Why there are no Khorne following eldar...

Why there are no Khorne following eldar? He hates Slaanesh and would gladly piss off She-who-thirsts by protecting his yummy followers souls.

Is my thread that lore-raping that there is not going to be any reply?

Of all the silly shit from the good old Rogue Trader days I can't believe they kept Harlequins around. They are fucking clowns man! Oh but the squats that was too silly, they had to be axed.

In fact, it made so much sense that you killed Veeky Forums.

There are, but GW keeps refusing to allow the Crone World Eldar to be anything but a footnote.

Eldar exist within the Eye that follow all four of the chaos gods and the champions that rise among them are some of the most accomplished and dangerous champions Chaos has at it's disposal. They just never leave the Eye for whatever reason, though that is likely because they are busy duking it out over leadership of Crone Worlds, unlike the CSMs who want to crush the Imperium. I mean, what interest would the Chaos Eldar have in a bunch of monkeys? Why they don't go hunting Craftworlds or raiding Commorah, though I couldn't say.

The old daemonhunter scenarios has Eldar being corrupted by Khorne.

Your shitposting getting you (you)'s isn't the same as actual human attention you pathetic time waster.

Wait, all 4 gods? Why would an eldar worship Her?
This thread is not here for (you)'s, I'm actually interested in getting to know eldar lore better.

go to the lexicanum and don't come back until you have a question that hasn't been answered by about 5 books and several codex's



OP's question isn't covered by the books though. It's a pretty obvious reaction to the Slaanesh problem eldar face, yet GW jas written themeselves in corner because they didn't think about that.

Actually, the description of the suffering the Chaos Eldar endure in the 2nd ED/3th ED Eldar codex is pretty much a good reason why the Eldar avoid Chaos in all its forms.

So why haven't you read it? Why you are quick to blame GW for your own faults?

Because I wanted you to do my work for me : )

There was a Dark Eldar in the Soul Drinkers novels that did, likely for the same reason there are Dark Elves that do in Fantasy (or were, at least,) plus the idea of feeding her so they don't take your soul.

Logically, I'd assume because their souls are already claimed; Slaanesh gets them by default, and I'm not sure if other gods could claim them.

Even if they could, it would lead to problems of politicking.

Oh, look, a khornate eldar.

>it would lead to problems of politicking.
how is that a problem

Chaos gods love stealing each others shit, that's basically all they do. Snatching an eldar soul away from slaanesh is right up their petty bullshit alley.

So it is possible after all. I guess GDubs does not want to present them as a different faction, because that'd pollute codexes.

On the other hand, why not have them as a separate unit for chaos codex?

I dunno man, how powerful would a Chaos Eldar be?

Might bring back that 2nd edition insanity, where people ran around with HQ's that were 2/3th of their battle points.

They already do worship Khorne via Pic Related.

Liber Deamonica Khorne used to say that Khaine was just an aspect of him, like a really big bloodthirster.

Its why Khorne immediately attacked Slannesh right before she perma-killed Khaine, as she was killing a demon of war, his dominion. This making her only able to scatter Khaine to the material world in pieces.

I don't know if its STILL lore, but it used to be the case for the past 10ish years.

Forgot pic

>khaine is part if khorne -maymay
Not- RT fluff is the worst.

OP user here, I'm not too good with eldar lore, but I remember hearing that they artificially created their own gods, so Khaine can't be Khorne's part.

They're not Spass Maroons so GW doesn't care.

The lore was that all God's of war in some manner were a part of Khorne, Khaine was a God of war and murder, an aspect of him and the representation of Khorne among the elder.

Basically, Khaine was a mighty demon of Khorne, connected to him, but also different in ways. A paradox as usual of chaos.

Its probably why its no longer canon anymore, but still, it was a thing for a while.

Don't lie. The Eldar refer to Khaine as the child of Khorne and Slaanesh. The Eldar might have created Khaine but the energies of rage and hate that created him comes from Khorne.

Chaos and daemons predates Khaine, Eldar, and even the War in Heaven. Be'lakor has memories of the first Necrontyr necropolis and the Eldar first homeworlds. The Old Ones constructed planet sized cages billions of years ago to contain the daemonic horrors of the Warp.

So deal with it.

For myself, I could imagine that a few Eldars would try that to get away from Slaanesh.
After all, Khorne doesn't care, what and who spills blood, as long as it is done in his name.
Problem would be, that Eldars are known for having strong psykic powers, so they would be prohibited to use that.

or, just to some "counts as" units

doesn't matter, cause they would be still overpriced

wait I know so far, everything could be true, in Warhammer Fantasy, there is also the idea that Khorne and Khaine are the same god

I believe in a recent eldar book the banshees refer to khorne as khaines "bastard father" that khaine holds no love for. Although not one and the same entity, they have many similarities and serving khaine is a "purer form of war" than khornes bloodlust.

