reflection off infinitesimal ripples in the immaterium,
The marine in the ops a Blood Angel
Read in pic related
Yesugei's goodbye to his 3 closest companions (Jaghatai, Arvida, Illya)
Always cracks me up, that they won't do awesome stuff like it. Or even very well done, quality stuff, like Bloodquest.
In grim derp of 40k there are only edgy manchildren.
Is this a good intro book to HH white scars?
Path of Heaven was so good.
>High up in the terraces overlooking the command throne, one hundred and thirty two power weapons kindled, flooding the heights with a wave of neon-blue. One hundred and thirty-two storm shields slammed into place, and one hundred and thirty-two throats opened in battle challenge.
>"Khagan" they roared, in perfect unison.
I love watching gutsy last stands, and that was one of my favorites.
Here's the reading order for White Scars in HH from top to bottom.
Brotherhood of the Storm (short story in Legacies of Betrayal)
Scars (novel)
Allegiance (short story in War Without End)
Daemonology (short story in War Without End)
Brotherhood of the Moon (short story in Eye of Terra)
Grey Talon (audio drama)
Path of Heaven (novel)
is that a hover APC? are those dudes sticking out windows in it? How ever that thing works it's fucking hilarious.
Thanks man. Havent read a WH book in 3 or so years so might just pick one up soon.
It has wheels.
Unlike your Tauroqs.
>he does not know the Redeemer
The only thing he had was his word... and he couldn't even keep that.
Fuck the Emperor. Chaos ftw.
Technically, the whole plot thread starts with Thousand Sons, continues with Prospero Burns, and one short story in Age of Darkness before leading into Scars. But if all you care about is totally rad space Mongolian bikers, then everything I listed is fine. Except Daemonology now that I think about it, but it adds some exposition for Mortarion and how much of a hypocrite he is.
But yeah, Scars and Path of Heaven are some of the best HH out there in my opinion.
Dude he probably had chill time, listening to music (from nuceria) playing sports (from Nuceria) cooking up old home recipes (FROM NUCERIA) remembering good old times (FROM WHEN HE WAS A SLAVE ON NUCERIA!) Playing tabletop games (THAT REMINDED HIM OF THE SLAUGHTER OF HIS BROTHERS AND SISTER AT NUCERIA!!!)
Spending time with the Empe-(WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!!!)
Is this even 40k?
Hello user my new friend
Enjoy the glory of Necromunda here
It's the Best 40k.
Not the elite, but the madmen living under everything. Who cares about angelic heroes and world-destroying guns? You can have fun with a bunch of madmen in a forgotten factory.
After all, the universe is a big place, and you won't be missed.
Terranis Holds
That actually hits me right in the feels.
>be abused and physically modified to constantly feel anger
>person who claims to have saved you in fact betrayed your friends to your abusers, and now forces you to fight in war for all eternity
>fall in with the wrong crowd and end up getting possessed by a god who consists solely of rage and hatred
Angron never knew happiness, except perhaps when he led his slave revolt. But even then the 40k universe/chaos gods/Emperor deny him the comfort of believing in an afterlife for them and himself.
bump for more feeligns
Manly tears are shed every time I read it.
Lamenters are the only interesting loyalist Space Marines.
>implying he'll die from that
Nigga will just stop bleeding in a minute and wait for the evac. G
I can't read what it says in the corner.
Fuck off you skanks, he's mine.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d6)
4+ save for the Tau, 5+ flak for the kid, in that order, let's see if the Emperor protects
Thanks for reminding me of this reply.
I know what my Rogue Trader Christmas Episode is going to be about.
So, uh, who lives?
I can't read dice...
The kid failed his armor save, the Tau didn't.
Aw man. Grimdark enough for me.
technically, he did feel happiness, it's just that the butchers nails made it so he only felt happiness when killing. I imagine that'd fuck up your mental development a fair bit.
I was in the bus, traveling for few hours, while listening to this audio book. When this momemt happend, my eyes filled with tears.
It's a shame checkers are a pain in the dick to paint. They have the best battle cry though.
>For those we cherish, we die in glory!
I remember when I joined a bunch of Veeky Forums members on a minecraft server a while back. I forget what it was called but it was a Veeky Forums faction server, joined a faction called the Lamenters. We built a monastery in the sky, built a bank vault and armoury through the central column leading into the earth, and in the end we were all killed by some weebs abusing the alliance system. Such is life for the Lamenters.
