Are there any board games like Advanced Wars or Fire Emblem? Turn based combat on a grid or hex map where tiles hold different attributes and units can gain enhancement and well balanced?
Are there any board games like Advanced Wars or Fire Emblem...
Skirmish Wars
Found this awhile ago.
No idea how it handles.
Strike! might work for you.
>No idea how it handles.
It runs completely like the games, with all the math without the in-build calculator to do it for you.
This. I've been mulling over running a Play By Post version of the game on here using Cyberboard:
I mean, all that I'd have to do is convert the tiles from the pdf to ones usable in Cyberboard, then screencap the moves.
Is there any videogame like Descent or Dungeon Saga? Like turn-based Diablo with RNG?
Darkest Dungeon sounds like a good fit
OGRE is what you want
Krosmaster is p. good. And pretty,
Will you play Advanced Wars music during it? It's only proper.
1:1 recreation of Fire Emblem on Roll20 here.
I never miss a chance to shill.
Endless Fantasy Tactics
Darkest Dungeon cares too much about grinding to let you dungeon crawl.
Is it out of production?
Is it based on stuff like Tactics Ogre, or vice versa? Or is it just a coincidence?
It came out in the 70s. What do you think?
>neat af
Some guy ported FE to tabletop a while back. It's somewhere in my bookmarks. Lemme find it.
I find that Skirmish Wars boils down to spamming the most expensive unit that you still have tokens left. There's just too much money and I think Advance Wars has some form of supply(I haven't played it) which Skirmish Wars doesn't have and that completely throws out balance. I've made it lots of rules changes with my copy of the game and now it's one of my favorite light wargames.
Time traveling weaboos ripping off nipponese games in the past?
Ogre/GEV, yeah.
Steve Jackson Games produces it still.
DnD 4th edition
Advance Wars has no form of supply. You just have natural attrition in the form of limited cities and factories preventing you from building enough of the most expensive unit to counter someone deciding to just make cheap artillery to crush it and waste all your money.
4e combat is basically this but with fewer units.