>in Warhammer Fantasy, there is also the idea that Khorne and Khaine are the same god

Might have been disproven in the End Times lore because three of the primary Elf Gods were revealed to have been ascended mortals who were the originally survivors of a world Chao destroyed before the old World.

>wait I know so far, everything could be true, in Warhammer Fantasy, there is also the idea that Khorne and Khaine are the same god

This actually was legitimately the case until end times in fantasy.

Man that Ordo Xeno guy must be the most elite warrior humanity has to offer to sneak up on an Eldar while wearing a coat loud enough to make the Harlequins blush.

That or Khornate Eldar are deaf and -5 perception.

Khaine isn't about rage and hate you dumbass.

He's the embodiment or war and martial prowess.

My guess is that the dude is a super rich Rogue Trader and can afford to super pimp himself with limbs, gadgets and drugs to make him boss enough to survive a Crone World.

I don't know... Avatars of him look pretty damb angry to me.

Nope, rage and hatred but the influence of Slaanesh channels in martial skill rather than mindless savagery.

Aspect warriors and exarch who are overtaken by Khaine report Khaine's rage consuming them.

Inquisitor obviously.

Nah that art is from the Inquisitor codex, it's genuinely my favorite piece from that book with this one being a close second.

No energies of emotions come from chaos gods. They are not a source of anything, but the imprint that source leaves on thr Warp. And the source is the collective pool of sapient psychically-active species' souls.

>Man that Ordo Xeno guy must be the most elite warrior humanity has to offer to sneak up on an Eldar while wearing a coat loud enough to make the Harlequins blush.

That is Bronislaw Czevak, an inquisitor that has been to the Black Library and in that picture is WEARING a Harlequin cloak... so yeah, the elder probably didn't even see him coming.

Isn't it Cevak? Dude who was obsessed with finding the Black Library?

Eldar are faggot narcissists and Slaanesh is their perfect reflection.

In Path of the Archon there is a dark eldar in the beginning stages of possession by khorne. Gets ganked by a harlequin before it goes anywhere though.

Nice headcanon you got there.

>Chaos and daemons predates Khaine, Eldar, and even the War in Heaven.
>The Old Ones constructed planet sized cages billions of years ago to contain the daemonic horrors of the Warp.

When did this become canon?
I was under the impression that once Chaos came into being, the nature of the Warp dictates that they had always existed after that point (and before it but you get the idea).

Pretty sure that's Belly talking shite, because it wasn't until the Eldar started fighting the Necrontyr under command of the Old Ones that the Warp was perverted into forming Chaos due to the emotional pain the Eldar felt whenever an Eldar fell in battle.

Totally hadcanon, not from Liber Chaotica of from the words of Iscander Hayon. Gods in 40k are personifications of emotions. They are not the source of those emotions.

You missed a major important part.

The Bronislaw Czevak, the only human ever to have gained the respect of the Harlequin which in turn granted him access to the Black Library.

Just sit down for a moment and consider just how hard you have to fight Chaos for the Harlequins to consider you an ally.

Jesus. No wonder people bitch about ET and the following fluff.

>Bronislaw Czevak

Holy shit! The best Inquisitor art has a story behind him, and he sounds like a complete badass!

It's new-ish fluff, recently Chaos has become far older, far more powerful, far more unbeatable, and virtually omnipotent compared to their older interpretations. All the subtle nuances of emotional collectives and theories on how to beat Chaos has been retconned as simple misunderstanding, Chaos will win and there is literally no way to stop it, they have an infinite amount of power and exist in infinite universes.

This is in the same edition when Tau were subtly retconned from low-ish end technologically but with massive preference for quality over quantity, to basically the most advanced faction in the setting, while also basically having every single loss retconned into a victory of somesort, with the writers taking the formerly subjective in-character OPINION that the Tau would win and 'cleanse the sins of the old world' and basically applying it objectively.

Welcome to 40k, the lore is getting shitter by the edition.

Yeah, his exploits are pretty fucking insane.

He has fought against Chaos for so long and with so much courage, he gets more support from the Harlquins than the average Eldar Farseer.

Just imagine that the US Pentagon allowed a chimpanzee to just look around their files and take any weapon system from the whole US military arsenal.

Wow, that fucking sucks man.

I always enjoyed that all the problems in 40k could be traced back to the Necrontyr being jealous of the Old Ones.

>"Should we really be letting a monkey walk off with a-?"
>"Trust me, he'll put it to better use than you will."

Someone needs to slap GW's shit a good amount and tell them to unfuck (or refuck) the fluff back.