Sadly true. I have yet to see a well painted Lamenters pauldrons irl.
I wonder if there are any chaos sisters. They're not as incorruptible as the GK's, I don't think.
No they don't, that's kind of the point.
>Miss her not, child. Her soul goes to rest in the realm of chaos, and her faith shall empower our lord. Weep not for the fallen. They know the primordial truth better than the living ever could.
>little eldar girl wearing astartes sized ultramarine shirt
somebody, anybody, please draw this
That's a blanket, for her Wraithlord dad.
thank you user, for sharing this work of sheer awesome.
Praise the scan user.
>Implying the wounds are giving the feels.
Neither can I, I think part of it is "Penny" and the date.
More feels for the feel god.
Oh right. Didn't read it all. I can still imagine it though.
Unless, of course, Khorne decided to be a bro for the first time in his life and send all of Angron's old comrades to his Daemon World.
i'm sure if he found their souls in the warp he would. Fighting against an enemy so much larger than yourself in single melee combat, while the enemy shoots at you and your leader has disappeared, out of pure "fuck you" spite? That's Khorne's bread, butter and jam. Not to mention they all had the butcher's nails anyway, so they'd fit in with his ideals even in the afterlife.
There's one canon one, and a ton she mind controlled into serving Chaos. And you know how 40k works. "The galaxy is so big that it happened SOMEWHERE."
And then the commissar executed them both
Such is life in Krieg.
Don't bullshit. There are tons of legit corrupted sisters. The Bloodtide sisters, the Daemonifuge sisters, that one sister that was corrupted by a genestealer.
In fact, the first Grey knight series novel, it's said that Sisters do in fact fall to Chaos but the sisterhood covers it up.
>tfw you will never be dommed by a chaos sister of slaanesh.
there's as many feelings in your body as there are colours in the spectrum, little guardsman
"I'm sorry for what I did to you, Brother." Lorgar said with the faintest trace of apprehension in his voice. "You must understand, what I turned you into, I did it yo save your life. Now you are more powerful than you could have ever imagined." Lorgar continued. He worried that his actions would be seen as a betrayal of his brother. In the same way the Emperor stealing his honorable death had been.
Yet there was no anger on the daemon's face A strange look of contentment on its inhuman shape. The burning eyes closed for a moment. The large red boney finger rested on Lorgars shoulder. Angron spoke.
"The pain..." He groaned in a horrid gutteral speech. Not quite used to his new body. "I can't feel the pain anymore. My mind feels..." The primarch's mind wondered. He didn't know or understand the emotion he felt. Something entire foreign to him. The weight of everything he understood in the world vanished. Like feeling returning to a numb limb. It confused him, yet entreated him. "Free." The primarch cracked its lips into what could be described as a smile. "Is this happiness brother?"
Lorgar hesitated. Knowing that soon the god of blood would fill this void in his mind with hatred and anger once again. He embraced his brother, allowing him to live in the fantasy for a moment. To feel what was so common to other yet denied his entire life.
"Yes, brother. That is happiness"
What makes you think Evac is coming? Can't you tell by the heraldry, he's a Lamenter.. That's a dead tyranid on the background, and there's spores everywhere. Even if his enhanced body stops the bleeding, he's in no shape to leave... I have no doubt in my mind that his jump pack is out of fuel too...
No help is coming.
Nobody will survive.
He's going to be swarmed by a thousand tyranids, as he dumps his last bolter magazine into the horde in a grim defiance on behalf of that little girl.
So, like, seven?
B-But they say the Emperor can watch me if I'm masturbating...
Angron and Lorgar are such unexpected bros. There aren't many closer relationships than saving each other's lives. Not many people would lift a titan for their brother.
Don't be silly, little one, the Emperor can't watch you touch yourself
But I can...
and all the shades and mixes inbetween
The commissar warned about this !
Lust is sin ! If someone dare to masturbate then hel'll be shot !
oh come on... what the commissar doesn't know won't hurt him...
besides... wouldn't the thrill of getting caught just make it... sexier.......
I knew waging war on a deamon-infested world was a bad idea...
How do you even speak in our heads?! Sweet Emperor, where is our sanctionned psyker?!
I think there has only been one sister who willingly fell.
Even psykers have gotta get their fuck on every once in a while.
And the psychic powers just let you feel more
>tfw Horus returns to his senses before having his soul destroyed
L-Luna Wolves forever Veeky Forums.
Oh, well... I guess, letting go from time to time isn't really heretical...