How many linkies actually are there on Veeky Forums?
Post in this thread if you own link
How many linkies actually are there on Veeky Forums?
Post in this thread if you own link
AssBlaster has returned. I knew this was just another PnD.
Staff Sergeant reporting in
15k here, will i make it?
70k linkers feel like I'll never make it
240k lets gooo
100k literally. You better not be data mining
540 LINK reporting
because you'll sell too early
52k checking IN
349 mil
This will be the case for most people.
Damn.. you are definitely going to make it. No i feel that i dont make it with 15k
Hello stinky linkies, just sold 100k
Change my life or go broke boyos no inbetween
>mfw only 2700 links
I won't. I'm in medical school and only selling if it gets to enough so I can drop out. Otherwise there's not really a point
Link Major Reporting in.
Brigadier General here.
20k reporting
That's what you say right now, but if it were to go to 3k sats within the next 10 minutes, you and many others (even I) would consider selling for a flip. But if it continues to go higher after selling, most will be too proud to take a loss, and instead watch it go up and once again another train to lamboland would have been missed. DO NOT BE THIS PERSON.
40k links and I'm putting in $1000 every week until it moons.
I own 500 will will I make it ?
500 link babby linker here, been waiting for a fund transfer for 4 days someone please tell me I still have time.
6K LINK here.
You will only make 1,000,000$
Sorry man
Those are whale figures in 2-3 years when everyone will be begging for .001 LINK
25k deluded linkie reporting in.
Will a poorfag like me make it
I want to believe
True, most tokens are locked in nodes. In future if you want link token you have to pay +200$ for it.
Most linkies can live only with passive income.
just 8.5k
i won't sell until i goes to 100 .
I have never traded I don't have the balls so again no.
I've only got 8k, hoping it dips to .16 again so I can make it an even 10k.
120 links here
I feel like a junior cadet here
yes yes brother, just a few years, hunker down and enjoy the ride to $1000
Sergeant Rare Pepe reporting for duty
+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK
Me stinky
specialist reporting in. 1200 links. will i make it?
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
will i make it
Only 4K... i will never make it will i?
$10.000 will change my life
In three years you have minimun 400k
$10,000 is extremely realistic if you hold long term.
47k here
Lt colonel here. So are we gonna fall back now?
Bought 2 days ago. Mostly because if it did moon after seeing it on biz for months I'd feel really bad if I didn't own a little
Im already happy with the thought of reaching 10K. Probably hold after that still
When Bitcoin was $5, people who had say only 20, were basically nobodies. 20 today is a brand new Lambo.
>diversifying with only 1k
Will I make it? only 2500$ in the game. first move was 8.5 ether at 285$ and i alsmost dropped another 1000$ :/
Minimum wagie with 10k LINK here. My goal pre SIBOS was 5k, but the post-sibos depression was a blessing of accumulation for poorfags. Hit 10k on my last paycheck. Now I might try to get 12.5k-15k.
I gave up on this shitcoin. How’s the weather on earth?
colonel link here. deploy the marines!
I’ll leave this here for you faggots to remember
Damn.. you are definitely going to make it. No i feel that i dont make it with 1k
Why is a gorilla kissing that mongolian boy?
It's crashing now.
I have 1k to put in Link, at what scale does that put me
Aaah Fresh Bagholders
welcome to limboland
our view to the other moon missions is without parallel
Yes yes keep feeding data to the chink pump and dump machine, then keep asking yourselves how can they pump
Who cares? My LINK is locked away on a Ledger for a year minimum. They can play whatever PnD daytrade games they like.
>duuuuuuuur kep fweeding dada ta da cheenk Muchineeeeeee hurrrrrrrrrr
280 links reporting in
money begets money so it looks like i'm staying poor
we all know it's gonna tank tomorrow
literally no news or anything leading to this raise
only 1,5k here
I still believe in long term holding LINK, but I don't believe it's its time to moon yet.
captain reporting in at 31000
Im never selling
>literally no news or anything leading to this raise
apart from a tweet from SWIFT
Captain reporting in.
Measly 500 link here, but I'm here
50k links will I make it?
6.3k Staff Sergeant reporting in
Too all the faggots saying they only have 1k or 2k of link tokens, if you hold that shit long enough you will make it
15k reporting in
i own links, its the only way of life
Sergent here. Hoping to make it to Staff before the real boom.
will LINK 1000x? That means I'll make it even if I buy a measly thousand's worth.
Yes unless it fails. Go big or go home.
Need one more for Major rank but pretty happy just being captain of my platoon. Don't want to be tied to a desk
Im gay for Sergey.
Major here
52k reporting in.
Looks like it's over for Link. Japanese banks already live testing ripple and swift seems to switch over to..
I hold LINK and FUD it for fun. I made pic related. Fuck no linkies
what's your predictions is it going to pump back agian this weekend or it's done?
200 linkie reporting in
I just got promoted to full colonel
who is that semen demon?
44k here its being a long painful hold but its death or glory for this holder
10k reporting in
kek, it's a HE: haku (from naruto)
50k link reporting in
2k at below ICO.
Link doesn't deserve any more