Imperialfags pay the bills, THAT's why its always been biased. Just because their BL resident Chaos fags literally cannot write anything other then the same standard hurr evil overwhelming plot as every other scifi universe.

Liber Chaotica is outdated and Khayon doesn't know everything. Plus what you doesn't change the fact that Khaine is a part of Khorne.

It ain't talking shit. Because we have confirmation that daemons existed before the War in Heaven and they were such a problem that the Old ones created massive prisons to contain billions of them.

>making the BBEG threatening

You know nothing about writing.

>Omnipotent, all-consuming, exist outside of time, have canonically never lost because it's all justasplanned to the game, literally everyone is going to lose and there's nothing anyone could do about it

>Might have been disproven in the End Times lore
So, not relevant

Hey, remember when there were other threatening antagonists other than Chaos? Remember when the situation was still looking bleak for the Imperium even pre-retcon and there was a decent chance that Chaos could've won anyway, they would just have to tangle with the Tyranids and Orkz to take that prize?

Yeah, well now there is no question, without further retcon, Chaos has, already, by any stretch of the imagination, already won 40k, that's it.

>khaine is a "purer form of war" than khornes bloodlust.
>"When I kill a million mon-keigh it's a form of art, pure and good! If you do it, it's just disgusting!"

Enjoy your end times faggot. That's exactly how it started for Fantasy.

40K End times won't happen doe.

And the Imperium itself being barely better than the alternatives.

>Just imagine that the US Pentagon allowed a chimpanzee to just look around their files and take any weapon system from the whole US military arsenal.
Yeah that ape became internet famous after writing a well-known copypasta

You described Yahweh. Are you saying Old Testament Yahweh wasn't a brutal and terrifying being?

I don't. They are just making it more obvious now since people bitched at how Chaos wasn't that threatening and wasn't an effective BBEG.

>why do people not like "lol, Chaos wins"?

>basically the most advanced faction in the setting,
Necrons might want to have a talk witht he blueberries. Although, who knows how long until some earthcaste dude just builds a mech that exterminates Tombworlds on his own.

Parrot, please go back to the 30K thread or else I won't feed you crackers today.

>most advanced faction in the setting

Nah, Dark Eldar and Necrons (especially necrons) have them beat.

He is exaggerating. He is just aggravated that Tau AI defeated Necron AI in aerial duels in Syorm Cloud Attack "The Ancient and The Greater Good"

True, it's not quite there yet, but it's getting there. In the new Death From the Skies book the Tau Air Caste outclass the Necon aircraft and there's specific mention to their super-advanced AI.

Thankfully, the Tau are still, on average, below Eldar and high-end AdMech, but with every passing book there's subtle retcons to make them better than they were in tech, every time. Did you know the new Stormsurge could one-shot Imperial Knights and laugh off the combined firepower of an entire Superheavy Company (more firepower than a Warhound Titan), or the Riptide could tank Deathstrike warheads? Did you know that Tau have sensors that can, within seconds, determine the exact structure, number of living beings and equipment on an Imperial ship from tens of thousands of km away?

Yahweh was neither allmighty nor all knowing.
His prophets regulary tell him his ideas are shit. And he gets rekt by iron waggons.

I will admit that it aggravated me and had absolutely no place in the setting, like, seriously, comparing your technology to Necrons as a faction seems completely out of place and a 'oh, look at how my faction beats another faction at ones of its specialities' piece, which we see all the time in modern 40k. But still, the new suits are disproportionally powerful and we're seeing more and more pieces of absolutely ridiculous Tau tech in footnotes, most likely without the writer considering the impact it has in the general narrative outside the books. Alongside all the retcons, Tau are infinitely more dangerous than they were an edition ago and basically beat every faction except modern Chaos in terms of statistics, by a long shot, they're virtually unbeaten (or when they do lose that loss happened to be a distraction or some master Kauyon so the Tau could win elsewhere.)

They got absolutely rekt by Dark Eldar.

Don't forget that in order to make Chaos literally unbeatable, they had to retcon away vital parts of Necron lore because they implied Chaos wasn't absolute.

Modern Necrons don't have any focus on anti-warp technology, don't have any interest in nulls or blanks and don't have pariahs, the pylons don't exist and the necrons are no longer allowed to have a non-warp version of FTL. Instead the Necrons just bum the Webway off the Eldar, despite this making no goddamn sense and meaning that the Necrons somehow waged a galaxy-spanning war against the Old Ones using ships that in some cases still wouldn't have reached their destinations yet.

Necron lore literally doesn't make any fucking sense anymore, and it wasn't making way for newcrons with personality. It was Chaos not being allowed to have any challengers.

Why do you think they had to fuck the Eldar and destroy the infinity circuits? Couldn't leave a loaded gun on the table that might conceivably hurt Slaneesh one day.

I give it 2 years, tops, before they retcon that the Emperor is dead for millennia and has no power whatsoever and the only thing preventing Chaos from destroying the material universe is their own infighting.


>: )

sweet Emperor help us

so many faggots and fanfic/fanart in tis thread.

threadly reminder that all eldars are low level psyker from birth.
Surely khorne loves psyker hahahaha. no.

u mad

>Why would an eldar worship Her?
warp Stockholm syndrome?

>Are you saying Old Testament Yahweh wasn't a brutal and terrifying being?
Yeah, but we aren't supposed to be playing from the perspective of Apocalypse Babylon that's fighting against the All-Mighty God.
Removes all tension.

Slaanesh is literally a god they made. It consumes their souls.

Just because there are some who don't want to be eaten doesn't mean there aren't any who did.

It does however mean they're basically dead.

The Avatar of Khaine sits at the heart of every Craftworld, and is awakened in time of war with a blood sacrifice.

>inb4 Khaine before Khorne

Khaine and Khorne are part of the same thing, like Slaanesh and your sister or Nurgle and your mum

>endlessly wanking the antagonist and giving them massive plot powers
If the POV was from the villain side, this would be a Mary Sue fanfiction story.

>Iron chariot meme
It's been explained a thousand times. He's shown to destroy them in previous chapters. It's his people who seemed to disobey orders and thus lost. Heck, his people suffer defeats, betrayals & shit tons of flaws.

Who gives a shit really? It's not like that corpse god really exists.

So what does he think of Orks & Tuska especially?

The people who are tired of this retard meme. It's basically LotR & Eagles but even more annoyingly spouted.


I'm talking about the Jewish corpse god, YHWH of course.

I wouldn't dare to talk shit about the Emperor.

>Jewish corpse god
YHWH is never describe as having a physical body to make a corpse of.
If you were talking about the new testament and Jesus you could make that insult work, but old testament it doesn't really apply.

If your going to use an insult, pick one that makes some sense.

>YHWH is never describe as having a physical body to make a corpse of.
If you go by the Bible yeah. If you use actual archeological evidence, there's a whole dead Jewish pantheon that the monotheist cult desperately tried to bury.

You ever wonder why 99% of the Old Testament is some old fag crying about how the Jews aren't monotheist enough? Because the entire Old Testament is a propaganda piece for monotheism and a cheeky rewrite of the Jewish oral history.

I know about the old Jewish pantheon, but does that archeological evidence include descriptions as YHWH's physical form having died?
besides that, the people were clearly talking about the old testiment, note the reference to 'chapters'. You're in a thread about 40k lore, you should know the importance of speaking within the proper canon time frame when refering to characters.

>whole dead Jewish pantheon
>literally whos which various religious think of as fakes others made instead of correctly interpreting their true god

Didn't local cities have their own patrion gods? I'm unsure if a pantheon counts every single thing.

>Still scared of Gork and Mork

They aren't. Gork and Mork are the ones dreading the fruition of Chaos's plan, and are fighting against it.

Very true but Chaos isnt the only BBEG in fluff though.

The Necrons, the Hive mind, hell even the Orks + Gork and Mork when they care, are all supposed to be contenders for war and real space threats.

The Necrons are neutered in fluff still strong but no longer looking like they can win vs chaos.

Nids and Orks are doing very well in fluff but arent taken seriously because they havent had a good dex longer than some new 40k players have been alive and theyre the go to whipping boys for lazy writing.

Pic related is what the Orks and Nids need in fluff.

>warp and real space threats.

It implies theyre annoyed at all the increased demon activity in the warp, as much as anything.

Theyre not a contender for real space threat like the Chaos gods sure, but neither are they threatened directly themselves.

>but neither are they threatened directly themselves.

The Orks will get destroyed by Chaos like everything else unless they act.

And they have acted. Contacting Ghaz and getting him on track. fanning the Orks Waaaagh! and battlelust.

Once upon a time, in earlier 40K editions there were Chaos Eldar.

They were so OP they made Eldrad look like a Mastery Level 1 Wyrdling.

Now the only thing that are closest to Chaos Eldar these days are Crone Worlders.

Sad and agonized creatures that live on Crone Worlds, Crone Worlders are mutated, tortured creatures of their former selves that by some bizarre turn of events have survived the fall.

Their very existence is torture beyond imagination and only await till someone pulls a bullet through their head. They are so agonized that they don't give a shit that if they die their souls will be eaten by Slaanesh. In fact, being eaten by Slaany is considered by them a mercykill.